1、段落翻译部分答案2001年4月Section A (L7 p73)尼罗河一直延伸到一千八百英里,尼罗河像一条细细的蓝色丝带,缓缓流向北方,沿途穿过棕色的土地和绿色的田野,这田地窄的不过几码,宽的则赶得上美国依阿华州的玉米地.田地外边是寸草不生的沙漠,有的地方像是突然隆起的小山,有的地方则平平地伸向地平线.我感到好像是在开车穿过一个狭长的农场.大小村镇一般都坐落于田地的边上,这是为了不浪费耕地,也是在高坝控制尼罗河以前,为了躲避历年的洪水,而有必要住得远一点.公路是随着尼罗河修筑的, 有时穿过庄稼地,有时像是划过的一条黑线,一边是庄稼,一边是沙漠.Section B Although I lov
2、e reading books, I take little care of them. When I am reading, I often mark out what I think are important in a book. In some books, I draw the small circles as making with a writing brush. I use a red pencil to draw the heavy underlines. Consequently, the books I have read are rarely clean.2002年4月
3、46.植物油自古以来就为人们所熟悉。任何家庭都离不开它,因为做饭的时候就要用它。有些花儿产生的油可以用来制造香水。植物油和动物油还可以用来制作肥皂。 两个金属面相擦,就要产生摩擦和热;但如果在它们之间抹上薄薄的一层油,就可以减少摩擦,降低热度。任何机械如果不使用一定的润滑剂,就不能持续工作。润滑油浓度必须适当,太稀则起不到应有的润滑作用,太稠则流不到所有需要润滑的零件。47.Revolution means the emancipation of the productive forces, and so does reform. The overthrow of the reactionar
4、y rule of imperialism , feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism helped release the productive forces of the Chinese people. This was revolution, so revolution means the emancipation of the productive forces.2002年7月Section A (L23 P263)46. 我们正处在两条道路的分岔口。但是并不像我们所熟悉的罗伯特.弗洛斯特诗中所说的,这两条道路是同样的好。我们一直在走的这条路表面上很好走
5、,是一条平坦的超级公路,我们可以高速前进,但是走到尽头却要遇到灾难。另外一条路,是一条“走得不多”得路,它为我们提供最后得出路,也是唯一的出路,以确保我们达到保护地球的目的。除了用化学方法控制昆虫以外,还有其他各种非常奇妙的方法可以利用。这些方法已在使用,而且取得了显著的效果;有的还处于试验阶段。在这些新方法中有一些最为神奇,如设法利用昆虫本身的力量来对付它自己。Section B47. The flag of Peoples Republic of China and of Hong Kong Special Administration have risen solemnly in Hon
6、g Kong. At this time, Hong Kong attracts the eyes from peoples of the world. According to the Joint Statement on the issues of Hong Kong made by Chinese government and British government, the two governments have taken the hang-over ceremony on time, announcing that Chinese government has restored t
7、he sovereignty of Hong Kong. Then the Hong Kong Special Administration of China is established. This is the great moment for Chinese people and the success of the cause of world peace and justice. This day, May, 1, 2007, will be memorized by history forever. Hong Kongs returning to her motherland af
8、ter experiencing hardships for more than 100 years proves that Hong Kong people are the real masters of the Land. Hong Kong has come into a new era of development.2003年4月Section A(L14 p145) 谈到健康问题,我就没有什么可说的了,因为我没怎么生过病。我想吃什么就吃什么,想喝什么就喝什么,眼睛睁不开了就睡觉,从来不为对身体有益而搞什么活动,然而实际上我喜欢做的事大都是有助于增进身体健康的。从心理方面来说,到了老年
9、,有两种危险倾向需要注意防止。一是过分地怀念过去。老想着过去,总觉得过去怎么好怎么好,或者总是为已故的朋友而忧伤,这是不妥的。一个人应当考虑未来,考虑一些可以有所作为的事情。Section BSeveral years ago, after I finished reading Leo Tolstoys Resurrection with tears in my eyes, I wrote on its title page, “Life itself is a tragedy.” However, that is not how things are, for life is not a t
10、ragedy, but a “struggle”. What do we live for? Or why do we live this life at all? The answer given by Romain Roland is “to conquer life”. I think he is right. (by Ba Jin)2003年7月46. 艾勒为什么要跑去救那个孩子呢?我为什么没有阻拦,反而支持他去呢?我认为,拯救危难之中的儿童是人最大的本能。看一看那孩子的脸,那脸上恐惧和绝望的表情,听一听他那呼救的声音,我们固有的对孩子的爱就为我们拿定了主意。艾勒立刻跑过桥去,跳过栏杆
11、,跑到了水边。他在岸上安全的地方够不着那个孩子,于是就迈步往水里走去。到了水里,他大惊失色,因为河水把他也卷了进去,使他无法很快完成自己的使命。从他的表情可以看出,他的处境,就连他那样身体强壮、动作灵敏的人也是难以应付的。孩子就在艾勒前面不远的地方,但他总是够不着。孩子就像一座小小的灯塔,引导艾勒走向死亡之门。47. Peoples sphere of action has experienced from land to sea, from sea to the atmosphere, and from the atmosphere to the outer space. The Space
12、 Technology, coming out from the 1950s, made the human exploration of outer space activities into a new era. After nearly 50 years fast development, people have made great achievements in the space activities. All this has promoted the development of productivity and our society, and has had a signi
