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1、Unit 10 I ve had this bike for three years第一课时: New words and phrasesTeaching and Learning Goals:一、语言知识和语言功能1. 争取学会使用下列单词:yard , sweet , memory , cent , toy , bear , maker , scarf , soft , check , board , junior , clear , bedroom , own , railway , part , certain , honest , while , truthful , hometow

2、n , nowadays, search , among , crayon , shame , regard , count , century , opposite, especially , childhood , consider , hold2. 争取学会使用下列短语 :Yard sale, bread maker, soft toy, check out , board game, clear out , no longer, part with , as for , to be honest , close to, according to3. 能认读下列词汇Close to, j

3、unior high school4. 理解、翻译并复述运用本节课所学的新词编写的故事二、学习策略1. 依据图片理解和记忆新学的词汇2. 在语境中理解和记忆词汇3. 依据读音规则、构词规律理解和记忆词汇三、情感态度勤俭节约的美德如甘霖, 能让贫穷的土地开出富裕的花, 使勤俭节约成为一种时尚, 一种习惯,一种精神吧!Teaching and learning stepsStep1Learn to read the new words on P25-126Ask students to try to read the words in this unit according to the phon

4、etics by themselves and mark the difficult words. (the difficult words: junior, memory, hometown, especially)( 首先让学生根据音标试读新单词,把难读的或者自己读不出来的单词标注出来。这样做的目的是为了培养学生自主学习的能力。)1. For the difficult words, give a few minutes, have students work in groups.( 对于学生自己读不出来的单词,可以给几分钟,让他们前后位四人一小组讨论,培养学生合作学习的能力。)2. Ge

5、t one or two middle-level students to read all the words. Ask the good students to correct thewrong pronunciations. If necessary, the teacher corrects them.(找一两个中等水平的学生读全部的单词,其他学生听。 再叫好学生给纠正错误的发音,如果好学生也发音不准,教师就要给出正确的读音。目的是了解学生掌握单词读音的情况。)4. Get the students to read the words three times after the tap

6、e. Then give them a few more minutes to read all the words quickly to consolidate the pronunciation. The teacher walks aroundto see whether students have any questions.(边听边跟读,再自己读,然后分组读。让好学生当师傅,教会学友,目的是培养学生的自主合作学习的精神。 )Step 2: Remember the words by looking at the pictures.Have the students look at t

7、he pictures, and learn the new wordsyard 院子The yard is very beautiful.cent 分;分币What s this? Its a cent?scarf 围巾;头巾I like wearing a scarf in winter.sweet 甜的We shouldnteat too much them.They are very sweet. Its bad for us.toy bear 玩具熊Do you like a toy bear?board 板,木板The board is very nice, my house us

8、es it.Crayon 彩色铅笔We use crayons to draw pictureschildhood 童年;幼年memory 记忆My childhood brings back some sweet memoriesHometown 家乡My hometown has changed a lot.bedroom 卧室This is my bedroom, I like it very much.(利用直观的图片和简单的句子,能够让学生更容易理解和记住新学的单词,降低学习的难度,)Step3 Remember the words by conversion (转换 ) ,comp

9、lex words (合成),derivative(派生)and comparison(对比 )1. Conversion (转换):一个单词(或短语)由一种词类用作另一种词类The police searched the whole country to hold the thiefyesterday. After that, they made areport about their searches.v.搜查n.搜查2. Compound (合成) : 将两个或两个以上的单词合成在一起而构成的新词rail + way railwayn.铁路;铁道bed + room bedroom n.

10、 卧室child + hood childhood n.童年;幼年home+town hometown n 家乡,故乡 .3. Derivative(派生) : 在词根上加前缀或后缀构成另一个与原意略有变化或截然相反的词certain ( 肯定的 )adj.+ 副词后缀 -ly certainlyadv.肯定;当然especial (尤其的,特别的) adj.+副词后缀-ly adv.尤其,特别truth ( 事实 ) n. +形容词后缀make(生产 )v. + 名词后缀er-ful truthfuladj.makern. 生产者诚实的;真实的(利用词的转换、合成、派生等构词规则,可以让学生

11、系统地去学习新单词。)Step4 Remember the phase by matching itself with its meaning.yard sale几乎,接近check out依据;按照board game说实在的junior high school放弃,交出clear out不再;不复no longer庭院拍卖会part with察看;观察to be honest棋类游戏according to初级中学close to清理;清除(设计意图: 语块记忆即关注前后的英汉搭配是一种有效的记忆短语的方式。叉连线,避免了把答案直接告诉学生,培养他们多动脑的习惯。)让学生交Step5 Re

