



1、unit 1 what should we do before help arrives教学内容: unit1what should we do before help arrives?课型: listening and speaking教学目标:1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组:broken,glass,medical,imagine,bottom,atthe bottom of , wrong, what s wrong with ?, trouble, lift up, drop, make sure, have troubledoing sth., cover with, no, tha

2、t could be harmful .2、能够正确使用情态动词must, can, could表示推测。3、能够听懂谈论急救话题的听力材料。4、能够谈论突发事故及应采取的相应措施。教学重难点:1、能够听懂谈论急救话题的听力材料。(重点)2、能够谈论突发事故及应采取的相应措施。(难点) 教学准备:课堂整体运用任务型教学模式,培养学生独立自主的学习能力。本课指导学生通过听说获取信息,培养学生的听说技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备:ppt课件、挂图、课堂练习表格、奖品教学过程:教学教师活动学生活动设计意图步骤step one w

3、arming- up (3 )lead in1. enjoyasonganddo action while listening.2. free talk:t: what must we do when we go downstairs?1. enjoythe song and do actions.2. have the free talk in pairs.以旧引新, 先引导 学 生 回 顾must的另一个用法 。通过这个环节,可以引导学生 对 must 的不同用法进行简单 的对比了解。 既训练了学生的 反应又培养了 学生大胆说英 语的习惯。 活跃了课堂气氛。step two pre-tas

4、k (5 )show studentssome pictures fromthetextbook,then show the titleof the lesson and lecturethe new words as well.eg: broken,glass,medical, imagine,bottom,atthebottomof , wrong,what s wrongwith ?,trouble, lift up, drop, make sure,havetroubledoingsth.,watch pictures and learn some new words :broken,

5、glass,medical, imagine, bottom, at the bottomof ,wrong,whatswrongwith ?,trouble,liftup, drop, make sure, have troubledoingsth.,cover with , no, tha t could be harmful.利用图片呈现 新单词和句型 , 做到词不离句, 为学生扫清听 的障碍。cover with ,no,that could be harmful.step1. listen and fill in the1.listenandfillinthe通过听力训练,three

6、blanks.(activity2)blanks.( activity2)让学生熟悉对while-task (24 )(1) you couldwhen you go down the stairs.(2) it squitedangerousinthekitchenathome becauseglass or knives can cut you.(3) youdrop the heavyfurnitureandhurtyourwhen you re moving it.2. listen again and check.3. listenandfind2. listen again and

7、 check.3. listenandfindout话内容。为进一步的听说学习做好铺垫。让学生带着任 务(问题) 去听对话并找到答 案,有助于培养和提高学生更 加准确地听取 信息的能力。 通out(activity3):(activity3)andfindoutthe过小组活动提whatshouldwe dobeforeanswer.:高学生间的自helparriveswhenan accident happens? ( choosethe right answers )a. call 120.b. shout for help.c. lift him up.d. sit him on a c

8、hair.e. cover him with a coat.4. reading.t:good job.pleaseopen your book and complete thefirstaidsuggestionsand decide if they are good orbad on page97.5. problems- solvingask the studentsto read the dialogueinroles.and help them solve these important points:1) imagine, imagine doing sth. e.g. i oft

9、en imagine flying in the sky.2) bottom, at the bottom of e.g. shall we have awhat should we do before help arriveswhenanaccident happens?(choosetheright answers )a. call 120.b. shout for help.c. lift him up.d. sit him on a chair.e. cover him with a coat4. students open the book and find out the answ

10、ers. then makethemtoworktogetherand complete the notes in groups.5. somestudentsreadthe dialogueand theotherstudents find out difficulties points.allthestudentssaythe difficultiesand solve together.主、合作学习, 让学生充分地 实践运用语言, 并激发学生创 造性思维的发 展。picnicat the bottom of this mountain?3) wrong,whatswrong with ?

11、 e.g. what is wrong with you?4) trouble,havetrouble doing sth. i have troublefinishing the homework by myself.5) make sure make sure it s safe to stay here.6) cover with ,can you cover the boy with a coat?7) no,thatcouldbeharmful.6. reading:have students read by themselves and tryto remember the mai

12、n ideasof the dialogue.6.reading:studentsreadby themselves and try to rememberthe main ideas of the dialogue.step four post- task(10 )1.retelling.finishactivity4on page97.2.speaking work in pairshavestudentsaskandanswer like this:-whatdoyoudoif someone is hurt?-askhim/herwhat happened 1. completethe

13、retelling according to the dialogue.2. pair work: make dialogues.复述对话能使学生加深对课文内容的理解和记忆。适当的口头练 习,让学生巩固本课时的语言 点和突出重点。step five summary(2)1. get the students tosum up the languagepoints. t:whathavewelearned today?ss: 2. letthestudentsto choose the best team in this lesson.1. sum up the language points.

14、2. to choose the best groups.引导学生对这 节课的总结, 让学生做自由发 言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习 习惯。简短的评价使 学生的课堂表 现得到肯定并 且可以激励学 生的学习兴趣, 树立学习英语 的信心。step six home- work(1)1. read the dialogue afterschooland remember the new words.2. to copy the new words.finish the homework.课后作业有助 于学生巩固已 学的知识, 补充其他方面的锻 炼。七、板书设计:module 12 help

15、unit1. what should we do before help arrives?imagine, imagine doing sth.e.g. i often imagine flying in the sky.bottom,atthe bottom of e.g.shallwe have a picnicatthe bottom ofthismountain? wrong, what s wrong with ? e.g. what is wrong with you?trouble, have trouble doing sth. i have trouble finishing

16、 the homework by myself. make suremake sure it s safe to stay here.cover with ,can you cover the boy with a coat?no, that could be harmful.达标训练题一用所给词的适当形式填空:1. look! the boy is(lie) on the floor. 2.the little girl has trouble( speak).3. it is( harm) to read in the sun.4. the students made their teacher.(angry).5. what could we do before help(arrive)?二、选择正确的答案:() 1.what swith you ? i have a bad cold.a. problemb. matterc. troubled. wrong () 2. the boy is hurt badly. he ispain.a. inb. onc. atd


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