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1、高考总复习-定语从句判断复合句When you cross a main road, you must be careful.He went out to p lay football after he had fini shed his homework. Wait un til you are called.Open it and sit dow n.I can't recog nize you. You are so cha nged since last we met.He did n't go to school un til he was eleve n.Thoug

2、h he has lived for years in London, he writes in Fren ch.He is such a won derful joker that you can't help laugh ing.He is the man whom I saw yesterday.Beiji ng is the p lace where I was born.Where he lives is not clear.I sle pt un til midni ghtThis is what we should do.It is because you eat too

3、 much.Put it where you found it.定语从句The stude nt who an swered the questio n was Joh n.I know the reas on why he was so an gry.The boy (whom) you are talk ing to is my brother.rd like a room whose window looks out over the sea.(1) 定语从句:在主从复合句中用作定语的从句叫定语从句。定语从句一般紧接在先行词 (an tecede nt)后 面。(2) 先行词:被定语从句

4、修饰的成份。先行词可以为一个词,短语,或整个主句。(3) 引导定语从句的词叫关系词,分为关系代词和关系副词。关系词的作用:引导定语从句,连接主句和从句,相当于一个连词;关系代词 :that、which、who、whom、whose、as关系副词(在从句中只作状语):when、why、where定语从句三步:第一找出先行词;is writte n in pencil is difficult to read.2. Do you know the gentlemansp oke just now?3. What is the questi on they are talk ing about?第二

5、看先行词在定语从句中的语法功能(做主语、宾语或状语) 第三选择合适的关系词。Whowhichthatwhomwhose1. A letter4. Here is the man you want to see.5. She's no Ion ger the girlshe used to be before.6. Our hometow n is no Ion ger the one it used to be.7. The bookwas on the desk was bought by my father.8. The book I bought yesterday is ver

6、y in teresti ng.9. The factory in which his father works is far from here. 10.I like the stude nts11. He's a man from5._work hard.we should lear n.There is still a seat in the corneris still free.That is the dayril never forget.、The factorywe'll visit n ext week is not far from her

7、e.A childparents are dead is called an orphan.rd like a roomwin dow faces south.16.定语从句只用that的情况 先行词为不定代词,all,much,someth in g,everyth in g,a nything,nothing,none,1. We should do allis useful to the people .2. There's no thi ngcan be said about it . 先行词被 only, any, few, little, no, just, very,等词

8、修饰时。1. The only thingwe could do was to wait.2. That's the very wordis wrongly used.The last placewe visited was the chemical works. 先行词是序数词时或被序数词修饰时。1. When we talk about Wuxi, the first2. This is the third filmhas bee n show n in our school this term.先行词是最高级或被最高级修饰时。comes into mind is Tai Lake

9、.1.This is the bestcan be done now.先行词既有人又有物,用which和who都不适合,这时宜用that.女口:1.The writer and his novelyou have just talked about is really well known .如果有两个从句,其中一个关系代词已用which ,另一个关系代词宜用that,以避免语言的单调或重复。Edis on built up a factoryp roduced thingshad n ever bee n see n before. 疑问词是who或which,关系代词宜用that,以避免重

10、复。1. Which is the book you like best? 主句是There be结构,修饰其主句的定语从句宜用that作关系代词.女口:.There is still a seat in the corneris still free.That is the dayril never forget.、The factorywe'll visit n ext week is not far from here.关系副词引导的定语从句:Whe n where whyHe came last nighI was out.I still remember the daywhi

11、ch my brother joined the army.I still remember the days e spent together.This is the p laceI was born.I live in the room he used to live.This is the parthey visited last year.The reas onhe did n't atte nd the meet ing was that he was ill.I don't believe the reason he gave me.1. The p lacein

12、terested me most was the Childre n's P alace.A. Which B. where C. what D. in which2. Do you know the man?A. whom I sp oke B. to who sp oke C. I sp oke to D. that I sp oke3. This is the hotellast mon th.A. which they stayed B. at that they stayedC. where they stayed at D. where they stayed4. Do y

13、ou know the yearthe Chin ese Com mun ist Party was foun ded?A. which B. that C. whe n D. on which5. That is the dayril n ever forget.A. which B. on which C. i n which D. whe n6. The factorywe'll visit n ext week is not far from here.A. where B. to which C. which D. i n whichwe are work ing.7. Gr

14、eat cha nges have take n pl ace since the n in the factoryA. where B. that C. which D. there8. This is one of the best films.A. that have bee n show n this year B. that have show nC. that has bee n show n this year D. that you talked9. Ca n you lend me the bookthe other day?A. about which you talked

