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1、Module 6单元分析教学目标分析语 言 知 识 目 标功能谈论能力:进一步巩固一般过去时的运用语法全体学生能运用:You can play basketball well. They got seventy points.词汇1 全体学生能理解:well, high, true, got, eighty, point, fan, seventy, sixty2.全体学生能初步运用:well, high, got, fan语音进一步感知语句的重音。语肃技能目标听全体学生能听懂:You can play basketball well. They got seventypoints.说全体学生

2、能说: You can play basketball well. They got seventy points.读全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文。写全体学生能拼写自选词汇运用全体学生能运用can说明能力;进一步巩固一般过去时的运用学 习 策 略主动复习和归纳所学内容文化意识对赞扬做出适当的反应情感态度敢于开口,表达中不怕出错误任 务Unit 1 :小组讨论各自应该参加的体育俱乐部Unit 2:挑选班级篮球队队员教学内容分析本模块的话题是讨论能力,同时进一步巩固一般过去时的运用。Unitl的课文情景是Amy和Sam要和朋友们打篮球,想邀请Lingling加入篮球 队,但Lingling说自

3、己打的不好。Sam问Lingling跑得快不快,Lingling说不快。 Unit2的课文情景是描述了另一场篮球赛。Unit 1 You can play basketball well孵 目标能目标用已学的can说明能力并学习数词械目标敢于开口,表达中不怕出错误1 .Can you run fast?2 .You can play basketball wellleanCan you?多媒体课件、单词卡片第一蝴故第1喇教学过程设计教学活动SteplWarming up and revision1. Greetings2. Sing a song: Can you play basketbal

4、l very well?通过师生之间的 问侯,拉近与学生 的距离,接着师生 一起演唱歌曲,创 设轻松愉快的英 语氛围,不仅在唱 歌中带领学生尽 快进入英语学习 状态,而且这首歌 的内容是关于can 的,符合本课学习 的主题。Step2BesentatioiL1. Lead in1)Review the adj.2)Review the verbs.Look at the ppt and review磔袅L -AMoudule 6pbvpin ulik iciflKplay basketball 卬w me oca phy footballmake a 8play the drums 川八1as

5、i rPh 如 P-。SXa.,J 减运用情境教学,通 过图片形象直观 的激发学趣,让学 生复习了动词短 语,为练习Can的 句型做了准备。s*国即 tu>UltaU weyctac西雪. h<jl r'一二,一 一f MTKjUipkla减2.Preparation:1)T: Do you like games? What game do you want to play?The teacher writes the words on the blackboard and let the student read them.T:I canCan you ?Ss:The t

6、eacher write the sentences on the blackboard.Can you ?Yes, I can.No, I can' t.2)Look at the pictures and describe the pictures.T: You can do the job very well. Do you know the word "well”Let the Ss look at the ppt.He can dance very well.He can' t dance well.3) Make more sentences.She ca

7、n very well.She can' t well.well a lean . well, not very well 不二” lean . not very well.在此环节,教师通 过游戏的方式让 学生复习了动词 短语和can的句 型,学生在轻松愉 快的学习氛围中 达到了复习的目 的。最后拓展到了应用 well来造句,教师t合 出了well hlean. well.not very well 不7lean . not very well.这个图片,学生照 此造句,达到了在 实际生活中可以 运用此句型。Step3Drills1 Practice. P34l)Look at th

8、e pictures and make a dialogue.A: I can play basketball well.B: I can run fast.a) Report the dialogue and do the pair work.11 修习不仅要求学生 练 J can的句型,求学生进 行了书写让学生的 听蝇施力得到 了碎蜘。Let the Ss ask and answer the questions.A; Can you play basketball well?B: Yes, I can.b) Writing.Let the Ss write these sentences

9、 on their books.A: I can play football well.B: I can jump high.C: Can you. ?D: Yes, I can. No, I can' t.Check the answer.设计M6U1 You can play basketball wellI canCan you?1. Recite the words .2. Listen to the tape .第二课时总第2课时教学活动SteplWarming up and revisionISing the chant. P32Look at the birds up i

10、n the sky!How can they fly so fast and so high?chant 生有 个轻松愉快的教郛不 境。Step2Ptesentation1. Warmer:Look at the pictures and make sentences.I can very well.I can' t well.2. Text teaching.T:Do you know what game Lingling want toCan和can' t学生以 前学习过,这一删口 well 和 very well 这个单词,所以通过 看图,让学生自己造 句,复习了以前学习

