



1、2012 年 10 月真题SECTION 1Time -25 minutesPrompt 1Think carefully about the issue presented in the followingexcerpt and the assignment below.The idea of caring about only the people of ones own countryseems outdated. Some people still defend this attitude, claimingthat if we are going to expend resource

2、s to help people, we shouldhelp those of our own country first. But national boundaries aremeaningless lines that shift over time. There is no reason why acitizen of one country should not feel just as responsible for thewell-being of people in other countries as for the well-being of thosein his or

3、 her own country.Assignment: Should we care just as much about people inother countries as we do about people in our own country? Plan andwrite an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue.Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from yourreading, studies, experience

4、, or observations.Prompt 2Think carefully about the issue presented in the followingexcerpt and the assignment below.Some say that high achieverspeople who reach theirambitious goals because of their determination and skillsalwaysget ahead at the expense of others. When one political candidateis ele

5、cted, others are defeated; when someone wins in any kind ofcompetitive event, others lose. But this view of achievers is toonegative. By improving the world around them and providing anexample for all to follow, achievers benefit others as well asthemselves.Assignment: Do the actions of high achieve

6、rs benefit all people?Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view onthis issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples takenfrom your reading, studies, experience, or observations.Prompt 3Think carefully about the issue presented in the followingexcerpt and the assignm

7、ent below.People tend to consider the past unimportant. After all, whywaste time dwelling on what has already happened? There is no wayto go back and change events or their outcomes. But this way ofthinking is wrong. People are too focused on the present; they shouldpay more and closer attention to

8、past events. The lessons learnedfrom examining the past are much more valuable than any lessonsthat people can learn from the present.Assignment: Do people learn more from examining events in thepast than from focusing only on the present? Plan and write an essayin which you develop your point of vi

9、ew on this issue. Support yourposition with reasoning and examples taken from your reading,studies, experience, or observations.Prompt 4Studies of creativity often focus primarily on writers, artists,composers, and scientists. Political leaders are not usuallyconsidered to be very creative. Indeed,

10、it is sometimes said that it isa good thing that leaders in general are not very creative, since anexcess of creativity, especially in leaders who have to enforce rules,would only lead to trouble. Yet surely some degree of creativityis desirable in all walks of life.Adapted from Thomas G. West, In t

11、he Minds EyeAssignment: Do all people need to be creative? Plan and write anessay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Supportyour position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading,studies, experience, or observations.SECTION 4Time -25 minutes35 Questions1. William Dalry

12、mples book is not only a gripping tale ofpoliticsand power and also evidence of the complexity of cross-culturalrelation ships.(A)and also(B)but also(C)as well as(D)in addition(E)and2. Walking out of the theater, it was agreed by my sister and me thatthe movie was vastly overrated(A)it was agreed by

13、 my sister and me(B)it was agreed by my sister and I(C)my sister and me, we agreed(D)my sister and me agreed(E)my sister and I agreed3.When packing for a trip you should follow the advice offered inmany magazine articles: choose wrinkle- free clothing in blackand in neutral colors.(A)you should foll

14、ow the advice offered in manymagazine articles(B)you would follow the advice offered from many magazinearticle(C)follow the advice with many magazine articles(D)the advice in many magazine articles is offered and one shouldfollow it(E)many magazine articles would offer advice to be followed4.Home fu

15、el cells, already avail able in Japan, which is a compact,pollution-free device that produce electricity at a fraction of theregular cost.(A)which is a compact, pollution-free device(B)a compact, pollution-free device(C)these devices are compact, pollution-free.(D)is a compact, pollution-free device

16、(E)are compact, pollution-free devices5.Because writers in colonial America had to pay their ownprinting costs, authorship was largely a profession with thosewho were relatively wealthy.(A)authorship was largely a profession with those who were(B)authorship was largely a profession of the(C)authorsh

17、ip, largely a profession of the(D)authorship having largely been a profession for those whowere(E)therefore authorship was largely a profession for the6.The program is one of many projects included in the ambitiousCopenhagen Climate Plan, it aims to make the Danish capitalcarbon neutral by 2025.(A)i

