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1、七年级英语上册unit9教案七年级的英语学习很重要,它是整个初中乃至高中英语的基础,以下是小编整理的七年级英语上册unit9教案,欢迎参考阅读!.教学准备1教师:录音机、磁带、图片、多媒体课件。2学生:准备一份班级的课程表;制作一份英语课程表。.教学目标1知识目标:(1)单词:favorite,subject,science,music,math,Chinese,geography,history(2)句型:What's your favorite subject?My favorite subject is art.2能力目标:通过本课学习,掌握一些词汇、句型等语言知识,能够运用所学

2、词汇、句型和他人交流,提高英语口语表达能力。3情感目标:通过互相谈论喜欢的学科,增进同学之间的了解和友情。4文化意识:了解英语国家学生的学习生活,增强跨文化交际的意识。.教学重点1单词:favorite,subject,science,geography,history2句型:What's your favorite subject?My favorite subject is science.教学难点1熟练运用所学的词汇、句型表达和交流信息。2正确运用本课中所学的表示品质的形容词描述事物。.教学步骤Step 1:Leadin建议1:教师播放各学科上课的画面,问学生分别是什么学科,引出

3、各学科的名称,最后做一个总结。For example:T:Class!Please look at the picture.What subject is it?S1:It's Chinese.S2:It's math.S3:It's geography.S4:It's science.Then the teacher has a summary:Chinese,m ath,geography,science.建议2:教师问学生现在学习的学科有哪些,让学生列举出来,从而引出各学科的名称,最后总结一下。For example:T:Class!How many su

4、bjects are you learning now?What subjects are they?S1:We are learning Chinese,math,English.S2:And science,music,history.Then call some other students to have a sup plement.In the end,let the the students give a summary.建议3:教师问学生现在学的.科目有哪些,找一两个学生来回答。然后教师 和学生做一个看图猜谜游戏。让学生看图,猜猜是什 么学科,最后让学生将各学科全部总结一下。Fo

5、r example:T:Class!What subjects are you learning  now?Can you say out?S1:Chinese,math,English.S2:P.E.history.T:Class!Please look at each picture.What subject is it?Can you gue ss?Let the students look and  guess.In the end,let the students have a summary.Step 2:Present ation建议:教师引导学生将1a中的各

6、学科名称与图画进行配对。For example:T:Class!Look at 1a and the pictures.Can you match the words with the right picture?Call one or two individuals to check the answers.Step 3:Practice建议1:教师问学生是否能准确流利地读出1a中的单词,找几名学生朗读一遍。对于读错的单词,教师纠正其发音错误,并领读两遍。然后让全班同学齐读两遍。For example:T:Class!Can you read the words in 1a correctl

7、y?Then call some individuals to read.S1:P.E.,art,science,music,math,Chinese,geography,history.S2:P.E.,art,science,music,math,Chinese,geography,history.Then the teacher corrects  their pronunciation mistakes,and then has a leading reading.In the end,let all the students read the words collective

8、ly.建议2:教师领读两遍,然后将全班同学分成三组或四组,组织一次朗读比赛,看哪一组读得好。最后进行一个看图抢答游戏,看谁说得又对又快,奖励说得又对又快的学生。For example:T:Class!Let's practice readi ng the words.Please read the words after me.Then the teacher has a leading reading.The students follow the teacher.T:Class!Now,let's play a guessing game.Look at the pictu

9、res and rush to say out the subjects.Award the students who said correctly and quickly.Step 4:Leadin建议:教师问学生是否能熟练说出1a中的单词,告诉学生将进行一次听力测验,以检验学生是否完全掌握1a中的单词。For example:T:Class!Have you grasped the words of the subjects in 1a?Now let's have a test.Then let the students listen to the conversations i

10、n 1b.Step 5:Consolidation建议:教师将听力原文投放在屏幕上,把重点单词去掉。让学生再听一遍录音,填出单词,补全对话。For example:T:Class!Look at the listening text.Listen to the tape again,write out the missing words.After listening,call one or two individuals to check the answers.See how well they did.Step 6:Practice建议1:教师让学生大声读一遍听力原文,问学生是否有不理解

