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1、GMAT考试760分经验GMAT考试760分经验分享:可能很多人一开始要参加GMAT考试的问题就是资料太多,不知从何下手。比如我,书买了3本,从这里下了无数东西打印,到最后发现其实没用多少。如果你时间很紧张,我的经验应该会对你有帮助。资料OFFICIAL GUIDE (OG是必备,把上面所有题都应弄明白。应该争取做2遍。缺点是数学太容易,对于打算数学满分的,可以再找些难题做。PRINCETON REVIEW - VERBAL WORKOUT 写的不错,也不是很厚。因为通过OG 测出我语法是弱项,所以只看了语法部分。KAPLAN - 根本没时间看,只用随书带的前程百利测了一套,备受打击,只有65

2、0! 如果时间紧或没打算靠800分的就不建议了。作文宝典- 从这里下的,必备,建议迅速通读。最有用的部分是所有的作文题目,应该把所有ISSUE的思路看一下。我的观点是,写作能力的提高不是几个星期的事,知道要说什么才关键,考场上也不会紧张。我下面会介绍我的东拼西凑的模板,作文就是填空而已,容易的很。GMAT单词- 没意思。我花了3天背得头晕目眩,记不住的还是记不住,对考试没帮助。想速成的就不用看了。模考软件GMAP prep有两套,建议一套在看完OG后做,最后一套考前做。测的很准,我俩次都是770。有个别题在OG上已经见过了也不要紧。GMAT POWERPREP做了两套,OG上的题太多,而且作文

3、界面很土。用来熟悉机考环境就可以了。KAPLAN不想受打击就算了吧以上的软件,如果运行时遇到问题,检查下“Language for non-unicode program",如果是中文,换成英文就可以了。位置在control panel ->regional and language options -> "advanced" tab.数学PROBLEM SOLVING很容易,要争取一次准确率,不要验算,把时间留给DATA SUFFICIENCY。1分钟一题足以。DATA SUFFICIENCY 说难也不难,就是考的思维缜密,建议花时间攻克。最好做完后

4、再迅速用另一种思维验算,也许能发现遗漏的地方。3分钟一题。VERBAL没什么说的,速度是关键,平均1.8分钟一题。PRINCETON REVIEW上说前20道的权重很大,应该2-3分钟,最后面几个乱猜都可以。我没敢这么冒险作文这是我比较得意的一部分,只花了3,4天,练习了5篇就满怀信心的上考场了。不是因为我写作能力强,我把模板一再精炼,适用任何题目。ANALYSIS OF ARGUMENT容易极了。我把这里有人提到的7宗罪简化成只用两种形式表达。作文时能写两个观点就差不多够用了。文章模板:In this argument, the author concludes that. To suppo

5、rt this conclusion, the author points out that(In addition, he reasons that At first glance, the author's argument appears to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection reveals that it omits some important concerns that should be addressed to substantiate the argument.In the first place, .In

6、 addition,In conclusion, the author commits the above mentioned logical mistakes and fails to consider the whole situation comprehensively. The conclusion that is unwarranted and unsound. To better evaluate the argument, we would need more information about 论点模板:1. ASSUMPTIONGENERALLY WRONGThe autho

7、r depends on gratuitous assumption without justification that. However, the author provides no reason for imposing such an assumption. In fact, this is not necessarily the case. For example, (it is more likely that. Thus it is impossible to conclude that.ASSUMPTION - false analogyThe author depends

8、on gratuitous assumption without justification that A is analogous to B in all aspects. However, the author provides no reason for imposing such an assumption. Although there are points of comparison between A and B, there is much dissimilarity as well. For example,Thus it is impossible to conclude

9、that.ASSUMPTION - background unchanged <纵向>The author depends on gratuitous assumption without justification that the background conditions have remained the same. However, the author provides no reason for imposing such an assumption. The fact that happened two years ago (in place A is not a

10、sound evidence to draw a conclusion that it will do the same now (in place B.For example,Thus it is impossible to conclude that.ASSUMPTION - EITHER-OR CHOICEThe author depends on gratuitous assumption without justification that that AA and BB are mutually exclusive alternatives and there is no room

11、for a middle ground. However, the author provides no reason for imposing such an assumption. Common sense tells usthat adjusting between AA and BB might produce better results. Thus it is impossible to conclude that.2. 无因果联系causal oversimplificationThe author commits a fallacy of causal oversimplifi

12、cation. The line of the reasoning here is that because A occurred before B, the former event is responsible for the latter. However, this coincidence does not necessarily prove that A caused B. For example, if B is caused by C, the conclusion would be greatly undermined.Because the argument offers n

13、o evidence that would rule out this kind of interpretations, the conclusion that is completely unwarranted3. 以偏概全(evidence insufficient or absentThe author provides insufficient evidence to support the conclusion drawn from it.²Few examples are logically unsound to establish a general conclusio

14、n. ²The important information about is absent. For example, if , the conclusion would be greatly undermined. Because the argument offers no evidence that would rule out this kind of interpretations, the conclusion that is completely unwarranted4. SURVEYThe author cites a survey that is too vagu

15、e to be informative. It does not indicate (who conducted the survey, who responded, the number of people surveyed,the number of people that responded For example, if , the conclusion would be greatly undermined. Because the argument offers no evidence that would rule out this kind of interpretations

16、, the conclusion that is completely unwarranted ANALYSIS OF AN ISSUE 此处模板重要性不如上一篇,以下仅供参考,要灵活取舍。象我之前说的,写作能力的提高不 是几个星期的事,迅速找到 2-3 个观点才重要,考场上也不会紧张。 作文宝典提供了所有作文题目和思路,应该看一下。 The issue of often a complex and controversial one. Different people hold different views due to their respective angles

17、. On one hand, ; on the other hand, others probably insist that. In the following analysis, I would like to reason and provide evidence favoring the former one and refuting the latter one. In the first place, the important reason that can be presented to develop my position is that. A good example m

18、ay be found in the case that. (found from my personal experience Under this circumstance, therefore, it is obvious that. In addition, another reason for me to choose the former statement is that To illustrate, let us consider that. Admittedly, there is no denying some conditions. (As we know, . However, this alone does not constitute a sufficient support to. (However, its disadvantages certainly outweigh its advantages. In conclusion, due to the above-mentioned reasons, we may safely arrive at the


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