1、范文最新推荐如何用英文谈自己的缺点WorldwidePanel LLC, a small market-researchfirm, is gett ing flooded with resumes for four vaca ncies in sales and in formatio n tech no logy.小型市场研究公司 Worldwide Panel LLC准备招聘4名销售和IT技术人员,结果收到了大量简历。However, officials expect to reject numerous applicants afterask ing them: What is your
2、 greatest weak ness? ' Can didatessayofte n respond with somethi ng that is not a weak ness,Christ op her Morrow, senior vice p reside nt of the Calabasas,Calif., con cer n.'It is a deal breaker.不过,招聘人员预计,在向应聘者发问“你最大的缺点是什么?” 之后,会有很多人被淘汰。 Worldwide高级副总裁莫罗(ChristopherMorrow)说,对这个问题,应聘者的回答往往并非缺
3、点,他们因此过不了关。The weak ness questi on rep rese nts the most com mon and most stressful one p osed duri ng in terviews. Yet in today ' s weak job market, the wrong answer weakens your chances of winning employment.“缺点”问题是求职面试中最常见也最让人头痛的一个问题。而在眼下就业市场疲软的情况下,不恰当的回答将降低你赢得工作的机会。Some people offer rep lies
4、 they mistake niy assume that bosseslove, such as I am a perfectionist.' That response willbe used aga inst you' because you app ear incap ableofs p rogramdelegati ng, warns Joshua Ehrlich, dea n of a master in executive coachi ng spon sored by BeamPines In c., a New York coach ing firm and
5、Middlesex Uni versity in London.一些应聘者会给出误以为老板会喜欢的答案,比如,“我的缺点是过于追求完美”。对此埃里奇(Joshua Ehrlich)提醒说,这个回答会对你求职不利,因为它显得你似乎没有能力授权给他人。 埃里奇是个由纽约职业培训机构BeamPines Inc.和伦敦米德塞克斯大学(Middlesex Un iversity)合办的经理人硕士班培训项目的负责人。A careful game plan could help you cope with the shortco ming query in a way that highlights you
6、r fit for a desired position.Job seekers who field the questi on well dem on strate that theyMr. Morrowcan take in itiative and improve themselves, says.为对付这个问题,可事先精心设计好一个答案,以凸显你适合所申请的这个职位。莫罗说,出色回答这个问题的求职者表现出他们能够“主动行动,改善自己”。take stock of your weak nesses, focus ing on job-related ones that won '
7、 t impede your ability to perform your duties. TonySan tora, an executive vice p reside nt for Right Man ageme nt, amajorout placeme ntfirm inPhilade Ip hia,says an in formatio n-tech nology man ager flubbed a 2007 in terview by choosing a personal foible as his reply: My true weakness is that I am
8、a terrible cook.关键在哪里?那就是充分的准备。职场专家建议,你可以整理一下自己的缺点,挑出其中跟工作有关、但又不会妨碍你行使工作职责的方面。费城大型职业介绍机构 Right Management执行副总裁桑特拉 (Tony Santora)说,2007年一位IT经理在参加面试时,在有关缺点的问题上败下阵来:他的回答居然是,“我真正的缺点是,我的烹饪技术很糟糕。”Rehearse your res pon ses aloud, role p lay with a friend orvideota pe yourself'you would like to cha ngeb
9、ut don ' t memorize your words. As youreview the video, look for asp ects so you can continue to get better as you practice, ' says PeggyKlaus, a leadershi p coach in Berkeley, Calif.大声朗读答案,可以找朋友或自己用录像来一番角色扮演。不过,不要背诵自己的答案。加州管理培训师克劳斯(Peggy Klaus)说,回头看录像的时候,找出你觉得可以改善的地方,这样在练习时可以做3 / 11范文最新推荐得更
10、好。The IT man ager cha nged his tune after p ractice sessi ons with fellow job seekers and a coun selor in Cincinn ati for RightMan ageme nt. He in stead said he worked such long hours that he found it difficult to stay curre nt with world eve nts. So, he spent 30 minu tes every eve ning catchi ng up
11、 at home.Right那位IT经理在辛辛那提和其他求职者及咨询师一起参加Man ageme nt的训练课程后改变了思路。他后来的回答是,由于每天长时间忙于工作,他发现自己很难及时了解世界大事。因此,他每天晚上在家花30分钟恶补这方面的信息。When the manager pursued an opportunity at a global drug maker, his reva mped response really reson ated with thein terviewer,' says Mr. San tora. The manu facturer hired th
12、e man.桑特拉说,当他后来在一家全球性制药企业求职时,他的回答让面试官很有共鸣。这家公司最后雇用了他。It ' s equallyimportant that you consider an empioyer' scorpo rate culture. While being in terviewed by a start-up.'you11 / 11says(Bencould say, My weak ness is I get bored by rout ine,Ben Datt ner, a New York in dustrial p sychologist
13、.考虑目标公司的企业文化也同样重要。纽约心理学家达特纳Dattner)说,如果到一家初创公司面试,你可以说,”我的缺点是容易对日常的循规蹈矩感到厌烦”。Last mon th, an aspiring executive director of a nonp rofitgroup in suburba n San Fran ciscon early jeop ardized his selecti on because his reply to a variati on of the weak ness question ignored one of its core values, acco
