1、1高效预习探究案一Warmi ng up & Pre-read ing本节课学习知识早知道:对于要学的知识做到心中有底,这样才能更好的安排自己的学习步骤和学习时间,愿知识清单能够更好的帮助你进行自主学习!我们将要学习的学习内容:1. To en courage stude nts to think and talk about astr onomy.2. Lear n some new words and phrases.能力目标:To develop stude nts ability of creativity and imagi nati on.To learn to talk
2、about astronomy in English.语言目标:掌握重点词汇astr onomy, astr ono mer, solar system, religi onTasks:Step 1: Lead-i n and warm ing upGet the stude nts to talk about astro nomy, The stude nts can talk freely as they like.1. Are you interested in astronomy? Do you know something about it?Do you know about any
3、 famous astro no mers in the word?_was the first to suggest that gravity is a force._ developed a new idea of gravity and the theory of relativity._ is most famous for his work on: black holes.Do you know someth ing about solar system?Solar system is made up of _ and the objects that orbit it. These
4、 includes_and their _ , as well as asteroids (小行星),comets(慧星),and meteors(流星).2. How many pla nets circle around the sun?a. What are they? (accord ing to the order of the dista nee from the sun)b. There used to be nine pla nets in the solar system. One of the them can no Ion ger be con sidereda pla
5、net. Whatthe n ame of the pla net? Why did scie ntists remove it?3. Is there life on these pla nets?Step 2: Th ink it over1. How old is the uni verse?2. (1) How did the uni verse beg in? Different religi on and culture has differe nt ideas. What do youknow?2The followi ng no tes may be helpful.a. Th
6、e story of the Hopi people: The Four Creati ons.b. From China: The story of Pan Guc. The Jewish / Christia n / Muslim story(2)The uni verse is made up of stars, plan ets and other matter scattered throughout space.3 How old is the earth?4. What made it possible for life to develop on the earth?5. Wh
7、ich do you first think existed on the earth, pla nts or ani mals?高效预习探究案二Read ing一、热身问题1. Look at the pictures and the title of the reading passage. Predict what the reading will be aboutand what will be men ti oned in the text?二、速读课文,回答下列问题1. How did the uni verse begi n?2. When did the dust settle
8、 into a solid globe to be the earth?3. What bega n to appear on its surface whe n the earth cooled dow n after explod ing?4. What bega n to appear on the surface of the water many milli ons of years later?5. How many years did dinosaurs existed on the earth? When did they disappear?三、精读课文,回答下列问题1.Pu
9、t the order of development of life into a timeline.(1)In sects and amphibia ns appeared.(2)Dinosaurs speared.(3)The earth became a solid ball(4)Small plants grew on the water.(5)Reptiles appeared.(6)Plants began to grown on dry land.(7)The earth was a cold of dust.(8)Water appeared on the earth.3(9)
10、Shellfish and other fish appeared.(10)The uni verse bega n with a: Big Bang.(11)Clever animals with hands and feet appeared.(12)Mammals appeared.2、把每个段落与段落大意相搭配Para 1A. The developme nt of pla nts and an imals on the earth.Para 2B. The arrival of huma ns and their impact on the earth.Para 3C. A wide
11、ly accepted theory about the formati on of the uni verse.Para 4D. The importa nee of water for life.Para 5E. The formati on of the earth.四、讨论1. Why was the earth different from the other planets?2. Why did the pla nts grow before the ani mals came?3. What problem is caused by huma n beings.4. What s
12、hould we do to deal with the problem? Say it out i n detail.五、与同桌讨论,理解下列长难句并尝试翻译成汉语1. What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dustsettled into a solid globe.句子结构分析:what引导的是_从句,what在此从句中作表语。when引导的是_ 从句settle into意为 _翻译:_2. They were in time to produce
13、 carb on, n itroge n, water vapour and other gases, which were tomake the earth satmosphere.句子结构分析:which引导的是 _in time意思是_eg: If you keep on, yousucceed in time.翻译:_3. It was not immediately obvious that water was to be fun dame ntal to the developme nt of life.句子结构分析:that引导的是 _ 从句,it是_be fun dame nt
14、al to对.是基本的翻译:_4. What many scientists believe is that the continued presenee of water allowed the earth todissolve harmful gases and acids into the ocea ns and seas.句子结构分析:what引导的是_从句,what在此从句中作believe的4that引导的是 _从句,且不能略。翻译:_六、课文缩写Accord ing to a widely accepted,the uni verse bega n with a Bing Ban
15、g ” After theBing Bang”,the earth was still just a cloud of.It didnsettled into a soliduntilbetwee n 4.5 and 3.8 billio n years ago. The earthloudly with fire and rock. They were in time to produce, many gases, which were to make the earth .When it cooled down, water began to appear on its surface.
16、The life began to.The first extremely small pla nts appeared on the surface of the water, and the nand filled the oceans and seas with oxygen. It encouraged the deployment of early shellfish and sorts fish.Gree n pla nts, la nd ani mals, in sects bega n to appear. After that dino saurs developed and
17、_on theearth. Small clever ani mals appeared. They aretoo much carb on dioxide into the atmosphere. As aresult, the earth may become too hot to live on. So whether life will con ti nue on the earth willon whether this problem can be solved._ _ _ _ _ _ _5Keys to Unit4高效预习探究案一Warming up & Pre-read
18、ingStep 1: Lead-in and warming up1. Isaac Newton Albert Einstein Stephen Hawking the sun planets moons2.a. eight planets / Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune b. The nameis Pluto. Scientists now think it is too small to be called a planet.c. Different answersStep 2: Think i
19、t over1. several billion years ago2.(1) Different answers(2) stars, planets and other matter3 between 4.5 and 3.8 million years ago4. water5. Different answers高效预习探究案二Reading二、速读课文,回答下列问题1. The universe began with a“Big Bang”that threwdmireactteiornins.all2. between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago.3. water4. the first extremely small plants.5. for
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