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1、Lesson 1Section one News item 1 A. b,c,dB. 1c,2d,3b,4a News item 2 A. bB. running behind News item 3 A. d,B. 1.president,had died in a plane crash2.ruling,1303.Foreign Minster,47 4.Portugal,19755.Prime Minister,9,transitional Section two A. FTFFFB. C,C,B,A,D,B,C,BC. 52,hospital director,married,good

2、,US Air Force Hospital,Wiesbaden,W.Germany,thismoring,undertermined,U.S.A D. 1.precisely,freedom2.take up,reporters,six-mile jog3.evaluation,had coped extremely well 4.evidence,tortured,physically ab used Section threeA.1.Most Chinese thoughtt mao tsetong as a very good poet,according to the speaker

3、.2.poetry was considered abysmal because of the restriction of publicatio n during the ten years of the cultural revolution.3.leaders in china,as well as in the east,are expected to be accomplished p oets. 4.it is about getting rid of a disease that was a plague in china.5.willis barnstone is a prof

4、essor of comparative literature at Indiana university in Bloomington. 6.maos poetry was interesting because he was a revolutionary and his personal poetry was the history of china. B.FTC.1.an original master,most important poets 2.the revolution,the red army, nature3.dismiss his poetry as simply the

5、 work of a man who achieved fame else where.Lesson twoSection one News item 1A.four other americans were jailed,five daysB.1.the former united states national security advisor.2.they were disguised as aircraft crewmen. 3.a bible signed by president r eagan and a cake4.they were designed for improvin

6、g the relations between the two countri es. News item 2A.hostage david jacobsen was freed,negotiations,the united states,iran B.1.comment,dynamics2.the next twenty-four hours,returning to,negotiate the release of morehostagesNews item 3A.1.was reunited with his family municate with people B.needs,to

7、 communicateNeedn't,have follow up medical care News item 4 A.which party will control the senateB.Membes,one hundredth,senators,us house of representatives Section twoA.1.irish,signed by president reagan,a key-shaped,the symbol,the hope of reopening,relations,a hotel,deported,not to meet them,r

8、eceive their messa ge2.former security advisor,political commentator,npr's morning edition B.1.advise friends,the hostage takers,israel frees lebanese prisoners,end th eir hostility,security,a tape of telephone conversation,the american preside nt,his envoys,a sign of washington's helplessne

9、ss2.seventh,the seizure of the us embassyC.confirm,deny,jeopardize,to release the hostagesSection threeA.1.strong leadership2.stonegate community near charleston ,west virginia. 3.Because they hadbeaten their son to death4.Because she had been found guilty of conspiracy in the death of the chil d B.

10、stewart, leslie,joeyJohn,dorothy,danny C.badcaD.1.the circumstances of the death of the child would be covered up 2.th e death would be called an accident F.1.outside,eight young,farming,const ruction work,ran a restaurant,intention,less,commune,more,community,se parate houses2.mclellan's teachi

11、ng,influence,testified,four-hour,dorothy mclellan's gran dson,two weeks before3.Taking in,were having trouble,drugsLesson threeNews item 1a.1.it is pulling out of south Africa.2.its south African holdings3.the political and economic situation in south Africa.4.they praised this decision.5.1,500b

12、.spokesman,today,corporate involvement,progressive force,apartheid,red uce us private sector c.have harmful effects on black workers injure the south African economylimit the extent of us influence in south Africa news item twoa. demonstration ,south African;offices&us embassy ,harate,Zimbabwe,b

13、lack b. 1.a thousand2.more than fifty3.a.suspecting south African complicity in the plane crash that killed Moz ambique president machel in south Africanb.blaming Malawi for supporting the Pretoriabacked insurgents that are attacking Mozambique 4.calm5.prime minister Mugabe 6.londonNews item threea.

14、 west german chancellorabout one hourat the white house todayhis support for the presidents sdi programb. president Reagan met for about an hour today with west german chanc ellor helmut kohlat the white house who expressed support for the presidents sdi program.Section twoa. bcdabcbabsection threea

15、.a group of business leadersbostonalmost 20 yearsto expand a college scholarship program for any eligible boston high school graduates to supply a permanent 500 dollar endowment fun dto hire any of the students who go on to complete their college educationb.20 years agowork internships and later an

16、endowment program more than 1 million do llarsa multi-million-dollar scholarship programto enable the citys poorest kids to go on to college and to jobs afterward acess,action center for education services and scholarships no.only those eligible graduates around 500 dollars 100 studentsc.1.airplane

17、mechanics2.in wentworth institute of technology in boston3.next year4.the grant from the acessprogramThe state scholarshipWhat he earned from his work over the summerHis family contribution5.57 hundredd.1.the lowest,business leaders,finding qualified job applicants 2.just go od public relations,self

18、-preservation involved3.enter managerial and technical-professional level jobs,but a plus 4.fin ishes college,hiring priority,the participating business e.1.collecting the fi ve-million-dollar fund 2.two billion 3.324.it will become a national model.Lesson fourNews item 1a. kidnapping,west Beirut,th

