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1、Three main characteristics of BEC SP EAKING 1.Si mple&ClearEg:I d like to buy stocks.2. Logical& Well-orga ni zed 1.A clear structure(eg:Firsly,Seco ndly.Thirdly 2.Verbal mapEg:Could you in troduce yourself?(less tha n 1 min (Name,job,hobbyI m fond of 丨 m pretty good at That s why my job is about 3.

2、I nformative (must be p rese nted efficie ntly 1.use figures 2.details eg: we made mon ey.our p rofit was 10%.I can sp eak good bus in ess English.The level of my BEC certificate isVANTAGE.BEC中级口语评分标准语法和词汇1、语法(单复数等,语态2、词汇(准确性,专业性技术 tech no logy 技术含量 tech no logy invo Ived话语组织互动式交流(积极参与、恰当提问中级口语考试(14

3、min应试技巧Part One (in terview良好第一印象Good after noon, Sir/Madam.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you too -Have a seat.-Tha nk you very much.回答简洁为佳(v=3se nten ces,=20s避免答非所问巧用(You mean?呆证自己答对。遇到棘手的问题?-It s very tough question.-I can t say exactly,but -I have no idea,but-I m a layman in this fieldI still wan

4、na explore it in the future.常考问题:1、what s your registration numbe准考证号?(长串 3-4 位停顿一次,0 zero,2个 double,3个 triple.2、What s your name?My surn ame is ,my give n n ame is.My frie nds always call me Veroni ca,myEn glish n ame.3. where are you from?( no criticize,choose about 3 poin ts,20sweather,transp ort

5、atio n.en vir onmen t(job opportunity,hous ing,ni ght life(excit in g,d yn amiclocal people,resortsI m from Suzhou.Suzhou is a large and beautiful city,with many classical garde ns.Morei mp orta ntly,the good sce nery makes you relax and happy.4. Do you come from a large family or a small family?(nu

6、clear family 小家庭,only child ,singleI m from a typical family,my father ,my mother,and I. m very independent.I m the only child in my family.But in stead of being sp oiled,lI m a college student.l5. Do you work or are you a stude nt?m really into my job. good at it.Ihwplregtye me ap romisi ngfuture,l

7、 believe.6. What do you study?How do you like about your major?事实,兴趣,擅长,未来。Part Two(mi ni-prese ntatio n1 min prep arati onRead & Brai nstormPREPoint + Reas on / Exa mple1、主题明确;逻辑清晰通过专业词实现黄金模式:(1-3-3-3-1万能模式:(1-4-3-2-1a. 选择主题-Which topic have you chosen?- I choose topicb. 开篇点题Whe n( deali ng with co

8、m plain ts,(offen ng an apo logy is very imp orta nt.As to this topic.Whe n talk ing about complain ts.c. 论点组织My p oi nts are as follows:I have the followi ng points.First ,Second ,ThirdFirst of all on the sec ond pl acefi nallyc.论点拓展解释:whichmea ns,i n other words转折:but,however,i nfact,actually因果:be

9、cause,that s why举例:forexa mp le,lwa nna takefor exa mpled.结束That s all.Thank you.2、用词专业、得当短语优先,避免低级错误P sychological factorsBrand imageBuild ing databaseStart out仓1立 team up合作 develop研发;培养 product lines产品系歹U selling points 卖点 very stylish 非常拉风 cutt in g-edge tech no logy 高尖技术 compact 小巧的3、长短合适(1min反复

10、练习,把握在55S-65SPart Three(discussi on开始应有简单寒暄让考官考生都进入状态1、简单寒暄 Hi/Hello/Hey,Sam以互动式交流为主回答简洁清晰;总有反对Now,people in our company are2、开始讨论(三选一 are paying a visit to talk ing aboutAs we all kno w,/As everybody knows.Some people thi nk that/It has bee n said that3、邀请对方加入讨论What do you thi nk of it?What would y

11、ou say?What about you?What s your opinion?4、要求对方进一步解释Really?/Why?/How come?(开放式What do you mea n (by ?What exactly are you trying to say?5、赞同(边说边点头Mm Hmmm./Yes.That s it./You got it./You said that.Exactly!/Absolutely!/Defi nitely.I see what you mea n./Make sense.6部分赞同,部分反对即竞争,又合作赞同,but 建议提出用迂回的方式否决。

12、Social time may be a good choice! Because we can get to know each other.You got it. Very good .But I think too much social time is a waste of time and efforts. So social time must be orga ni zed in order.We better look into their backgro und. This way, we can fully meet their n eeds.I see what you mea n. But I m aware that we need more details about their likes and dislikes. Thar way, it will bring us more ben efits in deali ng with them.7、插话(尽量不插话对方,尽量允许对方插画Excuse me, but By the way,.顺便说一下Before I forget, I thi nkSorry, buttExcuse me 强Sam,


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