14、rding to Ms. Klaus,shethea board member there. Near the end of his in terview,wondered whether he might have problems with any aspects ofjob. No, I am con fide nt I could do it all,'the prospectdeclared.克劳斯说,上个月,旧金山郊区一家非营利组织的一名热情的执行董事差一点儿毁掉他的机会,原因是他在回答一个变相的弱点问题时忽视了这家机构的一项核心价值。克劳斯是这家机构的董事。面试快结束时,
15、克劳斯想知道他对那个职位的各个方面是否还有什么问题。“没问题,我想我都能解决,”这位求职者回答到。His flip commentdismayed Ms. Klaus, because she felt he lacked'he would be able to takethe organizationvaluesawareness of his weaknesses. She says his response raised doubts among board members that critical feedback, ' an attributehighly.他这么轻
16、率的回答让克劳斯有点失望,因为她感觉他对自己的缺点缺乏认识。她说,他的回答让董事们怀疑他是否能听取批评性意见,而这家机构对这一点非常看重。in terviewBecause the manwas well-qualified, the board gave him a secondand dema nded a fuller explan ati on of his weakspots. He said he had been unprepared for that question and nervous about coming out with a big fatal flaw,
17、9; then described his tendency to makedecisi ons too fast duri ng work place crises.Board members doubts disappeared, and they picked him for the nonprofit ' s t op job.但因为这位申请人其他条件很好,董事会给了他第二次面试机会,并要求他对自己的缺点作更充分的说明。 他说,他第一次面试时“对那个问题毫无准备,担心会说出什么大的致命缺陷,”随后,他向面试官提到自己在工作遇到危急关头时,往往会过于仓促地做出决策。董事会的担心消
18、除了,最后安排他担任了这家非营利机构的负责工作。Ideally, your reply also should exclude the word weakness'and cover your corrective ste ps. Dubb ing your greatest faulta window of opportunity' signals your improvement effortsshould ben efitthe work place, says Oscar Adler, a retiredMaidenform Brands sales executive
19、 and author of the book,'Sell You rself in Any In terview. ' For in sta nee, he suggests, a salesman might note that he sold more after strengthening his facility with nu mbers.理想的情况是,你在回答中应尽量避免使用“缺点”这样的词,同时还可以提到改正措施。Maide nform Bran ds销售主管、在面试中推销自己(Sell Y ourself in Any In terview)书的作者阿德勒(O
20、scar Adler)说,将你最大的缺点转化为“机会之窗”,表明你的改善措施将使工作受益。比如他建议说,销售人员可以说,在强化数学能力后,销售业绩上升了。Whe n an in terviewerpops this n erve-wracki ng query, yourbodyIanguage counts as well. The wrong nonverbal cues undercutyourcredibility. Certa in can didates hunch over, gla nee furtivelyaround the room or wring their swea
21、ty palms. They sort oflooklike they ' re being asked a question they can' t handle,'saysMr. Adler.当面试官突然提出这样的刁钻问题时,你的身体语言也能反映一些问题。不当的肢体语言会削弱你的可信度。某些求职者会蜷缩身体,茫然地瞟着房间四周,或是扭动出汗的手掌。阿德勒说,他们看起来就有点像遇到了他们没法对付的问题。Maintaining eye con tact, regular breathi ng and a broad smileimpress empioyers that
22、you' re prepared for the weaknessquesti on, ' says p sychothera pistPat P ears on, author of StopSelf- Sabotage!'心理学家皮尔森(Pat Pearson)说,保持视线接触、正常呼吸和明朗的微笑可以让雇主觉得“你对有关弱点的问题有所准备”。皮尔森着书。有停止自我摧毁(Stop Self-Sabotage!)For the same reas on, you seem thoughtful if you p ause before responding. But
23、don' t wait too long. If you' re going to take a minute, ' Mr. Morrow cautions, I ' ve just identified your weakness.'同理,如果你回答问题前稍作停顿会让你看起来深思熟虑。不过不 要时间过长。莫罗警告说,如果你的停顿时间长达一分钟,那我已经 能发现你的弱点了。、护士面试自我介绍各位评委老师好,谢谢给我这次锻炼学习的机会,我很高兴在这里介 绍我自己我叫XXX XX年出生,是XXX学校应届毕业生,大专学历,X年正规化的教育,使我掌握了扎实的理论
24、工底,一年多的监床实习让我有较熟练的实际操作能力,小时候曾经有较长一段时间身体不 好,使我更能理解与体会人在生病的时候, 医护人员的爱心与耐心对 于病人生与心的关爱与早日康出院的重要性, 更能领悟白医天使的深 刻内涵与神圣,再加上我的性格很随和,待人真诚,更坚守了我想用 实际行动履行救死扶伤职责的信心,我现在最希望的就是各位领导能 给我这个机会,让我也能有机会在该院的医护事业上添砖加瓦。2、为什么会选择这个职业对于护士这份职业,我从小就很向往,因为小时候身体不好,教育在医院里好多护士姐姐都很和蔼可亲, 我受到了很好的照顾,我更能理 解与体会人在生病的时候,医护人员的爱心与耐心对于病人生与心的
25、关爱与早日康出院的重要性,更能领悟白医天使的深刻内涵与神圣, 所以我一直梦想着做一名护士。我在贵院实习有大概一年的时间,学 会了严谨、踏实的对待工作并以细心、爱心、耐心、责任心对待患者。得到患者和同伴的的认同那是最大的欣慰。加上我学的也是护理专 业,在这个工作岗位上我也更能学已致用,有坚实的理论基础为指导, 更能让我热爱的工作岗位上发挥出更高的水平,更好的为病人服务。所以我对自己做好这份工作充满信心。3、你是怎么看待这个职业的?在我看来,护士并不是单纯的简单工作,更是一份神圣的职责,他们 需要付出比其他人更多的爱心,更多的理解与包容,他们对待每一位 病人更要像对待家人一样,让他们感到家的温暖与亲切,我相信我有 这个能力和信心胜任这份工作,也请各位领导能给我这个机会,我会 用实际行动证实给你们看的。经济危机后,
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