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1、精品资料山东省中考英语模拟卷友情提示:1 .本试题分第I卷和第n卷两部分。第I卷75分,第n卷45分,共120分,考试时间为120分钟;2 .请在答卷前先把自己的姓名、准考证号涂写在试卷和答题纸上。考试结束时,试题 和答题纸一并收回;3 .请将卷I选择题答案用2B铅笔涂在答题纸相应题号处,一定要看清题号并且涂得清楚。第I卷(共75分)一、听力部分(每小题1分,计25分)(一)听句子,选择适当答语,每个句子读两遍。()1. A. Yes, please. B. Yes, I 10ved to.C. No, I didn ' t.()2. A. Thank you.B. It '

2、s not good. C. The same to you()3. A. Never mind.B. I ' m sorry to hear that.C. It ' s my pleasure.()4. A. Good idea.B. You are so funny.C. Don ' t worry.()5. A. Be careful.B. Good luck.C. That ' s OK.(二)听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图画。每个句子读两遍。16(三)听对话和问题,选择能回答问题的正确答案。对话和问题读两遍。A. It ' s ra iny

3、()9. What's the weather like tomorrow?B. It ' s cloudy C. It warm.()10. How many people went to the film?A. Two.B. Four.C. Six.()11. What can we know from the dialogue?A. The woman likes travelling.B. The woman can' t speak English.C. The woman is worried about her son.()12. What is the

4、mother s opinion?A. To be in the bank.B. To work at TV station.C. To travel with her.()13. What subject is Tom good at?A. Chinese.B. Maths.C. English.()14. Who will the woman meet?A. Some classmates.B. An foreigner.C. Her uncle and aunt.(四)听对话,根据对话内容选择每个问题的最佳答案,对话和问题读两遍。听第一段对话,回答15、16、17小题。()15. Wha

5、t ' s wrong wJtm?A. He hurts his leg.B. His computer doesn ' t work.C. He' s got a headache.()16. How long has he been like this?A. Since last Saturday.B. Since yesterday morning.C. Two days ago.()17. What will Jim do?A. He would have some water.B. He should take some medicine.C. He'

6、 d better stay at home and have a good rest.听第二段对话,回答18、19、20小题。()18. Where can Kate ask his classmates to go?A. The playground.B. His house.C. His birthday party.()19. How are they going to go to Mount Tai?A. By train.B. By bus.C. Ride a bike.()20. Who will go with the students?A. Their coach.B. Tw

7、o doctors.C. Head teacher.五、请听一段文字,根据所听内容完成表格信息,每空一词。文章读两遍 .(5分)In formation FormI was six.I was asked to 1 a poem.I liked the feel.When people 2 to me.Since my main 3have always been reading, writing and acting.I do all three.I write plays, poems and 4.If I did,I ' d read_5book.注意:听力测试结束后,请将本题答

8、案填写在答题纸相应的位置上。二、单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从下列各题所给的 A、B、C D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。()21. Mum, I like yellow T-shirt. Could you buy one for me?A. theB. aC. an D. /()22. More and more people prefer with each other at homerather than out for a seeing on public holiday.A. talk, goB. to talk, to goC. talk, to g

9、oD. to talk, go()23. -Though my dog for three months, I sometimes see himin my dream.-I ' m sorry to hear your pet dog has died.A. has died, whenB. has been dead, thatC. died, whichD. was dead, what()24.The club publishes a study,of the women onlineshopping.A. two third, enjoysB. two third, enjo

10、yC. two thirds, enjoysD. two thirds, enjoy( )25.-Sandy, we an actor for the action play.you playKung Fu?-Sorry, I can ' t.A. need, CanB. have, MustC. ask, NeedD. need, May()26.-Is reading good habit?-Yes. Everyone in my class to do more reading in theirtime.A. are encouragedB. is encouragedC. ar

11、e encouragingD. encourages()27.We all like the guide, she always speaks a way.A. in, friendB. with, friendshipC. in, friendlyD. on, friends()28.Mary John has been to the Great Wall before, butthey know a lot about it.A. Either, orB. Both, andC. Neither, norD. Not only, but also()29.-Could you tell m

