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1、第二部分语法专项突破第一讲名词和冠词,学生用书P245)一、名词的数规则变化大多数名词后加­s构成复数books,horses,beds,pages以­s,­x,­sh,­ch结尾的名词,多数情况下在词尾加­esglasses,boxes,brushes,watches (例外:stomach的复数stomachs)以辅音字母y结尾的名词变为复数时,需把y变为i再加­es;以元音字母y结尾的名词变为复数时,直接加­scities,countries,factories;boys,toys,monkeys,holid


3、73;th结尾的名词,一般加­smouths,paths不规则变化常见名词的不规则复数形式manmen,womanwomen,footfeet,toothteeth,mousemice,goosegeese,childchildren,oxoxen以man和woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是­men和­women。EnglishmanEnglishmen,policemanpolicemen,businessmanbusinessmen(例外:GermanGermans)单复数同形的名词sheep,deer,Chinese,Japanese,means (方式

4、),works (工厂)只有复数形式的名词trousers,glasses(眼镜),thanks,clothes,remains (遗留物),ashes (灰烬),arms (武器)一些名词的复数形式表示特别的意义woods 森林,sands 沙滩,waters 水域,goods 货物复合名词的复数一般是将中心词变为复数形式,但没有中心词则是在最后一个单词后加­slooker­onlookers­on,passer­bypassers­by,grown­upgrown­ups二、名词的所有格构成用法例词s所有格主要用于人或其

5、他有生命的名词后,还用于表示时间、国家、城市、组织结构、度量衡、价值、天体等名词之后。a boys bag;the workers struggle;somebody elses possession;ten minutes break;the earths satellite;Americas policyof 所有格表示无生命的东西the window of the room表示同位关系the city of Beijing表示部分与整体的关系the bottom of the sea;the majority of people表示抽象概念the cost of living后跟含后置定

6、语的名词或表一类人或物的“the形容词”形式the name of the boy crying under the tree;the housing problem of the poor双重所有格(名词of名词s 或名词of名词性物主代词)表示部分概念,被双重所有格修饰的名词前往往有表示数量的词,如a,one,two,some,several,a few,many或指示代词this,that,these,those等some friends of my brothers;a few books of Mo Yans;this little cat of your sisters;those

7、 words of Marys三、名词的搭配形式常考短语介词名词out of ones reach在某人够不到的地方beyond recognition 无法辨认in great demand 需求量很大in progress 在进行中out of question 不成问题;无疑of great value 非常有价值的( very valuable)动词名词have/gain access to可以获得gain/have an advantage over 胜过,优于take advantage of 利用,趁之机pay attention to 注意make the best of 充分

8、利用,妥善处理find fault with 挑的错keep pace with 与同步put an end to 结束take notice of 注意到o account 考虑catch sight of 看见have a good reputation 有个好名声make a difference 有影响;有关系cause damage to 对造成破坏(2014·高考江苏卷)Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does push­ups too to stay in shape.

9、汤姆总是在早晨慢跑,他通常也做俯卧撑来保持身体健康。(2013·高考江苏卷)With inspiration from other food cultures,American food culture can take a turn for the better.有了来自于别的食品文化的灵感,美国食品文化可以变得更好。(2013·高考辽宁卷)The accident caused some damage to my car,but its nothing serious.这起事故对我的车造成一些损伤,但不严重。(2013·高考天津卷)If you are in

10、trouble,Mike is always willing to lend a hand.如果你有麻烦了,Mike总是愿意帮你一把。四、不定冠词的用法用法例句泛指某一类人或物中的任何一个(2014·高考天津卷)Life is like an ocean:Only the strong­willed can reach the other shore.(2013·高考福建卷)The “Chinese Dream” is a dream to improve peoples well­being and a dream of harmony,peace a

11、nd development.用于单数可数名词前,表示数量“一”;在某些物质名词或抽象名词前加a,an表示“一份,一阵,一场,一类”等Would you like some coffee?I would like a coffee and two beers.用于序数词前,表示“又一,再一”He missed the gold in the high jump,but will get a second chance in the long jump.用在专有名词前表示“某一个”,相当于a certain(2015·安徽合肥质检)Excuse me,would you please

12、give the iPad 5 to John? Sorry,but I dont think theres a John in our class.用与“a most形容词名词”结构,意为“非常,很”What do you think about the song Small Apple?Its really a most wonderful song in 2014.有些不可数名词如knowledge,collection,understanding等后面加of.时,前面需用不定冠词a/an。构成:have a (good) knowledge of.精通;have a (clear/go

