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1、管理会计作业(chapter16-20 )Chapter 16P75716.5Aa.Direct materials purchased$410,000(2)Direct materials used:Materials inven tory, beg inning of year$ 22,000Add: Purchases of direct materials410,000Cost of direct materials available for use$432,000Less: Materials inven tory, end of year26,000Cost of direct

2、materials used$406,000(3)Payme nts of direct labor payrolls$189,000(4)Direct labor cost assig ned to producti on$192,000(5)Total man ufacturi ng costs:Direct materials used parta (2)$406,000Direct labor cost192,000Man ufactur ing overhead393,600Total man ufacturi ng costs$991,600(6)Cost of fini shed

3、 goods man ufactured:Work in process inven tory, begi nning of year$5,000Add: Total manufacturing costs parta (5)991,600Cost of all goods in process dur ing the year$996,600Less: Work in process inven tory, end of year9,000Cost of fini shed goods man ufactured$987,600(7)Cost of goods sold:Begi nning

4、 inven tory of fini shed goods$38,000Add: Cost of fini shed goods man ufactured parta987,600Cost of goods available for sale$1,025,600Less: Ending inven tory of fini shed goods25,000Cost of goods sold$ 1,000,600(8)Total inven tory:Materials inven tory$ 26,000Work in process inven tory9,000Fini shed

5、goods inven tory25,000Total inven tory$ 60,000b.HILLSDALE MANUFACTURING CORP.Schedule of the Cost of Fini shed Goods Man ufacturedFor the Year En ded December 31, 20_Work in process inven tory, beg inningof year$05,00Add: Man ufacturi ng costs assig ned toproducti on:Direct materials$406,00used part

6、 a (2)0Direct labor192,000Man ufactur ingoverhead393,600Totalman ufactur ing costs991,600Cost of all goods in process duri ng theyear$996,600Less: Work in process, end of year9,000Cost of fini shed goods man ufactured$987,600Chapter 16P76116.4Ba.Purchases of direct materials$360,000bCost of direct m

7、aterials used:Materialsinven tory,$ 18,000beg inning of yearAdd: Purchases of direct materials360,000Cost of materials available for use$378,000Less: Materials inven tory, end of year14,000Cost of direct materials used$364,000Direct labor payrolls paid duri ng the yearc.$225,000dDirect labor costs a

8、ssig ned to producti on$230,000Overhead costs duri ng the yeare.$400,000Un its in the activity base (directlabor costs)230,000Overhead stated as a perce ntage of direct labor costs($400,000- $230,000)174%Direct materials used (partb)$364,000f.Direct labor costs assig ned to producti on230,000Man ufa

9、cturi ng overhead applied to producti on400,000Totalman ufactur ingcosts charged towork in process$994,000gCosts of fini shed goods man ufactured:Work in processinven tory,beg inning of year$ 20,000Add: Totalman ufactur ingcosts (part f)994,000Cost of all goods in process duri ng the year$1,014,000L

10、ess: Cost of work in processinven tory, end of year25,000Cost of fini shedgoodsman ufactured$989,000hCost of goods sold:Begi nning inven tory of fini shed goods$98,000Add: Cost of fini shed goods man ufactured (part g)989,000Cost of goods available for sale$1,087,000Less: Ending inven tory of fini s

11、hed goods110,000Cost of goods sold$977,000Total inven tory at year-e nd:i.Materials inven tory$14,000Work in processinven tory25,000Fini shed goods110,000inven toryTotal inven tor y$149,000Chapter 17P80217.3Aa.Departme nt One overhead applicati on ratebased on machi ne-hours:Manu facturi ngOverhead=

12、$420,000$35 per machi ne-hourMachi ne-Hours12,000Departme nt Two overhead applicati on rate based on direct labor hours:Manu facturi ngOverhead$337,500$22.50 per direct laborhourDirect LaborHours15,000b.Job no. 58:Dept. OneDept. TwoTotalDirect materials$ 10,100$7,600$17,700Direct labor16,50011,10027

13、,600Man ufacturi ngoverhead750 mach in e-hoursx$35 per hour26,25026,250740 direct labor hoursx$22.50 per hour16,65016,650Total cost of job no. 58$88,200c.Gen eral Jour nalCost ofGoodsSold88,200Fi nish ed Good s Inven tory88,200To record cost of goods sold (jobno. 58)to CityFurnitureAccou nts Receiva

