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1、Task 1You will n eed to acco mp lish an assig nment to do a p rese ntati on. Which will you choose?1.Act out a sce ne from a p lay(with a partn er)2.Explain your review of a no vel you rece ntly you read3.Read a selecti on of p oemTask 2Some one choose to work in a small company or orga ni zati onwi

2、th a few workers. Others prefer to work in a largecompany or orga ni zati on with thousa nds of emplo yees. Which do you think is better?2017年2月18日托福口语考题回忆Task 11.Which of follow ing asp ects do you thi nk con tributes most to cou ntrys success1.ma ny bus in ess opp ortu nities2.well rou nded medica

3、l care system3.a devel oped educati onal systemTask 2Do you agree or disagree with the follow ing stateme nt? With the pop ularity of the tech no logy that focuses on en terta inment, people read fewer books than before.2017年02月25日托福口语考题回忆Task 1Your frie nd will move to a school and worried about ma

4、king new frie nds there. What kind of advice will you give him to help him make new frie nd in the newschool? Why?Task 2Many people pr efer to read books in electro nic format on a comp uter scree n or other devices.Some other people prefer to read books on paper prin ted copi es. Which way do you p

5、refer? Why? 2017年02月26日 托福口语考题回忆Task 1The stude nt is asked to write final p roject about the famous Historical city Which youre located in. Which we do you choose?1video the famous buildi ng 2 visit the old people 3 Research and write paperTask 2Some students think that they are graded by participa

6、ting in the discussion class, while others think that they are graded only by writte n work, such as paper.Which opinion would you prefer and give your reas ons.2017年03月04日 托福口语考题回忆Task 1Recall an argume nt that you have ever had with others and describe the details of the con flict.Task 2If you are

7、 to choose between 2 apartments to live in next semester, one apartment is near the campus but slightly expen sive, the other is a little far fromthe campus but chea per, which one do you prefer and why?2017年03月11日托福口语考题回忆Task 1Thi ngs always cha nge in an unexp ected way. Pl ease describe a thing y

8、ou have rece ntly done that, ten years ago, you n ever imag ined you would do.Task 22017年01月14日福 口 语 考 题 回 忆You live in a crowded city with only one green space-the city park. The government recently proposes to build a hous ing complex on this only gree n sp ace.Do you thi nk this is a good idea?20

9、17年03月25日托福口语考题回忆Task 1The uni versity intern ati onal office is going to hold a social eve nts. Which one of the follow ing choices do you think is the best?intern ati onal food fairintern ati onal music festivalintern ati onal film festivalTask 2Some people prefer sending messages while others p r

10、efer maki ng phone calls directly, which one do you p refer? 2017年04月01日托福口语考题回忆Task 1The uni versity curre ntly requires all the stude nts to take the p hysical educati on course to get graduate. Which of the follow ing choice will you choose?A, soccer B, dancingTask 2Imagine that you have been acc

11、epted by two different universities, one university is well-known for its excellent academic program, but itsexpensive, while another is le-knwwll but has offered you with scholarship to pay foryour in tuiti on fee. Which uni versity would you p refer, explain why.2017年04月15日 托福口语考题回忆Task 1Which of

12、the followi ng areas of curre nt eve nts do you most like to read? PoliticsSp ortsArts and filmsTask 2Some stude nts pr efer to study for exam in the ni ght other stude nts prefer to study in the day, expl ai n why.2017年04月23日托福口语考题回忆Task 1Your frie nd wants to come to your cou ntry and what thi ngs

13、 do you suggest him to do and not to do to be po lite and resp ectful.Task 2If you have more mon ey, you want to spend your money on objects like clothes and electro nic devices or spend your money on exp erie nee.2017年5月6日托福口语考题回忆Task 1 The uni versity decides to remodel the dormitory and add a new

14、 sp ace to it. Which sp ace do you recomme nd to add in your dormitory?1.Cafe2.Study room3.Game room2017年05月13日托福口语考题回忆Task 1There is going to have stude nt sTV show. which show would you like to watch. Pl ease Give your reasons.A.In terview school leadersB.Studentsdebate on political and social top

15、ics1.2.3.which do you pr efer,C.Comedy about school lifeTask 2Some people want to cha nge their app eara nee, eve n by surgery. Do you agree or disagree? Give your reas ons. 2017年05月20日 托福口语考题回忆Task 1Describe a behavior that many people may do in p ublic that you find incon siderate.Task 2Many peopl

16、e think that students study course materials more effectively by taking exams, while others think that stude nts lear n more effective through doingother activities such as writi ng paper or compl eti ng p rojects, which do you think is more effective for stude nts to lear n.2017年05月27日托福口语考题回忆Task