13、od)understanding of.了解(2015·兰州一中模拟)Social practice is an opportunity for students to gain a better understanding of how society operates.固定搭配have a good time;have a gift for;have a word with;in a hurry;once in a while;at a loss;for a while;all of a sudden;at a distance;go on a diet;do sb.a favo

14、r;as a result;as a rule(通常);as a matter of fact;pay a visit to;put an end to;all of a sudden温馨提醒baggage,luggage,furniture,health,weather,fun,space(太空),advice,word(消息),progress,information,news,luck,wealth等,以上不可数名词永远不能与不定冠词连用。五、定冠词的用法用法例句表示“特指”。上文已经提到的人或物,再次提到时在其前加the。也可指上文未提到,但谈话双方都知道的人或物(2014·

15、高考江西卷)They chose Tom to be the captain of the team because they knew he was a smart leader.(2015·安徽蚌埠质检)Did you enjoy yourself yesterday?Yes,as you know, the party went on in a pleasant atmosphere.用于序数词和形容词或副词最高级以及形容词only,very,same等之前Liu Yang is the first woman who has been into space in China.

16、用于复数姓氏之前,表示“全家”或“夫妇”或用于形容词或分词前,表示一类人或物As far as I know,the Greens have no children.The wounded were sent to the hospital immediately.用于年代、朝代、时代名词前或有普通名词构成的专有名词前The tramway fell into disuse in the 1920s.用于表示江河、山脉、海洋、地球等独一无二的东西以及表示方位的名词前As is known to us,the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

17、用于表示度量单位的名词前,如by the hour/day/dozen/yard,但是size/weight这类名词跟by连用时不加冠词(2015·河南郑州高三模拟)He was surprised to find that books are sold by weight in this bookstore,that is,by the kilogram.固定搭配make the most/best of(充分利用);in the habit of;not in the least(not at all);in the distance;in the way;on the whol

18、e(总之);on(the) one hand.;on the other hand;at the moment;go to the cinema/theatre;the other day(几天之前);for the time being(暂时);on the spot;to tell the truth;by the way温馨提醒英语中,有些短语中有无冠词意义不同。如:by day在白天;by the day 按天计算;in charge of 负责,掌管;in the charge of 由负责;out of question 毫无疑问;out of the question 不可能;g

19、o to church 去做礼拜;go to the church 去教堂六、零冠词的用法用法例句表示泛指的不可数名词(物质名词、抽象名词)、专有名词(不含普通名词)或可数名词复数前不加冠词。单数可数名词前有物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格等限制时,前面也不加冠词Its a good feeling for people to admire the International Horticultural Exposition 2014 Qingdao that gives them pleasure.季节、月份、星期、节假日、一日三餐前一般不加冠词。但是如果名词前面有修饰语或特指某一季节、月份等

20、,要用冠词The summer of 2014 was a heartache summer because many people died because of the earthquake in Ludian,Yunnan Province.表示独一无二的头衔、职务名词作表语、同位语或宾语补足语时,一般不加冠词(2015·陕西西安质检)David,monitor of our class,is always ready to help others.as,though引导的让步状语从句中的表语(单数可数名词)置于句首时不加冠词Child as/though he is,he p

21、lays the violin perfectly.系动词turn后的作表语的单数可数名词前不加冠词Lu Xun was a doctor before he turned writer/became a writer.固定搭配at noon/dawn/night/midnight;at present;come to light;come to power;in case of;out of work/order/control/date/patience/mind/reach/breath/danger;in use/danger/public;ahead of time;in debt;

22、under repair;side by side;shoulder to shoulder;hand in hand;face to face;by mistake;in place of;on board;on purpose;on second thoughts;at war;every few days;catch fire;for certain,学生用书P248).用适当的冠词填空1(2014·高考陕西卷)_ village where I was born has grown into _ town.答案:The;a2(2014·高考浙江卷)The paper

23、 is due next month,and I am working seven days _ week,often long into _ night.答案:a;the3(2014·高考重庆卷)I cant tell you _ way to the Wilsons because we dont have _ Wilson here in the village.答案:the;a4It is said that a class of 200 students attended the lecture on _ nature of human beings.答案:the5Raci

24、ng is _ most interesting sport Ive ever known.答案:the6The Spring Festival is _ special holiday for most Chinese when _ whole family will get together.答案:a;the7China launched_ countrys first lunar rover aboard,Change 3,bringing Chinese dream of reaching the moon close.答案:the8Couples in Shanghai are fo

25、r _ first time being encouraged to have _ second child as authorities try to reduce the burden of an ageing population.答案:the;a9I am so sorry to have come late for the meeting.It is not your fault.With _ rush­hour traffic and _heavy rain,it is no wonder you were late.答案:the;the10_ rescue worker

