已阅读5页,还剩10页未读 继续免费阅读




1、建设工程设计合同 (二)Engineering Service Contract ( )(专业建设工程设计合同)(Professional Engineering Service Contract For Construction Project)工程名称:Name of the project:工程地点:Location of the project:合同编号:(由设计人编填)Contract No.:(Filled in by the Designer)设计证书等级:Level of the design certificate:发包人:Employer:设计人:Designer:签定日期

2、:Date of contract:江苏省建设厅监制江苏省工商行政管理局Supervised by: Jiangsu Provincial Department of Construction Jiangsu Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce发包人 :Employer: (Party A)设计人 :Designer: (Party B)发包人委托设计人承担工程设计 ,工程地点为,经双方协商一致 ,签订本合同 ,共同执行。The Employerentrust the Designer toundertake the engi

3、neering design of*and the location for the project is within the plant of.After friendlyconsultation, the Parties hereby sign this Contract as follows:第一条本合同签订依据。Article 1Basis for the conclusion of this Contract1.1中华人民共和国合同法 、中华人民共和国建筑法 、 建设工程勘察设计市场管理规定。1.1 The Contract Law of the People s Republic

4、 of China; The Construction Law of the People Republics of China; Regulations on the Administration of the Market for Survey and Design of Engineering Construction.1.2 国家及地方有关建设工程勘察设计管理法规和规章。1.2 National and local rules and regulations on the administration of the market for survey and design of eng

5、ineering construction.1.3 建设工程批准文件。13 Approval documents of the engineering construction第二条设计依据。Article 2Basis for design of the engineering construction2.1发包人给设计人的委托书或设计中标文件2.1Letter of Authority or documents on letter of acceptance provided by the Employerto the Designer.2.2发包人提交的基础资料2.2Basic mate

6、rials submitted by the Employer.2.3设计人采用的主要技术标准是:国家及地方现行的技术标准和规范2.3 The main technological standards adopted by the Designer are as follows:Current national and local technological standards, rules and regulations.第三条合同文件的优先次序Article 3Priority of the contractual documentsCurrent national and local t

7、echnological standards, rules and regulations.构成本合同的文件可视为是能互相说明的,如果合同文件存在歧义或不一致, 则根据如下优先次序来判断:The several documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatoryof one another, but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies, the priorityof thedocuments formingthe contract shall be as fol

8、lows:13.1合 同 书3.1The Contract3.2中标函(文件)3.2The Letter of Acceptance (documents);3.3发包人要求及委托书3.3Requirements of the Employer and letter of authority;3.4投 标 书3.4The Tender.第四条本合同项目的名称、规模、阶段、投资及设计内容(根据行业特点填写)。Article 4Name, size, stages, investment and content of design (which may be filled in according

9、 to the characteristics of the industry).名称:Name:规模:Size:阶段:Stage:投资:约万美元Investment: Aboutdollars设计内容及工作范围:Design content and work scope:第五条发包人向设计人提交的有关资料、文件及时间。Article 5Materials and documents delivered by the Employer to the Designer and time for delivery of materials and documents1.上级部门的批复文件。(合同生

10、效后 )1.Official reply document by higher authority(after effectiveness of contract);2.设计开始前应提供有关技术规格资料。(合同生效后 )2.The Employer should supply related technological specification documents before starting to design;3.主管部门对方案设计的审批意见。 (施工图开始前提供)3. Official reply of the power supply department on consent o

11、f the power supply.(supply before construction drawing)第六条设计人向发包人交付的设计文件、份数、地点及时间。Article 6Delivery of design documents by the Designer to the contract issuing party andcopies, location and time for the delivery第七条费用。Article 7Charges7.1 双方商定,本合同的设计费为万元。收费依据和计算方法按国家和地方有关规定执行,国家和地方没有规定的,由双方商定。7.1 The

12、Parties agree that charges for the design hereunder shall be. The basis2for charges and the method of computing shall be in accordance with relevant national and local provisions. Where there are no relevant national and local provisions, it shall be discussed and determined by the Parties.7. 2 如果上述

13、费用为估算设计费,则双方在初步设计审批后,按批准的初步设计概算核算设计费。工程建设期间如遇概算调整,则设计费也应作相应调整。7.2 If the design charges mentioned above are appraised prices, both parties will compute design charges based on the approved rough estimate of preliminary design after preliminary design approval. If there is rough estimate adjustment i