18、t aims(B)its aim is(C)where they aim(D)which aims(E)which is aimed7.In a Zen rock garden, stones are positioned to represent islands,and the sounding gravel is raked to form patterns that suggestsocean waves.(A)patterns that suggests(B)patters suggesting(C)patterns, they suggest(D)patters; which sug

19、gest(E)patterns; this suggesting8. Until relatively recently humans were thought to be uniquelyself-aware, scientists now know that most chimpanzees andorangutans can recognize their own reflections.(A)scientists now know(B)but scientists now know(C)but scientists who now know(D)however, scientists

20、now know(E)but with scientists now knowing9.Evidence of the prehistoric hunter-gatherers who onceoccupied the Grand Canyon includes animal figurines made out ofsplit and woven twigs as well as rock-art panels and stone tools.(A)who once occupied the Grand Canyon includes(B)that once occupied the Gra

21、nd Canyon include(C)when they occupied the Grand Canyon include(D)once occupying the Grand Canyon including(E)who at one time occupied the Grand Canyon including10.After scheduling it for demolition, the hundred-year- oldbuilding was instead moved to a new location.(A)After scheduling it for demolit

22、ion, the hundred- year-oldbuilding was instead moved(B)After scheduling the hundred-year-old building for demolition,it was instead moved(C)After being scheduled for demolition, they instead moved thehundred-year-old building(D)Having been scheduled for demolition, they instead moved thehundred-year

23、-old building(E)Having been scheduled for demolition, the hundred-year-old-building was instead moved11. Because Earths gravity is greater than the Moons, theenergy expended in traveling from Earth to the Moon is greaterthan the opposite direction.(A)the oppositeB)traveling in the opposite(C)if one

24、travels in the opposite(D)that of traveling in the opposite(E)that expended in traveling in the opposite12.A passion fruit, which is (A) about the size(B) of an egg, has(C)a brittle outer shell that became(D) slightly wrinkled when the fruit isripe. No error (E)13.Across the street (A) from the new

25、bookstore and coffee shopwere (B) an old, dilapidated playground whose(C) broken equipmentand overgrown weeds attested to long neglect (D). No error (E)14.Because perspiration does not (A) evaporate efficient (B) athigh humidity, humid air often feels warmer(C) to us(D) than woulddry air at the same

26、 temperature. No error (E)15.Hull House was founded by(A) Jane Addams as a communityproject in which(B) people of the neighborhood joined trainedsocial workers to provide(C) day care, schooling, meals and theyoffer many(D) other services. No error (E)16.Although Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit was far fro

27、m being(A) theonly(B) eighteenth-century scientist to propose(C) a temperaturescale, but his(D) was one of the few that were widely used. No error(E)17.Often used interchangeable (A) in recipes, the nectarine andthe peach share (B) many characteristics, but the skin of a nectarineis smoother(C) than

28、 that of a peach (D). No error (E)18.Speed-reading was once promoted mainly (A) to people whowere eager (B) to catch up on recreational reading, but now themethod appeals to(C) busy executives coping about (D) informationoverload. No error (E)19.Like former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher,

29、who(A) studied chemistry in college. German chancellor Angela Merkelwas initially (B) drawn to(C) the sciences, earning (D) a doctorate inphysics before entering politics. No error (E)(B)When the first department stores opened in the latenineteenth century, they (A) were cavernous, no-frills storero

30、omsthat stock(B) a hodgepodge of items previously available(C) onlyfrom(D) specialty merchants. No error (E)(C)Although the author has presented (A) her book to hepublisher as a (B) fact -based memoir, she later confessed that ithad been entirely(C) fabricated (D). No error (E)(D)Because oysters eat

31、 by filtering (A) nutrients through their gills,their health is affected by(B) the quality of the water passing(C)through it(D). No error (E)(E)All morning long (A) my friend and 1 waited patiently (B) inthe courtroom to hear(C) whether we would be selected as a juror (D)in the upcoming trial. No er

