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1、Unit 5At staff room1. What day is it? Who found the office door unlocked over the weekend, and when? Who was thought to be responsible? What might be the consequence he has to face, and why does it have to be so serious a penalty?Its Monday.Johnson found the office door unlocked over the weekend whe

2、n he came in earlier this morning.Look(音是这个,但我不知这个名字怎么拼 was thought to responsible. He might be fired because of this.Because he has messed up some phone messages and he has come late a few times.2. Why is Steve certain that it was him rather than anyone else who is to blame for the whole thing? If

3、you were Steve, what would you do and why? If you were Steves boss, what would you think of Steve and what would be your decision and why?First of all, Look definitely left before he did because he stayed a little late on Friday to finish some work. Second he recalled that he was worried about being

4、 late for the date which he almost forgot, so he left in a hurry. He didnt even think about locking the door.If I were Steve, I would do the same. On one hand, if I dont tellthe truth, someone innocent maybe punished on my account. On the other hand, if they finally find out that it was me other tha

5、n some one else, the result will only be worse. As it says, the truth will go on. So I choose to be honest.I will think of Steve as the kind of person you can trust. Because he honestly told the truth knowing that he might be fired.Maybe Ill only cut down his wages instead of some serious penalty to

6、 let him learn the lessons and be more careful in the future.Panel discussion: a drop in values?1. Are people on the panel in agreement that there is a drop in values? What does each speaker say to support that view?Tom doesnt think the human nature has changed a lot. He thinks that most people stil

7、l have essential moral values. But when people are face with situations where they could lose something or have something tremendous to gain by being honest, the human nature is tend to fudge the truth a little. Also when he was in school he lived in a town where that everybody was very friendly. Th

8、ey can trust each other. They never locked their house.Linda dont say her opinions directly. But we can learn from her words that she doesnt agree. But there are still time when you prefer not to tell the whole truth. She thinks its important for someone to come out and say maybe what other people d

9、ont want to hear or to say somethingthat is against the concept of the office and present a new point of view.Adrain agrees. Because about 3.5 years ago, a stranger who had found his lost credit card returned it to him without hesitation.2. To what extent do you agree on the view “human nature tends

10、 to fudge the truth a little bit when it is beneficial to do so”? Do you think it is part of human nature to be tolerated or discouraged, and is it possible to discourage it? Why and how? (at least 150 wordsI think the view “human nature tends to fudge the truth a little bit when it is beneficial to

11、 do so” does make sense. We have to admit we cant find a person who is always telling the truth. There can be kinds of reasons, either good or bad. For example, you may say “well done” to your partner while actually he does have made a lot of mistakes. But you try not to discourage him. It explains

12、a lot. Sometimes we have to fudge it a little in order not to hurt his self respect. So I think its part of human nature to be tolerated. In some occasions the truth hurts and can be very hard to accept. But we cant do like this every time regarding of the results. Maybe only by telling the truth ca

13、n we help him realize his own problem and correct it. So use it properly.Unit 6Time traveler1. What was the guy doing when he suddenly found himself in a completely different world? What are some of the cultural shocks hesexperienced in this world?He was giving his wife a red boa for her birthday.Fi

14、rst, he has a problem communicating with them because there are many words that he has never heard before such as an ID card, drivers license, a credit card an ATM card and something like t hat. Whats more even the restroom and the bathroom have different meanings. He thinks a hot dog as a real dog.

15、 Of course, he has never seena cellphone because he was form the 1900s.2. Some science fictions on time travel are mainly about cultural shocks. Can you conceive of a time traveler of our time going back to 1960s or even earlier, or vice versa? What would be some of the cultural shocks the traveler

16、would encounter? Make a list of them or conceive a conversation as the traveler first sets foot in the different world.(1He might be shocked that women and men seldom talk to each other unless theyre married.(2A mother can give birth to 10 babies or even more.(3Learned people are not as welcomed as

17、today. People are encouraged to go to the fields.(4Many people go to the countryside while people of our ages are making every effort to live in the city.Panel discussion: cultural shock or feeling of going back home?1. Tom went to Japan back in the 70s, yet felt like being home, with noexperiences

18、of cultural shocks. Does Tom explain why? What do you think may be an explanation for this? What does Peter think is a shame for tourists? Why?No.He said that he felt familiar and felt like at home. The reason might be that he had learned a lot about the Japanese culture before he went there. Perhap

19、s he had seen many videos or read some books related to Japan.Peter thinks it is a shame for tourists that when they go abroad, they just stayed in a restrict instead of going out or venturing out to experience the customs and the traditions of the people who live there.He thinks that in such a big

20、world we have l lot of things to learn. So we shouldnt just lie in the swimming pool.2. What would you anticipate being in a different culture? Would it be a smooth transition or a difficult one? Does knowing the local language help? Would it make any difference if you were a visitor or someone inte

21、nding for a much longer stay? What do you think could help to make the transition easier? (at least 150 wordsIf I were in a different culture, I could be totally freaked out because people can do things in a contrary way. Maybe I even dont know which way to go.I guess it will be a very difficult tra

22、nsition for Im the kind of person whohas a big problem getting used to the changes. Knowing the language helps a lot. It can be so different for a visitor and a person intending for a much longer stay. Visitors dont contact with the natives as much as the longer To make the transition easier, you ne

23、ed to be fully prepared. You can take a language class if only to make sure that the local people can understand you when you are asking for help. You should also learn the customs there in case you make cultural mistakes and give them a wrong message that you do not respect them. Unit 8 Describing

24、a persons qualities 1. What do the co-workers say about Mildred in their gossip? What words does Lisa use to refer to Ramona, who rejects to be part of the gossip? They say that Mildred is one of those people who never gets the joke. She is out of it. She is cheap to spend money on clothes. So they

25、think she always dresses strangely. She calls Ramona Miss goodie-goodie.(这个词也是光听出音来 了,具体咋拼清楚,意思就是说这个女的充当老好人。 Ramona rejects to be part of the gossip. 2. Do you happen to know of a weird person and can you try to describe her or him without being mean to her or him? Yeah. He is the kind of person alw

26、ays telling the truth without having a second thought of other peoples feelings. Maybe I would describe him like this. Some times his words may hurts but he is just trying to tell the truth. Technically he doesnt do anything wrong. He sticks to the rules. Panel discussion: good deeds 1. What charita

27、ble organization has Peter been involved in? Why? Have any of the guests been on the receiving end of charitable deeds? What was it? Peter has been involved in a neighborhood community. They do some cleaning ups, or something to help the hungers, things like that. Neighbors help neighbors. Because h

28、e is a firm believer in giving back to the community that can provide a lot of convenience to our daily life. He thinks its important to give back so that other people can benefit also. Also its close to home. Yes. Peter has been on the receiving end of charitable deeds. When he was young, his famil

29、y was poor. An older teenager in his neighborhood always took him to movies or to baseball games which had enriched his life. Although he wasnt a member of Peters family, he regarded him as a younger brother. 2. Whats your view on neighbors and neighborhood? Granted that neighbors are no longer “part of your property” as they were before, esp. in the city, but will organized community services somehow do good to everyone involved, the ones on


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