



1、广告翻译练习1. “三包”承诺:我们实行“三包”:包修、包退、包换We offer 3-R guarantee, namely guaranteed repair, replacement and refund.2. 皮张之厚无以复加,利润之薄无以复减(皮鞋广告)The leather we use is quite thick; the profit we make is fairly thin. 3. 为中国西部的腾飞加油!CCTV 西部频道口号w Shoulders to the wheel and do our best - for the economic take-off in C

2、hinas west!4. KFC: WE DO CHICKEN RIGHT. (烹鸡专家)5. 蚊虫杀杀杀! Mosquito bye bye bye! 6. “雪莲”牌羊绒衫::北京生产的”雪莲”牌羊绒衫,系选用优质的山羊绒作原料制成。本品具有色泽鲜艳,手感柔滑,穿着舒适,轻,软,暖等特点,由于该产品品质优良,做工精细,花型、款式新颖,尺码齐全,受到过外消费者的热烈欢迎.。 “Snow Lotus” Cashmere Sweaters: “Snow Lotus” Cashmere Sweaters from Beijing are made from superior Chinese Ca

3、shmere fibre. They are lustrous in colour, supple, light, warm and comfortable to wear. Owing to their fine quality, excellent workmanship, novel designs and styles, and complete size range, they have gained popularity from consumers abroad. 7. 以前我的头发干枯,粗糙,难以梳理,自从用了潘婷营养洗发露,头发变得健康,亮泽。因为潘婷营养洗发露含有独特的维他

4、命原,能由发根渗透到发尖,其全新改良配方,能加倍保护头发,免受损害,令头发分外健康,加倍亮泽。My hair was dry, coarse and unmanageable. But from the time I began to use Pantene Pro-V Treatment Shampoo, it has become healthy and shiny. This is because Pantene Pro-V treatment Shampoo contains unique Pro VB5,which deeply penetrates your hair from r

5、oot to tip. Its new improved formula gives your hair extra protection against damage, leaving it healthier and shiner.8. Adidas Sports Shoes: Over twenty-eight years ago, Adidas gave birth to a new idea in sports shoes. And the people who wear our shoes have been running and winning ever since. In f

6、act, Adidas has helped them set over 400 world records in track and field alone. Maybe thats why more and more football, soccer, basketball, baseball and tennis players are turning to Adidas. They know that, whatever their game, they can rely on Adidas workmanship and quality in every product we mak

7、e. So whether youre pounding the roads on a marathon, or just jogging around the block, Adidas should be on your feet. You were born to run. And we were horn to help you do it better. Youll find us anywhere smart sports people buy their shoes. Adidas, the all sports people. 28 年前,阿迪达斯为运动鞋带来了全新的概念。从那

8、之后,脚穿阿迪达斯的人们健步如飞,频频夺标。事实上,阿迪达斯仅在田径场上就帮助人们创造了 400 多项世界纪录。 这或许就是越来越多的足球、篮球、网球、棒球和橄榄球运动员求助于阿迪达斯的原因。他们知道,无论从事哪项运动,他们都可以信赖阿迪达斯精湛的工艺和优秀的质量。 因此,不管是沿马拉松赛道飞奔,还是在社区周围小跑,你都可以穿上阿迪达斯。奔跑是你的天性。让你跑得更快是我们的天职。在优秀运动员买鞋的任何地方,你都能看到我们。阿迪达斯,运动者的代名词。 9. If youll stop and think for just a moment, youll find we have more of

9、the good things in this country than anywhere else in the world. Think of this land. From the surf at Big Sur to a Florida sunrise. And all the places in between. The Grand Canyon. .the wheat fields of Kansas. .Autumn in New Hampshire. You could go on forever. But America is more than a place of muc

10、h beauty. Its a place for good times. Its the Saturday night. Its a trip down a dirt road in a beat up old jalopy. Its your team winning. Its a late night movie you could enjoy a thousand times. And, yes, when youre thirsty, its the taste of ice-cold Coca-Cola. Its a real thing. In fact, all of the

11、good things in this country are real. Theyre all around you, plainly visible. We point to many of them in our advertising. But you can discover many, many more without ever seeing a single commercial for Coke. So have a bottle of Coke.and start looking up. The Coca-Cola Company 如果你静下来稍稍想想,你就会发现这个国家的好东西比世界上其它任何地方都多。 想想这片国土吧,从大瑟尔的海浪到佛罗里达的日出。再想想这东西两岸之问的所有地方。 亚利桑那的大峡谷,堪萨斯州的小麦地,新罕布什尔的秋天 你可以永远想下去。可美国不仅仅是个美不胜收的国度,它还是一个度良辰春宵的地方。 它是你轻松愉快的周末夜晚。 它是你开着破车在泥路上颠簸的旅程。 它是你的球队获胜的时刻。 它是你百看不厌的


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