



1、名词解释CH3Breakeven point: the quantity of output sold at which total revenues equal total costs-that is, the quantity of output sold that results in $0 of operat ing in come.Con tributi on in come stateme nt: it groups costs into variable costs and fixed costs to highlightcontribution margin.Con tribu

2、ti on margi n: the differe nee betwee n total revenues and total variable costs.Con tributi on margin per un it: the differe nee betwee n selli ng prices and variable cost per un it.Contribution margin percentage:it equals contribution margin per unit divided by selling price.Cost-volume-profit an a

3、lysis: it exam ines the behavior of total revenu es, total costs, and operati ng income as cha nges occur in the un its sold, the sell ing price, the variable cost per un it, or the fixedcosts of a producer.Degree of operat ing leverage: con tributi on margin divided by operati ng in come.Gross marg

4、in perce ntage: itthe gross margin divided by revenu es.Margin of safety: the amount by which budgeted revenues exceed breakeven revenues.Net in come: the operati ng in come plus non-operat ing reve nues minus in come taxes mi nusnon-operat ing costs.Operat ing leverage: it describes the effects tha

5、t fixed costs have on cha nges in operat ing in comeas changes occur in units sold and contribution margin.PV graph: it shows how cha nges in the qua ntity of un its sold affect operat ing in come.Revenue driver: a variable that causally affects revenu es.Sales mix: the quantities of various product

6、s that constitute total unit sales of a company.Sensitivity analysis: a what-if technique that managers use to examine how an outcome will change ifthe original predicated data are not achieved or if an underlying assumption changes. Uncertainty:the possibility that an actual amount will deviate fro

7、m an expected amount.CH6Activity-based budgeti ng: it focuses on the budgeted cost of the activities n ecessary to produce andsell products and services.Budgetary slack: it describes the practice of un dersta nding budgeted revenuesContinuous budget: a budget that is always available for a specified

8、 future period.Con trollability: the degree of in flue nee that a specific man ager has over costs, revenu es, or relateditems for which he or she is resp on sible.Con trollable costs: any cost that is primarily subject to the in flue nce of a give n resp on sibility center man ager for a give n per

9、iod.Cost cen ter: the man ager is acco un table for costs only.Financial budget: that part of the master budget made up of the capital expenditures budget, the cashbudget, the budgeted bala nce sheet, and the budgeted stateme nt of cash flows.Finan cial pla nning models: the mathematical represe nta

10、ti ons of the relati on ships among operating activities, financing activities, and other factors that affect the master budget. Investment center:the manager is accountable for investments, revenues, and costs.Kaize n budget ing: explicitly in corporates con ti nu ous improveme nt an ticipated duri

11、 ng the budgetperiod into the budget nu mbers.Master budget: it expresses managementoperating and financial plans for a specified period, and itincludes a set of budgeted financial statements.Operating budget: it includes the budgeted income statement and its supporting schedules.Organization struct

12、ure: an arrangement of lines of responsibility within the organization. Profit center:the manager is accountable for revenues and costs.Responsibility center: itsa part, segment, or subunit of an organization whose manager isaccountable for a specified set of activities.Responsibility accounting: a

13、system that measures the plans, budgets, actions, and actual results ofeach responsibility center.Revenue center: the manager is accountable for revenues only.CH7Benchmarking: its the continuous process of comparing the levels of performance on producingproducts and services and executing activities

14、 against the best levels of performance in competingcompanies or in companies having similar processes.Effectiveness: the degree to which a predetermined objective or target is met.Efficiency: the relative amount of inputs used to achieve a given output level.Efficiency variance: the difference betw

15、een actual input quantity used and budgeted input quantityallowed for actual output, multiplied by budgeted price.Favorable variance: it has the effect, when considered in isolation, of increasing operating incomerelative to the budgeted amount.Flexible budget: it calculates budgeted revenues and bu

16、dgeted costs based on the actual output inthe budget period.Flexible-budget variance: itsthe difference between an actual result and the correspondingflexible-budget amount.Input-price variance: a price variance for direct manufacturing labor.Management by exception: itsthe practice of focusing mana

