



1、2016届二轮复习名词性从句学案(江苏专用)I锁定高考考点,看看高考考件么1【2014 北京卷】 The best moment for the football star washe scored thewinning goal.A. where B. whenC. how D. why【答案】B考查名词性从句(表语从句)。根据题干前半部分中的moment 词 推断,后面应该说的是“的时候”所以本题选B。2【2014 北京卷】 Some people believehas happened before or is happeningnow will repeat itself in the

2、 future.A. whatever B. wheneverC. wherever D. however【答案】A 考查名词性从句(宾语从句)。句意:一些人相信过去发生或现在正 发生的事情,将来仍然会重复。宾语从句中缺少主语,并且指的是事件,所以选A。3 【2014 全国大纲卷】Exactlythe potato was in troduced into Europe isun certa in, but it was probably around 1565.A. whether B. why C. whe n D. how【答案】C 考查主语从句的连接词。句意:准确地说,土豆是什么时候被

3、引进 欧洲的还不确定,但可能是在1565年左右。此处when引导主语从句并在从句中作状语。4【2014 福建卷】Pick yourself up. Courage is doing you're afraid todo.A. that B. what C. how D. whether【答案】B考查名词性从句。句意:振作起来。勇气就是做你害怕去做的事。分析句子结构可知,此处doing后接宾语从句,而从句中do的后面缺少宾语, 故选择B项。5【2014 湖南卷】 As John Lennon once said life ishappens to you whileyou are bus

4、y mak ing other pla ns.A. which B. thatC. what D. where【答案】C 考查名词性从句。句意:正如约翰列侬曾经说的那样,生活就是当你忙于制订其他计划时所发生在你身上的事情。引导词既要引导表语从句,又要在从句中作主语。故用 what。6【2014 江苏卷】一What a mess! You are always so lazy!rm not to blame, Mum. I am you have made me.A. how B. what C. that D. who【答案】B考查表语从句引导词的用法。句意:多么混乱啊!你总是这么懒!”我不应

5、当受到责备,妈妈,都是你让我变成这个样子的。”分析句子结构后可知,“you have made m是表语从句,从句中make缺少间接宾语,故用what引导。7【2014 山东卷】It is difficult for us to imaginelife was like for slaves inthe an cie nt world.A. where B. what C. which D . why【答案】B 考查名词性从句。句意:对我们来说很难想象在古代奴隶的生活是什么样子的。life was like for slaves in the ancient world是宾语从句,作imagi

6、ne的宾语,在宾语从句中,like后缺少成分,故用what。8 【2014 陕西卷】 the delayed flight will take off depends much on theweather.A. Why B. When C. That D. What【答案】B考查名词性从句。句意:延误了的航班何时起飞主要取决于天气。所填词引导主语从句,在从句中作时间状语,用when,故选B。9【2014 四川卷】 Gran dma poi nted to the hospital a nd said,“ That'sI wasborn. ”A. when B. how C. why D

7、. where【答案】D 考查名词性从句。此处考查的是名词性从句中的表语从句,根据语境可知选D项。句意:奶奶指着那个医院说:那就是我出生的地方。”10【2014 天津卷】I thinkimpresses me about his painting is the colours heuses.A. what B. that C. which D. who【答案】A 考查名词性从句。句意:我认为他的绘画给我留下深刻印象的是他 使用的颜色。分析句子结构可知,I think后是宾语从句,从句中谓语动词是is, 其前面是主语从句。从句中谓语动词impresses前又缺主语,需用what引导。11【201

8、4 浙江卷】 “ Every time you eat a swe,tdrink green tea.” This ismy mother used to tell me.A. what B. how C. that D. whether【答案】A 考查名词性从句。句意:母亲过去常常告诉我:每次吃糖的时候,要喝点儿绿茶。”此处是由what引导的表语从句,因为表语从句中缺少 tell的间 接宾语,所以用what引导,选A项。12 【2014 重庆卷】一Is it true that Mike refused an offer from Yale Universityyesterday?Yeah,

9、 but I have no ideahe did it; that's one of his favourite universities.A. whe n B. why C. that D. how【答案】B考查同位语从句的用法。此题易误选C,但后句对Mike拒绝耶鲁大学的录取意愿感到意外,因为耶鲁大学是Mike最喜欢的大学之一,因此回答者对Mike放弃耶鲁大学感到不可思议。若用that仅表示不知道此事,但事实上 已经知道。故选B。主语从句1. 【2013 天津】 I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for

10、my pare nts.A. ThatB. Which C. WhetherD. What【解析】句意为:我想告诉你的是我对父母深深的爱和尊重。本题考查主语从句。“I want to tell yoi为主语从句,该从句中缺少宾语,故选D项。【答案】D2. 【2013江西】 one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.A. WhoeverB. Whatever C. Whichever D. Wherever【解析】句意为:你们之中不管是谁打破了窗户,都要赔偿。本题考查名词性从句。空格处的引导词引导的是主语从句,引导词修饰限制后面的o