14、n period of engineering construction, the design price will be adjusted accordingly.第八条支付方式。Article 8Terms of payment8. 1 本合同生效后三天内,发包人支付设计费总额的 30%,计万元作为定金(合同结算时,定金抵作设计费)。8.1 Within three days upon the effectiveness of this contract, the Employer shall paythe Designer 30% of contract price namely RM

15、B Yuan as the down payment.( The down payment shall be counted as the charges for design upon settlement of the contract).8.2 设计人提交方案 设计文件后三天内,发包人支付设计 费 总 额 的 2 0% ,计万元;设计人提交施工图设计文件后三天内,发包人支付设计费总额的 45%,计万元;工程完工后,结清设计费,不留尾款。8.2 Within three days upon the submission of schematic design documents by th

16、eDesigner, the Employer will pay 20% of contract price namely RMB Yuan. Within three days upon the submission of construction drawings by the Designer, theEmployer will pay 45% of contract price namely RMBYuan. After completion ofthe project, the Employer will pay the rest RMB* *Yuan, without any re

17、mainder.8. 3 双方委托银行代付代收有关费用。8.3 The Parties shall entrust bank to collect and pay for relevant charges.第九条双方责任。Article 9Responsibilities of the Parties9.1 发包人责任9.1 Responsibilities of the Employer9. 1.1 发包人按本合同第五条规定的内容,在规定的时间内向设计人提交基础资料及文件,并对其完整性、正确性及时限负责。发包人不得要求设计人违反国家有关标准进行设计。发包人提交上述资料及文件超过规定期限 15

18、 天以内,设计人按本合同第六条规定的交付设计文件时间顺延;发包人交付上述资料及文件超过规定期限 15 天以上时,设计人有权重新确定提交设计文件的时间。9. 1. 1 Th e Em pl o ye r shal l subm i tto D esi gn er b asi c m at eri al san ddocu ment s wi thi nspeci f i ed pe r i odas p r ov i d ed i n A rt i cl e 5 o ft hi scont r act an d sha l lbe r espo nsi bl efo r th e com pl

19、et eness, acc ur acyand t i me l i mi t o f t he m at eri al s an d d ocu m ent s. Th e E mpl oye r shal l3not r equi re t he D esi gn er t o con du ct d esi gn i n v i ol at i o n o f r el ev ant nat i onal st and ard s.In c ase t here i s a d el ay o f l ess t han 1 5 d ays ex ceedi ng t h e speci

20、 fi edt i m e l i mi t fo r t h e de l i v ery o f t he a bo vem at er i al s an d d ocu m ent s b yt h e Em p l oye r, th e ti m e l i mi tf o r t h eD esi gn erto del i ver desi gndocu ment s shal lbe ex tend edacco rdi ngl y; i n case t here i s a del ayof m or et han 15da ys ex c eedi n g t he s

21、peci fi edt i m e l i m i t fo r th edel i v er yof the abo v e mat er i al s anddo cu ment sby t h e Emp l oye r,t h e D esi gn er shal l ha v e t her i ghtt ore -d et erm i ne t he t i me fo rdel i v er y o f t he desi gn doc um ent s.9. 1.2 发包人变更委托设计项目、规模、条件或因提交的资料错误,或所提交资料作较大修改,或设计周期变化,以致造成设计人设计

22、返工或工作量加大时,双方除另行协商签订补充协议(或另订合同)、重新明确有关条款外,发包人应按设计人所耗工作量向设计人支付返工费。在未签订合同前发包人已同意,设计人为发包人所做的各项设计工作,发包人应支付相应设计费。9. 1. 2 Incase oft he D esi gn er srewo rk on t he d esi gn res ul t edfo rchangesof t heen gi n eer i n g,si ze an dcond i t i on s of t hede si gnb yt h e Em pl oye rorm i st akeso f t hemat

23、eri al ssu bm i t t edor maj o rr evi si ono n t hesub m i t tedm at eri al s,t he Par t i es sh al lcon cl udesup pl em ent aryagr eem en tseparat el y( orco ncl ud ead di ti o nalagr eement ) andred efi ne r el ev antterm s andco ndi ti ons , andth eEmp l oye r s ho ul d pa y c h arge s fo r r ewo

