



1、补全对话必背句型购物:1. Ca n I help you ? -Yes ,please.2. What color do you want ?What sizes do you want ?3. How many/much do you want ?4. How much is it/are they?5. Can I try it on ? May I try it on (试穿)? -Of course.' Sure , you can. 6.1'lltake it.7. What kind of no odles would you like ?-'d like

2、 beef no odles.8. Thank you . -You re welcome.问路:1. Excuse me?-Yes?2. Can you tell me how to get to?Could you please tell me how to3. Where is 4. How far is it ?5. How long does it take?6. How can I get to 7. Go straight Go down . Turn right'left8. Can I ride a bike there ?天气:1. What 'the we

3、atherlike?2. How sthe weather ?3. What will the weather be like tomorrow?4. It 'sunnyrainycloudywindysnowy 5. Which season季节)do you like best?6. I like Spring SummerAutumnWinter.假期,周末活动: 过去时1. How was your weekend?How was your school trip How was your day off2. What about your vacation?尔的假期怎么样?3

4、. What did you do on weekends' on school trip?1 went to Hongkong.4. Did you buy anything/ any souvenirs?-Yes, I did./ No, I did n't.5. Who did you go with?6. How long did you stay there?将来的假期计划7. What are you going to do next weekend ?8. What are you going to do for vacation ?9. What are you

5、 going to do next term?/ What 'your new year 'resolution?10. where will you go on vacation?11. I am going to .12. When are you going? When are you leaving (离开)?13. How will you get there?14. How long are you staying?15. When shall we meet?十么时候会面?16. Where shall we mee?在哪里见面?17. That's a

6、good idea . That sounds good .问日期:What ' the date today?(今天几月几号?)What day is it today?(今天星期几?)What ' today?(今天几月几号星期几?)Whe n is the school trip?看医生:What ' the matter ?What s wrong ?What ' the trouble ?I am not feeling well.I have a cold I have a headache a sore throat.When did it sta

7、rt(什么时候开始的)?-3 days ago.How long have you bee n like this (你像这样多长时间了?)?For a week.That ' too bad!It is not serious(严重的).-You should lie dow n and rest drink more water.take some medici ne.Yes, I th ink so. How ofte n should I take the medici ne?I hope you feel better soon.问职业和工作What does he do?

8、What do you do ? What'sher job? Whatsyour job?Who is Zhang Ziyi?-She is an actress.Whe n did she become an actress?When she was 19.Whe n did she start lear ning the pia no?What are you going to be when you grow up? What do you want to be?How are you going to do that?-1 am going to take acting le

9、ssons.What is he going to bewhe n he grows up?Where are you going to work?Where does he work?问姓名 What's your name? Whats her name? 问号码: What 's your phone number ?问身体 /问好: How are you ?问年龄 How old are you? How old is he ? 问兴趣爱好What's your hobby interests?Who's your favorite actor? 问住

10、址Where do you live ? Where does he live ?Where are you from ? Where do you come from?What Ian guage 语言)do you speak? What la nguage does he speak ? 问出生When were you born? When and where was he born ?问外貌What does he look like? He is tall. He has small eyes.Do you look the same?No, she is taller than

11、me.问性格 What is she like?She is outgoing wild quietcalmcreative.邀请Can you come to my birthday party?Sure, I 'dlove to.When is it?It's Friday, at 4:30.Where is it?In my house.Can you go to a movie with me?-I'm sorry, I can 'I have to That'stoo bad. Maybe another time.-Sure. Thanks

12、for asking.Would you like to have dinner with me?请求:Could you (please) do the laundry?-Yes, I can./ Sure./ Of course./ Certainly/ OK.-Sorry, I am going to have a meeting.Could I stay out late/ get a ride downtown/ use your coputer?Yes, you can.Sorry, You have a test tomorrow.比较事物Who do you think sho

13、uld get the job, Jim or Tom?( 选择句 ) Jim. I think he is more hard-working.Who (did you thi nk)was the best act/ performer?What is the best TV program?Why do you think so?Because学习:1. How often do you do homework ?.3.What'her favorite subject ?-Her favorite subject is 5. How do you study for a tes

14、t ?6. How do you lear n En glish ?I study by liste ning to the tapes制作食物/步骤How do you make fruit salad?What do we need?How many apples do you n eed?How much yogurt do you n eed?What sthe n ext?/ And the n?Now you can enjoy it.It 'delicious. Thanks易错单词过关tired 劳累的 tried (尽力,try 过去式) some 一些 same 相同的then 然后than 比 wwork(工作)walk(散步)difficult困难的different不同的first首先exercise联系,锻炼be supposd to 应该 except 除了 include 包括 get along well withOn the one hand,,on the other hand.until 直至Unotuntil 直至U .才asas possible 尽可能 .1. Sb spend.on sth / sb spendin doing sth2. It tak


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