17、1Your frie nd has just moved to a new city and is n ervous about making new frie nds. What advice would you give your frien d?Task 2You have bee n very busy and un able to prepare for the exam tomorrow. You can either stay up late to study and slee p less or just study less and get fullni ghtWhich w

18、iHyoslee pose?2017年6月3日托福口语考题回忆Task 1Which one would you like to choose for your final project:presentation, paper,videoTask 2Do you agree or disagree with this stateme nt that we should help our frie nds only whe n they ask for help. 2017年6月10日托福口语考题回忆Task 1Your degree requires you to take one cour

19、se, which one would you choose? lSolar systemTask 2Some people p refer to give their opinions immediately. Others p refer to wait and liste n to otherspin io ns before giv ing their own. Which one do youthink is better?2017年6月25日托福口语考题回忆Task 1If you are going to have an in terview with a famous peop

20、le in your commu ni ty, which of the followi ng people will you choose? Give detailed in formati onto support your an swer and explain why.Task 2Which one do you agree? Childre n born with tale nt should be treated in a differe nt way or they should be treated in the same way as average childre n.20

21、17年07月01日托福口语考题回忆Task 1Which of the followi ng people can give most useful help in your future career directi on: TeachersFamiliesFrie ndsChoose one and explain whyTask 2En ergy and en viro nmentHealth and n utriti onSome people believe old people should not take risk and p artic ip ate adve nturous

22、 eve nts as the you ng people. Do you agree? Why?2017年07月02日 托福口语考题回忆Task 1Which of the follow ing creative activities do you feel like to get in volved in? Po ttery maki ngwriti ngart creati onChoose one and explain whyTask 2Some people believe that we should not discuss about the p rivate activiti

23、es of the pop ular peop le, like movie stars and sin gers. Do you agree? Why?2017年7月8日托福口语考题回忆Task 11.Among the follow ing jobs ,which do you is most in teresti ng one and why?1.Task 2Femaleand male uni versity stude nts should have sep arate reside nee halls. Do you agree or disagree?2017年7月15日托福口语

24、真题Task 1Which of the followi ng volu nteer work would you like to do?Clea n the park为自行车开辟新的道路Plant treesTask 2Do you agree or disagree that children who do sports at a you ng age will be more aggressive in the future.2017年8月26日托福口语真题Uni versity stude nts en cou nter many difficult challe nges in th

25、eir study. Which challe nge do you think is the most difficult one and how do you dealwith it?Task 2Some stude nts enjoy decorat ing their surrou ndin gs; others choose to kee p their surrou ndings simple and free of any decorati ons. Which do you preferand why?2017年08月27日托福口语考题回忆Task 1Your uni vers

26、ity has acquired a pi ece of la nd n ext to the camp us. There have bee n three op ti ons for the use of the land.Which do you p refer?why?1the athletic facilities and stadiums .2a p ark with n ature trails3cen ters for stude nts and hotel for campus guestsTask 2Some universities except the students

27、 to choose a major field of study when they enter the school; while other uni versities wait un til the sec ond or thethird year before stude nts decidi ng to choose a a major field of study. Which do you pr efer? Why or why not?2017年09月09日 托福口语考题回忆Task 1If uni versities are give n finan cial suppor

28、t to devel op researches, which one do you thi nk would receive more ben efits.1、To predict whether more accurately.2.air plane p ilotactor3.detective2、To clean rivers and ocean.3、To deal with out space.Task 2Some people like participating in performanee like theatrical or musical show. Others prefe

29、r to be in audienee watchi ng those p lays. Which do you pr efer.2017年09月16日托福口语考题回忆Task 1如果政府要在以下三个领域中投资,你认为哪一个最值得1.la nd expIo rati cati on 3. health careTask 2Some people thi nk ,with the devel opment of tech no logy and In ter net,libraries will disa pp ear,while others think libraries ar

30、e always n ecessary.Which one do you agree, and pl ease give sp ecific details to support your opinion.2017年9月17日托福口语真题回忆Task 1Your uni versity has acquired a pi ece of la nd n ext to the camp us. There have bee n three op ti ons for the use of the land.Which do you p refer?why?1 the athletic facili

31、ties and stadiums .2a park with n ature trails3cen ters for stude nts and hotel for campus guestsTask 2Some universities except the students to choose a major field of study when they enter the school; while other uni versities wait un til the sec ond or thethird year before stude nts decidi ng to c

32、hoose a a major field of study. Which do you pr efer? Why or why not?Task 1Which of the follow ing creative activities do you feel like to get in volved in?:1)Po ttery mak ing 2)writ ing 3)art creati onChoose one and explain whyTask 2Some people believe that we should not discuss about the p rivate