32、ror (E)(C)Researchers recognize that(A) the cuttlefish has anextraordinary ability(B) to camouflage itself, but they(C) have onlya rough understanding of how(D) it does so. No error (E)(D)The plunging cost of genome-sequencing technologies are (A)expected to give people unprecedented (B) opportuniti

33、es toexamine(C) their own (D) genetic profiles. No error (E)(E)It was not until 1982, the year two major supermarket chainsbegan(A) replacing paper bags with(B) plastic ones, when(C) the useof plastic shopping bags became(D) widespread. No error(E)(F)Because (A) the high-altitude regions where it li

34、ves (B) have(C)cold temperature, dry soil, and growing seasons are short (D), thebristlecone pine grows very slowly. No error (E)(G)Country-and- western musicians, who (A) in the past werethought to lack (B) market consciousnesses, are(C) now seen as oneof (D) the most commercially savvy performers

35、in show business. Noerror (E)(H)New Jerseys Atlantic City still uses wooden planks for their(A)boardwalk, even though(B) other towns have begun using(C) plasticplanks, which last far longer(D). No error(E)Questions 30-35 refer to the following passage.(1)In 1902 an engineer named Willis Carrier desi

36、gned anair-cooling system for a Brooklyn printing company. (2) Little didCarrier suspect that his Apparatus for Treating Air , the firstmodern air conditioner, had changed the way people in theUnited States worked and lived.35.At first, they used such devices exclusively in privateindustry. (4)Their

37、 ability to cool indoor environments improvedworker productivity and protected products as various as chocolate,film and leather from heat damage. (5) Likewise, starting in the1920s, air-conditioning increasingly appeared in public settings most dramatically in the modern movie house, which it trans

38、formed.(6) Before air-conditioning , theater owners typically lost money inthe summer, when the heat and poor ventilation made theatersunappealing. (7) In 1925 Carrier persuaded Adolph Zukor ofParamount Pictures to install air-conditioning in the Rivoli Theaterin Manhattan. (8) The experiment was an

39、 enormous success. (9)Crowds flocked to the Rivoli. (10) Over the next five years, morethan 300 movie theaters in the United States would follow theRivolis example.(A) Movie theaters were just the beginning. (12) Theintroduction of air-conditioning into public areas, such as stores andrestaurants no

40、t only made those areas more comfortable but alsocreated a demand for the same level of comfort in the home. (13) Asthe cost of the new technology came down, air-conditioned housesbecame a fixture of modern American life. (14) For example,porches became less common as the need to take advantage ofbr

41、eezes disappeared, a trend that prompted some social critics tovoice concerns about the loss of contact with nature and neighbors.(D) Still, Zukor was right when he said of air-conditioning. Thepeople are going to like it.30. Where in the passage would the following sentence best beplaced?Air-condit

42、ioning even altered the way those houses were designed.(E)Immediately before sentence 3(F)Immediately before sentence 6(G)Immediately before sentence 9(H)Immediately before sentence 12(I)Immediately before sentence 141.In context which of the following revisions to sentence 2(reproduced below) is mo

43、st needed?Little did Carrier suspect that his Apparatus for Treating Air. thefirst modern air conditioner had changed the way people in theUnited States worked and lived.(A)Change Little did Carrier suspect to Carrier did not suspect(B)Change his to this(C)Insert which was before the first modern ai

44、r conditioner(%2) Change had changed to would change (E)Change people to individuals(A) In context, which is the best way to revise and combine theunderlined portion of sentences 3 and 4(reproduced below)?At first, they used such devices exclusively in private industry. Theirability to cool indoor e

45、nvironments improved worker productivityand protected products as various as chocolate, film and leatherfrom heat damage.1they used such devices exclusively in private industry, andtheir2they used Carrier s device exclusively in privatetry,indusasits3these devices were used exclusively in privateind

46、ustry because their(%2) when these devices were used exclusively in private industry,their(%2) Carrier s device was used exclusively in private industry,where its3.In context, which of the following expressions would best beinserted at the beginning of sentence 7(reproduced below)?In 1925 Carrier pe

