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1、0Greeting manners in ChinaGreeting manners in China中国式打招呼中国式打招呼1中西文化差异中西文化差异NEMO吃饭了没有?走哪儿气?23 吃饭时,一人说去吃饭时,一人说去方便方便一下,老外不解一下,老外不解,旁人告诉他,旁人告诉他方便方便就是:上厕所;就是:上厕所; 敬酒时,另一人对老外说,希望下次出敬酒时,另一人对老外说,希望下次出国时能给予国时能给予方便方便,老外纳闷不敢问;,老外纳闷不敢问; 酒席上,电视台美女主持人提出,在她酒席上,电视台美女主持人提出,在她方便方便的时候会安排老外做专访。老外愕然:的时候会安排老外做专访。老外愕然:怎么

2、能在你怎么能在你方便方便的时候?的时候? 美女主持人说,那等你美女主持人说,那等你方便方便时,我请你时,我请你吃饭。老外晕倒!醒来后,美女主持人又对吃饭。老外晕倒!醒来后,美女主持人又对他说,要不你我都他说,要不你我都方便方便时,一起出来坐坐?时,一起出来坐坐?呐呢?!老外又一次晕倒,再没有醒来呐呢?!老外又一次晕倒,再没有醒来4v 适用于第一次见面:A: Nice/Glad/Good to meet you. 很高兴见到你。B: Nice to meet/see you,too! 我也是!A: How do you do? 你好!B: How do you do? 你好! 5v 任何时候都可

3、以用,但比较见外:A:How are you? 你好吗?B: I m fine,thank you, and you? 我很好,谢谢,你呢?6v 只要是朋友都能用的:A: Hows everything (going)? 一切都好?B: Pretty good./Not bad. 挺好的/过得去。A: Whats up/new/happening? 怎么样?B: Not much. / Nothing much. 没什么。/ Nothing in particular. / Nothing special. 没什么特别的。7v 有一阵未见的熟人:A: Long time no see! 很久不

4、见!B: Yeah, how are you getting along? 是的,最近如何?A: How have you been? 这段时间过得怎样?B: Ive been all right/busy. 还不错/很忙。 8v 碰到一个不愿见到的人: Its a small world,isnt it? (冤家路窄)世界真小,不是吗?-What a small world! 世界可真小啊! v 意想不到见到熟人:9Different Different e expressions in different occasionsxpressions in different occasions

5、不同场合不同表达不同场合不同表达10Good morning!Good afternoon!Good evening!Good night!Good monring/afternoon/evening Good monring/afternoon/evening 一天到晚的不同问好一天到晚的不同问好11Make dialogue with your partnerMake dialogue with your partner. . 与小伙伴对话与小伙伴对话12Asking and giving directions.Asking and giving directions.问路与指路问路与指路

6、13Do you know these places?Post officePay phoneBank Cinema14Do you know these places?SupermarketHotelParkRestaurant15SupermarketHotelParkZoo 动物园动物园Station 车站车站 RestaurantKFC 肯德基肯德基Bridge StreetCinema PostOfficephoneBankShoe shop鞋店鞋店Library图书馆图书馆Book shopSchool学校学校 Hospital 医院医院 16on the streetacross

7、 from the librarybetweenbeside/next to17Post officeWhere is the post office?Post officeon the streetBankbeside the bank / next to the bankon the left of the bankPost officeBankHotelbetween the hotel and the bankPost officeLibraryPark next tothe library across from the parkStreet18123419Showing the w

8、ayShowing the way Go straight. / Go ahead. Walk along the street. Turn right / left.Turn right / left at the second turning. (crossing) It is on the right / left.She must _ if she wants to go to the cinema.She must _ if she wants to go to the post office. turn leftturn rightExercises for road signs(

9、1)She must go _ if she wants to go to the supermarket. She must go by a _ if she wants to go to the park. straightzebra crossingExercises for road signs(2)22Go straightTurn leftTurn rightBankHotelSchoolSupermarketBridge Street ParkRead mapsThe zoo is on your left.Walk along this road.Turn right when

10、 you come to the crossroads.Cross the roadWalk along this road.Turn left when you come to the corner of the roadCross the road .The museum is in front of you. Read maps2526SupermarketHotelParkZooStationMuseumRestaurantKFCBridge StreetCinemaPoliceofficeSports CenterPostOfficephoneBankShoe shopLibrary

11、Book shopSchoolPet shop Hospital Go along Bridge Street and turn right at the third turning. Its across from the shoe shop. You cant miss it.27SupermarketHotelParkZooStationMuseumRestaurantKFCBridge StreetCinemaPoliceofficeSports CenterPostOfficephoneBankShoe shopLibraryBook shopSchoolPet shop Hospi

12、tal Go straight and turn right at the second turning. Its across from the shoe shop. You cant miss it.28SupermarketHotelParkZooStationMuseumRestaurantKFCBridge StreetCinemaPoliceofficeSports CenterPostOfficephoneBankShoe shopLibraryBook shopSchoolPet shop Hospital Turn right and go straight. Its across from the hotel. You cant miss it.29Plan A: Plan A: 睡什么,起来嗨睡什么,起来嗨30Plan BPlan B:广元周边一日游:广元周边一日游31SupermarketHotel


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