



1、保康一中 “自主互动”高效课堂高一年级英语必修4编制人:胡素芳审核人:余仕伟Unit1 A stude nt of African Wildlife【学习目标】1、理解Jane Goodall观察黑猩猩的方法,以及在黑猩猩研究和保护方面取得的成就。2、训练学生略读,细读等阅读技巧,把握文章中心内容,获取关键信息。3、学习并掌握文中的重要知识点课前预习案【自主学习】大胆试Task I Discussion1. Can you tell some great and successful wome n around the world or in the history?2. What do yo

2、u think is n eeded in order to be a great woma n?Task n Scan the text and then choose the best answer according to the text.1. What did the group do first in the morning? TheyA. went into the forest slowlyB. left the chi mp family slee ping in a treeC. observed the family of chi mps wake upD. helped

3、 people un dersta nd the behaviour of the chi mps培养扫描 式阅读的能 力。方法:有选 择有目的地 阅读2. Why did Jane go to Africa n to study chi mps in the wild? _A. to work with them in their own en vir onmentB. to p rove the way people thi nk about chi mps was wrongC. to discover what chi mps eatD. to observe a chi mp fam

4、ily3. Ja ne was p ermitted to begi n her work afterA. the chim p family woke upB. she lived in the forestC. her mother came to support herD. she arrived at Gombe4. The purp ose of her study was toA. watch the wild chi mps in cagesB. gain a doctor' s degreeC. un dersta nd and res pect the lives o

5、f chi mpsD. live in the forest as men can我学习我快乐Task EPara1(P ara2(A. Jane has achieved many thi ngs through her effortsB. Jane has done many things for chi mpsPara3(Para4 (C. Jane has helped people to have a better un dersta nding behaviors of chi mpsD. A group studied a family of chi mps in the sam

6、e way that Jane did把握文章 主旨大意的 能力方法:仔细 阅读文章, 找出每段的 主旨句1. Match the main idea of the text2. Write dow n the main idea of the text.The text is a story about_ en vir onment and helped peoplewhoandthe chimps in their the life of these ani mals课堂探究案【合作探究】我参与内容:1,自主学习文中疑难点 2,理解文中重难点句子 3,把握文中细节Task IV Read

7、the text carefully and fill in the blanks.TopicMai n contentsHow we study the chi mps in the forest We 1Jane s way of studying chimps, and we visit themin the forest We sit and wait in the shade of the trees while the family beg ins to wake up and 2 The n we follow as they 3in to the forestDaily lif

8、e of chi mps They spe nd a lot of time 4and clea ning each other. Themother chi mps and their babies p lay in the trees. Chimps sleep together in their 5at ni ght The 6betwee n members of a chimp family is stro ngWhat Jane discovered about chi mps Jane helped people understand how much the chimp 7li

9、kehuma ns She discovered that chimps sometimes eat 8besidesfruit and nuts She also discovered how chimps 9with each other andthe n worked out their10第2页共4页我自信我成长What Jane have doneTo p rotect chi mps She has been 11about making the rest of the worldun dersta nd and 12the life of these ani mals She h

10、as argued that wild ani mals should be left in the wild ancnot used for13or advertiseme nts. She has helped to 14sp ecial safe p laces for ani malsTask V An swer the questi ons 1.How about the bond betwee n members of a chi mp family?2.What' s the purp ose of her study?3.What are the achieveme n

11、ts of Jane Goodall?Task 弋 Find the useful phrases in the text1.(使)醒来,2.建立,创建3.献身于,专心于4.花费(时间,金钱)做某事过着生活6. 离开,出发,启程7. 弄懂,制定出,锻炼,算出8.(想法、问题)涌上心Task VD Pay attention to the difficult sentences, and try to translate them1. Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped peopleunderst

12、and how much they behave like humans.是一个复合句,其中 has studied 和是两个并列谓语, how much they behave like humans 是 understand 的从句。2. Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. 这个句子主语是3. This means going back to a place where we left the chimp family sleeping in a tree theni ght befor

13、e.这是一个复合句, 修饰Place.是主句,引导了一个定语从句,我学习我快乐4. On ly after her mother came to help her for the first few mon ths was she allowed to 第3页共4页班级小组姓名组内评价教师评价begin her project这是个倒装句。主句的主语是,谓语是0 “only+状语”位于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。5. One imp orta nt thing she discovered was that chi mps hunt and eat meat 这是一个复合句。She discov

14、ered 是从句,而 that chimps hunt and eat meat是从句。第4页共4页我自信 我成长nd6. For forty years Jane has bee n outs poke n about mak ing the rest of the world un derstaand res pect the life of these ani mals.Task Vffl Discussi on1. Do you think Jane Goodall was brave to go and live in the forest?2. Would you have done what she did if you had the cha nee?【展示点评】我自信具体要求:看规范(书写、格式)看对错。找出关键词,补充、完善。点评 内容,讲方法规律。面带微笑,全面展示自我。【整合提升】一一我能做具体要求:构建本节课的知识体系。理解并熟记基本知识点。不


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