47、rsuaded Adolph Zukor of Paramount Picturesto install air-conditioning in the Rivoli Theater in Manhattan.(%2) Nevertheless(%2) Similarly(%2) More importantly(%2) Rejecting this argument(%2) Responding to this problem1In context, which revision of the underlined portion of sentence9(reproduced below)

48、 adds information that is most relevant?Crowds flocked to the Rivoli.(A)Rivoli, eager to be present at the theater idely advertised wreopening(%2) Rivoli, which was named after a famous street in Paris6.Rivoli, as much to escape the heat as to see the movies7.Rivoli, which was a Greek Revival buildi

49、ng designed byThomas W. Lamb8.Rivoli, which previously had not had air-conditioning(%2)Which sentence is best placed after sentence 15 to concludethe passage?8.The price of air-conditioning units, however, has held steady,even though they are now globally produced.9.Of course, the popularity of some

50、thing is no guarantee thatits creator will benefit financially from it.10.Nowadays, air-conditioning is so common in the United Statesthat most people don t give it a second thought except when itnot working.(%2) Zukor himself progressed from exhibiting movies to producingthem, eventually becoming t

51、he head of the Paramount PicturesCorporation.9.On the contrary, air-conditioning id sure to be supplantedby more efficient cooling systems that have less of an impact onthe environment.SECTION 5Time -25 minutes23 QuestionsAJohn Hope Franklin s From Slavery to Freedom was -book because it permanently

52、 altered how United States historywas studied.(A)an influential(B)a comfortable(C)a plodding(D)a confusing(E)an outrageousBStudents already confused by difficult college-admissionprocedures will be further- by the universityonline process. s complex new(A)cheered(B)frustrated(C)encouraged(D)fascinat

53、edB.soothed(A) Cherokee women traditionally exercised-authority: theymanaged agriculture, determined clan membership, andwielded considerable economic power.(A)extensive(A)temporary(A)limited(A)passive(A)unjust(B) The-that met the novella upon publication was so-itsmodest achievement that even the a

54、uthor wondered whether theresponse was truly deserved.(B)indifference.inconsistent with(B)mensurate with(B)exaltation.essential to(B)incredulity.indicative of(B)acclamation.disproportionate to(C) The participants in the study considered themselves-, butin yielding to the wishes of the group, they we

55、re assuming-values(22)autonomous.collective(22)expedient.egotistical(22)munal(22)munificent.narcissistic(22)egalitarian.reciprocal3.Basset hounds tend to be-breed of dog: most are noteasily aroused into action.(3)a perspicacious(3)a phlegmatic(3)an estimable(3)an overbearing(3)a resolute4.Mary Somer

56、ville s career was that of a-true: she wrote onastronomy, mathematics, physics, and geography, among othersubjects.(4)philistine(4)amateur(4)charlatan(4)polymath(4)ideologue(E) Eager to appear sophisticated and learned, Vincent cultivated apersona that was both-and-.E.benevolent.pedanticE.morose.gre

57、gariousE.cosmopolitan.cavalierE.urbane.eruditeE.mordant.unequivocalQuestions 9-12 are based on the following passages.Passage 1Since long before the invention of university programs increative writing, authors have mastered their craft in four main ways-first, by paying a certain sort of attention t

58、o the experience of life aswell as merely undergoing it; second by paying a certain sort ofattention to the works of their great and less great predecessors inthe medium of written language. as well as merely reading them;third by practicing that medium themselves; and fourth, by offeringtheir appre

59、ntice work for discussion and criticism by theirimpassioned peers, or by some more experienced hand, or by both.None of this, obviously, implies a degree-granting program increative writing.Passage 2Can creative writing be taught? The answer I give to people isthat a workshop can be useful. A good t

60、eacher can show you how toedit your work. The right class can encourage you and form the basisof a community that will help and sustain you. But the creative writingclassroom, as helpful as it was to me, is not where I learnedto write. Like most maybe allwriters , I learned to write bywriting and ,


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