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1、武汉市2017届高中毕业生二月调研测试英语试卷武汉市教育科学研究院命制2017.2.17本试题卷共12页,72题。全卷满分150分。考试用时120分钟。第I卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30分)做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1. What did the man forget to do?A. Pick up milk and eggs for breakfast. B. Get some noodles for dinner. C. Put the garbage downsta

2、irs.2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A presentation. B. An inspiring story. C. An Australian person.3. What will the woman probably do in ten minutes?A. Plan a party. B. Do someone a favor. C. Work on her report.4. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a classroom. B.

3、 In a drugstore. C. At the doctor' s.5. Who might Cathy be?A. Bill ' s friend. B. The history teacher. C. Jill' s roommate. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,?茜分22.5分) 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. When will the present ordered by the man arrive?A. June 3rd. B. June 4th. C. June 5th.7. What will Flora probably give

4、 her mother?A. A scarf.B. A necklace.C. A sweater.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What does the man think of the woman?A. She has a lot of experience.B. She should earn more money. C. She studies too much.9. What will the speakers do in Hong Kong?A. See some famous artworks. B. Create art on the Internet. C. Trav

5、el around by train. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What does the woman probably want to do?A. Eat supper.B. Buy some food.C. Visit a park11. What should the woman do on the second street?A. Turn right.B. Turn left. C. Go straight.12. How does the man help the woman?A. By writing down directions. B. By telling

6、 her to use the app. C. By letting her use his phone. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How long has the man lived in Chicago?A. For two years. B. For one year.C. For half a year.14. Why does Mark have so many friends?A. He is hardworking. B. He is serious. C. He is helpful.15. What does Jessica offer to do for

7、the man?A. Introduce him to her friend John. B. Organize a get-together for him.C. Call her friends to chat with him.16. Where does the man like to meet people?A. At work. B. At parties. C. Online.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Who needs to get at least a B to pass?A. Business students. B. Engineering studen

8、ts.C. Management students.18. What will probably happen if a student misses 10% of the classes?A. They will need to take an exam.B. Their final grade will be lowered 10%.C. They will fail the class automatically.19. What do the students do on Fridays?A. Read the textbook. B. Have discussions. C. Do

9、in-class writings.20. What percentage does essay writing take up in the final score?A. 25%. B. 50%. C. 75%.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、B、C和D )中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ATeacher,Lawyer,Doctor - when someone says “ careeese classic jobs are the first ones you think about

10、, right? We' ve found four uncommon careers with awesome and unusual benefits.Chief Listening OfficerYou may not have heard of a Chief Listening Officer, but they' ve probaoulyCheOrd comelyy ormonitor social platforms and conversations to keep an eye ( and ear !) on what ' s being said a

11、bout their compan brand. Your work enables a fast response to any and all complaints, questions, or misinformation.Why it ' s awesom eThis job is on the rise. As more organizations rely on social media for market research and customer service,the position of CLO will only become more important.F

12、ood StylistMouth - watering restaurant commercials and wasteful magazine photographs of delicious food don' t come easy: it takes the work of a food stylist to make it all happen. Armed with cooking skills,creative style , and tools ranging from lipstick to lard , you get food ready for its phot

13、ograph.Why it' s awesome : This is one of those rare cooking jobs that provide chances to create, but doesn' t require you to slave away in a restaurant kitchen.Global Mobility ConsultantAs a global mobility consultant, you help employees make smooth transitions ( 过渡)into their new homes whe

14、ther it' s in Bangkok, Berlin , or the next state over.Why it' s awesome : If you're the type who enjoys travel and likes learning about other cultures, systems and traditions, this career could be a perfect fit. As companies continue to expand across borders, this position is expected t

15、o grow by 21 percent over the next few years. Computational LinguistComputational Linguists help computers and humans communicate with others. More specifically, you create computer programs that can translate, transcribe, and comprehend regular, human language.Why it' s awesome: This field is t