13、ficant and far-reaching impact on us. Among the high technologies, the Space Technology has become one of the most important technologies for the society. All the countries in the world are now taking developing and using space technology as the most important tasks for the cause of modernization.20
14、04年 4 月Section A (L21 p232)我们现在仍处于产业革命之中,这样最好,因为我们在此过程中还有许多东西需要加以纠正。但产业革命已使我们这个世界变得更富,更小,而且第一次成为我们的世界。我说的就是字面上的意思:我们的世界,大家的世界。产业革命最初以水为动力,从那是起,它对于破坏其生活、断绝其生计的人们来说,是极其残酷的。革命就是这样这是革命的本性,因为革命的本义就是要快速前进,而革命的对象是跟不上它的步伐的。既然我们仍处于产业革命之中,就难以看出它的影响,但将来人们回顾这段历史时,会说它是人类进程中跨出的一步,一大步,和文艺复兴具有同样大的力量。文艺复兴确立了人的尊严,产业革
15、命则确立了大自然的统一。Section BMy family was hard up, with Father a peddler, Mother a housewife, and so many children to feed. At thirteen, as the eldest child, I acted to help support the family.Each morning when I went out to practice singing in the open air, I took a little basket to scrounging for cinders
16、 for stove. Even when scrounging for cinders you had to have your wits about you and shift from place to place to avoid those mischievous boys who banded together to collect cinders too.2004年7月46. 人们学习心理学的一个原因是它可以对处理自己孩子的问题有所帮助。或许当你让你女儿睡觉时她会拒绝,而且在你关灯时她还会哭着说不想睡觉。这时一点点心理学知识就可以派上用场了。给她两个选择,要不和你一起在7点半睡觉
17、,要不就到楼上玩到8点。因为这是她自己选择的,她才会感觉没有那么无助,所以不会反抗。心理学在奖励孩子方面也很适用。比如,你10岁的孩子自己整理床,你可以给他说他整理的床很整洁,你很高兴,而且为他能自己做这个感到非常自豪,而不要说你是个好孩子。这本心理学的书将告诉你赞扬一个孩子是好孩子没有赞扬他做得很好那么有效果。47. I wish to thank President Rudenstine for inviting me to this old ye modern institution of the United States in this golden fall. Since its
18、founding some 360 years ago, Harvard has nurtured a great number of outstanding statesmen, scientists, writers and businessmen, including six of the American Presidents and over thirty Nobel Prize winners. The fact that Harvard was founded before the United States of American testifies to its positi
19、on in the American history.2005年4月Section A (L24 p284)美国的制造商当前可能最喜欢拿中国作出气筒。但在发展中国家里,中国却日益成为首选的贸易伙伴。中国从巴西进口飞机,从阿根廷进口大豆,从马来西亚进口海鲜,一方面促进各国经济的发展,一方面形成新的政治联盟。中国这个世界上人口最多的国家,胃口越来越大,成了南美洲喝亚洲发展中经济体的新财源。哈佛大学经济学教授肯尼思.罗戈夫说道,“中国从发展中国家不断扩大进口,尤其是商品进口,这不仅促进了从巴西到非洲各国的发展,而且在改变着国际贸易关系的格局。”发达国家也把越来越多的货物销往中国。据国际货币基金组织称
20、,中国2003年国内生产总值估计为1.334万亿元,中国的经济在全世界占第六位。Section B As a major developing country with a long coastline, China attaches great importance to marine development and protection, and take it as the states development strategy. It is constantly strengthening comprehensive marine management, steadily improv
21、ing its marine laws, and actively developing science, technology and education pertaining to the oceans. China has made positive contributions to international ocean development and protection by participating positively in UN marine affairs, promoting country-to-country and regional cooperation and
22、 conscientiously carrying out its obligations in this field.The year 1998 has been designated by the United Nations as the International Ocean Year, and on this occasion the Chinese Government would like to introduce the progress of Chinas work in this particular field to the world. 2005年7月46. 对国际社会
23、来说,这些变化带来的最引人注目的结果是中国已跃居为世界第十一经济大国,而且今后定会更强。中国迅速崛起,成为世界上发挥重要作用的国家,这应归功于中国人民的努力和进取精神,尤其是过去20年里中国所进行的根本性的经济改革。这无疑证明了邓小平先生倡导的开放政策是成功的。47. Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to state relations. Without it, it would be impossible for countries to build trust and promote cooperation with one anot
24、her. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the United States, the exchanges and mutual understanding between our two people have broadened and deepened steadily. However, this is not enough. To promote the development of China-U.S. relations, China needs to know the United Sta