17、gement attention on areas that are notoperating as expected and devoting less time to areas operating as expected.Price variance: the difference between actual price and budgeted price multiplied by actual inputquantity.Rate variance: price variance for direct manufacturing labor.Sales-volume varian

18、ce: the difference between a flexible-budget amount and correspondingstatic-budget amount.Selling-price variance: the flexible-budget variance for revenues.Standard: it is a carefully determined price, cost, or quantity that is used as a benchmark for judgingperformance.Standard cost: it is a carefu

19、lly determined cost of a unit of output.Standard input: it is a carefully determined quantity of input required for one unit of output. Standardprice: it is a carefully determined price that a company expects to pay for a unit of input.Static budget: it is based on level of output planned at the sta

20、rt of the budget period. Static-budgetvariance: the difference between the actual result and the corresponding budgeted amount in thestatic budget.Unfavorable variance: it has the effect, when viewed in isolation, of decreasing operating incomerelative to the budgeted amount.Variance: the difference

21、 between actual results and expected performance.CH8Denominator level: the number of cost driver is the denominator in the budgeted fixed overhead ratecomputation.Denominator-level variance: the difference between budgeted fixed overhead and fixed overheadallocated on the basis of actual output prod

22、uced.Fixed overhead flexible-budget variance: the difference between actual fixed overhead costs andfixed overhead costs in the flexible budget.Fixed overhead spending variance: itsthe same amount as the fixed overhead flexible-budgetvariance.Standard costing: a costing system that (a) traces direct

23、 costs to output produced by multiplying thestandard prices or rates by the standard quantities of inputs allowed for actual outputs produced and(b) allocates overhead costs on the basis of the standard overhead-cost rates times the standardquantities of the allocation bases allowed for the actual o

24、utputs produced. Total-overhead variance: itequals the total amount of under-allocated overhead costs.Variable overhead efficiency variance: the difference between actual quantity of the cost-allocationbase used and budgeted quantity of the cost-allocation base that should have been used to producea

25、ctual output, multiplied by budgeted variable overhead cost per unit of the cost-allocation base.Variable overhead flexible-budget variance: it measures the difference between actual variableoverhead costs incurred and flexible-budget variable overhead amounts.Variable overhead spending variance: th

26、e difference between actual variable overhead cost per unitof the cost-allocation base budgeted variable overhead cost per unit of the cost-allocation base,multiplied by the actual quantity of variable overhead cost-allocation base used for actual output.CH10Account analysis method: it estimates cos

27、t functions by classifying various cost accounts as variable,fixed, or mixed with respect to the identified level of activity.Conference method: it estimates cost functions on the basis of analysis and opinions about costs andtheir drivers gathered from various departments of a company.Constant or i

28、ntercept: it is the component of total cost that does not vary with changes in the level ofthe activity.Cost estimation: it measures a relationship based on data from past costs and related level of anactivity.Cost function: a mathematical description of how a cost changes with changes in the level

29、of anactivity relating to that cost.Cost predictions: forecasts about future costs.Cumulative average-time learning model: cumulative average time per unit declines by a constantpercentage each time the cumulative quantity of units produced doubles.Dependent variable: it is the cost to be predicted

30、and managed which depends on the cost functionbeing estimated.Experience curve: itsa function that measures the decline in cost per unit in various businessfunctions of the value chain as the amount of these activities increases.High-low method: it uses only the highest and lowest observed values of

31、 the cost driver within therelevant range and their respective costs to estimate the slope coefficient and the constant of the costfunction.Incremental unit-time learning model: incremental time needed to produce the last unit declines by aconstant percentage each time the cumulative quantity of uni

32、ts produced doubles. Independentvariable: its the level of activity or cost driver which is the factor used to predicted the dependentvariable.Industrial engineering method: it estimates cost functions by analyzing the relationship betweeninputs and outputs in physical terms.Learning curve: itsa function that measures how labor-hours per unit decline as units of productionincrease because workers are learning and becoming better at their jobs.Linear cost function: total cost versus the level of a single activity related to that cost is a straight linewithin the relevant range.Mixed cost: itsa


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