16、he front line for exciting technological areas like speech recognition and artificial intelligence. In other words, you could help create robots.21. What does a Chief Listening Officer do?A. To do market research.B. To listen to chief officers.C. To respond to customers ' opinions. To track soci

17、al platforms and conversations.22. What is vital if you want to be a food stylist?A. Hard work in a restaurant kitchen.B. Restaurants and delicious food.C. Cooking skills and creativity.D. Commercials and magazines.23. What may contribute to the growing need for global mobility consultants?A. People

18、J s love for travel.B. People ' s interest in other cultures.C. Employees ' desire for great progress. D. Companies ' tendency to expand globally. 24. What are computational linguists good at according to the text?A. Both computers and languages.B. Communicating with others.C. Speech rec

19、ognition.D. Creating robots.BThere ' s a secret spot in Ireland. And the locals don't existstyou to know iI found it by chance. The Irish are world-famous for being a friendly nation and yet you hesitate as you climb to the top of a hill and see a fisherman storing his tools, the dog good-na

20、turedly circling his feet. The camera comes out. The scene is so in line with the postcard Ireland you remember seeing pinned to the wall. Walking closer you drop the camera until you' re close enough to simply watch and listen. The water gently touches his boat. His tools hit the dock (码头), mak

21、ing ringing noises.The dog has discovered you sitting so quietly on the hill and although he' s been playing in the water he knows no sense of politeness and runs toward you only a slight delay in his step as his owner shouts out a command. It slows his progress toward you, but only slightly. Th

22、at dog is about to give you the wettest and hairiest hug you' ve had in weeks.The dog has opened the door to conversation now and as the dog leads you to the fisherman you glance toward the sound of an approaching car, his wife , here to pick him up and transport his catch back into town. The im

23、mediate polite conversations unfold I' m an obvious American and don' t deny it , they' re curious as to why such a healthy and pretty young lady such as myself is wandering the cold hills in such a remote area of Ireland.“Single are ya? Well why in the world are ya traveling by yerself,

24、 you' 11 never meed aman that wathe wife. She' a tough customer and can' u nderstand my answer “because enjoy it, " evidenced by her long-suffering sigh and a muttering ( 喃喃自语) about “young people ”There, s a secret spot in Ireland , and I, m not going to tell you where it is. Igoin

25、g to tml where it isbecause I know there' re other Irish towns out there just like it all laced with joy of simplicity.25. What is the writer ' s identity?A. A detective. B. A traveler.C. A journalist.D. A fisherman.26. Which word best des cribes the wife' s reaction to the author?A. Rud

26、eness. B. Curiosity. C. Envy.D. Worry.27. How does the writer feel about Ireland?A. Full of secrets. B. Not developed.D. A place with beautiful scenery.C. A place with simple joy.CThe end of the school year is in sight Christmas cards, candy canes and of course, end of year reports.While most parent

27、s welcome an assessment of their kids' performance , they do not expect their own input to be evaluated. But a school in the UK is changing that. As well as assessing their students, they are dishing out grades to mums and dads. Parents that are really involved ( 参与)in their kid' s education

28、 are rewarded with an A , and parents that haven' t done their bit get a disappointing D.The school, Greasley Beauvale Primary in Nottinghamshire, uses criteria such as whether mums and dads have attended school events such as plays and parent teacher evenings to decide on the grade. The school

29、' s principal, Donna Chambers, said that the scheme (方案)had been well received.“There were some critics抖匕评者),but my response was 4 well, it can' t do any harm ' . Between 15 peand 20 per cent of parents started out in the lower categories but now that has been reduced to just two per cen

30、t ,“ she explained.Chambers hopes that the scheme will help motivate parental involvement." The system is importantyou have got to get the parents on board from day one. That one hour initial conversation saying they could improve will pay dividen ds for the rest of that child' s academic l

