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1、欧洲领先金融硕士教育                        随着机构提高准入要求,那些希望加入这一潜在回报巨大的行业的人将会发现,专业学术资格证书正变得越来越必要。 英国金融时报今年首次发布全日制金融硕士项目排行榜。该排行榜试图深入剖析哪些教育机构能为想成为金融家的人提供最佳机会。 基于对学校及其毕业生的调查,我们编制出了两份排行榜,以反映出市场的不

2、同需求。 一份排行榜关注的是较为普遍的“无工作经验要求”的项目。这类项目主要面向拥有较少或没有工作经验的学生。 另一份关注的是有工作经验要求的项目。这些项目主要面向那些寻求职业进阶的职场人士。 无工作经验要求的排行榜共囊括了30个项目,其中,欧洲学校占据了明显的优势。 这30所学校中,共有26所学校设在欧洲,4所设在美国。欧洲学校巴黎HEC管理学院(HEC Paris)占据了排行榜榜首。 这所法国商学院之所以高其他学校一等,一定程度上是因为其毕业生的成功。 一份对HEC管理学院2008届毕业生所做的调查显示,该学院毕业生的薪资在所有同期毕业生中是最高的。 调查显示,他们毕业3年后的平均薪资水平

3、(不包括奖金)接近10万美元(按购买力平价计算)。 其它无工作经验要求的项目中,只有牛津大学(University of Oxford)萨伊德商学院(Saïd Business School)的毕业生薪资超过了9万美元。 HEC管理学院在排行榜职业发展部分的排名也是第一。 这部分衡量的是毕业生的职位高低,依据的是他们汇报的职称。 HEC毕业生的评论突显了该学院国际金融硕士课程提升职业生涯的本质。 “我刚进入这所商学院时是一名工程师,当我离开时,已经是一名对金融业有着全面出色认识的银行家,”一名现在做金融咨询师的HEC毕业生写道。 FT排行榜还纳入了有工作经验要求的全日制课程。今年仅包

4、含了三所学校。 鉴于全球有工作经验要求的金融硕士项目相对较少,加之授课方式多样(全日制、非全日制、在线),编制这类课程的排行榜难度更大。 伦敦商学院(London Business School)领衔该排行榜,其毕业生薪资水平则领衔FT选取的所有样本学校。 伦敦商学院毕业生平均薪资超过13万美元,较攻读硕士学位前增长了72%。 我们对从参与机构收集来的信息和1200名毕业生给予的反馈做了分析。该分析让我们对金融硕士学生的人口统计学特征有了了解。 分析还突显出了无工作经验要求与有工作经验要求项目的区别。 毫无意外,年龄是一个因素。 无工作经验要求项目入学者的中值年龄是23岁,比有工作经验要求项目

5、年轻了5岁。 工作经验上的区别也很大。 无工作经验要求项目三分之二的学生入学时至多拥有1年工作经验,而有工作经验要求项目超过一半的学生拥有4年或更长时间的工作经验。 另外,男性学员比女性学员要多。 就无工作经验要求的项目而言,2010年4月至2011年3月录取的学生中40%是女性。 有工作经验要求项目的这一比例是33%。 有几个项目的情况与这种普遍趋势相左,录取的女学员人数超过了男学员。这些项目包括:英国巴斯大学管理学院(University of Bath School of Management)、英国爱丁堡大学(University of Edinburgh)与英国兰卡斯特管理学院(La

6、ncaster University Management School),女学员比例依次为73%、61%与51%。 性别失衡在毕业生薪资数据中也显而易见。 总的来说,有工作经验要求课程的学员毕业3年后的平均薪资水平为6.55万美元,平均奖金水平为2.97万美元。                             

7、;但男性毕业生的平均薪资为7.06万美元,比女性毕业生的平均薪资水平高出1.58万美元。 存在这种差异的部分原因是毕业生从事工作类型的不同所有毕业生中,进入金融业的占到了86%;但在女性毕业生中,这一比例略低(为84%)。 进入金融业的毕业生的平均薪资要高大约三分之一。 不过,即便他们从事的是同一个行业,女毕业生的薪资也普遍比男毕业生低。 咨询公司优兴咨询(Universum)的一项研究显示,男女薪资的差异可能也是预期差异的结果。 一项对欧洲大约2万名学生进行的调查总结称,平均而言,女性对第一份工作薪资水平的预期值会比男性低8600欧元(合1.24万美元)。 Behind the number

8、s: Insights into opportunities for would-be financiers Behind the numbers: Insights into opportunities for would-be financiers The economic downturn and its consequences brought into sharp focus the importance of formal training in finance for professionals in that sector. As institutions toughen up

9、 their entry requirements, those hoping to join this potentially lucrative world will find that specialised academic qualifications are increasingly necessary. The 2011 inaugural Financial Times rankings of full-time masters in finance programmes seek to provide insights into which educational insti

10、tutions offer the best opportunities for would-be financiers. Two rankings have been calculated (based on surveys of schools and their alumni), reflecting a divergence in the marketplace. One concentrates on the more common “pre-experience” programmes, aimed at students with little or no professiona

11、l experience. The other includes post-experience degrees, designed for those looking to develop their careers. There are 30 programmes in the pre-experience ranking and an evident European dominance. In total, 26 of the schools are located in Europe, with four in the US. A European School, HEC Paris

12、, takes the top spot. The French business schools superiority is, in part, due to the successes of its alumni. Based on a survey of graduates from the class of 2008, data show HEC alumni were the highest earning of any cohort. They reported an average salary three years after graduation (exclusive o

13、f bonus) of close to $100,000 (based on purchasing power parity equivalents). Graduates of the Saïd Business School, part of the University of Oxford, were the only other pre-experience group that reported earnings in excess of $90,000. The Paris based school also comes top in the career progre

14、ss section of the ranking. This measures the seniority of alumni, based on their reported job titles. Comments from HEC graduates underline the career-enhancing nature of the schools masters in international finance. “I entered this school as an engineer and I left it as a banker with an excellent o

15、verall knowledge of the financial sector,” writes one HEC graduate, who is working as a financial consultant.                             The FT report also inc

16、ludes full-time post-experience programmes. This year only three schools are included. Given the relatively small number of post-experience masters in finance degrees worldwide, as well as the range of delivery options full-time, part-time, online creating a ranking of such programmes is more challe

17、nging. London Business School heads the group of three and boasts the highest earners in the entire FT sample. LBS alumni reported average salaries in excess of $130,000, an increase of 72 per cent compared with before the masters. An analysis of information collected from participating institutions

18、 and the 1,200 responses from alumni gives an indication of the demographics of masters in finance students. The data also highlight differences between pre- and post-experience programmes. Unsurprisingly, age is a factor. The median age of alumni starting pre-experience programmes was 23, five year

19、s younger than their post-experience counterparts. Levels of work experience also differ considerably. While two-thirds of pre-experience graduates had, at most, one year of work under their belts when they began studying, more than half of those entering post-experience programmes had four year or

20、more. In addition, students are more likely to be male than female. For pre-experience programmes, 40 per cent of those who enrolled between April 2010 and March 2011 were female. This compares with 33 per cent for post-experience degrees. A handful of programmes buck this trend, with female enrolme

21、nts outnumbering male at the University of Bath School of Management (73 per cent female), the University of Edinburgh (61 per cent) and Lancaster University Management school (51 per cent). A gender imbalance is also evident in alumni salary data. Overall, graduates of pre-experience programmes reported an average salary of $65,500 three years after graduation and the average bonus amounted to $29,700. But for men, the average is $70,600, $15,800 more than the average earnings of female graduates. This difference m


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