12、member the words according to their similar pronunciation./a : /partregardyard/e /memorybedroomcheck century cent especially/ i : /sweetmeeting/ i /regardespeciallyhonest/i? /clearearhear( 设计意图:让学生利用单词的发音规律来记单词,能够使学生更系统地记住单词。)Step6 Consolidate the words and phrases1. Check the new words in your grou

13、ps.( 由组长负责检查小组其他成员在助学上的听写情况,将不会默写的单词记录下来,然后集中给老师,由老师再领读和指导记忆方法。大家用手指在课桌上仿写这些单词。)2. Get the students to have a short dictation about the important words and phrases. If they candictate after class in groups.(学生在一堂中课中既要学习单词的朗读,还要记忆单词,对于能力弱的同学不能保质完成,因而要求单词测试效果不好的同学课下再花时间记忆, 务必在新授课前能掌握大部分单词 。)3. Spell t

14、he words. Let s see which group can remember the most words.Group AGroup BGroup CGroup D彩色铅笔特别家乡围巾现今童年诚实软的世纪搜查院子清理与 相对某种甜蜜的铁道(利用汉语词条, 让学生拼出单词,哪一组拼出最多者获胜。让学生在竞争中提高自己学习的兴趣和效率,加深合作,培养竞争意识。)Step7 Learn how to use the new words and phrases in a storyWhat are they going to sellJeff s children are growing

15、up fast. They are in junior high school . One day, they cleared outa lot of things from theirbedrooms. Such as toy bears, scarfs, and some soft toys , a bread maker,and so on. They decided to have a yard sale and sell these things that they no longer use.Now it is hard to sell them. Jeff s son is qu

16、ite sad. Because he owned a railway set for a long time. And he played with it almost every week. Jeff s daughter is more understanding. Althoughshe also feels sad to part with certain toys. She wants to keep them because they bring back sweetmemories. As for Jeff, he doesn twant to give up his foot

17、ball, but, to be honest, he has not played it for a while now.At last they checked out these crayons and board games for younger kids.杰夫的孩子们长得很快。他们都已经上初中了。一天,他们清理了卧室 里的许多东西。例如 玩具熊 ,围巾,一些 软体玩具 ,一个 面包机 ,等等。他们决定进行 庭院销售 来卖这些他们不再 使用的物品。现在卖掉这些物品有些困难。杰夫的儿子相当难过。因为他拥有这套 轨道火车很长时间了。而且他几乎每周都玩。杰夫的女儿比较懂事,尽管 失去某些

18、玩具她也感到很难过。她想拥有这些玩具因为它们能给她带回 甜美 的回忆 。至于杰夫,他也不想放弃的足球, 但是, 说实在的 ,他现在已经有 一段时间 没踢足球了。最后,他们又察看一下这些给小孩子们玩的彩色铅笔 和棋类游戏 。1. Ask the Ss to read the story and try to get the main idea is aboutA. the houseB. the yard saleC. the toys2. Ask the students to translate the story into Chinese in pairs. If you have eno

19、ugh time, you can ask some students to translate.3. Let the Ss read the story aloud by themselves and prepare for retelling.4. Help the Ss to retell the story according to the mind maps.(设计意图:本部分意在引导学生在具体的语境中加强对词汇的理解,同时引导学生学会把握篇章大意和篇章结构,并在思维导图的帮助下复述故事,从而强化对新词汇的记忆。)Step8 Exercises: the end-of- class

20、test一、 Write the right word according to the first given letter1.The little girl could cthe numbers from one to a hundred.2.How much is the pencil?Fifty c.3.We can call a hundred years a c.4.We all rour English teacher as our best friend.5.He is from Shanxi and his his Taiyuan.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.You ca

21、n see many(toy) cars in Jim s bedroom.2.His mother has had the bread(make) for a week.3.Mary bought two(scarf).4.This wood is(soft) than that stone.5.You and I must be(truth) with each other.1. Ask the Ss to review the words and phrases, especially the words and phrases they haven t grasped on their

22、 notebook.2. Retell the story with the help of the mind map.3. Prepare for Section A.本节课亮点:1. 先利用一些图片复习旧知识,然后导入新课,让学生对本单元的内容有个初步了解,引起学生学习的兴趣。2. 让学生先自学新单词,然后分组学习,再找中等学生读单词,好学生纠正错误发音,有必要时教师再纠正。3. 利用图片识词,构词法识词,读音规则识词和记忆词块识词等多种方法帮助学生去学习新单词,引导学生使用多种方法去记忆单词,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。4. 把新学的词汇编写成故事,做到了词不离句,句不离段,段不离篇。让学生在具体的语言环境中去理解掌握单词。在思维导图的帮助下,复述故事,培养学生的语感。5. 最后,使用当堂检测题来进一步落实本堂课的所学的知识。让学生堂堂清,扎实地打好基础。布置家庭作业的目的是让学生复


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