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1、Section D. Material analysis本课是整个初中英语的最后一课,主活动为1a。通过康康到机场为Michael等朋友送别的对话, 结束了初中英语的学习。本课着重培养学生通过阅读来理解有关细节并判断正误的能力,同时对整个话题的功能进行了系统的总结。通过本课的学习,学生在了解西方人如何告别的同时,学习表达惜别之情,勿忘友谊。.Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: Words and phrases:hug, in time, promise, conclude 2. Skill aims: 能用英语表达毕业时告别的情感。3. Learning stra

2、tegies:1)积极参与课内外的英语讨论活动;2)对所学内容主动复习并加以整理和归纳。. The key points and difficult points1. Words and phrases:hug, in time, promise, conclude2. Sentences: 1)Here she comes! 2), but you must promise to send e-mails to us often. 3)Im looking forward to reading about it in your e-mails. 4)Have a safe flight!.

3、Teaching aids多媒体课件,友谊地久天长视频或歌曲,机场告别的图片。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(4 mins)Class activity1.Greeting.2.Play the flash Auld Lang Syne and let the students feel it.1. Greeting.2. Listen to or sing

4、the song. 播放歌曲友谊地久天长,让学生感受惜别之情。2Revision(5 mins)Class activityLet two students recite the short passages in 2 of Section C. Recite their short passages. 让学生复述课文可以锻炼学生的口语和听力能力。3Pre-reading(3mins)Group work1. Show the pictures of 1a and guide them to talk about what they will say to each other.2. Guid

5、e the students to read the three sentences before the conversation.3. Guide the students to read the sentences in 1b and understand their meanings.1. Show the pictures of 1a and talk about what they will say to each other. Act it out.2. Read the sentences A, B, C and guess where they should be put.

6、3.Read the sentences and try to understand them first.4While-reading(15 mins)Individual work1.Let the students read the conversation and understand the general meaning.2.Guide students to read the conversation paragraph by paragraph to finish 1b. 1.Skim the passage and find out where the sentences A

7、, B, C should be put. Check it with their desk mates.2. Read the conversation paragraph by paragraph to finish 1b.通过略读使学生整体了解课文大意,找到选项句所在位置。5Post-reading(15 mins)Pair workAsk students to act out the conversation and feel it. Act out the conversation.本环节的任务是通过对话表演让学生再次感受惜别之情,并学会用英语做事情,提高综合语言运用能力。6sum

8、marizing and assigning homework(3 mins)Class activityAsk two students to sum up the key points.Sum up the main content of this topic.话题总结之前,可留给学生小组内归纳的时间。Pair workReview the whole topic by asking students to ask and answer in pairs. Review the whole topic and recite the key points mentioned in it.Cl

9、ass activityPlay the song Auld Lang Syne and ask the students to write the best wishes on a card to each group member.Write the best wishes on a card to each other.用友谊地久天长营造离别气氛。. Blackboard design Topic 3 I will remember our friendship forever.Section D1. hug n. 拥抱 give a big hug 紧紧拥抱2. in time 及时 on time 按时3


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