



1、体能课 好玩的椅子班级:草莓班 执教者:Ada活动地点:操场活动目标:1.大胆的探索椅子的多种玩法,提高动作的协调性和灵活性。2 .在各种玩法中掌握平衡、助跑跨跳的基本动作。3 .学习与同伴合作游戏,有挑战困难的勇气,体验游戏的快乐。活动准备:每人一张椅子彩色雪糕筒活动过程:一、开始部分:热身运动幼儿进场慢跑活动热身,将椅子排列整齐和做椅子健身操。(头部运动、体侧运动、腰背伸张运动、腰部扭转运动、股四头肌运动、大腿后侧伸展运动等)二、基本部分:探索椅子的玩法刚才我们和椅子做了健身操,非常的开心。其实椅子除了可以让我们坐以外,还可以有很多的玩法,只要我们开动脑筋,它就会变成我们锻炼身体的玩具,

2、今天我们使用椅子来进行一个椅子比赛运动会, 现在我们就去练习比赛 项目 gogogo!1 .幼儿分红、黄、绿三组自由探索椅子的玩法。教师观察:谁训练椅子比赛项目的时候动作不规范从旁引导正确的动作项目一:走独木桥。引导幼儿自由组合将椅子横向并排当作独木桥,进行“走独木桥”的练习。项目二:马术。鼓励幼儿模仿马术动作,引导幼儿分腿越过椅子项目三:爬山。引导幼儿将椅子纵向并排放置成 “小山”进行“爬 山”练习,即踏上椅面一跨过椅背一踏上另一椅面一跳下。2 .椅子比赛运动会教师讲解并演示游戏比赛方法,游戏以两列小组形式进行循环赛 将幼儿分两组进行比赛,先助跑跨跳 3个椅子(马术)走过平衡木(椅子搭成)一

3、一爬 山一一快速跑返回。三、结束部分:(机器人)互动放松运动Fitness class, fun chairsClass: strawberry classCoach: AdaActivity place: playgroundActivity objective: 1. Boldly explore various playing methods of chairs to improve the coordination and flexibility of movements.2. Master the basic movements of balancing and jumping.3.

4、 Learn to play cooperative games with peers, have the courage to challenge difficulties, and experience the joy of games.Preparation: one chair for each personActivity process:The beginning: warm upWarm up for jogging, arrange chairs and do chair aerobics.(head movement, body side movement, waist an

5、d back stretching movement, waist torsion movement, quadriceps movement, thigh back extension movement, etc.)2. Basic part: explore the playing method of chairsWe did some aerobics with the chairs just now. It was great fact, chairs can not only let us sit, but also have a lot of playing methods, as

6、 long as we use our minds, it will become our physical exercise toys, today we use chairs for a chair competition sports meeting, now we go to practice the competition project gogogo!1. Kids share out, yellow and green.Teacher's observation: who did not behave properly when training chairsDirect

7、 the correct action from the sideProject 1: walking a log children to freely combine and use chairs side by side as a canoe bridge for the practice of "walking a log bridge".Project 2: children to imitate equestrian movements and guide them to step over chairsItem 3: mountain children to p

8、lace chairs vertically and side by side into "hills" for "mountain climbing" exercise, namely step on the chair surface - step over the seat back - step on another chair surface - jump.2. The teacher explained and demonstrated the game competition method, and the game was played in a round-robin game in the form of two columns of teamsKids will be divided into two groups to compete, first run, jump and jump


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