11、的地方。如果有,教师给予点拨讲解。For example:T:Class!Please read the listening text aloud.Then let the students read for some time.T:Class!Do you have anything that you don't understand?If they have,have a brief explanation.建议2:让学生熟读几遍1b中的对话,找几名学生朗读对话,看看读得怎么样。教师给予语音、语调、语气等方面的指导和纠正。然后将全班学生分成两大组,练习对话,看看哪一组说得好。For

12、 example:T:Class!Please read the conversations aloud by yourselves.Then I'll ask some of you to read.After reading,the teacher corrects th e mistakes about their pronunciation.And tell the students what tones and intonations they should use.T:Class!Let's practice the conversations between gr

13、oups.See which group will say better.Group A:What's your favorite subject?Group B:My favorite subject is.Group A:Why do you like.?Group B:Because it's.建议3:教师让学生自己熟读几遍对话,然后让学生两人合作表演对话。For example:T:Class!First,please read the conversations aloud by yourselves.Next,please practice performing t

14、he conversations in pairs.Then I'll call some of you to act out.S1:What's your favorite subject?S2:My favorite subject is.S1:Why do you like.?S2:Because it's.Step 7:Leadin建议:由步骤6谈论的内容自然过渡到问学生最喜欢什么学科以及喜欢的原因。For example:T:Class!Just now we talked about some people's favorite subjects.W

15、hat about you?What's your favorite subject?Can you talk about it?S1:My favorite subject is.T:Why do you like.?S1:Because it's.Then call some individuals to practice with the teacher in the same way.Step 8:Practice建议1:通过步骤7的导入,引出要练习的句型。让学生两人合作编对话,并进行表演。比一比哪一组说得好。For example:T:Class!Can you ma

16、ke a similar dialogue in pairs?Then I'll call some of you to act out.Then let the students work in pairs to make a dialogue.S1:What's your favorite subject?S2:My favorite subject is.S1:Why do you like.?S2:Because it's.建议2:做一个“找朋友”的游戏。让学生在班内走动,互相询问喜欢什么学科,找到与自己喜欢的科目相同的人。For example:T:Class

17、!Let's play a gameFind friends who likes the same subject with you!You can leave your seats and go around the class.Ask everyone what his/her favorite subject is.The one who likes the same subject with you is just your friend.S1:What's your favorite subject?S2:My favorite subject is.S1:What&

18、#39;s your favorite subject?S3:My favorite subject is.S1:What's your favorite subject?S4:My favorite subject is.Step 9:Consolidation建议:教师让学生做个陈述报告,陈述自己喜欢什么学科以及喜欢的理由。For example:T:Class!Now let's have a report about your favorite subject and the reason why you like it.You can report like foll

19、owing:Hello!Everyone!My name is.I like some subjects,such as.But my favorite subject is.Because it's.Let the students pra ctice it for some time.Then call some students to act out.Step 10:Task建议:教师让学生在小组内做采访调查。询问组内每个成员喜欢什么学科以及喜欢的原因。然后找几组同学进行采访表演。For example:T:Class!Now in your group,have an inte

20、rview and make a survey.Ask the members of your group what their favorite subjects are,and the reasons why they like them.Then call some groups to perform their interview.S1:Hello!I'm a reporter.Can I ask you some questions?S2:Yes.S1:What's your favorite subject?S2:My favorite subject is.S1:

21、Why do you like.?S2:Because it's.Step 11:Summary建议:教师让学生自己总结本节课所学的内容,包括单词和句型。For example:T:Class!Let's sum up what we have learned in this class.What words did we learn?Ss:Favorite,subject,science,music,math,Chinese,geography,history.T:What sentences did we learn?Ss:What's your favorite subject?My favorite subject is art.Step 12:Homework1和你的同伴讨论各自喜欢什么学科以及喜欢的原因,编成对话并表演。对话模式:S1:What's your favorite subject?S2:My


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