12、e?-Sure. You can take the bus NO.K2.A. how to Vegetable Science and Tech FairB. where is Vegetable Science and Tech FairC. where Vegetable Science and Tech Fair wasD. where Vegetable Science and Tech Fair is()30.- Why don ' t you join an English language club to practicespeaking English?A. It &#

13、39; s my pleasureC. That ' s all rightB. That ' s a good ideaD. Take it easy三、完形填空(共 10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C D四个选项中选出最佳选项。One day at the end of the class, a wise teacher told each of her students to bring a plastic bag and a bag of potatoes to school.t like in your's name

14、 and the date it and then put it inThe next day she 3 her students, “ From today on, for every person you donlives, you can choose a potato , write the personthe plastic bag.“ Day after day, some of the students'33bagssw erereethen toldto carry this bag with them everywhere they went for a week.

15、 They would put it inside their35 a weight theyquilts 34 , on the seats when sitting in a car or on a bus, and next to their desks at school.The days carrying the bag around with them made students get to know37 terrible. They all tried to get ridwere carrying in their minds. They 36 pay attention t

16、o it all the time so that they wouldn forget it. As time passed by, the potatoes went bad and of them.Too often we think of tolerance (宽容)as a gift to 38 people, and it clearly is for ourselves! If we choose to keep our sadness and hate in our 39 , we will have to carry them around all our lives.Do

17、you think you have got 40 from the wise teacher and what she asked her students todo?()31. A. askedB. toldC. saidD. saw()32. A. inB. atC. onD.with()33. A. heavyB. strongC. lightD.big()34. A. in the morningB. in the afternoonC. during the dayD. at night()35. A. whenB. whatC. howD. which()36. A. are a

18、llowedB. made outC. had toD. needed to()37. A. soundedB. tastedC. smeltD.felt()38. A. anotherB. otherC. the otherD.others()39. A. handsB. eyesC. stomachsD.hearts()40. A. anythingB. nothingC. somebodyD. anybody四'、阅读理解(共15题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能完成句子或回答问题的最佳选项。ADo you want to do

19、well in exams? Sometimes your knowledge is not enough, you also need good strategies. Here are some for you:Before you answer the questions, if you feel a little nervous, take a few deep breaths to help you relax.Always read the question carefully and make sure that you understand it. Read it a few

20、times if possible.Find out how much each question is worth or how many points you need. If it asks to give one answer, only write one.If there is a difficult question, don' t worry. Go on to the next question and come back to it ifyou have time later.Try not to leave questions unanswered when yo

21、u finish the test. Sometimes a guess may get your points.When you finish, go back and check your answers. You will need to check your writing or spelling mistakes.( )41. From the passage, we know we can to help ourselves relaxif we feel a little nervous.A. tell ourselves not to be nervous B. ask the

22、 teacher for helpC. go out for a walkD. take a few deep breaths()42. To make sure we understand the question, we had better .A. read it fastB. read it till we finish itC. read it a few times if possibleD. read it slowly( )43. When we finish answering all the questions, we need to .A. hand in at once

23、B. check spelling mistakesC. worry about our pointsD. check with classmates( )44. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Find out how many points we need or how much each question is worth.B. Try not to leave questions unanswered when we finish the test.C. If it asks to give

24、one answer, we' d better write more.D. Sometimes we should guess the answers to get points.BWang Xingyue, 14, from Shanghai: I don' think we should set off firecrackers (爆竹)during holidays. It is really noisy. Some people fire them during midnight. People around cannot sleep well. Besides, i

25、t brings air pollution and lots of rubbish. Most people do not clean the rubbish after they set off firecrackers. So I think there is no need to set them off anymore during holidays.Liu Ran, 14, from Shandong: Setting off firecrackers is a tradition during Chinese festivals.They set them off to cele

26、brate or wish a happy new year. The ceremony ( 仪式)is very important in Chinese people 'lives. And it also reminds us of one of the four great inventions of China, gunpowder (火药).We cannot give it up. It is good to have this ceremony during holidays. Do you agree with me?Lin Yisong, 15, from Zhej