24、r k t o t h e D esi gn er a ccord i n g t o t h e w orkl oad.T he Em pl oye r h as agr eed b efo re t he c on cl u si on o f t h e co nt r act t h ati t wi l lpaycharge s ofdesi gnto t heD esi gne rf or al lthe d esi gnw or ks con du cted by t he D esi gne r.9. 1.3 在合同履行期间,发包人要求终止或解除合同,设计人未开始设计工作的,不

25、退还发包人已付的定金;已开始设计工作的,发包人应根据设计人已进行的实际工作量,不足一半时,按该阶段设计费的一半支付;超过一半时,按该阶段设计费的全部支付。9. 1. 3 D uri ng t hep erf or m anc eo ftheco nt ract ,i ft heEm pl oye rr eq ui res toterm i na teorcancelt he cont ractbefo r et heD esi gn erst ar ts th edesi gnw or k,the De si gn erwi l ln otr et urnt he do wnpaym ent

26、al read y pai d byt he E mpl o ye r ; i ft he D esi gn er h as st art edt h e desi gnwo r k,t heEm p l oye rshal lp ayf o r t heact ualw orkl oadal r ead y done byt heD esi gn er. W h entheact u alwo rkl oad of th edesi gn i s l ess t han h al f o f t he wo rkatt he s t age, t h e Em pl oye r s hal

27、lpay h al f o f t he p aym ent f or t h e d esi gn w ork a t t he s t age. W hen t heact ua l w or kl oad of t he d esi gn i s m or e t han hal f of the wor k at thest age, th e Em pl o ye r shal l pa y al l th e paym ent fo r th e des i gn w orkat t h e s t age.9. 1.4 发包人必须按合同规定支付定金,收到定金作为设计开工的标志。未

28、收到定金,设计人有权推迟设计工作的开工时间,且交付文件的时间顺延。49. 1. 4 T h e Em p l oye rsho ul d pay do wnpaym en tas p ro vi dedbythecont r actand recei pto f d ow npaym entw i l l beth e sym b olfo rth ecom men c em entoft h e desi gnwo rk b yt he D esi gn er. Th e D esi gn ershal l h av e t he ri ghtt o pu t o ff the com m

29、ence mentd at e o f t he d es i gnw or k i fi t hasnotr ec ei v edth e d ownpaym en tan d t he t i mef ordel i v er yshal lbe ex t en ded a ccordi ngl y.9. 1.5 发包人应按本合同规定的金额和日期向设计人支付设计费,每逾期支付一天,应承担支付金额千分之二的逾期违约金,且设计人提交设计文件的时间顺延。逾期超过 30 天以上时,设计人有权暂停履行下阶段工作,并书面通知发包人。发包人的上级或设计审批部门对设计文件不审批或本合同项目停缓建, 发包人

30、均应支付应付的设计费。9. 1. 5 T he Em pl oye r sho ul d pay ch arg es f ordesi gnt o t h e D esi gn erat t h e amount an d dat e pro vi ded i n t hi s Cont r act.Fo reachday o fov erd uepaym ent,2 ofth eoverd uep aym en t shal lbepai dasdam agesf or ov er du epaym entan dthet i m ef ordel i verybyth eD esi gn

31、ershal lbeex t end edacco r di ngl y.W her ethed el ayo fpaym ent h as ex ceed ed 3 0 d ays , t he D esi gn er s hal l h av e t he r i ghtt osus pen dt h e p erfo rm an ceof t hew o rk att henex t st ageand gi v ew r i tt en no ti ce t o t heEm p l oye r.Inc aseth ehi gh eraut ho ri t yorcom pet ent

32、 de part men tofde si gnapp ro v alwo ul dn otapp r ov eth edesi gn do cum ent s o r t heen gi neeri ngc onst ruct i onoft hi s co nt r acti s sus pen de d orst oppe d, t heEm pl oye rshoul dpaythepaya bl echarge s f or d esi gn.9. 1.6 发包人要求设计人比合同规定时间提前交付设计文件时,须征得设计人同意,不得严重背离合理设计周期,且发包人应支付赶工 费 。9. 1

33、. 6 If t heEm pl oye r r equi res t h e De si gne r t o d el i v er t hedesi gndocu ment si n ad va nce, i tsho ul d ge t t hep ri or co nsen tof th eD esi gn er wi t ho ut seri ou sdevi at i on f romt h e r easonabl ede si gnci r cl e, an d t he E mpl oye r sh al l pay t he c ru shcos t.9. 1.7 发包人应

