1、Win7下安装ABAQUS详细图文安装过程本次采用的安装文件为ABAQUS (包括破解文件)。详细如下-4下戟_S0lidS(4LAJ_.破解丈件克面百 ABAQUS A(;c«5OTiff5jso讣舷师1的©s3 ASAQL S_6.14*1_DCC.is® 助文件(可以小装 i AEAQUS=e.l4-l X別 Win b'nuxJsc装 茫件DF8U12F83rE938Cl6436336>*UDDI)AbLig9DgFPSS.torrcnt|'St闵士 扁辑旧查看(V)工ME 帮羽e)追妇 二打开包誇刮崖中*新建交件夹详细安装过程如下:
2、、安装许可证文件1、运行文件,出现如下界面,!Abaqu&6A4 Product Installer0 License Notice0 Into duel ona InslalLatiorr HElp0 InlalJatkjrr type0 License server0 Dccumentaticng iniariaiiori anetiorv0 Abaqus Mirknq dirctorvQ Pre-inst3llatiori summary g Installliing.0 Product /crjfication -esufbQ InstaHatiDrr compleleLice
3、nse noticePlease read before CDiitinuing:© Dassault SysteniesThis software is 卩rotectedby inLemadonal copyright bws and treaties. You may inetaJl,use or copy this so ft wire only if you do so under a license from DaeeauJl Syetmes or its eubiidiary and only in accordance with the terms of such l
4、icence. Do not instal or US& Uns software if you are not an authorized user under a license agreement between Dassault Sysifemes or its aibsidary and the Ijvstness, academic or governmental entty with which you arc aisociatcd. Unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution f ths software imy res
5、ult in civil and/oir ciimiral pensllie?.Abaqus, the 3DS lo 印,SIBAULIA, and CAT IA are tralemarks or registered trademarks of Dassault Systes or irs sutsidiaries inCancelPrvirtUiNext2、选择Next3、提示安装C+2005和2008,点击OK根据提示安装fTnfornn ationInstalling Microsoft Visual C+ 2005 SP1 and Microsoft Visual O+ 2008
6、S卩 1 runtime librariesThe Microsoft Visual C+ 2005 SP1 nd Microsoft VEUiall C+ 200 B3PI 32-bit runtime HEsn乾 a吟 required to run AbsqusClick OK to in丸dll Mici«soft luntime lit>rari».CllcK'QuitU xllthe Im&llatlon”OKQiii t4、弹出提示窗口,点击 continueIMPORTANT*IMPORIANT INFORMATION-*P(ej5&a
7、mp; note that Abjqus do&umrtjtion sliould b电 Injlled fc1or« A.bj<qu$ pfodutts. If ”qij have not lied Ahaqus0.12 docurnemta-lio, pie do so before procaedins 曲th the product inHallmtin. Th# doeumertjtion is available fidm the DVP Ijbeled "Ab aqvs (ocume ntati or."Failure to inftj
8、il dccumentalion bfTorep roductsixll iequii«y«u toconligurdlion fikf In o*jr product irifkIImtMn mmdEwcnb亡d in section U左 of the Ataqus inallticn and LiGensin ju id e_Sal«ct'Caniti:niUQ* to p rooad uxiith th« Ab d<uf li csnfft pioduct inftjlljtion, orxskct'QuiF ia *xit
9、 thts inftallation prooedui* jnd inHdII AbaquisS.12 documenfjlion.I Com 1 naw5、点击next0 License Notice0 Introduction Irjbtallatio"! Heiip0 InEtallatiortype0 License seer0 DocumentationQ IntJIatian direrfon0 Abaqus wording directory 曰 P'e-instaNation summarv 0 Installing.曰 P'oductvedficat
10、ion suits 0 Iribtdlldllur Luriip«ts 玉 S/MUL/Pill 'll p- . .IV 'll,; H -I' III: ICancelPreviousNe4&不用勾选,点击nextIntroductionThis installation GUI will guide you through the tnstallation of Abaqus.It is STongly lecotnmfnded ±at you qui all programs before continuing mih this in
