1、安装1、安装XMLSpyEnt (可以从各网站进行下载),总部这边使用的是 XMLSpyEnt2009版本。 点击XMLSpyEnt2009.exe 进行安装,步骤如下:点击Next:1 er Ki zardAHotb IMLSjtt 2D09 spl EnterpTise EditionALTOVAAltova XMLSpy E12009 spl Enterpirise Edition InstallationThis self*extracting download will unpack and install all required files on your computer. O
2、nce the setup files have been unpacked, it will automatically launch the E旦t叩 Wizard that will Quide you through the installation process.CancelPreparing to Install.Altova XMLSpy 2009 xpl Enterprise Edition Installer Wizard i 旨 preparing the Altova IikEtaller Wizard, which will guide you tlirougi th
3、e program setup process. Fl ease wai t.Confi gTjring p ackge点击Next:AITOVAWelcome to the Setup Wizard for Altova XMLSpy 2009 spl Enterprise EditionThe Setup Wijard wil install Altova XMLSpy 2009 spl Enterprise Edition For Windovis Vistaj XP2000, Server 2003 and Server 2003 on yoir computer- To contin
4、uej click Next.WARNING: This program is protected by copyright law and interriational treaties.f型呪.3一 匸once?选择I accept后,点击 Next:点击Next:选择 Complete,点击 Next:j 申 Al tova Z ML Spy 2410? spl Ent erri se E di 11 on 一 SetvpAITOVASetup TypeChoose the setup type that best suitw your needs.Please select a set
5、up type.in-iras-in-is-iri!-ir-si-|toniplptp:All program features 艸ill be instated. (Requires the most disk space.)CustomChoose which program Features ycj want installed and where the/ will be installed Recommended for advanced users.| Reset to defaults 目II settings and options changed by userItova ,
6、 Cancel点击 In stall :Altova XML|)yJE2flO9 s)1 Enter |i is Editionj冒 Al Iota. XMLSvr 2009 spl Ent erDrise Edi tion - Setup匚The progrann features you selected are being installed.jC3| Please 理ait while the 5etup installs Altova XMLSpy 2009 spl Enterprise f Edition. This may take several minutesStatus:d
7、tova一一空更eL点击Finish,安装成功:| 左 Ml Iota TMLSpr 2005 Enterprise Edi tion - SetupAITOWSetup CompletedThe 5etup has successfully installed Altova XMLSpy 2009 spl Enterprise Edition. Click Finish to exit the wizard.Download additional components BackHrishCancel1、1、注册说明:如下载版本为注册版,可不用执行该部分。安装完成后,点击桌面图表后,点击注册机
8、 keygen.exe,进行注册。注:注册时请断开外网,等注册成功后,外网才可用。1、注册成功后,点击图标Al t JK-JCLEpy2、点击页面上的open快捷键,打开本地目录,点击要编译的xml文件。选择文件后,点击“打开”按钮。3、打开文件后,选择工具栏中的“DTD/Schema”下的“ Assign Schema”,进入选择添加xsd文件。步骤如下:DTD/Schema Schema design X5L/Xuery Authentic0 Assign DTD,Assign Schema.,Include another DTD.,Go to DTD够iGo to SchemafaiG
9、o to Definitionr00Generate DTD/Schema.nHBConvert DlD/Schema.Convert to UML.nGenerate XML from DBf Excels EDI with MapForce.Design HTML/PDF/Word Output 训ith 5tyleVlsion.fc.Generate Sample 弹ML File.Generate Program Code.,Flush memory 匚ache点击Browse 选择xsd所在的位置,点击打开即可注:根据不同文件类型,选择相对应的xsd文件,如文件类型为 EVENT,所
10、对应的xsd文件为 bomc_event.xsd。4、正确打开xsd文件后,文件中的头部分会出现一行信息,如下:5、点击Validate 图标 圄 ,进行Schema校验。6、如通过Schema校验,Messages中会显示以下信息:Messes呂丘3时側肌也主国盟控中业河娄调1!帼1与亚層阳1广埶上报集团新文伴说即_200口血戲曲丁西口口叩泌is 丫让记7、如Schema校验出现错误,Messages中会显示以下信息:回田 Fi“ j:B0MC14t)_Sl腔徑中心殴调團试、与亚信蘇调广来二抒空国新交件nT)n_2tB_iEMI_009ffrLF_03E_lCl. xml iz not Zi
11、dMessagesElQELenenl 吐曲is ctol alloyed at this locatioti under elenent n3fli. IffiKe&SQii: The follcwing眇w expeet?d at thiwon (see blow)-Error 1“盲tiem: bom皂 /田 Dfiliils5L OutlinBRid in FilesFhd in SchemasMessages出现错误后,可点击进行错误位置的查找。点击DEF后,会将所对应类型的 XSD文件打开,显示蓝色部分的,就是出现错误的位置,可根据该信息进行修改,例如:T ewtSlidSchemaWSDLXBRLAuhsnticEYEWT_2COQ bom c_eent.Ksd上图说明出错的
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