33、activities of the pop ular peopl e, like movie stars and sin gers. Do you agree? Why?2017年9月24日托福考试真题回忆完整版Task 1University students encounter many difficult challenges in their studies. Which challene do you think is the most difficult one and how do you deal with it ?Which of the follow ing creativ

34、e activities do you feel like to get in volved in?Task 2Some people believe that we should not discuss about the p rivate activities of the pop ular peop le, like movie stars and sin gers. Do you agree? Why?Some students enjoy decorating their surroundings;other choose to keep their surroundings sim

35、ple and free of any decorati ons. Which do you pr efer and why ?2017年9月30日托福口语考题回忆Task 1Parents should teach their kids to lear n how to man age mon ey,a nd do you thi nk whats the most imp orta nt thing for it,and explain why it s important.Task 2P artic ip at ing in team spo rts is a good way for

36、you ng p ers on to lear n team coop erati on ,do you agree or disagree? 2017年10月14日 托福口语考题回忆Task 1Childre n n eed to lear n to coop erate and get along with others whe n they grow up. PI ease give exa mples of how adults can help them acquire those skills.Task 2Should gover nment limit viole nee and

37、 bad lan guage on televisi on? 2017年10月15日 托福口语考题回忆Task 1Describe an eve nt in your cou ntry people will bring gift, what gift people will bring and why? Task 2小朋友会因为需要不断练习而不愿意学习乐器,作为家长应该怎么做选择是否学习乐器。2017年10月21日托福口语真题Task 1Describe an exp erie nee in which you hurt ano ther persons feeli ng uninten t

38、i on ally.描述一次无意间伤害到朋友的经历。Task 22017年10月28日托福口语考题回忆Task 1If a mayor is to selected from the follow ing can didates ,who all have no p olitical exp erie nee but are successful in their own field, which one do you think is the best can didate for mayor?1.Task 2Do youthink its necessary for childrens g

39、rowth for them to live far away from home and stay with relatives or frie nds for short p eriods of time?2017年10月29日托福口语真题分析Task 1Your city plans to build a new museum to attract more visitors,what kind of museum?1.local museum 2.moder n art and film museum 3.childre n scie nee museumTask 2Some peop

40、le prefer to resolve p roblems with frie nds directly face to face or on the phon e,some others prefer to resolve p roblems by writi ng,se nding E-mailor text message.your opinion?2017年11月04日 托福口语考题回忆Task 1Childre n would behave n egatively before they lear n how to approp riately. Which of the foll

41、ow ing behavior would you con sider to be the most n egative behaviorof child and why?1.Being selfish2.Bei ng imp olite3.Being loudTask 2Whe n givi ng feedbacks to stude nts, some teachers would like to talk to their stude nts in p ers on, while some teachers would give writte n comme nts to1,强迫孩子学习

42、乐器,2,让孩子自己2.A uni versity p rofessorA bus in essma n3.A doctorstude nts. Which do you pr efer and why ?2017年11月11日托福口语考题回忆Task 1Your local commu nity cen ter wants to add some new worksh ops or pr ograms for childre n, which of the follow ing do you think would be most beneficial forchildrens develo

43、pment?A.Art craft worksh opB.Tech no logy worksh opC.Athletic p rogramsTask 2Some managers tend to check workers task closely or frequently, while others tend to check them rarely or causally. Which is better for the man ageme nt ?2017年11月12日托福口语考题回忆TASK1:You and your friend take a same course, but

44、he never does homework and always sleeps during the classes.Before the final exam, he comes to you and asks you to help him. What will you do?Task 2Do he agree or disagree with the followi ng stateme nt: eve n the best teacher can make mistakes?2017年11月18日托福口语真题回忆TASK1Which of the followi ng library

45、 volu nteer would you want to choose to do? Hel ping people find the right material, read to kids, or kee ping bookshelforga ni zed.类似题目:2014.12.6If you are a volu nteer in a hos pital, what ki nd of work would you choose, 1. take care of p atie nts family 2. talk toP atie nt 3. read to p atie nt. P

46、lease give sp ecific reas ons and details.Which of the follow ing three would you choose to do in summer vacati on? Work ing as a libraria n, pain ter in an art cen ter, or life guard in then atatorium?TASK2:Do you agree or disagree: stude nts should watch teachers lectures in video versi on in stea

47、d of atte nding classes. 2017年11月25日托福口语考题回Task 1Which of the qualities that the parents or family members can help you devel op.Self-c on fide neeKindn essPatie neeTask 2Do you agree or disagree that the deter mining factor that the successful of stude nts in school is the in tellige nee? 2017年11月26日托福口语考题回忆Task 1There are several ways you can get to know a cou ntry without travelli ng abroad. Which of the follow ing ways would you like to choose?Readi ng booksWatchi ng videosJoining on li ne commu ni cati on grou psChoose one and explain whyTask 2Do you think it is


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