31、ife” , she said.But while the scheme may be well intentioned, it is likely to be connected with parent shaming. There are lots of reasons why some mums and dads might not be involved in school activities such as work commitments, looking after younger children or caring for elderly relatives.And of

32、course , being involved in your kid' s education doesn' t begin and end at school. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes from helping with homework to keeping uniforms freshly laundered. And what about all the parents who stayed up sewing special costumes at the last minute? Surely t

33、hat earns a gold star instead of a grade! 28. What do schools usually do at the end of the school year?A. Evaluating kids ' performances. B. Making Christmas cards.C. Dividing candies.D. Grading parents.29. What does the school ' s principal Chambers say about the scheme?A. It uses criteria

34、to assess kids.B. It has gained much acceptance.C. It gives parents further education.D. It improves kids ' motivation for learning.30. What does the underlined part“ pay dividends Para. 5) probably mean?A. Hold shares. B. Earn profits.C. Sacrifice health. D. Produce advantages.31. What does the

35、 author think of parents5 being involved in kids' education?A. It adds to parents ' burden.B. It brings shame to parents.C. It means far more than being graded.D. It increases parents ' commitment to education.DIn Switzerland, the land of watches, trains really do run like clockwork., th

36、dftram 30 seconds lat(gone, " said Michelle Kranz, who commutes (通勤)daily into Lucerne, where she works for the tourist board.Step across the border, and you' re in a different universe. Italy has two rail schedutese printed in thebrochure and another, flashing updates, on a board in the st

37、ation. The first may be a fantasy ; the second, reality. Next to posted departures,a Invariably you see the word' rjtardatsa iddeidyeSteves who writesguidebooks and runs a tour company called Europe Through the Back Door in Edmonds, Wash.Your time or my time? When traveling, you' re in their

38、 time. And that can affect almost: everychingtrains and buses, shopping, getting a meal and making appointments.Knowing a little about the culture can prevent much of t he frustration. " It' s important to go with the flow Steves said. "If you go to a restaurant in Spain at 7 :pthmt &#

39、39; s bad news. The staff is eating then." Try goin9 p.m., as the Spaniards do. For the Swiss, the earlier the better, say 6 p. m. ; after 10, a tourist hoping for a hot meal in Switzerland just might go hungry.However, in some Latin American nations, hours and minutes seem hardly to matter. In

40、 Mexico , guests invited to a 6 p. m. social dinner think nothing of showing up two or three hours later, said Terri Morrison, who is updating a 1995 guide she co wrote called , “ Kiss Bow or Shake Hands : How to Do Business in More Than Sixty Countries , " for release next year. In fact it'

41、; s wise to arrive at least an hour late for dinner in Mexico City , Morrison said , to avoid embarrassing an unprepared host.There are many theories as to why time doesn' t fly at the same speed around the globe. Climate, economics and culture may play a role.32. Which country does best in punc

42、tuality?A. Switzerland.B. Italy. C. Spain.D. Mexico.33. What can be learned about Italian train services?A. They change schedules twice a day.C. They usually arrive on time.34. What do the Mexican think of time?B. They have no fixed schedules.D. They often delay.A. It means money.C. It is embarrassi

43、ng to be late.35. What does the text mainly talk about?A. Punctuality is a special virtue.B. It is not important at all.D. It is not enough for writers.B. The Swiss appreciate tight schedule.C. Some cultures are more punctual than others. D. A small amount of lateness is acceptable.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分

44、10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。The Final Way to Get Cheap Hotel Rooms Does it seem like hotel costs just go up and up? It' s true that they rise each year, sometimes significantly. When determining which hotel has the best deal , you don' t just want to look at the nightly rate

45、 anymore. 36 Here are some tips to help you make the best decision. Look for extras.Common extras that can save you lots are free breakfast, free Wi-Fi and kids eat free. All those bowls of fruit and free coffee and tea in reception are also included in your room rate , so take advantage of them dur