15、 B. which you talkedC. about that you talked D. that you talked10. The penhe is writ ing is mine.A. with which B. i n which C. on which D. by which11. They arrived at a farmhouse, in front ofsat a small boy.A. whom B. who C. which D. that12. The engin eermy father works is about 50 years old.A. to w

16、hom B. on whom C. with which D. with whom13.lt there anyone in your classfamily is in the coun try?A. who B. who's C. which D. whose14.1'm in terested inyou have said.A. all that B. all what C. that D. which15.1 want to use the same dicti onarywas used yesterday.A. which B. who C. what D. as

17、定语从句特殊考点;1.as的用法:当先行词前有as, so, the same, suC修饰的时候多用asI have the same bookyou have.Her attitude to him was quite the sameit had always bee n.Don't do such thing_you are not sure about.There is no such p laceyou dream of in all this world.比较:I live in the same house that he used to live in.rm wear

18、i ng the same shirt as you wore yesterday. 比较: Here is so big a stone as no one can lift.Here is so big a stone that no one can lift it.2.当先行词为 way时,定语从句常用that, in which,,that常可以省略。This is the wayI do such thi ngs.I have show n you.PI ease do the exp erime nt in the wayI don 'like the wayyou sp

19、eak.you gave me.I don 'like the way限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别非限制性定语从句往往用逗号隔开关系代词Whowhomwhichaswhose关系副词 when, where规律:Tom's father,arrived just no w, is a famous scie ntist.He was very rude to the customs officer,made things even worse.It rained hard yesterday,p reve nted me from going to the p ark

20、.The youngest nurse has worked for 30 days in the hospital,she spent her 19th birthday .Recen tly I bought an ancient Chin ese vase,price was very reas on able.There are libraries for childre nyou can borrow books to read.is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every mon th.Beij

21、ing,is Chin a's cap ital , is rich in cultural and historic relics.His daughter,is in Beiji ng no w, is coming home n ext weekTalks betwee n the two coun tries are making p rogress,is rep orted in the n ews pap er .1. I have many frien ds,some are bus in essme n.A of them B of whom C who of D fr

22、om which2. Look out! Don t get too close to the houseroof is un der rep air.3. The p lace heaviest.A whose B whichC of which D whatthe bridge is supp osed to be built should bethe cross-river traffic is theA which; where B at which; which C at which; where D which; in which4. Such a filmyou saw isnA

23、 whatB which't worth seeing at all.C thatD as5. In an hour, we can travel to p lacesA where B whe nC whichA of whichC in whichD from whichB by which7. We will be show n around the city, schools museums, and some other pl aces,other visitorsseldom go.A whatB whichC whereD whe n8.Joh n said heA he

24、'd been working in the office for an hour, _B thisC whichD whowas true.9. It was an excit ing mome nt for those football fans this year,for the first time in years theirteam won the World Cup.A thatB whileC whe nD which10. We are living in an agemany thi ngs are done on compu ters.A whichB thatC

25、 whoseD whe nhas bee n announ ced, we shall have our final exams n ext month.A ThatB AsC ItD What11.12. The English playmy students acted some parts at the New Year' party was a greatsuccess. A for which B of whichC in which D on which13.The factory p roduced half a millio n p airs of shoes ever

26、y year, 80%are sold abroad.A of which B which of C of them D of that14. They were in terestedyou told me.A in whichB in thatC all thatD in everyth ing15. America n wome n usually ide ntify their best friend as some onethey can talk freque ntly.A whoB asC about whichD with whom16. Tony is the only on

27、e of the stude nts who A have gone B have bee nto Europe.C has bee nD had gone17. Beiji ng,A thatis the cap ital of Chin a, is a moder n city.B itC whichD /19. They talked for about an hour of things and persons which B thatC who D whomthey remembered in the school.20.1 have the same glassesKate is

28、weari ng.A asB thatC whichD than21. We will n ever forget the dayswe spent together on the isla nd.A whe nB whichC in which D duri ng which咼考真题2012【2012 全国卷 II iThat evening,A. thatB. whichI will tell you more about later, I en ded up worki ng very late. C. whatD. whe n2【2012 安徽l 29. A lot of Iangua

29、ge learning, has been discovered, is happening in thefirst year of life, so parents should talk much to their childre n duri ng that p eriod._would have take n our an cestors days to reach.D what 6. I saw a woma n running toward me in the dark. Before I could recog nize who she was, she had run back

