1、目录Chapter 1建立贸易关系1. 请求建立贸易关系Request for Establish ing Busin ess Relati ons2. 回复请求建立业务关系Reply to the Request for Establishing Business Relations3. 索取产品资料 Request for Product Literature4. 回复索取产品资料Reply to the Request for Product Literature5. 邀请会面 In vitati on to the Busin ess Appo in tme nt6. 接受会面邀请Ac
2、cepti ng the In vitati on to the Busin ess Appo in tme nt7. 谢绝会面邀请Decli ning the In vitati on to the Busin ess Appo in tme nt8. 要求更改会面时间及地点Request for Changing the Time & Place of the MeetingChapter 2 推销9. 向特定客户推销Sales Letter to Specific Customers10. 向不特定客户推销Sales Circular to Non - Specific Customer
3、s11. 寄信给老客户Sales Letter to Old Customers12. 寄信给新客户 Sales Letter to New Customers13. 推销新产品 Sales Letter for Promotion of New Products14. 推销劳务 Sales Letter for Promotion of Labor ServicesChapter 3询盘和订货15. 一般询盘 Ge neral In quiry16. 回复一般询盘Reply to the General Inquiry17. 具体询盘 Specific Inquiry18. 报虚盘 Maki
4、 ng a No n-Firm Offer19. 报实盘 Making a Firm Offer20. 买方还盘 Maki ng a Cou nter Offer21. 卖方返还盘Making a Counter-Counter Offer22. 下订单 Placing an Order23. 接受订单 Accepting an Order24. 拒绝订单 Declining an Order25. 下续订单 Placing a Repeat Order26. 推荐替代品Offering a Substitute Product27. 接受替代品 Accepting a Substitute
5、Product28. 拒绝替代品Declining a Substitute Product29. 涨价通知 Notice for Price In crease30. 回复涨价通知Reply to the Price In crease NoticeChapter4 付款31. 询问付款方式 Asking about Payment Terms32. 接受付款方式 Accepting Payment Terms33. 要求修改信用证Request for Amendment to L/C34. 信用证修改 Amendment to L/C35. 付款通知 Payment Notice36.
6、收到付款通知 Receipt of Payment Notice37. 催促付款(初次)Urging Payment (First Notice)38. 催促付款(最后通告)Urging Payment (Last Notice)39. 索取发票 Aski ng for In voice40. 寄送发票 Sen di ng In voiceChapter 5包装和交货41. 包装要求 Packaging Requirements42. 回复包装要求 Reply to Packaging Requirements43. 装运时间 Time of Shipment44. 回复装运通知 Reply
7、to Time of Shipment45. 催促装运 Urging Shipment46. 回复催促装运 Reply to Urging Shipment47. 出货通知 Shipment Advice48. 货物抵达通知 Goods Arrival NoticeChapter 6投诉和致歉49. 投诉货物未寄达Complaint about Goods Arrival Failure50. 对货物未寄达致歉Apology for Goods Arrival Failure51. 出货延迟 Late Delivery52. 对出货延迟致歉 Apology for Late Delivery5
8、3. 投诉货物质量 Complaint about Poor Quality of Goods54. 对货物质量不佳致歉Apology for Poor Quality of Goods55. 投诉货物数量 Complaint about Wrong Quantity of Goods56. 为数量错误致歉 Apology for Wrong Quantity of Goods57. 投诉发货出错 Complaint about Receiving Wrong Goods58. 为发货有误致歉 Apology for Sen di ng Wrong Goods59. 抱怨包装不良 Compla
9、int about Poor Packaging60. 为包装不良致歉 Apology for Poor Packaging61. 付款出错 Payment Error62. 为付款出错致歉 Apology for Payment Error63. 对服务的不满 Service Dissatisfaction64. 对服务不满致歉 Apology for Customer Service DissatisfactionChapter 7商务交往65. 请求筹备出差 Request for Prepari ng for a Bus in ess Trip回复请求筹备出差Reply to the
10、Request for prepari ng for a Busin ess Trip66. 确认预定行程 Confirming Itinerary Reservation67. 出差后的感谢 Tha nks for a Bus in ess Trip68. 活动通知 Activity Notice69. 集会通知 Gathering Notice70. 邀请担任演讲者Inviting Speaker71. 回复演讲邀请 Reply to the Invitation for Speaker72. 展销会通知 Trade Fair Notice73. 回复邀请 Reply to the Tra
11、de Fair Invitation74. 请求帮忙做问卷调查Request for Filling Out Questionnaire75. 请求转载许可 Request for Reproduct ion Permissi onChapter 8公司人事77.人事查询Pers onnel Enquiry78.找寻人才Look ing for Qualified Personnel79.晋升公告Promoti on Announ ceme nt80.调动通知Tran sfer Notice81.褒奖员工Complime nti ng EmployeesChapter 9公司内部82.会议通知