11、ne,且表示在限定范围(you)中的任何一个,故选C项。【答案】C3. 【2013 陕西】It remains to be seenthenewly formed committee ' spolicy can be put into practice.A. that B. which C. what D. whether【解析】句意为:新组成的委员会制定的政策是否能实施还有待观察。考查名词性从句。题干中it是形式主语,空格处引导主语从句,whether符合句意。【答案】D表语从句4. 【2013 安徽】From space the earth looks blue.This isab

12、out seventyme perce nt of its surface is covered by water.A. why B. how C. becauseD. whether【解析】句意为:从太空看,地球是蓝色的。这是因为地球大约 71%的表面都被水覆盖着。本题考查表语从句。A.为什么;B.怎么样;C.因为;D.是否。根据 句意应选Co【答案】 C5. 【2011 山东】I ' m afraid he ' s more of a talker than adwteich ishen ever fini shes anything.A. that B. whenC. w

13、here D. why【解析】考查表语从句。很显然,前文所说的(他是一个空谈家而不是一个实干家)是下文(他一事无成)的原因,由此可知应该选 why。【答案】 D宾语从句6. 【2013 湖南】 Do not let any failures discourage you,for you can nevertellclose you may be to victory.A. howB. that C. which D. where【解析】句意为:不要因失败而泄气,因为你永远也不会知道成功可能离你有多近。本题考查宾语从句。“close you may be to victor为宾语从句,设空处后c

14、lose为形容词,故选howo【答案】 A7. 【2013 北京】 Experts believepeople can waste less food by shoppingonly whe n it is n ecessary.A. why B. where C. that D. what【解析】句意为:专家认为人们可以通过只有需要(食物)时才购物这一方法来减少食物的浪费。本题考查宾语从句。空格处引导的宾语从句的结构和意思都很 完整,故选C项。【答案】C8. 【2013新课标卷I )Police have foundappearsto be the lost ancientstatue.A.

15、 which B. where C. how D. what【解析】 句意为:警方发现了看起来像那件丢失的古代雕像的东西。本题考查 宾语从句。“appears.为宾语从句,该从句缺少主语且表示 物”故用what弓丨导。【答案】D同位语从句9. 【2013 浙江】The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total belief you are better tha n anyone else on the sports field.A. howB. thatC. whichD. whether【解析】分析句子结构可以看出,主

16、句主语为way,后面的不定式to succeed atthe highest level为其定语,系动词是is,后面的不定式结构为表语。youare better than.为belief的同位语从句,从句为 主+系+表”结构,成分完整, 故用起连接作用的that。【答案】B10. 【2012 重庆】Evidenee has been found through years of studychildrenearly sleeping problems are likely to continue when they grow up.A. why B. how C. whether D. th

17、at【解析】考查同位语从句。分析句子结构可知,空格后面的部分是解释说明evidenee的内容,是evidenee的同位语从句,引导词在从句中不作任何成分,故选连词that。【答案】 D11. 【2011 辽宁】When the news camethe war broke oytne decided to servein the army.A. since B. which C. that D . because【解析】考查同位语从句。句意为:当战争爆发的消息传来时,他决定去部队服役。此处的“the war broke ou解释'说明the news的具体内容,且从句中不缺少 成分,故

18、为同位语从句,用that连接。【答案】 C&反思领悟1. 名词性从句中引导词的判断与选择是考生的易错点,要掌握每个引导词的基 本用法及其在从句中的作用。2. 同位语从句和定语从句的区别要从以下两个方面来备考:(1) 抓住同位语从句的特征:用于同位语从句的名词通常有 hope, fact,truth,belief,news, idea等抽象名词。(2) that在同位语从句中不作任何语法成分;在定语从句中作主语或宾语。突破重点难点 更考探究什乞一、主语从句主语从句在复合句中作主句的主语,引导主语从句的词有that,whether,who,what,which,whoever,whatev

19、er, whichever,when,where,why, how 等。【2012 山东高考】It doesn ' t matter whether you pay by cash or credit card in this store.在这个商店中用现金或信用卡支付都可以。【2012 江西高考】It suddenly occurred to him that he had left his keys in the office. 他忽然想起把钥匙忘在办公室了。【2013 重庆高考】 What struck me most in the movie was the father &#

20、39; s deep love for his son.影片中最打动我的是父亲对他儿子深厚的爱。That Put in visited Chi na led to the closer relati on ship betwee n the two coun tries.(that 不作任何成分)普京访问中国让两国之间的关系更加密切。二、同位语从句1. 同位语从句常放在 fact, news, idea, truth, hope, problem, information , belief, thought, doubt等名词的后面,是对前面的名词作进一步的解释,说明前面名词的具体的含义。【2