11、stallation. Click Th? 'Next' button to proceed co the next screen. If you want lo uhuige something on a pre'ioua scrwn. click Ihe 'Pfeious' button. You mav cancel this instaibtioii ai- -any time by clicking the Tamcer button.Installation help0 License Notice0 Introduction0 Instal
12、lation HelpOl Installatiortf-peAl£汕疋rIcII Documentation 口 IhStyllatiOn diredorjAuaq-is worthing diredoTy 回 P'e-insta nation summary Q Installing.Q P'odudve IT cation suits Q Iribtdlldlluri Lump:聲也Would you liketo view the Installation and Licensinj Guide?This docurnenlation contains det
13、ahed informatioin about the installation and licensing processes and their requirements.O View Installation and Licensing GuidelEiiecause the file is in HMLformat, a wb brov/sermust be installed and configured properlyI'ill <11 /"I. ?' -ly 'b:H I' |U 1CancelPreviousp .nriiuif
14、niuifTTiuimifcj Ne<t7、默认选择第一个,点击Installation type00000License NoticeInstBHation typeL.ceiiSt serverQ DocumentationQ Instsllatiori diredori01 Abaqus wording airectory Q P'e-installation summary 0 Installing.0 P-odLictvenficaftiori 宅suits Q IribLdlldlluCi LuriipleltiSJMULfOill 'II I-'
15、39;.".'ll- I'/ 'I-! H 'I' luriCancelnextPlease select thetype ofinstallation you would like to perform.唱 SIMUUA FLEXnet Lice ns e Seive rDassault S/stemes License Server (DSLS)匚 Abaqus ProductA FLEKriet license installation installs the FLEXnetlicense w&tver utilities, a
16、nd in soine cases will start the license server auLomalicallyA DSLS Intallatian wilhnetall the DSLS llren言& utilities and launch th电DSLS configuration m鋪白粧匚 ADSLS irstalhtion can only be used with jfiJaaqus B.12 and Icter releases.A product installation installs all Abaqus products such as Stand
17、ard,IIIPrewousNext8、自动生成计算机名,记住自己的 Host name点击Next嗨I SIMULIA Licensingrr-HostnameEnter the hostriame or IP address of this c jmputer.0 Hostname0 Installatrcn type ,EIWULlAFLEXnetlltens&.Q fri5iaiiation airectory0 I'hslailFirO艮 SIMULIA Licensing.0 fnstaJJEn completeHOSTNAME PC-20120331 RJTfTS
18、IMULIAmib i|, III <1 n, Pl 11,' I'llCancelErexQusNejd9、默认选择第一个,这里要点选第二个,然后Installation typeChoose thety pe of license installation ycu would like to perform.' Install the licensing utilises and sfertthe license server0 Hostname0 Installation type gEIWULlAFLEXnetllten?&.0 rnlsllati
19、on directory31'nsiaiirini.Q【ns帕|i警ri completeI I- I Ml II ! _ iKi in rr ta Just inelall tha licensing jtilities *Choose the lirsloption ifycu would lite IhE insUHalion procedure to configure and start your license s&tver automatically.Choose the second option if you wish to carfigure and sta
20、rt the license server manually.SIMULIA0 I lH I ,| 打| fiv Plh f III ICancelPreviousNejdnext10、选择许可证安装位置,默认 C:SIMULIA,这里改成你想要安装的位置,本 人安装在D:SIMULIA,点击next腆1 SIMULIA Li"罗门Installation directory0 Hostname0 Installation type0 SIMULIA FLEXneilltense.0 In nation di reclory0 tnsiaiirima?.0 fnsWfdtiDn co