12、Meeti ng Notice83.例行报告Routi ne Report84.问题报告Problem Report85.提案 Proposal86.回复提案Reply to Proposal87.说服对方Convincing the Other Side88.给予指示Givi ng In structio ns89.新产品说明New Product Descripti onChapter 10社交信函90. 邀请与约见函Invitation and Appointment Letter91. 回复邀请 Reply to Invitation92. 祝贺函 Letter of Congratu
13、lation93. 慰问函 Letter of Sympathy94. 感谢函 Letter of Thanks95. 道歉函 Letter of Apology96. 通知函 Letter of Advice97. 鼓励函 Letter of Encouragement98. 探病函 Letter of Consoling the Sick99. 吊唁函 Letter of Con dole nee100. 节日问候 Seasons GreetingChapter 1建立贸易关系1. 请求建立贸易关系Request for Establishing Business RelationsWe
14、have learned from (信息来源)that you are (公司性质)in (国名或地域名).We are glad that you are in terested in (产品名称).So, we are willi ng to establish bus in ess relati ons with you. Attached please find (附件内容).We are(公司性质).We export(出口产品名称)to(出口产品目的地).If(对方条 件),we(期待事宜).We look forward to receivi ng your inquiry a
15、t an early date.2. 回复请求建立贸易关系Reply to the Request for Establishing Business RelationsThanks for your email to en ter into bus in ess relati ons with us in (经营范围).We have read your(邮件附件内容).As you know, we are (重述本公司身份).We have a large (需求量大的产品名称 )market here, so we are seeking new partners. If possib
16、le, w edke to be (我方角色)in (国名或地 域名).Should(对方提供的优惠),we ll(订单种类).We look forward to your favorable reply.3. 索取资料 Request for Product LiteratureWe learn from (信息来源)that you are (供货商身份).We(关注产品途径)and became much interested in your 产品名称 ).We are (我方公司身份 ).As we are in terested in doing bus in ess with y
17、ou, we would like you to send us(邮寄方式)the detailed in formation about (欲购产品名称)to(邮寄地址).The dema nd for (产品类型)in our market is really great.Your immediate attention is highly appreciated.4. 回复索取产品资料Reply to the Request for Product LiteratureWe are so glad that you are interested in (产品名称).Attached ar
18、e (附件内容).As you requested in your email, we sent you our (索取资料)by (由E寄方式),which will tell you everything about our (产品名称).Although established in (公司成立时间 ),we are developing very fast. We pay great attention to (特另U关注之处 ).We have introduced advaneed production equipment from (国名或地域 名).We now export
19、our products to(出口产品目的地).(产品畅销国国名或地名 )is our largest market. (某一特定产品系列 )is a bestseller.We look forward to your trial order.5. 邀请会面 Invitation to the Business AppointmentI d like to invite you for a meeting with(我公司会面人职务和姓名)if you feel convenient.As(会议名称)will be held in(会议地点)from (会议起始日)to(会议结束日),we
20、 think you (对方可能采取的行动 ).If you come, we would like to invite you for a meeting with(我公司会面人)at(会面地点),on(双方会面日)to discuss(双方会面商讨事宜). (我公司会面人 )wishes to have an opport unity for a meet ing with you.We look forward to receivi ng a positive reply from you.6. 接受邀请会面 Accepting the Invitation to the Busines
21、s AppointmentI m glad that you will arrange a meeting between(对方会面人职务和姓名 )and me on theday before the opening of (会议名称)to (会面事宜).As a matter of fact, we had had the intention to meet (对方会面人职务 )during (会议名称) before we got your email. We cherish the opport unity (我方珍惜之事 ),and are pleased to have a cha
22、nee to(有机会之事).We look forward to see ing you in Don ggua n.7. 谢绝会面邀请Declining the Invitation to the Business AppointmentThank you for your email of (对方邮件发送日 ),inviting me to have a meeting with (对方 会面人职位)on(对方建议的会面日)before the opening of(会议名称)at(会面地点).I m sorry to say that we are unable to go to (会议
23、名称),when we (拒绝会面原因). That s why I can t go and meet (对方会面人职位).We hope that you will un dersta nd our situati on. We wish to meet sometime in the n ear future to(会面目的).8. 要求更改会面时间及地点Request for Changing the Time & Place of the MeetingThank you for your email of (对方邮件发送日 ),inviting me to have a meeti
