



1、新概念第112课测试卷18. Ia letter from my former classmate yesterday.When I heard the bell, I got up immediatelydo you go to see your paren ts?A. How soo n B. How ofte nC. How long D. How longmy surp rise, he p assed the En glish exam.1.large11.nice2.expen sive12.hard3.bad13.tall4.beautiful14.much5.far15.wel

2、l6.old16.lazy7.busy17.slowly8.ill18.many9.little19.importa nt10. few20.good_ 、单项选择(20)1.Class isand the teacher says goodbyethe stude nts.A.over; toB. on; toC. over; forD. up; at2.Tom livesus.A.n extB. n earbyC. nearD. near to3.Tan gsha n is quite famousits china.A.onB. atC. forD. of4.Will youthe ba

3、sketball match tomorrow.A.take partB. take part inC. joinD. joi n into look afterhimself.5.He is一、写出下列各词的比较级和最高级(10)A. By16. The room is fullB. AtC. InD. ToA. from_people.B. atC. ofD. with17. Tom wasA. knock overby a car yesterdayB. knockedC. kno cked overD. knocked offA.6.A.eno ugh old B. old eno u

4、gh They_stude nts.are bothB. both are7.A.The girlwho8.A.C. oldD. hardly oldC. are both ofD. both of arefather sp oke at the meeti ng yesterday is from Shan ghai.B. whomC. thatD. whoseI am not sta nding in front of him. Iam aheadB.backhim.C. beh indD. behi nd of9.A. aga in10.C. just thenexcit ing n e

5、ws it is!B. thenD. at onceA. WhatB. What an C. HowD. How an11. The play was very_A. in teresti ngB. in terestedC. to in terestD. i nterest12. He workedand p assed the exam.B. hardC. harderA. hardly13. They are buildi ng the bridge_A. onB. overC. byD. hardestthe river.D. above14.15.A. getB. receivedC

6、. took D. accepted19. Tomorrow he _a kite in the open air first, and then _A. will fly; will goB. will fly; doesC. is going to fly; will does20. There _ a birthday party this Sunday.A. shall beB. will beC. shall going be用动词的适当形式填空(10)When I was young, I often _( walk ) around the lake.I never _(see)

7、 such a big house before.-Where is your uncle? - He _ (go) to Beijing already.The teacher told the students _( not talk ) in class.The ticket is on the floor. Would you please _ ( pick ) it up for me?Mary _(give ) a talk in class yesterday afternoon.A lot of fruit trees _(plant) on the hill last yea

8、r.(learn ) English next year.(not do) eye exercises every day._ ( study) Japanese for two years. in the park.D. flies; will goD. will going to be8.9.10. They四、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10)1. Mike is _ (old) in his class.2. The population of China is _ (large ) than any other country in the w

9、orld.3. He can jump as _ ( high) as John.4. Tom was _ (bad ) hurt, so he had to stay in bed for a few days.5. I prefer(更喜欢)the red one, for the color is much _ (bright).6. The _(nine) unit is quite difficult for me.7. Jim always comes to school _ (early ) of all.8. Miss Gao will teach _ (we ) Englis

10、h next team.9. _ (Lucy and Lily ) mother came to the meeting yesterday.10. Which would you like _ (well ), basketball or football.五、翻译(20)1. He has already visited a great number of different places in Australia.We _Kate2. In this way, he has begun his own privatetelephone”service.3. The instrument

11、has belonged to our family for a long time.4. The clock would strike twelve in twenty minutesme.ti5. While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel.6.箱子里全部都是报纸和杂志。 (full of)7.是我惊讶的是,他居然从来没有做过家务。8.这个酒店比那个酒店要好的多。 (hotel; nice)9.我明天就要出发去北京了。10.他们去年在河上建了一座桥。六、按要求改写句子。1

12、0)七、完型填空(10分)Every Saturday Joh n talks to Mr Smith, He always _1_ he is going to do_ 2_.“Im going to_3_ my house today.”He says , or“Im going to_4_ my car tomorrow.house _ 5_too big. Im going to cut_ 6_ down next week.”Mr Smith usually says.“Are you, John?”He_ 7_his friend is not going to c

13、lean his house, or wash his car, orcudown any trees, Then he says“well , _8_ me, John, Im going to _9_some wocfkiei dbe esiouse,Mr Smith often says to his only child Dick,Are you going to do anything? Then do it ! Donthe_ 10_ MrGong-to-do!”)1._are ofte n killed wile cross ing the road.A. Childre nB.

14、 Old peo pieC. Old wome n)2. Childre n are ofte n killed whe n cross ing the road becauseA. they walk too slowlyB. they cant seelylearC. they are not carefulD. they can not get away from the vehicle quickly)3. It is_for a driver to stop his vehicle whe n he sudde niy finds someth ing wrong is infron

15、t of him.A. earlyB. difficult)4. When you cross the road, youA. runC. look carefully and walk quickly)5. Which is not true?A. Run across the road whe n thevehicle is coming towards you.B. Dont cross the road until theroad is clear.C. Most old people walk slowly and can()1.A. saysB. talksC.tellsD.spe

16、aks()2. A. anythingB. everyth ingC. someth ingD.()3. A doB makeC mendD. clea n()4. A. driveB sto pC buyD wash()5. A. amB. beC is D are()6. A. itB themC. theyD their()7. A. tellsB seesC. knows D hearsnothing1.2.3.yesterday.Did you see the car?(用yet改写句子)_ you_ the car _Why dont you go with us?(同义句)_go

17、 with us?I borrowed a book from Tom yesterday.(同义句) Tom _a bookIt took me five yua n to buy the book. I_ five yua nMy mother has bee n ill since two years ago. My mother _He has been away for a week.(就划线部分提问)_I have cleaned the door twice.(就划线部分提问)_the book._ill_ two years._he bee n away?_have you c

18、lea ned the door?”OrPeople are ofte n killed while cross ing the road. Most of these people are old people and childre n. Old people are often killed because they usually can not see or hear very well. Childre n are ofte n killed because they are not careful. Theyhave to look and liste n before they cross the road.A car, truck or bus can not stop very quickly. If the vehicle (汽车)is going very fast, it will travel many metres before


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