27、iang: I think we should control the setting off of firecrackers. During holidays, the government could get people together in a place. They can set off some firecrackers or fireworks and people can watch. It is safer to do this and people can also enjoy their holiday tradition.Zhang Qi, 14, from Gua

28、ngxi: Firecrackers are dangerous and bad for the air. But it is really an important tradition in Chinese festivals. So I think we can use something else to replace them. For example, we can use LED fireworks instead. It is also beautiful and attractive. And it is much safer. Even kids can play with

29、them.Li Qing, 14, from Jiangsu: I think we can improve the technology of firecrackers. The firecrackers we use now are dangerous. That' s why we cannot fmetoe mnynytere wewant. But if we can make them much safer and good for the air, we don' t have to give up theinteresting tradition during

30、Chinese festivals.( )45.Why is there no need to set off firecrackers during holidays?A. Because the government could get people together in a place.B. Because it is really noisy in daytime.C. Because it also brings air pollution and lots of rubbish.D. Because most people could clean the rubbish afte

31、r they set off firecrackers.( )46.What is good to have this ceremony?A. People can also enjoy their holiday tradition.B. People set off firecrackers to celebrate or wish a happy new year.C. People often set off firecrackers quietly.D. People often set off firecrackers in public.( )47.Set off firecra

32、ckers also reminds us of one of the four great inventions of China, gunpowder.A.唤醒 B.认真对待 C.告诉 D.介绍 ( )48. What is not good idea to set off firecrackers in the future?A. People should control the setting off of firecrackers.B. People can use something else to replace firecrackers.C. People can impro

33、ve the technology of firecrackers.D. People should set off firecrackers in countryside.CSometimes people come into your life and you know at once that they were sure to be there. They serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help find out who you are or who you want to become. You never kno

34、w who these people may be: your classmate, neighbor, teacher, long-lost friend or even a real stranger. But you know that every moment they will affect your life in some serious way.Sometimes things happen to you. At the time they may seem terrible, painful and unfair. But later you realize that wit

35、hout getting over those difficulties you would have never realized your further ability and strength. Everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance or with good or bad luck.The people your meet affect your life, and the success and failure(失败)you experience create who you are. Even t

36、he bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones.Enjoy every day even every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people you have never talked to before, and really li

37、sten. You should set your sights high, hold your head up, tell yourself you are a great one and believe in yourself.You can make your life anything you wish, Create your own life and then go out and live it. ()49. The people we meet .A. will change us in some wayB. serve us on no purposeC. won't

38、 become our neighborsD. all know where to find us()50. The writer s advice is that we should .A. never talk to strange peopleB. not believe in ourselves but othersC. get over difficulties painfullyD. learn as much as we can each day ()51. Which is the best title for the passage?A. Hold Your Head UpB

39、. Create Your Own LifeC. People You Meet in LifeD. Things Happen to YouDLucy felt her life so boring one summer day. She was tired of watching TV, she read all her books, and her friends were on vacation. She wanted something different to do. Suddenly, she saw the lawn mower (割草机) sitting in the yar

40、d.“Mum," she shouted, “I think I will mow the lawn. " Her mum ran into the yard and said, “Oh no, you don't. You 're too young to mow the lawn.”"I'm fourteen years old and know how to do it, " Lucy said. "Besides, it would help Dad out, and he won 't have to

41、worry about it over the weekend.”Mum thought for a while and then decided to let Lucy give it a try. After all, she was home and would keep an eye on her. Lucy already knew how to start the lawn mower from watching her dad. Lucy checked the gas (汽油)to make sure it was full, and put on her gardening

42、gloves to protect her hands. Mum watched from the kitchen window. Lucy really does know how to mow the lawn. She was very careful around the flowers and trees. When she finished, she felt so good, but she was so hot. Mum brought her some ice tea and said, “You sure did a great job. Dad will be very

43、surprised."Later that day, Dad came home and said to Lucy s mum,“You didn't have to mow thelawn. I was going to do it on Saturday. It looks great Thanks.”“I didn't mow it. Lucy did.”“Wow, our little girl is growing up! ” Dad told Lucy what a great job she had done.“It was fun, and I wil