19、is morningfrank reed,American ,53,school director b.1.4 american 2.3 frenchmen c.1.abducted by four gunmen,claimed responsibility ,accusing,a spy, mald enMassachusetts,Lebanon,8 years news item 2a. jury,indicted,un employee,spying b. bdcbd c. fftnews item 3a.1.an editor of a news maganize 2.he was f

20、ound shot dead 3.anlisis 4.it has been banned5.someone attempted to assassinate president augusto Pinochet b.41253 c.1.the new state of siege2.police,deny they arrested carrascoSection two a.1,a rally2.2 days ago3.the government had a crackdown on its opponents 4.they gathered be fore the presidenti

21、al palace 5.he was kidnapped by police b.cacdd c.1.two more murdered victims 2.identities,established 3.arrests,second by4.rounded up ,number of detetion5.arrest orders ,hiding d.tfftttsection threea.1.henry ford and his son edsel ford2.50 years ago4.a modest amount5.more than six billion dollars b.

22、fftffc.1.it is about four and a half billion dollars2.19363.25 thousand dollars4.its initial aim was to help local charities in Michiganefore the father3.ford foundation5.the son died b6.a great deal of the stock of the ford motor company was left after thedeath of the two men and,for tax reasons,a

23、large part of it had to be dispos ed of quickly d.badcaclesson fivesection 1 news item 1 a. cadcb. 1.penalities,violators,drug enforcement,coast guard personnel,establish eradicationprograms,condition,support for development loansNews item 2 a. bb. 1.american2.Correspondent3.us news and world report

24、 4.detained in a Moscow jail c.1.next week 2.l atvia,ussr3.the united states and the soviet union 4.two hundred and seventy d.the decision,personal,the Reagan administration,retaliation,detention news item 3a. egypt and Israelresolving the taba border dispute clearing the way for a summit tomorrow A

25、lexandriaEgyptian president hosni Mubarak Israeli prime minister shimon peres Section 2 a. abb. an all-out war,public and private,national and local,this menace,drainin gour economy,twohundred and thirty billion,rotting awy,seducing,take money,artillery c. dbd. 1.of endurance2.and selling drugs for

26、a profit e.drug related crimes jail term,drug trafficking and manufacturingdrug enforcement administration and prison construction coast guard,c ustoms service,drugs coming into this country drug education f.1.she was nominated for the senate2.she spoke to the part of the bill which funds drug eradi

27、cation programs in foreign countries 3.she compared it to the places where cocaine is gro wn,refined or manufactured 4.it should attack the places where cocaine is grown ,refined or manufactured.g.it was a situation under which a country can conduct legal trade with us on the one hand and illegally

28、sell drugs to us under the table ,poisoning o ur young people and our population h.bcdea section 3 a. cdb. 1.24,36,mixed heights,the first2.chinese history,economies,trade,politics,Chinese faculty 3.the us,Ameri can ficient in English,masters degrees,fluency in Chinese c.tftd.1.americ

29、an organizers hope that American students in the center will no t only have the experience of living in china,having studied with Chinese faculty and hearing the Chinese view of Chinese policy for one year,but also make friends with Chinese studentsroughly their own age who are goi ng to be dealing

30、with the united states in the future.2.the simple exchange program is to ask Chinese students to come to the united states and at the same time to send American students to china 3.the simple exchange program would involve fewer headaches4.the joint venture is unpredictable because it depends on var

31、ious unpredi ctable things ,such as continuing sweet sino-american relations and being able to attract funding5.it is easy to denounce the center as an espionage organization simply b ecause some of the participants in the center will afterwards enter the inte lligence community.Lesson sixSection 1

32、News Item 1 a. acbb. 1.civil rights,mrs.caretta scott king,senate family gallery,sanction and t he efficacy ofsactions,the choice between affirming the bill,congress,supporting the pre sident News item 2 a. bdc news item 3 a. cabb. planted misleading stories,the American news media,a plan to topple

33、c. 1.this summer2.it revealed that stories were leaked alleging quddafi was resuming his s upport for terrorist activies.3.poindexter denied the administration had involved the media in an anti-quddafi campaign 4.speaks did not deny the possibility that a disinformation campaign was conducted in oth

34、er countries.Section twoA.1.the question in Washington today is if the federal government tried toscare libyas quddafi by way of a disinformation campaign in the American media.in august this year23.the government tried to do it by providing the American media with m isleading stories.B.washington p

35、ost,disinformation program,the white house ,quddafi ,abo ut to attack again ,ousted in a coup c.cd d.1.watch outthe Mediterranean,a cover for more attack,Libya,in the past2.august 14th,john poindexter,a strategy of real and illusory events,a disi nformation program3quaddfi was stepping up his terror

36、ist plans,quddafi was temporaily quies cent,internal infighting,to oust quddafi,he was firmly in power,to oust him were not working,the pentagon was planning news attacks,nothing was b eing done 4.a national security planning group meeting 5.president Reaga n and his top aidessection threea. 1.the l