24、ng with (对方 会面人职位)on(对方建议的会面日)before the opening of(会议名称)at(会面地点). We d like to have the meeting on(我方提出的会面时间)at(我方提出的会面地点).It will be much more convenient to us if you agree to the date and place we have suggested.Your favorable reply would be highly appreciated.Chapter 2 推销9. 向特定客户推销 Sales Letter
25、to Specific CustomersI would like to tell you that we have got the(产品名称)you inquired about (对方询盘时间).Attached are (附件名称),which will give you all details for placing an order.(产品名称)we ve got are(产品优势).They are really(欲推销产品引以为傲之处 ). They are at least as good as, if not better than, (与同类产品一样好 ),but pric
26、es are (价格情 况).We expect your feedback before the end of this mon th.10.向不特定客户推销Sales Circular to Non - Specific CustomersWe are willing to seek partners for (出口产品类型 ).We are (我公司注册地点),specializing all kinds of (产品种类).They are bestsellers both at home and abroad. We ve now made some researches on (新
27、研制产品名称 ),which we are able to provide regularly.If you are in terested, please con tact me at (电话联系方式 ).For more related in formati on, you can (获知信息途径).Maybe we will make arrangements for a meeting to discuss details concerning(商讨事宜).11. 寄信给老客户Sales Letter to Old CustomersIt s been (有业务往来持续时间 )sinc
28、e we executed your last order. Recently, we got in large quantities of (新产品名称).Attached please find (附件名称).I d like to inform you that, we are (优惠措施)on certain items, including (对方感兴趣产 品名称).Would you have a look at the attached catalogue? If you wish to order large quantities, (联系方式)me. We will try
29、to work out terms and con diti ons to our mutual ben efit.We look forward to our con ti nued mutually - profitable bus in ess relati on ship. We expect (期待 事宜).12. 寄信给新客户Sales Letter to New CustomersWe are glad to learn, from (信息来源),that you are interested in (产品名称).We (经营 情况).Attached please find (
30、附件名称).(欲知详细信息),please(查询方式).We look forward to your trial order and assure you of our prompt atte nti on.13. 推销新产品Sales Letter for Promotion of New ProductsWe re pleased to inform you that, with years of research, w e vdntroduced our new products (产品名称)to market. Much to our delight, they enjoy grea
31、t popularity. As we guess you might be interested, we veent you (邮寄方式)(邮寄样品种类及数量 )for your trial use. A trial use will convince you of their extraordinary functioning. For moreinformation, please (查看信息途径).Attached please find (附件名称).We hope you ll take this opportunity to(为双方利益起见).If you consider pl
32、acing an order, w e grant you (优惠幅度).14. 推销劳务 Sales Letter for Promotion of Labor ServicesWe re pleased to learn, from (信息来源),that you are in need of (某种职业工作人员).We advertised your job vacancies and attracted (申请人数)applicants, from whom we have chosen (人数)for your consideration. Attached are (附件名称).T
33、he can didates we have chose n are (身份).They all have (工作经历持续时间 )experie nee, in a (工作单位 ).We have in terviewed them with satisfactory results and offered them (提供事宜)as required.They are look ing forward to your phone in terviews. Contact us if(所需帮助事宜 ).We hope tohave more cooperati on in the future
34、.Chapter3询盘和订货15. 一般询盘 General InquiryWe are very much interested in importing (产品名称 )from you since you are (对方身份). We would be grateful if you could let us have detailed information about(产品名称 )and sendus samples of your complete product range as well.We have been(我方身份)for(公司历史年限)and have(销售渠道).We