26、s on the scene told _ Greens that they were going to pull their child out first.答案:The;the11The peace­making spirit of Nelson Mandela,who was elected_president at the age of 76,has won him _ worldwide respect.答案:/;/12Kathleen,_ Mr.Heller is waiting for you outside.Just a second.Im on _ phone.答案

27、:a;the13It is acknowledged that _ shortest distance between persons is _ sincere smile.答案:the;a14_recent report stated that the number of Spanish speakers in the US. would be higher than the number of English speaker by _year 2090.答案:A;the15Being able to afford _ drink would be _ comfort in those to

28、ugh times.答案:a;a16In _ third quarter of 2014,Xiaomis sales market share beat Lenovo for the first time to rank_second largest in China,second only to Samsung.答案:the;the17After _ dogs,the horse has had _ closest relationship with man.答案:/;the18A professor stood before _ class of 20 senior organic bio

29、logy students,about to hand out _ final exam.答案:a;the19Many cities issued a warning of_ air pollution for PM 2.5 readings,which has become _ concern these days.答案:/;a20In the past,Tom stared at _ world map on the wall,wondering if he would ever have _ journey to those distant lands.答案:the;a.用括号内所给单词

30、的正确形式填空1. (2014·高考浙江卷)We most prefer to say yes to the _(request) of someone we know and like.答案:requests2(2014·高考湖北卷) Her _(motive) for writing was a desire for women to get the right to higher education.答案:motivation3(2014·高考安徽卷)Why not buy a second­hand car first if you dont h

31、ave enough money for a new one? Thats a good _(suggest)答案:suggestion4Weve been destroying lots of forests every year.What a shame! Well be the _(victim) of our own foolish behavior.答案:victims5How can I take the medicine,sir?Just follow the _(direct) on the bottle.答案:directions6A teachers _(devote) t

32、o education deserves great respect of the whole public because it brings benefits to the development of society.答案:devotion7Why dont you go to medical college and be a doctor?Oh.It calls for a great deal of _(patient) with long training,which I am afraid I dont have.答案:patience8In cold winter,people

33、 prefer to stay at home,and few of us realize the _(valuable) of sunlight to our health.答案:value9After living in Quanzhou for five years,she has developed quite an _(affect)for the city.答案:affection10If a young man wants the_(flexible) to move to a different city in future years,he should keep renti

34、ng instead of buying a house.答案:flexibility11The police are trying to find out the _(identify) of the woman murdered in the bathroom.答案:identity12According to this survey,some TV programmes should take _(responsible) for teenagers negative behavior.答案:responsibility13Its reported that the students w

35、ho are addicted to playing computer games are all driven by _(curious)at first.答案:curiosity14While I admit that English words keep escaping from our memory,constant _(expose) to them not only increases our understanding of them,but likely plants them into our mind.答案:exposure15The little girl has a

36、strong _ (prefer) for sweet food.Whenever and wherever she buys food,she always takes sweet into consideration first of all.答案:preference16An annual study found that 2% of South Koreans aged 1019 needed treatment for excessive online gaming or were at risk of _(addict)答案:addiction17What surprised us

37、 most was that the price of the _(admit)to the Childrens Paradise which was built last year rose to $50 the day before yesterday.答案:admission18Several red and white barriers marked the road at _(interval)of about a mile.答案:intervals19Parents should be good role models for they have a great influence

38、 on childrens character _(form)答案:formation20Compared to the advantages of the Internet,those of the television alone will not be enough to ensure its _(survive),and in many peoples opinion,the latter will be replaced.答案:survival.语篇填空在空格中填入适当的冠词,或用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。Robots used for housework were tested

39、 out in some 1._(family)Tony,one of the robots,looked like 2._ tall and handsome man with smooth black hair,speaking in a deep voice.Larry was going to be away from home.Also,3._(curious) drove him to have a try on such a new thing.So he hired a robot to accompany his wife Claire.Claire didnt like t

40、he idea at the beginning,but she agreed to it at last.At the first sight of Tony,Claire felt embarrassed.Gradually,Tony began to win the 4._(hostess) trust.He helped Claire realize her dreams by making her home elegant,giving her a new haircut,changing the makeup she wore and giving her 5._(advise)

41、on her 6._(person) dresses.Therefore at the party all her guests who were invited were filled with 7._(admire) when they saw her house was completely changed.After the test,the company was satisfied with 8._(Tony) report and believed it was 9._ success because he had successfully made a woman regain her 10._(confident) and fall in love with him.答案:1.families2.a3.curiosity4.hostess5.advice6personal7.admiration8.Tonys9.a10.confidenc.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。We are what we eat because what we eat every day has 1._ great impact on our health.Therefore,we should make ever


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