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1、B7U4words词汇案1.be dying to do1) Im dying to know what happened.2) Im dying for a glass of water.3) The old customs are dying4)填空 die away 逐渐减弱,逐渐消失 die down逐渐变弱,逐渐降低,逐渐平息 die off 相继死去 die out灭绝,死光a) The sound of their laughter _ _ (他们的笑声逐渐消失了)b) When the applause had _ _, she began her speech. c)The

2、survirors are _ _ daily(相继死去) d)This species has _ _ because its habitat is being destroyed.2. relevant 1) These comments are not directly relevant to the problem referred to.2) Do you have the relevant experience?3) In the future, pay increases will be related to work performance.4) Evidence shows

3、that being exposed to strong sunlight is linked to skin cancer.3. adjust1) Adjust your language to the age of your audience.2) It took several seconds for his eyes to adjust to the dark.3) Youll quickly adjust yourself to student life.4) Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by dis

4、abled people.5) It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings.6) Three of her novels have been adapted for Television.7) All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem.8) We must make adjustments to our original plan because of emergencies.1) You can enjoy all the benefit

5、s and privileges of club membership.2) I hope to have the privilege of working with them again.1) All contributions are voluntary.2) I do some voluntary work at the local hospital.3) School need volunteers to help children to read.4) Are there any volunteers to help clear up?5) Jill volunteered to o

6、rganize the party.6. purchase.1) You can simply use your credit card to make a purchase.2) If you are not satisfied with your purchase, well give you a full fefund(退款)3) The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier.4) With the development of economy, peoples purchasing power has steadily

7、increased.7. distribute/distribution1) The organization distributed food and blankets to the earthquake victims.2) The company distributed our products in the UK.3) The map shows the distribution of this species across the world.4) the distribtution of food and medicines to the flood victims.5) Japa

8、ns largest software distributor.8. Operate1) Some people can only operate well under pressure.2) It calls for great patience and skills to operate the machine.3) The regulation operates in favour of married couples.4) Illegal business continues to operate in the city.5) Well have to operate on his e

9、yes.6) operating system(计算机)操作系统7) The new traffic rules are in operation.随堂检测1) 我极想知道比赛的最终结果。2)有相关工作经验的人更可能被雇佣。3)我们必须尽快适应新环境。4)为了完成这个项目,我们需要更多义工。5)请务必提前购票。6) 这笔钱在该地区的学校中分配。7)现在推出了一项新的服务。课文语言点学案1. I loved listening to the family softly talking to each other in their language, even though I couldnt p

10、articipate in the conversation. Participate in/participation1) 他没有参与本次讨论。2)we want to encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college.(翻译)_3) A back injury prevented his participation in any sports. 用even though=even if as though= as if填空1) Ill get there, _ I have to walk.2) He

11、 behaved _ nothing had happened.2. Otherwise they dont waste anything.(conj)否则,不然 (adv)用别的方法;其他方面1) We must hurry, _(否则的话,我们将错过火车)2)We told her to do it in this way but she did it _(用别的方法)3)There was some music playing upstairs. Otherwise the house was silent.4) He is slow, but otherwise he is a goo

12、d worker.5) Shut the window, otherwise it will get too cold.EX:1) 我父母借钱给我了。否则,我可付不起这次旅费。2)我计划一直在这里等除非有人告诉不用等了。3. Choose from this catalogue a really useful gift for some of the worlds poorest and bring hope for a better future to a community in need.1) We are collecting money for families in need.2)

13、 They will offer more books to satisfy/meet the students needs/demands.3)There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow.4) The house is in need of a thorough clean.5) This shirt needs washing/to be washed.6) You neednt have hurried.EX:1) 我需要一些新鲜的空气2)该组织给有需要的人提供帮助。3)如果你需要什么东西,请尽管让我知道。4. Science is

14、 my most challenging subject as my students have no concept of doing experiments.2) Working as a teacher is challenging and rewarding.2) The role will be the biggest challenge of his acting career.3) We are ready to accept/take up any challenge.4) She doesnt like anyone challenging her authority.5)