37、inks between television coverage of suicide and subsequent teena ge suicide rates,ateam from the university of California,a team from Columbia university 2 .television news coverage of suicides 3.made-for-tv movies about suicide 4.2.91 teen,2 adult5.mde-for-tv movies about suicide,imitative behavior

38、6.holidays,personal birthday,the start of school,the beginning of winter7.call suicide hot lines,seek counseling,discuss their depression with fami ly members b. Fttf c. 1.5,5002.55,000 3.275,000Lesson seven Section 1 News item 1 a. ab b. tf c. 1.five hours, closed-door,2. a system ,fine ,employers

39、,illegal immigrants News item 2 a. Db News item 3 a. 1.today2.nobel peace prize 3.elie wiesel 4.58 5.256.his experience in a nazi death camp and the holocaust 7.manhattan,newYork city 8.rumania b.dac.1.human rights activits,302.the survivors,holocaust,their children3.france,the united states4.credit

40、ed,nazi extermination,the jews Section 2a. bdaab. 1.anti-discrimination,employers,do refuse to,any Hispanics,a citizen,an alien2.impractical as well as inhumane,congressc. 1.they oppose the legalization provision because they believe millions i f people could eventually become citizens and bring the

41、ir relatives to thiscountry.and all those people could bankrupt the country s social services. 2.it is the farm worker program3.agricultural interest wanted to be able to bring workers into this count ry to harvest crops without being subjected to employer sanctions4.finally a compromise was reached

42、 which permitted up to three hundre d and fifty thousand farm workers to enter this country and promised to p rotect their rights and to allow them to apply for legalization if they met c ertain conditions5.the combination of horror stories about people coming over the border s and editorials about

43、congressional inability to act.6.they say so because and the conference report must still pass both hou ses of congress,and a senate filibuster is always a possibility. Section 3 a. Adb. According to tom baudet,we often exaggerate a little to a camera.for in stance, we put on ourhaving-a-wonder-ful-

44、time smile when we take pictures during our vacatio n although we have been complaining about the trip,or we put an arm aro und the person next to us when we take pictures together as if we have be en standing that way all day c. 1.after a long and dangerous discussion As your hold the phone and hea

45、r your got that promotionAfter learning that those suspicious lumps were benign and something to watch but not worry aboutd. Photographer,at a party with loneliness,you didn t think,bitterness tugging at your lips,to beoverheard,slip up like this,get caught with our guards down,our best sides ,that

46、face forward,having pictures of the other sides,look just like people.Lesson eightnews item 2Section 1 News item 1 A. cd B. ffa. 1.stepping up drug enforcement,mandatory drug testing 2.nine hundred billion,half a billion,56 million3.have access to classified information,by the president,law enforcem

47、ent, affect public health nd safety or national security b. tff news item 3 a. Bacb. they refuse the soviet involvement in middle east peace talks because t he soviet union hasno diplomatic ties with Israel,and the soviet union does not permit free emigration of soviet jews.Section 2 a. ff b. cdbac.

48、 1.two years ago,prime minister,foreign minister,shimon peres,Yitzhak S hamir,2.peres recent achievements 3.the major topic for discussiond. 1.president Reagan mentioned the longing for peace by the Israeli and arab peoples and the constructive actions taken by the leaders in the regio n2.shimon per

49、es3.his vision,his tenacity,his statesmanship4.president Reagan assured pers that the plight of soviet jewry will remai n an important topic in all the talks between the united states and the sovi et union.5.american economic aid to Israel ,international terrorism,soviet jewry Se cton 3a.1.a small p

50、amphlet of collected poems 2.poems written by students of medicine 3.americans great poet-physician b.1.he was from new jersey2.he used to write drafts of his poem on his prescription pads3.he diedin 1963c.1.the northestern ohio univeritys college of medicine2.fifth3.all medicial students,this count

51、ry4.only one percent,a few hubdred5.lovers and friends,sorrowful kinds of situations,their experience in medical school,their relationship with their patients d.1.doesn t have to be a doctor 2.could only be written by doctor.e.college of medicine,there s no evidence,produces better medicine,hel ps t

52、he students understand,their patients better,William carlos Williams p oetry competition.Lesson nineSection 1 News item 1a.1.an assassination attempt,Indian prime minister rajiv Gandhi 2.fired several shots atb.1.they were participating in an open-air prayer meeting2.they have been suspended and an

53、investigation is under way. c.ff news item 2a.1.he is now the director of the Johnson space center. 2.he was in charge of the shuttle program then.3.he announced today that he will be leaving his new post as the directorof the Johnson space center and will take a years leave.4.he will be reassigned

54、to nasa headquarters in Washington d.c 5.the failure of shuttle rockets o-rings caused the expkosion.b.1.he told moore in detail tha there were serious problems with the shuttle rockets o-rings2.he did not know the o-ring problems were serious until after the challenger exploded.c.congressional aide,nasa veterans been depressed,blew up,the edge he used to,hollow,a lot of guys at nasa,the shuttlesection twoa. 1.survived ,new delhi2.attending a hindu prayer service,his wife,Indian president zail singh 3.s


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