11、 过的内容。学生掌握 的不错。play? And can she play well?l)Look at the pictures and talk about it.2)Look at the questions and read them.What game do they want to play?Does Lingling want to play?Can she run fast?Can she catch the ball well?Can she jump high?Can Linging play basketball well?3)Listen to the tape。4)L

12、isten to the tape again.5) Let the Ss try to give the Chinese meaning of the text.6) Read the text after the teacher.7) Read after the tape and recite the text.在学生整体朗读熟练的基础上,开展男女生 朗读比赛。的学习,通过老 顺胴,完一中可 以找出答案,并日步 及的问题全部是用 can湘那J,让学生用 can和can' t来回 答。不仅学习了课文, 而且还复习了 can和 can' t。随后再通过 听和模仿课文,达到 学

13、习和巩固文本的LI 的。Step3Drills1. Talk about yourself(1)让学生先自己讨论自己会的运动。I can(2)在用Can you?的句型互相提问这件的领期然 是can ,学生I碾了 拢自己会的事情。45设计Module 6 1hit 1 You can play basketball well play football play footballrun fast go swinmingI.Can you, ?作业设计Homework:Recite the words and the text.Unit 2 They 90t seventy points.目标能

14、目标复习过去式献目标敢于开口,表达中不怕出错误询问某人的能力He/She got points.询问某人的能力He/She got pointswarn多媒体课件和图片第三课时总第3课时教学过程设计教学活动SteplWanning up and revision1. Greeting2. Warmer教师通过多媒体课件出示一些过去时让学生复习go-wentdo-didclean-c1eanedwatch-watched playplayedtake-tookget-got本课涉及到了一般过 去时态,所以画:碑 节,通过多媒体课 件出示一些过去 时让学生复习,最 后出示了 get-got,这个词

15、 的过去时态以前 是没有接触过的, 复习以前的过去 时,来学习今天新 的词的过去时,这 样的过渡比较自 然,学习学起来也不会觉得突然。Step2Presentation1 . Lead-in:Game: Guessing the numbers.老师先限定数字范围,请学生来猜,Activity: The teacher move around the class and touch students.The students sit down and the teacher touches more students. The students stand up and the teacher

16、 points at them one by one and the class counts them.Now do it again but this time get them to count in 10s. Touch five students and they stand up. Now point at them and the class counts them.Continue like this, getting the students to count in different amounts. This is a fun way to revise numbers.

17、2 Text teaching.1)T: You did a good job. Do you remember what Lingling can play?And can she play well?2)Review the text. T:Sam, Amy and Lingling他们的篮球比分怎么样呢?每个 人都得了多少分?3) Look at the pictures.T:The children played basketball yesterday. How many points did they got?始不节通过游戏的方 上学生复习了以前 学习过的数字。这个 游戏能使学生在

18、轻 松喻快的氛围中,即 做了游戏,乂复习了 好。-WWo的学习先是提出 问题,然后通过听录 音进彳也答,看视频黜听到6徽 字。踞再次4听和 读。Now please listen and point ot the number you hear.Play-playedget-got win-wonare-were a) Listen to the tape and repeat.Lingling got”Amy got.Sam got.b) Listen to the tape and read after the tape.c) Let the Ss recite the text toge

19、ther.Step3Drills1. Practise P361) Let the students read the numbers of the pictures.2) Let the students make the sentences with their partners.He got thirty-six points.She got twenty-two points.He got twenty-five points通过这作东习,让学欠对got和驾序 进行了复习,巩固了 本®点。设计Module 6 Unit 2 They got seventy points.He

20、 gotShe got设计1 .Listen to the text.2 .Pratise the page34,part3 with their parents.第四课时总第4课时嬲爵 目标目标g通过做本模块的练习来复习重点单词和句型,让学生 在听说读写中巩固重点内容。幅诩匚:well, high, true, got, eighty, point, fan, seventy, sixty 句型:You can play basketball well. They got seventy, points.卡片,多媒体和图片学习§SteplRevision 1 Greeting2 Sing an English song together调节和活跃了课堂 依Step2Dotheexerase.1. Read the text and write the answers.1) What game do they want to play?They want to play basketball.2)Does Lingling want to play?3) Can she run fast?4)


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