21、012 浙江】I made a promise to myself that this year my first year in high school, would be different.(that 引导 promise的同位语从句)我给自己做出承诺:今年,是我上高中的第一年,将会与以往不同。2. 同位语从句与定语从句的区别同位语从句是对前面名词的内容作进一步的解释、说明,引导词that只起引导作用,不在句中作任何成分,一般不可省略。定语从句是对前面名词进行修饰、限 制,引导词在句中作一定的句子成分。The n ews that they had won the game soon s

22、pread over the whole school.他们赢得比赛的消息很快就传遍了整个学校。(此句为同位语从句,进一步解释“ the new的” 容)The n ews you told me yesterday was really disappo in ti ng.你昨天告诉我的消息真的很令人失望。(此句是定语从句,它指的是 你昨天告诉 我的那个消息”)3 .名词性从句的引导词that与what的区别引导词句法功能省略情况that不作任何句子成分引导宾语从句有时可以省略what主语、宾语、表语、定语不能省略【2012 全国卷I )lt is by no means clear what

23、 the preside nt can do to end the strike. 总统会采取什么措施来结束这次罢工还不清楚。【2013 山 东】It 'good to know that the dogs will be well cared for while we ' re away.得知在我们离开期间这些狗会得到很好的照顾,这太好了。【2013 北京】 What makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of the writer. 让这本书不同寻常的是作者创造性的想象力。三、whether与

24、if的区别只能用whether,不能用if的情况:(1) 在主语从句、表语从句、介词之后的宾语从句及同位语从句中;(2) 后面直接跟动词不定式;与or not连用;(4)引导让步状语从句时。【2012 湖南】Every one in the village is very frie ndly.lt does n' t matter whetherhave lived there for a short or a long time.此 句为主语从句,故只能使用 whether) 这个村子里的每个人都很友好。不管你在那里住的时间长或短都没关系。四、疑问词+ ever”引导的名词性从句与“

25、nomatter+疑问词”引导的状语从句的 区别1. 疑问词+ ever可引导名词性从句,在主从句中要充当一定的成分。2. 疑问词+ ever还可以引导让步状语从句。3. “no matter疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句。【2012 陕西】 As many as five courses are provided, and you are free to choose whichever suits you best.宾语从句)提供了多达五门的课程,你可以任意选择最适合你的一门。However/No matter how interesting the film is, I won '

26、 t waste any time on无论这 部电影多么有趣,我都不会在这方面浪费时间。I演练命题热点,对接高考集训什么1. 【2014 日照模拟】 一What has made John look like lacking sleep?he had to prepare for the coming exam and stayed up last ni ght.A. For B. Because C. That D. What【解析】C考查名词性从句。分析句子结构可知,答语是回答上面句子中的主语“Wha的,故此句是一个主语从句,缺少引导词,而引导词在从句中不充当成分,故用“ That&qu

27、ot;2. 【2014 日照模拟】The government should considerpeople and the en vir onment will be affected before they make decisi ons.A. whetherB. which C. whereD. what【解析】A考查名词性从句。句意为:政府应该在作决定前考虑是否会对人和环境造成影响。根据句意,此处应该用whether,表示是否”3. 【2014四川省都江堰市第二次诊断】 一Jack failed the driving test again. The questi on iswe can

28、 help him avoid maki ng the same mistake.A. why B. how C. what D. that【解析】B考查表语从句。句意为:一一杰克又没通过驾驶考试。一一问题是我 们如何能够帮助他避免犯同样的错误。根据语境并分析句子成分可知,空处引导 表语从句,并在从句中作方式状语,故应选 B。4. 【2014 石家庄市高三模拟】After a day' exhausting climb we arrived atwe had bee n told was“ Garde n in the Air ”A. whatB. which C. that D. w

29、here【解析】 A 考查宾语从句。句意为:经过一天筋疲力尽的攀登,我们到达了被告知是 空中花园”的那个地方。此处为what引导宾语从句,作arrived at的宾 语。5. 【2014大连双基测试】 一When choosing furniture,you only focus on function while I think more about the design.That' s wiffer.A. how B. whatC. which D. where【解析】D考查表语从句。句意为:一一选家具的时候,你只关注功能而我却更多地考虑它的设计。一一那就是我们不同的地方。根据句意可知应选D, where 在表语从句中作地点状语。6. 【2014河南豫北三校高三下学期联合考试】 is well known to everyoneI should say, is that a man becomes learned by asking questions.A. Who B. It C. As D. What【解析】 D考查名词性从句。句


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