44、l do it again next week, " said Lucy.The neighbour next door came by and asked Lucy if she wanted to mow his lawn and make some money. "Sure!” said Lucy. Lucy began mowing his lawn. Two other neighbours asked so, then another three. Lucy was now mowing lawns for them all and making some mo

45、ney. She was no longer bored! "I won't have time to spend my money, " she laughed to herself.()52. In order to do something different, Lucy decide to .A. read booksB. go fishingC. watch TVD. mow the lawn()53. Before Lucy mowed the lawn, she .A. washed her handsB. bought some gasC. read

46、 some instructionsD. put on her gloves()54. How did Lucy s father feel when he knew Lucy had mowedthe lawn?A. Relaxed. B. Satisfied C. Angry. D. Worried. ()55. What does the text mainly tell us?A. Neighbours should learn to help each other.B. Mowing the lawn is a good way to make money.C. Doing some

47、thing helpful can make people happy.D. Children should help their parents at an early age.绝密启用前英语试题第n卷(共45分)友情提示:(一)书写规范,字迹清楚,卷面整洁;(二)答题前请先把密封线内的个人信息填写好;(三)请用黑色字迹签字笔书写,把答案直接写在答题纸相应位置上,字迹一定要清楚。五、词汇应用(共 12小题;每小题1分,满分12分)阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,动词必要时可加助动词。“Myparents always tell me I should do this, and

48、should not do that. It sometimes makes me angry," 1(say) Zhang Hua, a student in Guangzhou. Do you have the same problem? Perhaps your parents had the same problem when they were your age. Why does it seem that some parents are not so 2 (friend ) in their children's eyes?One of the 3(big) t

49、hings is when someone becomes a parent, he or she likes worryingthings. They seem to have been worrying about everything about you, from the time you _4 (bear) . They do a lot for you, though something 5 (make) you angry, because they care about you and worry about you. All these things are part of

50、their life. They want you to grow up 6 (happy).So how can you make things easier by 7 (you)? It's easier than you think. Just make sure your parents know what you 8 (think). Your friends are made to know by them. Call them if you stay out later than usual. Say sorry to them when you make mistake

51、s. Take responsibility for what you 9(do). Talk about your ideas with them. They may talk about 10 (they) with you.Above all, try to think about why your parents do this or do that. They are still practising 11 (be) parents and need your help. Someday, when you become a parent, they may improve your

52、12 (able) how to get on with your children.六、阅读表达(共 5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。Is it hard for you to get up early and get ready for classes? Some students at Winter Park High School just quickly get up and go to class in their own bedrooms. (A)Of course, their teachers and classmates do no

53、t see them because all their class work is on the computer.The Florida High School, the state 'onsy on-line school, has 250 students who are taking classes at home by computers.I ' m lot more comfortable at home,“ said Luke Levesque, a 16-year-old who is taking acomputer class on line. He th

54、inks (B) the school ' s computeNab is so noisy that he can,t studywell." Home is much better, " he says.Students in this first on-line program take classes in math, American government, chemistry, computer, and Web-page design. They also have to go to regular( 正规的)school to attend othe

55、r classesWhen a student is ready to begin in class, he or she turns on the computer, reads the teacher ' s instructions, and begins working on the lesson for the day. What happen s if a student has a question for the teacher? Or the teacher wants to say something about the work a students is doi

56、ng? The student and the teacher talk to each other every day through e-mail or by telephone.Is it easy for students to cheat on tests( 考试作弊 )when they ' re working at home ? (Che teachers have already thought about this. They make students take their final exams in person in the classroom.“You s

57、emost of the same things on- line that you see in a regular classroom," says teacherLinda Hayes.If this first on-line program goes well, in three years Florida High School students will be able to take all their classes by computer. When that happens, students will be able to get their high sch

58、ool diplomas(毕业证书 )without having to enter the classroom.1 . Translate sentence A into Chinese2 .将划线部分(B)改写成The school ' s computer lab is noisy for study well.3 .The main idea of paragraph 54 . In sentence C this means5 .概括出文章主题句 七、翻译句子(共 4小题;每小题2分,满分8分) 根据词组提示完整地将汉语句子译成英语。1 .她是我们的好朋友,但课堂上对我们要求很严。(s


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