30、 in the directi on she had come.A. asB. itC. whichD. this3【 2012重庆】 29. Sales director is a position sales munication ability is just as important asA. whichB. thatC. whenD. where4【 2012北京】26. When deeply absorbed in work, eating or sleeping.A. thatB. whichhe often was ,he would forget all

31、 aboutC. whereD. when5【 2012 福建】 23. The air quality in the city, past two months.A. thatis shown in the report, has improved over theB. itC. asD. what6【 2012 陕西】14. It is the third time that she has won the race,A. thatB. whereC. whichhas surprised us all. D. what7【 2012 山东】23. Maria has written tw

32、o novels, both ofhave been made into television series.A. themB. thatC. whichD. what8【 2012 湖南】34. Care of the soul is a gradual process considered.even the small details of life should beA. whatB. in whatC. whichD. in which9【 2012 天津】7. I wish to thank Professor Smith, withouthelp I would never hav

33、e got thisfar.A. whoB. whoseC. whomD. which10【2012 江西】28. By 16:30, A. whichB. whenwas almost closing time, nearly all the paintings had been sold.C. what D. that11【 2012 四川】13. In our class there are 46 students,A. in whomB. in themhalf wear glasses.C. of whomD. of them12【 2012 浙江】9. We live in an

34、agemore information is available with greater ease thanever before.A. why13【 2012 浙江】B. when17. Ellen was awithdrawn from all human society. A. which B. whoC. to whomD. on whichpainter of birds and of nature, for some reason, hadC. whereD. whom14【 2012 江苏】 22. After the flooding, people were sufferi

35、ng in that area, clean water, medicine and shelter to survive.urgently neededA. whichB. whoC. whereD. whatA. whoseB. thatC. whoD. which20131.【 2013 陕西】16.is often the case with children, Amy was better by the time the doctorarrived.A. ItB. ThatC. WhatD. As2.【 2013 重庆 24】John invited about 40 people

36、to his wedding, most ofare familymembers.A themB. thatC. whichD. whom3.【 2013 辽宁 34】A. in which caseHe may win the competition, he is likely to get into the national team.B. in that case C. in what case D. in whose case4【. 2013 福建 27】The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of those

37、liveswere affected.5.【2013 湖南 211 Happiness and success often come to those their own stre ngths.A. whomB. whoare good at recog nizingC. whatD. which7.【2013 浙江 5】The children.A. all of whatB. all of whichhad p layed the whole day long, were worn out.C. all of themD. all of whom8.【2013江西33】He wrote a

38、 letterA. whatB. whichhe explains what had happened in the accide nt.C. whereD. howThe p reside nt of the World Bank says he has a p assi on for China, remembers start ing as early as his childhood.A. whereB. whichC. what9.【2013江苏32】D. whe nhe10.【2013新课标I卷33】A. as the say ing goes oldC. as the old s

39、ay ing goes11.【2013新课标II卷41"You can t judge a book by its cover,B. goes as the old say ingD. goes as old the say ingWhe n I arrived, Brya n took me to see the houseI would bestay ing.A. whatB. whe nC. whereD. which12.【2013 安徽 291 Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012, -held

40、kongpms come true.C. whatD. whichone of the Chin ese peopleA. itB. that13.【2013 天津 6】We have launched another man-made satellite,n ews paper.A. thatB. whichC. whomadeis announ ced in todayD. what14.【2013山东31 】There is no simple answer,is ofte n the case in scie nee.A. asB. thatC. whe nD. where15.【20

41、13山东35】Fin ally he reached a Ion ely isla ndwas compi etely cut off from the6.【2013 浙江 131 The museum will open in the spring with an exhibition and a viewing platform visitors can watch the big glasshouses being built.D. whyA. whatB. whereC. whe nB. whereD. whichoutside world.A. whe nB. whereC. whi

42、chD. whomthey live.16.【2013 四川 91 Nowadays people are more concerned about the environmentA. what B. whichC. whe nD. where17.【2013 上海 381 An ecosystem consists of the living and nonliving things in an area in teract with one ano ther.A. thatB. whereC. whoD. what18.【2013 北京 271 Many countries are now

43、 setting up national parks can be p rotected.A. whe nani mals and plantsB. whichC. whoseD. where(2014安徽卷)22. The exact year2014_ Angela and her family spent together in China was2008.A. When(2014北京卷)C. why26. I borrow the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week,myclassmates recomme nded to me.A.whoB. whichC. whe nD. Where三(2014 福建卷)31. Students should involve


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