1、三程序分析题 阅读以下程序 ,写出其运行结果1。#i nclude < io strea m> using namespace std; int a 10 : = 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 1 0 ;int fun( int i ); void main() int? for(i ,s = 0;i = 0; i < =10;i+)tr yscatch( int<<s + f un( i );"s =”数组下标越界!" endl; s < e ndl;int funifint i )= 10)return ai;t
2、hrow2。#in c lu d eiostreamu sin g name sp ace stdVoid f();clas s T pu b lic:T? try)cout <<” con true t oendl;? cat c hthrowT throwcharII;V oid ma i cout exception”; )cout <<exceptionexcepit on2”< < e n d 1; cout <<” de tru c to r" n()"main f try f() ; catch( char co
3、utcout << "maivoid f()3. # i n clude <iostream>unction”<endl;)< "exception1" in function<”<< end1; endl;T t;u s i ng namespace s td;class Bclass p ub lic:Bc lass( int i, int j ) x = i ; y =? V ir tual int f un() r e tur n 0 ; pr otec ted:int x, y ;class Ic1
4、ass:p ub lic Bclass p ub1 ic :? I class( i nti, in t j, int k): Bcla s s(i,int fun() return ( x + y + z ) / 3; private :int z ;;voi d mai n() I c l a ss obj( 2, 4, 10 );Bc lass p 1 = obj;cout p1、fun( ) < end1 ;Bc1a ss & p2 = obj ;co ut < p 2、fun()<< end l;? cout < p2、Bc las s : fu
5、n() << endl;Bclas s * p3 =& o bj;? cout << p3 > fu n( ) end1 ;4。#i n cl ud e <i ost ream>ace s td;j;j) zk; u sing namesp c1a s s BASE public:V i r tual voi V irtua 1 ?prote cted :? int x , y;d getx y( i n t i, int j = 0 ) VO id fun() = 0; x = i; y = j; ”<1 ass A: pub 1 ic
6、 B A SEp ub 1 ic:void fun() cou t <”x *x<< en dl;x= " << x'"y = x x; class B: publi c BASE p u blic:voi d f u n() co ut” x =< X <''< < ” 尸"< < y <<en dl;5、V i函数:b2(a),? c ou t " y ;V oi d m ain () B ASE 衣? A obj l ;pb ); P b - x
7、/ y < endl;pb ;B ob j 2 ; pb = & obj l ; fun(); pb = o bj2; fun( );#i nclu de Viostreamu s i ng n am e sp ace s td;c la s s B ASE1 pu blic:?BAS E1( intend l ; ;class BAS E2 pub li c: B A SE2(" V j V endl ;cla ss A:blpubA(d)endl; 6、P bpbi ) cout << ”调用基类getxy( l 0 ); getxy( 100,2BAS
8、E1 得构造函数: "in t j ) cou t <”调用基类BAS E2得构造 p ublic B AS E1, pub l i c BA S E2 lie : int a, i nt b,int c, i nt d):BA S E2(b), B A S El (c ), cout"调用派生类A 得构造函数 :" abcdp rivat e: ? BAS ElBAS E2;voi d m ain( ) A obj( 1, 2,3b 1;b2;, 4 );#inclu de ios tream> us ing nam espa ce std ; cl
9、ass T publi c :T() a = 0; b =T( i nt i , intj , a = i; b =jvoid get( i n i = a;T op erat or *(p riv at e: int a , b , c;0; nt c = itjT o bj );ck ) k; , i nt &j , in t &k ) b; k = c; 0; <<v2;TtemPT:operatortemPobj;b j、a = a *tempobj、b = bobj、a;* obj、b; obj、c;vot em pobj、c = c return tem
10、 p o bj;id main()T obj1( 1,2,3 ), obj2 (5,5 int aobj3 bj3、 ut7、n dl ;,5 ), obj 3;oco, b , c;=obj1 衣 obj2; get( a, b,c ); "( obj1 * obj2<< ”a = " << a < 't' 't' < endl;<(obj2 * o bj3 )、 g et( a, b, cout <”(obj2 * obj3): a= "< at' <<