21、mplete /Mierew(MJklyDU like to install SIMULIA FLEXnet licensing?D £IWnA|RestOR Default FolderChoose.SIMULIAIl 1労:!.皿 I ' I -I U H ' ICancelPreviousHejd11、弹出提示窗口,点击 yes,之后进行安装,很快安装完成出现如下界面,点击 成安装done,完SIMUUA LicensingInstallation complete(3 Hostname0 Installation type0 SIMULIA FLEXneill
22、tense.(3 In 5la nation di reclory0 Inslalhno.0 Installation completeSIMULIA1( I 0 I | I ,1;|f| JIfl? Pl M III ICancelSIMULIA FLEXnet License Server has been successfully installed into:DASIMULIAFreuOLSDons12、出现如下界面提示安装Products,先不要点next,先进行许可证文件的修 改3圧 Abaqus 6.14 Product InstallerInstallation type0 L
23、icer&e Notice0 introduction0 Installation Help曰 Install3tiort<peFRI Ldfc覺£ &汕疋r101 DcurraerilafionI匚I ii j£feiiatior: director!01 Asaqus wording di晦cW0 P'e-instalDation summaryI 0 Installing. P'onucSvedficaition Tsults I Q Iriildlldlium bOriipEelt! I 唸 S/AAOL/Oniv '
24、IL" t.iy '1- ! . 11 r I'. lUflCancelWojid you like to installAtiaqus products?忌vesPrexioLisli rje<t j,二、修改许可证文件13、将文件夹打开E:soft_SolidSQUAD_Wi ndowsSIMULIALice nse童丿蚩(tn flott aMLLIAJWAQUS3-1J 1 ,3Vrt,ljnux,GSQ _SId5QUAE=_ Windowi CIMULlA * lUcert?* 4-mM 一 lA _* _-MH站ir葺器尹斗丄.'A9Aq(
25、J:Jki< -ri : ' nI." 一,(":'FABAQVSxlagii'- - - ,' '-1 _ '.* _J I-' d AQAQLtSLM.ese70; 11' n-: rr r -I, I: fl ;: F IfTlMOltreM;-iiix:,: n 、.-M*>:1" ItTluCsLcm.:1- : 1.-丄曲I- l-lSERVENFEAAEAQUS.lic -记爭本SL14、用记事本打开文件,将vhostname成自己的计算机名,ID 一定不要修改, 并且记下来
26、,成败关键。FEATUREFEATUREic AbAUSLM 70. 0 31-dec-2D£5 L024 VENroR_STRnJG=cnniinrr i al HnSTIEANY IS31 lERSIVULTA ISEUE3=31-dec-2011 NCTICS"Suppl Led By ESQ" cR=25& START-& 1 -dcc-2010 SICNP3DF60CACBD0 也"AIUQUELM 7(10 31 ilec 2055 1D24 VEr3CR_3?RIK0= cuituiiri ciaL HDSTIDAKY IS
27、SUEftSIMULIA ISSUED-31-dec-2011 NCTICESupplLed By 貂Q* tk=222 STARJ'=31-dec-201 Q S1JJ=PAK4FEF4S2£S adams ABAQUSLK 70.0 31-deG-20£5 L024 VBblDOR STRING-GommercLal HOSTIDAKY I SEVER 二 SIMULIA iSStJED二引-<1买-2011 NOTICE* Supplied D _ GGC* _irinrz gt h df -i iner n gi nrii u口zinoc口k n15、
28、之后进行保存关闭 16、将打开并清空,本机是在 E:SIMULIALicense.17、打开 E:SIMULIALicense 中的,打开 Config Services ,进行如图设置, 后点击 Save Services。LMT<X>LS by AcresKh Software Itk.Fi<c Etf比 Mode H?lpS «Mcuntarii« Sytian Getting 11 'LWtt j 3luV3topar«ad 3tekrt | Ssrv»r DiagiMi N mo u 11 Qwrowin g |Nr-
29、pAfiNnmiiF 旧 IMULlAdiCS琲创 ntgrd 和 eIDrcttiS'PnfTh inrhp dphiui InqhBiV-ilMLirii:a-AHAl UKlrjgHru-weI iSLoq- IF Ston Setvr oA Fnowar Up匚'Uta Sarvi匚et坂代壮、2、3, h 56. 7杓出濮辿屮近月 牠便啦个认识的簧7灼閏aqus 为 L1C f (J J* 卜 的 ljhp.d-色直 e/jLicense 忖录卜的ABAQYS. lie '详町 ii丈叫J1.-I3. License H卜的AEMUS. log;文件A计山创:
30、18、点击 Start/Stop/Reread选项卡,点击 Start Service,提示 Server StartSuccessful.如果提示失败,需要重新操作直到成功,进行下一步。EI乌 tMULlAUioem 或AEAOU5*cLMTOOLS by Acneso Software Inc.fil# Edt Moti# H赳 pService/Licenss F)e J System Setlitjs | URIities SiRrt/S巾p旧*ad |汩他$肌6 泊¥审>詁申| Config ?eivic« )汕0刃网|FLE卜net I匚cnsc serv
31、ices installed :tn this campiJci£-ilt Stiver5旳p SefvsrReRsstJLcenveFil?Advanced celings»占0代引Slart Succ日£7仙19、添加系统环境变量:sun的用户賣a 00变重TMFCH2<13DIE 匚 ftiikSpes FP 皿 HDSTIjLnureC.| Fcrce Befvsr SLuWownNOTE. This box rrwst be checked ho 5hut down a licence ssvr 砧eri IC5rises are torpwed.