34、为设计人派驻现场的工作人员提供工作、生活及交通等方面的便利条件及必要的劳动保护装备。9. 1. 7T heEm pl o ye rsho ul doffe rco nve ni enc esi nasp ec t sofw or ki ng,l i vi n gandt raffi candn ece ssar yl abo r - p rot ect i onequi pm en ts.9. 1.8 设计文件中选用的国家标准图、部标准图及地方标准图由发包人负责解决。9. 1. 8 T he Em pl o ye r sh al l be r es po ns i bl e fo r t h

35、e n at i on al st and ard dr awi ng, m i ni st eri al s t and ard dr awi ng a nd l ocal st and ard d r awi n gs.9. 1.9 承担本项目外国专家来设计人办公室工作的接待费(包括传真、电话、复印、办公等费用)。9. 1. 9 Th e Em pl oye r shal l bear t he exp ens es fo r re cei vi ng f or ei gnex p erti nch argeoftheengi neeri ngt ot heDe si gn er soff

36、i c e( i nc l udi ng ex p enses o n f ax , t el ep hon e and o ffi ce aff ai r s).9. 2 设计人责任59. 2 D esi gn er srespo ns i b i l i t i es9. 2.1 设计人应按国家规定和合同约定的技术规范、标准进行设计,按本合同第六条规定的内容、时间及份数向发包人交付设计文件(出现 9.1.1 、9.1. 2、9.1.4、9.1.5 规定有关交付设计文件顺延的情况除外)。并对提交的设计文件的质量负责。9. 2. 1 Th e D esi gn er shoul d c ar

37、r y out desi gn wo r k i n ac cor da nc e w i t h t echn ol o gi cal r u l es and st and ard s pro vi de d i n t hi s c on tra ct ort h e st at e, and del i v er de si gn do cu men t sas theco nt ent ,ti m eandcopi es speci f i ed i nA rt i cl e6of thi sCo nt r act( ex c eptfo rth eci r cu mst anc e

38、s pr ov i dedi nAr t.9. 1.1 ,9. 1. 2,9. 1.4, 9.1. 5 und erw hi ch t he d el i v er yofdesi gn docum en ts m aybeex t ende d),andshal l b e re spon si bl ef or t he qu al i t y o f the d esi gndo cum en t s.9. 2.2 设计合理使用年限为主体结构 50 年(砖混或框架结构)。9. 2. 2 Th e d esi gn l i f e o f t he en gi neeri ng co ns

39、 tr u ct i on s h al l b e mai n st ru ct u re fi ft y ye ar s.9. 2.3 负责对外商的设计资料进行审查,负责该合同项目的设计联络工作。9. 2. 3Th e De si gn ershal lb e r espon si bl e f ort h e sc rut i nyonth ef or ei gn i n v est or sdesi gn mat eri al and con t act o n t he desi gn of t h eengi nee ri ng.9. 2.4 设计人对设计文件出现的遗漏或错误负责修

40、改或补充。由于设计人对设计错误造成工程质量事故损失,设计人除负责采取补救措施外,应免收损失部分的设计费,并根据损失程度向发包人支付赔偿金,赔偿金数额最多与受损部分的设计费相等.9.2.4Th eDe si gne rshal lber esp on si bl ef o rtherev i si onorsup pl em ent t o t he m i st ak es or omi ss i on o f t he d esi gn d ocu ment s. Ifan yen gi neeri ngqual i t yacci d ent shap penbecau seo fth e

41、D esi gn er sfaul t ,t heD esi gn ershou l dber espo nsi bl e fo rt aki n gr em edi almeasu r es as w el lasr edu cet hed esi gn ch arge sonth eaff ec tedpartoft hede si gnw or k andcom pens at e t h e Em pl oye racc ord i n gtothedegr ee ofl os s. T h eamounto fthedam agesf o rcom pens at i oni s n

42、o mo r e than t he desi gn pri ce of t he act ua l l oss.9.2.5 由于设计人原因,延误了设计文件交付时间,每延误一天,应减收该项目应收设计费的千分之二。9. 2. 5 If the del i ve r y o f desi gn docu ment s are del aye d fo r th e D esi gn er sreas on , each day ov er du e w i l l r esul t ed i n th e r edu ct i o n of 2 o f t he des i gn ch arge

43、s f or the en gi neer i ng.9.2.6 合同生效后,设计人要求终止或解除合同,设计人应双倍返还发包人已支付的定金。9. 2. 6 A ft er t he c on t ract e nt ers i nto f orc e, t he De si gn er m ay r equi re t erm i nat i on o r c ance l l at i on o f t he co nt rac t and t he D esi gne r sh ou l d r et ur n th e do w n paym ent i n do ub l e.9.2.