35、 are in great n eed of (产品名称)in our product ion. Our credit sta nding has bee n AAA rated since (起始 年).If bus in ess terms are satisfactory, we ll place regular orders with you.16. 回复一般询盘Reply to the General InquiryWe are glad to learn that you are interested in our (产品名称).Attached please find (附件信
36、息).As you requested, we have sent you samples of our complete range (由E寄方式 ).We are one of the (公 司性质),specializing in (经 营范围).All our products are manufactured(产品优势).We(公司优势).We will allow a(折扣幅度)discount for your orders. For(欲知信息),please(获知信息途径).We look forward to your trial order.17. 具体询盘 Specifi
37、c InquiryWe are W(公司性质).We have obtained your name and address from (信息来源)and we are very interested in (产品名称).We d like to have an (产品数量)quotation of the said products,(价格术语).We d like you to tell us about (其他欲知事项).If (下订单前提条件),we will place an order with you.We would await your reply.18. 报虚盘 Makin
38、g a Non-Firm OfferWe thank you for your inquiry(对方询盘日),asking for (欲购产品数量)quotation of (欲购产品名称)made in (产品原产地).We are pleased to offer as follows:(报盘详细内The above offer is subject to our final confirmation. If you think our offer meets your requirements, please let us know at an early date. We would
39、be glad to offer any additional in formatio n you n eed.19. 报实盘 Making a Firm OfferThank you for your inquiry of (对方询盘日),asking for an (欲购产品数量)quotation of our(欲购产品名称).We are pleased to offer as follows:(报盘详细内容).The above offer is firm until(报价有效期限 ).If you think our offer is satisfactory, please le
40、tus know before (订单有效期限 ).You can be assured of our best service.20. 买方还盘Making a Counter Offe rWe thank you for your email of (对方邮件发送日期),offering us(我方欲购产品名称及数 量)made in(产品原产地)at(卖方报价).We regret to inform you that we can t accept your offer as (还盘原因).For (继续保持合 作的原因),we counter offer as follows, su
41、bject to your reply reaching us(有效期限): (我方还盘价 ).We are satisfied with other terms in your offer.We look forward to your favorable reply.21. 卖方返还盘Making a Counter-Counter OfferReferring to your counter offer of (对方还盘邮件发送日期),asking for a cut down of theprice from (我方报盘价)to (对方还盘价),we regret to tell yo
42、u that it is difficult for us to accept your coun ter offer.The price we set in our offer is carefully calculated. As a matter of fact, we have had considerable bus in ess with many customers at (价格描述).Our (我方产品种类 )sell well in their markets. As you know, our products are far superior in quality to
43、(同类产品名称 )provided by any other suppliers in the world. For long lasting trade relations between us, however, we decide to allow you(让利种类)if your order (订单价值).If you think our proposal acceptable, please place an order on or before May 31st.22. 下订单 Placing an OrderThank you for your timely reply of (
44、对方邮件发送日期)to our in quiry about the (欲购产 品名称).We are very satisfied with the trade terms you offer. The prices are acceptable. Therefore, we now email you our purchase order (订单编号)in the attached file.We will open (信用证种类 )in your favor as soon as possible through (开户行),for the total value of (总价值)as
45、stated in this order. Please inform us of the shipping date at least (提前 通知装船天数 )in advanee after you receive our L/C.We look forward to your con firmati on of the accepta nee of our order.23. 接受订单 Accepting an OrderWe confirm our acceptanee to your order (订单编号)you emailed us (对方邮件发送时间) for (订购产品名称
46、).We welcome you as one of our customers.We are pleased to send you in the attached file the Sales Confirmation (销售确认书编号 )for your e- sig nature. Please cosig n it and retur n it to us for our file. And please ope n your L/C (开 证时间).Shipment will be made upon our receipt of your L/C.Your cooperation