32、USEKFEOFILE猷 AppD dLgdal IT直mpI at逢®偏辑-二删踪助® *C :Frftgrajh Fil ts &tS&) Lomnicn F."C . Wifidaw£e7stsih32eiL4.酬Nt)J7 Pr tfis=Tr A" Rilau TfRRr7nmr*i"iTi 卩新遂編辑I 删隠口 Il彌定 I 取消 Installation type(3 Intro du Clio nQ Installation typeQ License sewerQ Dutumertalion0 fns
33、lafjlation Cl rectory0 Abutewortfimg clrer/0 Pjp-Jnsta(il|5flori summary0 (Isfalling.Q Prod u c' ye rrf c ati on resjite0 Installation completeWould you like to install Abaqus products?f- Nonbaqus血-毎i-丨I j ojI r| |LCancelPreviousNgjILM LICENSE FILEZ70l1iclea-PC-新建,设置环境变量,变量值为 27011idea- PC三、安装AB
34、AQUS .20、点击刚才的安装窗口中的yes,然后next啊 Abaqus &.12 Product Installer21、弹出提示窗口,提示安装 HPC MPI点击Infornn-ationInstallirtQ Microsoft HPC MPI Redistributable PackT h电 Microsoft HRC MPI Redistributable Pack Ij rquiid to run A.bjqu£/CFD jnd MPl-based dornin-level parsllelizmtion in A.bjqus/Eplicit Multi-ng
35、detor any Abaqus product cnWindoiflE rnachines retiLires use of Microsoft HFC Seiver2003.Thbso伽requires i rnimlmum ot ?ervke Pdck2 innalld anWi n d 5 XPZ2O0 3 nd 5ervke Patk 1 inn Wind t: Vista/2O0 syste ms.Click 口Kto install lutionsQfl WPC WPI Rediftiibuijbla Pok. Cdck'Quif Uinstjllbtion.QuitOK
36、22、在 License serverl中输入 27011vhostname>*冨,Abaqus 6.14 Product InstallerLicense server(3 Licen&e Notice(3 lr*i oductlon0 Installation Help0 Installation typeQ License server0 Documentation0 Installatlor directon0 Aoaqus wartina directory 曰 P'e-installation summary 0 liistalling.日 P'o d
37、uct vein cation 宅 suits Q Installatior complets3、S/MUL/ftPlease enterthe hoslricme or IP address ofycur Abaqus license serve r(sj. Include the port it your server is on a nordetault 卩 ort,FLEXnet examples: 37000fnaraon.abacus.ccnTi or rose.abaqus.cornDSLS examiDlle: crimEon:4035License server 1 (REQ
38、UIRED27011jsun-PC|Rediiridaiit license servers ( oplianal) Server 2Server 3illIF'-'|f|- |n ICancelPrionsNednext23、提示输入在线帮助文档,没有可以不填,点击next,弹出警告窗口,点击Con ti nue週 Abaqus 6.14 Product trstallerDocumentation0 © 0 © 0- 0Licen&e NonceaductlonInstallation HelpInstallation tj- peicense
39、serverDocumentation曰I Installatlon aiecto口 曰/:-oqus:woJdna dirctw 0 P-e-installation surnrnary 0 Installing.0 P'0duCt venfication 宅suits 0 Install ati or com pl etaCancelPlease enterthe URLfcr Abaqus HTML dacument前on orttie base installation directory forAbaqus PD卜 documertatioi. It docuimentati
40、or has rot been installed ples&e leave ttiis field blaink.Searchable HTIVIL Format:http :ff < c 0 m p uter n a me > up .ort_rnjmber>Mi 14Exarnple: rttr:/rcassidy.5innL7O0O(v>b.l 4Non-searchable HTML format:file:/W<install9tio n_d ir>/D ocurn entati o n/d ocsjva .14/nciexhtnilEx