14、ble (CityFur niture)147,000Sales147,000To record reve nue from sale toCity Fur ni ture.d.Dept. OneDept. TwoActual man ufact uring overhead forJan uary$39,010$26,540Man ufactur ing overhead appliedto jobs:1,100 machi ne-hoursx $35 per hour38,5001,200 direct laborhours x $22.50 perhour27,000Un derappl

15、ied man ufactur ing overhead Dept. One$510Overapplied man ufacturi ngoverhead Dept. Two$460Chapter 17P80517.8Aa.Budgeted man ufacturi ng overhead$24,600Budgeted direct labor hours (DLH)-2,500Manufacturing overhead application rate$9.84per DLHMan ufacturi ng overhead allocated using DLHBasic ChunksCu

16、stom Cuts50,000 bagsx 0.01 DLH per bagDLHx $9.84 per$4,92020,000 casesx 0.10 DLH per casex $9.84 perDLH$19,680bPerce nt of cost driver assig ned to each productlineBasic ChunksCustom CutsKilowatt hours:Basic Chu nks (90,000 KWH-100,000KWH)90%Custom Cuts (10,000 KWH-100,000KWH)10%Mach ine hours:Basic

17、 Chu nks (160 MH200 NH)80%Custom Cuts (40 MH- 200 MH)20%Square feet occupied:Basic Chu nks (60,000 Sq. Ft.80,000 Sq.Ft.)75%Custom Cuts (20,000 Sq. Ft.80,000 Sq.Ft.)25%Direct labor hours:Basic Chu nks (500 DLH 2,500 DLH)20%Custom Cuts (2,000 DLH- 2,500 DLH)80%Man ufacturi ng overhead allocated using

18、ABCBasic ChunksCustom CutsUtilities cost pool (us ing KWH as a cost driver):Basic Chunks (90%x $8,000)$7,200Custom Cuts (10%x $8,000)$ 800Maintenance cost pool (us ing MH as a costdriver):Basic Chunks (80%x $1,000)$ 800Custom Cuts (20%x $1,000)$ 200Depreciati on cost pool (us ing Sq. Ft. as a costdr

19、iver):Basic Chunks (75%x $15,000)$11,250Custom Cuts (25%x $15,000)$3,750Miscella neous cost pool (us ing DLH as a costdriver):Basic Chunks (20%x $600)$ 120Custom Cuts (80%x $600)$480Total overhead allocated to each product line usi ng ABC$19,370$5,230c.Total man ufacturi ng costs allocated to each p

20、roduct lineBasic ChunksJDirect Labor:L Basic Chunks (50,000 bagsx $12 per DLHx0.01 DLH)$ 6,001bCustom Cuts (20,000 casesx $12 per DLHx0.10 DLH)$24,000Direct Materials:Basic Chunks (50,000 bagsx $2 per bag)$ 100,000Custom Cuts (20,000 casesx $4 per case)$ 80,000Manufacturing Overhead (allocate using

21、ABC):Basic Chunks (from partb)$19,370Custom Cuts (from partb)$5,230Total cost allocated using ABC$125,370$109,230d The Custom Cuts product line is very labor intensive in comparison to the. Basic Chunks product line. Thus, the company ' s current practice of usingdirect labor hours to allocate o

22、verhead results in the assignment of adisproportionate amount of total overhead to the Custom Cuts product line.If pricing decisions are set as a fixed percentage above the manufacturingcosts assigned to each product, the Custom Cuts product line is overpriced inthe marketplace whereas the Basic Chu

23、nks product line is currently priced atan artificially low price in the marketplace.This probably explains why salesof Basic Chunks remain strong while sales of Custom Cuts are on the decline.e The benefits the company would achieve by implementing an activity-based. costing system include: (1) a be

24、tter identification of its operatinginefficiencies, (2) a better understanding of its overhead cost structure, (3) abetter understanding of the resource requirements of each product line, (4)the potential to increase the selling price of Basic Chunks to make it morecomparable to competitive brands a

25、nd possibly do so without having tosacrifice significant market share, and (5) the ability to decrease the sellingprice of Custom Cuts without having to sacrifice product quality.Chapter 18P83518.1B. Ex.18.1ajob costi ng (each project of a con struct ion compa ny isuniq ue)bboth job and process cost

26、i ng (in stituti onal clie nts mayreprese nt unique jobs)cjob cost ing (each set of equipme nt is uniq uely desig nedand manu factured)dprocess cost ing (the dog houses are uniformlymanu factured in high volumes)eprocess costing (the vitamins and supplements areun iformly manu factured in high volum