11、endl;# i n c l u de <ios t reamus i ng na mesp ace s td; class vectorp u b 1 i c :V ector。V ect or(in x =frie n d): t”<< "b = "<<c ); t ”<< / t,<< " bt i, i n t j)i ; y = j ; ve c to r op era tor +(vect o rIIv1b 't'<< b< ”c vector temPVector
12、; te mpvec tor、x = v1、x tempVector、y = V1、 y returnvoid display () cout tempvector ;ivate:int x;vov ec torcout << "v1 =idmain()v 1v 2、xv 2、"( " < x < ",”)”<< e(1,2 ), v 2( 3, 4 ), V 3 ;V 1、 dis play();cout< " V 2 = ”v2、 di sp lay() ;v3 =coutV 3、8. #inc l
13、udev1 + v 2;” 3= V 1 + v2 ="sp lay ();<i o st ream>st ructd atai nt n ;i ntsco re ;voidmaind ataa 3using namespace sdt ;)= 100 0 ,83 ,1005,70, 100 9, 95 , * p = a ; c out <<(p+ +) score << endl ;co u t << (p+ +)> score endl ;co ut< p-> scor e << e nd1 ;<
14、;< e nd1 ;9。endl;cout (*p)、 sco re +in clude iostr eam >usin g n ame space sd ;class A pu blic : int f1();i nt f2 ();void setx( int m ) void setint getX ()int get y( ) private :int x, y ;re turn x ; ret urn y ; co ut << x < < endl; y = n ; cout << y <<iint A:f2() retuvo
15、 id main() A a ;a、 setx( 10 )cout << a、nt A::f1() re turn x + y ; ?r n x - y;?;a、 sety ( 5 );g etx()< 't '<'t <<cout <<a、 f1 ( )1O.#inclu d e <iostr e amusin g n amesp ace st d;< a、getyO << end 1 ;a、f2 () << endl ;c lass T P uT? cb lic :(in t X,
16、int y ) a = x ; b = y ;o ut <"调用构造函数2、"cout a<< t' b <<e nd 1endl ;< endl ; b << e ndl ;T( T d ) cou t < cout d、调用构造函数 1、 " a < < 't' d、?T?intp r i V ate :) coua dd(t < "调用析构函数、 i nt x, i n t y = 1 <endl;) ret urn x + y ; int a ,
17、 b ;V oid m ain() T d1( 2, 4T d2( d1c out11.in clude) ;< < d2、add( 8) < Vio s tream>using namespa ce std;c la ss T public :T (i n t x) a = x; b+=x; ;s tati c void display(T c)?c ou t< "a=< c、 a<end l ;t '<” b"c、b « endvate:pra;?int?stati c i nt b ; ;int T::
18、b =5;voi d m ain() T A(3),B (5 );T: :di splay( A);? T:di splay(B) ;1 2. # in c1u d e <iostream>using n ame sp ace std ;c 1 ass A pub lic :? A() a = 25 ; void printa() cout << ”Aa: = ” private:int a ;friend ;clacl a ss B ;< endln dl1 3、usis s Bpub1iV oid; ; voic:d isplay 1 ( A t )t、a +
19、 ; cout <<”dsi play1:a = " <void t、dis play 2( A t )a - ; cout << "disp1ay2:a = "d ma i n ()A ob j1 ; obj2 ;Bobj1、printa() ; ob j 2、display1( obj1 ) obj2、di obj1、prispl ay2( obj 1 ) nta() ;t、<<a <<t、aend#include ng c1ass A pub1ic:<iostream> namespace s
20、td;A( )A (cout co"A"<<< "A”e ndl; < e nd l;class B public: Bvirtual void Virtual B( ) f(f () c);outcoutcout <<<< "B”"B"<< en”B:f" <<<< endl; dl; endl;;c 1 asspub 1iD:p ublic B c :D(vo)dfvi r tualprivate:A a;void main( ) cou t << "D ”<< end1 ;) cout << "D:f" << end
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