41、a rnp)e:fil e;川(J :/3baq us/D ocu rrent9tion/Joc5/Vb,l4flnJ ex. htrn IPreviousNedWarningI Lin defined documentation URLA.bjqu5 pfodudte dc虫e空the Abaqusdacumntatlan using a URL that L defined dt ths conclusion of the docuirieritaticn iinalLalicn. By making note of th is U RL andwu ppiyin 日 it h ere,
42、the p>rc duct inftsHatifln procwdure tnfiurs Abaquswi-th tliis in-foririatip.比 b4w»av4r, you infijil A.t>jqu( produ«出皿th©utijpplyiin: "thtsURL* you must manually oanfiure youir product insljlbtion jH«ryou install dicurnfeftiatflft. Fsf this 惶asan. il l5 trenely rstafTm
43、sftdftd thJt AbaquE dccurnentation be installed before AbaquE products.It you Jlw3dy installed douumgntdtionentr the URL thstgiven to you dtihe conclusion of that installdlion The URL 低 iin'Cludtd in the file& Dcumenlation/i nslallalion_infoAC .12/info.lo gthe doGuirientatian in寸dlljtion”It
44、yau haws n«t inEalMd d*e<jmeMation. itiretorrmeftddth5tyfiiui do so bwfcf色电gdlng.Click "Prenriflu' to erit»ryiQur Abaqus d Qcurrientation URL. Click"Coritiiniue" to proceedlmiithoutspecifyine a URL CIkk'Quir t« 钟 it th« initJlIlldtioriHBaitFreviousI Cont
45、inue |24、选择安装目录,默认是C:SIMULIAAbaqus,这里 D:SIMULIAAbaqus,之后 next,弹出创建窗口,点击 yes巾畧 Abaqus 6.14 Product InstallerInstaliatfon directory0 License Notice0 introduction0 Installation Help0 Installatiortype0 License server0 Dd CL mentationQ InMall占tian director! r ”旳防 wofTiriQ directory' 曰 P'SHnstadat
46、ion summary 0 Installing.0 Po du cl vein cation "e suits Q Iribtdlldllui LurnpltjliT .ill 'll mH 'P. luriCancelPlease choose the Abaqus parent directoiy. This 也 the location where all Ataqus releases will be stonedC: SmUUA- AbiqilaRestore Default FoltferI Choose.Pre1oijsNed25、设置工作目录,默认C
47、:Temp,可以根据自己需要设置,这里设置成D:SIMULIATemp,点击next,同样弹出创建窗口点击嗨 Abaqus S.12 Product InstallsAbaqus working directory(3 Intro du Clio n0 Installation type0 License server0 Documentalion(3 Install凯ion directory0 Abaqus working direckry 0 F-hstafiliUon suiir rr ry Qfl&talling.Q Prod u cl ve rrfc ati on resj
48、ite 0 Installation completeAbaqusIII k ,'ll ' fi nJCancelyesPlease choose your defauH Atia(,us workirg directory. This is the directory that will contain yourAbaqusjob fles.DirectoryD SIHUUfcTenipReslora Default FolderChoose.PreviousNejd26、点击安装In stall厂 52m咼 Abaqus 6.14 Product Installer27、程
49、序正在安装霭S Abaqus 氐 14 P rodurt Install erInstalling Abaqus 6J4-10 0 0 0 _0 0 0 0 0 serse NoticeIrltroductmnInstallation type:enae serverIntaHlatiar direrfonWQifking directoryP re-in stall aticn summaryInstalling.P'odudtvedficalion suitsQ Iribtdlldtiuj' uuriipEtti舟 S/MUL/AI'l-. .Ill 'I, / -It I'.'' - r I?-mt IICancelnbaqus 6.14Modeling cnhancEments rIfxiEling of d!)semtihe3 IIuva poU to inbta
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