44、7 设计人交付设计文件后,按规定参加有关上级的设计审查,并根据审查结论负责不超出原定范围的内容做必要调查补充。设计人按合同规定时限交付设计文件一年内项目开始施工,负责向发包人及施工单位进行设计交底、处理有关设计问题和参加竣工6验收。在一年内项目尚未开始施工,设计人仍负责上述工作,可按所需工作量向发包人适当收取咨询服务费,收费额由双方商定。9. 2. 7 Up onde l i ve ryoft he d esi gndoc ument s, t heD esi gn er shal lpart i ci p at ei nt he i nspect i o non thedesi gn b y

45、th e re l ev an t hi gh eraut hor i t yaspro vi d eandshal lber espon si bl ef ornec essaryadj ust m entandsup pl ement s t ot h eco nt entwi thi n the ori gi nalscop e of t hedesi gnacco rd i n g t o t hei nspect i on co ncl us i on. T h eD esi gn er s hal l st artt he c on stru ct i on wi t hi n o

46、 ne ye ar u po n d el i v er yoft he d esi gndoc um ent s w i t hi n the speci f i edt i mel i mi tand shal lberespo ns i bl efo rt hetec hn ol o gi cald i scl os ur e t otheEm pl oye rand c on st ru cti on unit , h an dl i n g with r el ev ant m at t er s on de si gn a ndpart i ci p at i o n i n t

47、h e a ccep tance u po n co m pl et i on o f t h e e n gi n eeri ngcons t r uct i on.Incase t h e engi neeri ng cons t r uct i on has no t st ar tedw i t hi n on e ye ar, th e D esi gne r sh al l st i l l be re spon si bl e f or the abov e wo rk an d m ay c ol l ect r eason abl e s erv i ce f ee fo r

48、 con sul t anc y f r om t he Em pl o ye r accord i ng to the need ed w ork l oad. The amou nt of t he s er vi ce fe e sh al l b e di scus sed an d de ter mi ned b y t he P ar ti es.第十条保密。A r t i cl e 1 0C onfi dent i al i t y双方均应保护对方的知识产权,未经对方同意,任何一方均不得对对方的资料及文件擅自修改、复制或向第三人转让或用于本合同项目外的项目。如发生以上情况,泄密方

49、承担一切由此引起的后果并承担赔偿责任。B ot h P ar t i es sh al l p rot ect e ach ot her sint el l ect ual p r op er ty r i ght s.Wi t ho utp ri or cons ent,nei t her part yshal lrevi se, cop y or tr an sf ert o a t hi r d part y o r use f ort he p r oj ecto t hert han t h e p roj ect o f t hi sCon t ractany mater i al

50、 sand do c um ent s oft heot her p ar t y. U nd ersuchci r cum st anc es, t hedi scl osi ng par t y shal lb e r espons i bl e fo ral l t hean y co nsequ enc ei t re sul t edan dsha l lb ear t h e r el ev antcomp ensat i on第十一条仲裁。A r t i cl e 11A rbi t ra t i on本建设工程设计合同发生争议,发包人与设计人应及时协商解决。也可由当地地建设行政

51、主管部门调解,调解不成时,双方当事人同意由 仲裁委员会仲裁。双方当事人未在合同中约定仲裁机构,当事人又未达成仲裁书面协议的,可向人民法院起诉。If any di sp ut es ar i sesi nco nn ect i onwi t ht hi s E ngi n eer i ngServ i c eCon t ract , i tshal l be set tl e by f ri endl yc on sul tat i on o f t hePart i es,or b e s u bm i t t ed t o t h e co m pet ent l o calcon st r

52、u ct i o n adm i n i st r at i o ndep art mentfo r medi at i on. W h er e the di sp ut e can no t be sett l ed bym edi at i on ,i tshal lb esub m i t tedtot heAr bi t r at i onCom m i t tee f or s et t l em ent.W her e t he P ar ti es h av e n ot a gr eed on t h ear bi t ra t i ono rgan i zat i oni nthe C


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