46、ing your stay. 37Not only can you get points for each stay that you can then use on free nights in the future , but rewards members also get informed of exclusive (独享的) deals that can save you a ton. Stay in hotels right outside the city center.If the costs for transportation won' t make up the

47、difference , you' d be paying on a closer location. 38 Ask for a corner room.Though this won' t technically save you any money, comer rooms are usually a bit larger than regular rooms, which give you a better deal for your money. 39Avoid the weekend.40 In some cases, it can be as much as thr

48、ee times more than Sunday through Thursday nights.A. Be a rewards member.B. Collect as many points as you can.C. You can frequently get a fantastic deal this way.D. Surely you don ' t want to spend more thaneed to.E. Once you check in, ask if one of these rooms is available.F. There are so many

49、other factors to consider to help you save money.G. Hotels in popular destinations regularly raise their rates on Fridays and Saturdays.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项( A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。In 1994 I was in the midst of a depression ( 抑有B症).When

50、 I was depressed, I 41One day I was clearingup the rooms and found a CD covered with 42 I wiped it off, put it in the 43 and started washing dishes. A man' s voice, reading poetry _44 my house.The sound of the speaker ' s voice and the words of the poems reached something deep inside me. I s

51、topped and 45 I began to take poems into my 46, not simply reading them, but developing rich relationships with the 47 I learned many by heart. They became my therapy (治疗)and 48 Those poems made me wiser and healthier.49 , in the fall of 2008 , poetry 50 me in a way I had never expected. I had put a

52、ll my 51 in a small, local fund (基金).Two months later , the leader of the fund left me a message :" The financial crisis 52 our fundparticularly hard. We' ve lost everything.”I stood there, 53Suddenly I heard a poem ,54 , called Kindness in my mind. It felt like the poem had been written fo

53、r me55, for this exact moment , like the perfect helper 56 on the scene at the instant of an accident. Kindnessbecame my 57 I read it before going to bed , and at breakfast every morning. It reminded me that this was not a 58, but a path to sympathy, and I was not walking alone. Even now, I 59 Kindn

54、ess several times a week to carry me 60 the heart of what really matters to me.41. A. ranB. sleptC. cleanedD.sang42. A. dustB. paperC. clothesD. bedding43. A. drawerB. playerC. washerD. fridge44. A. sweptB. occupiedC. decoratedD. filled45. A. weptB. leftC. laughedD. listened46. A. homeB. lifeC. clas

55、sD. mind47. A. tunesB. rhymesC. wordsD. CDs48. A. medicineB. foodC. assistanceD. attention49. A. StillB. YetC. ThenD. Soon50. A. surprisedB. impressedC. warnedD. rescued51. A. faithB. savingsC. hopeD. expenses52. A. hitB. blewC. pushedD. pressed53. A. fearlessB. thanklessC. breathlessD. defenceless5

56、4. A. by coincidenceB. out of nowhereC. in the distanceD. by accident55. A. immediatelyB. sincerelyC. casuallyD. personally56. A. readingB. arrivingC. walkingD. escaping57. A. homeworkB. religionC. prayerD. memory58. A. mistakeB. lessonC. comfortD. tragedy59. A. reach forB. dream ofC. refer toD. mee

57、t with60. A. forB. withC. offD. into第n卷第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,菌分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。My Travel Experience in China During the summer holidays I visited a variety of regions in China.My first stop was Beijing and of course the Great Wall. Without question it lived

58、up to my 61( expect).After a long journey I reached Yunnan, With 62(it) minority villages and impressive landscapes,Yunnan had a lot to offer. One of my 63( enjoy) moments in Yunnan was during my visit to The TigerLeaping Gorge. The climb over the gorge was at times exhausting 64 always breathtaking. The viewscouldn 't_65(imagine) in their beauty and they 66(leave) me with many greatmemories.After taking a boat from the mainland I arrived at 67 island province of Hainan. There I visited Baihua Waterfall. Floating on a pool of wate


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