25、tes better and vice versa.2006年4月46.每天清晨,安达曼海的天空刚刚发亮,这里的工人就把白塑料椅子整整齐齐地摆在那柔软的沙滩上,还有一些收拢的遮阳伞散落其间,准备等太阳晒得厉害了再把它们张开。泰国南部沿海巨浪吞噬了5300人的生命,此事过去已快四个月了。普吉岛泰国海滨旅游胜地中的璀璨明珠已修缮完毕。3月28日发生过一次余震,有人有所感觉,产生过短暂的惊慌,但据酒店、饭店、公司、游艇业主称,这次余震对游客预定和到达几乎没有什么长远的影响。 在几条主要商业街上,仍有一些工人手持榔头和钻在那里干活儿,一些商贩也把货物挂在了破损的商店门前。但普吉岛如今几乎可以说已是焕然
26、一新了。普吉岛上的老百姓说,现在缺少的就是游客了。47. Practice in the last twenty years has eloquently proved that we are going in the right direction, firm in conviction, steady in our steps and gradual in our approach when carrying out the reform and opening-up and that we have achieved tremendous successes. We have overc
27、ome various difficulties and risks in the course of our advance without causing great social unrest. Rather, we have succeeded in greatly releasing and developing social productive forces and maintained social stability and an all-round progress. We are conducting a comprehensive reform with full co
28、nfidence. A country with a vast territory, a big population and a long history, China should make greater contributions to humanity.2006年7月46. 在当今这个时代,现代女性可以选择是否待在家中作全职太太。三十年前,人们认为女孩一旦出嫁就自然应当停止工作而去作全职太太和母亲。上世纪90年代,社会对妇女的观念已不再如此了。如今,妇女有自由决定继续开创其职业生涯,也有自由决定是否生小孩。有些夫妇故意不要小孩,以做既倍感兴趣又收入不菲的工作;然而也有些夫妇决定到将来
29、才生小孩。47. There is a very easy job that one can earn a lot of money in a near place. Leaders want those who want to get the job apply for it at once. Someone deliberately tell this news to Mr. Wu, a proud man. However, he slipped away without finishing listening to it. After that, he told it to his f
30、riend: “This job had already been given to someone, and if I applied for it, I would be hated by the leaders. What is more, there are many ways to solve problems, and among them the best way is to get away. Although you go away without dealing with the problem, you will not be the loser.2007年4月Secti
31、on A (23 P263)我们正处在两条道路的分岔口。但是并不像我们所熟悉的罗伯特.弗洛斯特诗中所说的,这两条道路是同样的好。我们一直在走的这条路表面上很好走,是一条平坦的超级公路,我们可以高速前进,但是走到尽头却要遇到灾难。另外一条路,是一条“走得不多”得路,它为我们提供最后得出路,也是唯一的出路,以确保我们达到保护地球的目的。除了用化学方法控制昆虫以外,还有其他各种非常奇妙的方法可以利用。这些方法已在使用,而且取得了显著的效果;有的还处于试验阶段。在这些新方法中有一些最为神奇,如设法利用昆虫本身的力量来对付它自己。Section BGenerally speaking, tourists
32、 traveling in China for the first time should visit cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Xi an.Beijing is the political and cultural center that offers some tourist attractions: Great Wall, the Imperial Palace, the Summer Palace and the Beihai Park.Shanghai is the largest city in China. One or two hou
33、rs train ride away from it are Su Zhou and Hang Zhou, known for their gardens. The two cities are regarded by the Chinese as “paradise on earth”.Xi an, the starting point of the ancient Silk Road, was capital intermittently for many dynasties in Chinese history. The life-size Terra-cotta Soldiers an
34、d Horses of the Qin Dynasty are praised as “the Eighth Wonder of the World”. Among other interesting sites are the Great Wild Goose Pagoda, the Drum Tower and the Tomb of Huangdi (Yellow Emperor).2007年7月46. 世界曾经是很简单的。它被划分为“有”的国家和“没有”的国家。换句话说,这里只有“第一”世界和“第三”世界。近几十年来,许多的亚洲国家已经加入到“有”这个国家的行列。当让,按一般标准看,一
35、些诸如日本和新加坡这样的国家是很富有的。看起来他们也许很轻松,但是他们又会面临另一些新的挑战:经济规则已经发生了变化。现在的划分已经不是传统意义上的“有”和“没有”,而是有无科技力量了。当然,发达国家已经达到这个有的标准:拥有400万人口的新加坡有50万台电脑,而拥有8000万人口的越南却只有6000台电脑。47. Every spring, thousands of merchants gathered in Shanghai to take part in the annul Export Trade Fair in South East China. All kinds of goods
36、 of Shanghai just competed against those from other place of China. Because of its high technology, the export of high-tech products in Shanghai should have the priority among others products. Professor Yang Zhenling, a famous physicist once said that the battle filed of high-tech products should be the main one for China to fight against other developed countries, and this filed shoul
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