47、 is highly appreciated. We assure you of (我方承诺)and look forward to receiving(期盼对方继续订购)from you.24. 拒绝订单 Declining an OrderWe acknowledge receipt of your order (订单编号)you emailed us (对方邮件发送时间)for (订购产品名称),but regret to tell you that we are unable to take your order as (无法供货原 因).(无法供货的原因).We are in dee
48、d sorry for being un able to take your order. We sin cerely hope that you will un dersta nd our situati on and keep bus in ess relati ons with us in the future.25. 下续订单 Placing a Repeat OrderWe are pleased to inform you that the (产品名称)we ordered from you last time is very suitable for our market. La
49、st shipment of (产品名称)sells well here.As we believe there is still a great dema nd for(产品名称 )in our market, we are placi ng withyou a repeat order (续订单编号 )in the attached file for the same kinds and the same quantity of the said products at the same price and on the same trade terms as we did last ti
50、me, provided (续订单特别要求).We hope you will(希望对方所做之事).We expect you to confirm our repeat order as soon as possible.26. 推荐替代品Offering a Substitute ProductWe are pleased to learn from your email (对方发送邮件日期 )that you intend to place with us an order for (欲订产品名称 ),but we regret to tell you that this model i
51、s already out of product ion.We d like to recommend to you our new model (替代产品型号),which is even more welcomed by (受谁欢迎).This new model is much better than the previous one, but the price is (替代品价格低廉程度)lower with _(替代品卖点”).Attached please find our latestcatalogue and export price list so that you can
52、 know more about our new model or you can visit our web site :(公司网站 )to get more information you need.We expect you to place a trial order with us.27. 接受替代品 Accepting a Substitute ProductThank you very much for your recommendation. As this model is new to our market, we d like to place a trial order
53、 with you for(替代品名称及数量),if you allow us (优惠种类及优惠额).Attached please find our Purchase Order (采购订单编号).We will open an (开立何种 信用证)in your favor for the total value as stated in this order as soon as we get your con firmati on .It is for keep ing our long term trade relati on ship that we decide to place
54、 this trial order. We hope you will 希望对方所做之事 )concerning this transaction.We look forward to your positive reply.28. 拒绝替代品Declining a Substitute ProductWe have received your email recommending us the (替代品名称及数量 )for lack of (原欲 购产品名称 )we requested, but we are very sorry to say that we can t accept (替
55、代品名称 ).(拒绝替代品的原因).俄方提出的解决办法).If you fail to deliver (原欲购产品名称及 数量)on time, you have to pay us liquidated damages, that is, a (赔偿额度)of the total value of the delayed goods, for (延误期限).We hope you will give us a favorable reply as soon as possible.29. 涨价通知 Notice for Price IncreaseWe formally inform yo
56、u that the price ofQ(涨价产品名称)has in creased by (价格上涨幅度)mainly owing to (涨价原因).(对涨价原因做具体解释 ).We can t but in crease our export price by (价格上涨幅度).In fact, many compa nies have in creased their price to that exte nt. However, for (提供原价的原 因),we offer you the orig inal price for your(最近的一次订单时间或订单编号 )order
57、. From(涨价起始时间),the price will go up by (价格上涨幅度).We hope you will(希望对方所做之事 ).30. 回复涨价通知Reply to the Price Increase NoticeThank you for informing us the(涨价幅度)in crease in the price of (涨价产品名称 )due to(涨价原因).To tell you the truth, we have predicted the in crease in the price of (涨价产品名称),but we didn t expect the rise to be so high as (涨价幅度
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