



1、基本信息授课教师学英语授课科班 级授课内容M8Unit3 Language in use主题内容说明本课是外研版九年级 (下)第 8 模块第 3 单元,主要让学生学习宾语从句和定语从句的用法。教学目标分析1.To grasp the use of attributive clause and object clause;2.To grasp the key points and sentences;3.To communicate with others about school-leavers.教学重难点分析1.Importances: To communicate with others

2、about school-leavers.2.Difficulties :The use of attributive clause and object clause.教学过程时间教学环节5'1.Lead-in22.Readingstrategies师生活动活动目的Ask somequestions: To arouse theWhat sthis?It sa .What s? It .students interestsDo youfeelnervousevery day?What time do you go tobed every night?Do you have time

3、to doexercise except studying?AskandexplaintheTo lead o reading.123 3.ReadingRead passage1and 2 andanswerthefollowingquestions:1)Complete the passagewith the clauses .a. thatsuccess at schoolisimportantforourfuturesb. if you wantto be anengineerc.thatwe controlthefutured.wecanm

4、akewonderfulfuturesif weremember thise. that I am a very goodstudent2).Read the passage andTo lead students into the following activities.Togetdetailedinformation.answer these questions.1. What do students at vocational schools do?2. Why did Mark choose to go to vocational school?3. What does he lea

5、rn now?3)Readoneofthe2passages carefully and tryto grasp it.Passage 1Key points:Passage 2Key points:4) Read passage 3 and fillin the blanks.1. In the US, students often have _ _ to celebrate the end of junior high.2.Thereisusually_whichorganizes the dance.3. Sometimes _help make the food andsometime

6、s it comes from_.4. The girls usually wear_and the boys wear344.Speaking55. Exercises45.Writingpractice26.summary作业设计_.5. The dance is usually_ by teachers andparents.Try to read the key points.To read them.1)Try to do the followingTodotheexercises.exercises.2) Correct the answers.Key structures:Tolet studentsBeginning:Inthelastpracticethethree years,myteacherstructures.have helped me a lot.Body: For example,Ending: I will try my bestto work harder toReview the clauses and doToconcludethesome reading.lessonYou ha


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