27、es)Chapter 18P84118.3APart I. Physical FlowTotal UnitsIn puts:? Begi nning WIP-0-? Started4,000Dishwashers to acco unt for4,000Outputs:? Un its completed4,000? En di ng WIP-0-Dishwashers acco un ted for4,000Part II. Equivale nt UnitsDirectCon vers ionMaterialsCostsBased on mon thly in put:? Begi nni

28、ng WIP-0-0-? Un its started4,0004,000Equivale nt un its of in put4,0004,000Based on mon thly output:? Un its completed4,0004,000? En di ng WIP-0-0-Equivale nt un its of output4,0004,000Part III. Cost Per Equivale ntTotal Un itDirectCon vers ionUnitCostMaterialsCostsCosts from Tub$150,000$30,000Depar

29、tme ntCosts from Motor96,00024,000Departme ntTOTAL$246,000$54,000Divideby equivale nt-4,000-4,000unitsCosts perequivale nt$75.00$61.5$13.50unitPartIV.TotalCostTotal CostsDirectCon vers ionAssig nmentMaterialsCostsCosts to acco unt for:? Cost of begi nning WIP$ -0-? Cost added duri ng the300,000perio

30、dTotal cost to acco unt for$300,000Costs acco un ted for:? Cost of goodstran sferredBegi nning WIP last$ -0-period$ -0-$ -0-Begi nning WIP thisperiod-0-0-0-Started and completed300,000246,000 a54,000 bTotal cost tra nsferred$300,000$246,000$54,000? Add en di ng WIP-0-0-0-Total cost acco un ted for$3

31、00,000$246,000$54,000a4,000EU$61.50$246,000b4,000EU$13.50$54,000Chapter 18P84518.2Ba (1$49 ($192,000 + $48,000 + $54,000)- 6,000 units.)(2$109 ($480,000 + $108,000 + $66,000)-6,000 un its)(3$158 ($49 + $109)(4$32 ($192,0006,000 un its)(5$18 ($108,000- 6,000 units)bIn evaluat ing the overall efficie

32、ncy of the Engine Departme nt,man ageme nt would look at the mon thly per- unit costin curred by thatdepartme nt, which is the cost of assembli ng and in stalli ng an engine($109 in parta).Chapter 20P91820.1ARequiredacon tributi onmarg in per un itBudgeted operat ing In come$ 260,000Fixed costs540,0

33、00Total required con tributi on marg in$ 800,000Number of un its to be produced and sold50,000Required con tributi on marg in per unit($800,000 -$50,000 un its)$ 16Required sales price per un it:Required con tributi on marg in per unit$ 16Variable costs and expe nses per un it84Total requiredunit sa

34、les price$ 100bBreak-Eve n Sales Volume (inFixed Costsun its)Con tributi onMargin per Unit$540,00= 0$1633,750=unitsMargin ofcsafety at 50,000un its:Sales volume at 50,000 units ($100x 50,000 units)$5,000,000Less: Break-eve n sales volume($100 x $33,750 units)3,375,000Margin ofsafety$1,625,000Operati

35、 ng In come at 50,000 un its:Margin of safety$1,625,000Co ntributio n margin rati on ($100 - $84) $100.16Operati ng In come ($1,625,000x .16)$ 260,000d No. With a unit sales price of $94, the break-even sales volume in units is54,000 un its:Unit con tribution margin = $94 - $84 variable costs = $10$

36、540,000Break-eve n sales volume (in un its)$10=54,000 un itsUni ess Thermal Tent has the ability to manu facture 54,000 un its (or lower fixed and/or variable costs), setting the unit sales price at $94 will noten able Thermal Tent to break eve n.aSales price per un it:Budgeted cots$2,250,000Add: Bu

37、dgeted operati ng in come900,000Budgeted sales reve nue$3,150,000Sales price per un it ($3,150,000 30,000 un its)$105b(1)Total fixed costs:Manufacturing overhead ($720,000x 75%)$540,000Selli ng and admi nstrative expe nses ($600,000x80%)480,000Total fixed costs$ 1,020,000Chapter 20P91820.2A(2)Variab

38、le costs and expe nses per un it:Direct materials$ 21Direct labor10Manufacturing overhead ($24x 25%)6Selling and administrative expense ($20x 20%)4Total variable costs per un it$41(3)Un it con tributi on margin:Sales price per un it$ 121Less: Variable costs per unit from(2)41Unit con tributi on margin$ 80(4)Number of un its requ


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