15、Mike challenged me to a game of chess.6) Generally speaking, people from different subject of conversation.7) Biology and English are my favourite subjects.8) We need male subjects between the ages of 18 and 25 for the experiment.9) Whats the subject of the sentence?10) Flights are subject to delay

16、because of the fog.11) As a diplomat, he is not subject to local laws.12) Individuals opinion is bound to be subjective.EX:1) 我们应该勇敢的面对挑战。2)The discovery challenges traditional beliefs.(翻译)3)学生必须拥有使用各种题材不同的书籍的机会。4)吸烟者比非吸烟者更容易得心脏病。5. Once the fire was going, he laid stones on it.1) She laid the baby

17、down gently on the bed.2) They had laid a foundation for future development.3) The cuckoo( 杜鹃鸟) lays eggs in other birds nests.4) He laid stress/emphasis on the importance of being honest.5) The survivors lay on the ground, exhausted and shocked.6) Clothes were lying all over the floor.7) Snow was l

18、ying thick on the ground.8) The town lies on the coast.9) The problem lies in when to start.10) You could see from his face that he was lying.EX:1) 他把手搭在我的胳膊上。2)这名护士让这个病人躺着。3)那本书摊开着放在他的桌子上。4)I would rather use my money than leave it lying in the bank.(翻译)5)日本位于中国东边。6)不要对我撒谎。6. He then covered the ve

19、getables with banana leaves and left them to steam.2) I covered my face with hands2) Sometimes a smile is used to cover painful feelings.3) The forest covers about two thousand square kilometers.4) Does the fee cover the charge for visiting the place?5) We need more time to cover so many things.6) T

20、he book covers all aspects of the problem.7) The robots, each weighing 100 kilograms, can cover 200 meters per hour.8) All important events in the world are covered in China Daily.9) One hundred dollars should cover your expenses.EX:1)他大笑以掩饰他的紧张。2)这个国家的大部分被森林所覆盖。3)该调查涉及了这个问题的方方面面。4)你的父母得支付你的学费。5)英国广

21、播公司(The BBC)将报道这次锦标赛的所有重要赛事。Unit 4 单词拼写。1. The essay isnt _(相关的) to the topic.2. Hes had three accidents in the past_(两周)3.Airline personnel can _(购买)flight tickets at reduced prices.4. The retired man _(捐赠) most of his savings to the victims of earthquake.5. The only access to the farmhouse is acro

22、ss the _(泥泞的) field.6. Watch out for sharp bends and _(调整) your speed accordingly.7. I do some _(无偿的) work at the local hospital.8. He cant grasp the basic _ (概念)of maths.9. The couple are to celebrate their wedding _(周年纪念日).10. I suspect that he was dismissed for _(政治的) reasons.11. The organization

23、 _(分发) food to the earthquake victims.12. A good fire is a _ (安全,平安)against wild beasts.13. We lost our way, _(否则,不然) we would have visited more places of interest yesterday.14. About 100 students _(参加)in the voluntary activity.15. Its a great _ (荣幸)to be invited to give a speech here.16. The _(遥远的)

24、 area can be accessible only by helicopter.17. You can look at the issue from many different _(角度)18. What skills are needed to_(操作) this machinery?19. He is being treated at the local _ (诊所)of London.20. For more information, to consult the library _(目录).21. My mother taught me how to _(缝纫,做针线活)22.

25、 The train now standing at _ 1(1号站台) is for Leeds.23. Dont forget to _(梳理) your hair.u4课文精彩句子填空。1. Thanks for your letter, which _(花两个周到达)2. I know you_(渴望) hear all about my life here, so Ive included some photos which will help you picture the places I talk about.3. It _(花了我几分钟)walk to school down

26、 a muddy track.4. Im still trying to _(适应这些情况)5. Science is my _(最具挑战性的科目)as my students _(没有做实验的概念)6. The boys who had never _(遭遇,碰到) anything like this before started jumping out of the windows.7. Sometimes I wonder _(有多大相关)chemistry is to these students, most of whom will be gong back to their villages after year 8 anyway.8. To be honest, I doubt whether Im _(产生什么作用) to these boyslives at all.9._ a remote village(是我第一次拜访一个遥远的村庄)10. We walked for two and a half hour


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