



1、资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除7AU7 Reading 知识点一复习1.Eddie 非常胖因为他吃得更多锻炼得更少。2.玩太多的电脑游戏对你的眼睛有害。3.Jack 和 (with) 他的朋友们经常在周末一起放风筝。4.土豆是我的最爱。5.在这个单词中有一个 “ l和”一个 ” u” .6.两张椅子之间有一张课桌。7.你想要一些牛奶吗?(肯定回答)8.瞧,那边有一只小绵羊。9.对我们来说保持健康很重要。10. 餐桌上有五公斤西红柿和三把刀。1. Eddie is very fat because he eats more and exercises less.2. Playing to

2、o many computer games is bad for your eyes.3. Jack with his friends often flies kites at the weekend.4.Potatoes are my favourite.5. There is an“ I ” and a“ u” in this word.6.There is a desk between the chairs.7. Would you like some milk?Yes, please.8.Look, there is a little sheep over there.9. It is

3、 very important for us to keep healthy.10. There are five kilos of tomatoes and three knives on the table.1.每个周六你看多少电视?-两个小时。2.这个男孩像他父亲一样喜欢打篮球。3.我饿了。我想吃两碗面条。4.你想和我们一起踢足球吗?5.做早操帮助我们保持健康。6.你需要多少牛肉? -两公斤。7.每天喝很多水是很好的。8.我想要你们得100 分。9.你可以向老师求助。10.他的生日就要到了。11.我想要给我母亲买个节日礼物。(两种)12. 他对打篮球很感兴趣。13.集邮是他的爱好。14.

4、我弟弟讨厌放学后做太多作业。15.也许你是对的16.他从不锻炼。17.我们需要多多锻炼。18.他们经常锻炼吗?19.你每周锻炼多长时间?20.汤姆多长时间锻炼一次?21.他太胖,因为他很少锻炼。22.我们学生需要多锻炼,少吃肉,少看电视。23.太多的甜的零食24.太多的苹果树27.许多水果28. 许多人25.太短26.更多的健康蔬菜29.他需要我为他妹妹买一个圣诞礼物.二知识点1. (1)cost花费 (金钱 ,时间等 )主语通常是物Sth. cost(sb.) some money这个泰迪熊花了他100 元。This teddy bear costs him 100 yuan.这个发卡花了她

5、多少钱?How much does the hair clip cost her?(2)spend花费 (金钱 ,时间等 )主语一般是人sb spend money/ time doing sth. / sb spend money/ time on sthSimon 周末踢两小时的足球。Simon spends two hours playing football at the weekend.史密斯夫人花许多时间做家务。Mrs Smith spends a lot of time doing housework.(3)take花费 ( 时间 ,金钱等 )主语常用itIt takes sb.

6、 some time to do sth.骑自行车去公园花了我一个小时。It takes me one hour to go to the park by bike.(4) pay some money for sth为某东西付 钱主语一般是人我花 50 元买了这条裙子。我为那个汉堡付了10 元。I pay 50 yuan for this dress.I pay 10 yuan for the hamburger.练习:我花了10 块钱买这本书。1.I spend 20 minutes_(read) English every day.2.It _(take) me 20 minutes _

7、 (read) English every day.3.How long _it _(take) you _(read)English every day?4._it_(take)you 20 minutes _English every day?5.He spends 20 minutes_(write) Chinese every evening.6.How much_the card_(cost)?It_(cost) 5 yuan.word 可编辑资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除7.Those stickers_(cost) 20 yuan.8._that comic book_(

8、cost)10 yuan? No,it only_(cost) 8 yuan.9. It _ me two hours to do my homework every day.10. This book _ me five yuan .11.She often _ much money on clothes.12. How much do you _ for your house?1.我爸爸花了6500 元买了台电脑。2.那张火车票花了我 420 元。3.他每天花 30分钟锻炼。4.修那辆旧自行车花了他50 元。5.Mary 花了 30 元买了个玩具熊。6. 这件外套我是花 398元买的。7.

9、这本书他读了不到一个月。8.这条金项链真贵。9.他正在付饮料的钱。10.清理污水将花费这个城市40 多万元。2. match/ fit v. 与 相称,与相配sth fit sb well ;sth match sth well= sth goes well with sth这发卡很配她的粉色衬衫。The hair clip matches her pink blouse well.我想买一个红发卡来搭配她的红外套。I want to buy a red hair clip to match my red coat.match n.比赛;火柴a football matcha box of m

10、atches3. kind(1) n.种类(2) adj. 善良的be kind/nice to sbdifferent kinds of ;a kind of ;some kinds of;all kinds of巧克力是一种甜食。Chocolate is a kind of sweet snacks /food.她和我有着不同种类的发夹。She and I have different kinds of hair clips.4. Here sHere areThere isThere are这儿 / 那儿有 /是倒装句这儿是我的钱包.这儿是你的零钱. 这儿有些苹果 .圣诞树上有许多精美的

11、礼品.今天晚上有许多作业5. They are two yuan each.两者或两者以上=They each cost two yuan他们每个两元.They have a new book each.=They each have a new book. =Each of them has a new book.我们每人有一本新书。We have a new book each. = Each of us has a new book.6. lastadj.最近刚过去的,最后的;v. 持续last week/ month/ year/Sunday.我总是第一个到学校,最后一个离开学校。I

12、am always the first to come to school and the last to leave the school.7.enoughadj. 足够的n.足够 ,充分(1) enough+ 名词 =名词 + enoughenough+名词 +to do 有足够多的来做某事enough+名词 +for sth 有足够多的来做某事我有足够多的时间来打篮球Millie有足够多的钱来买这个发卡。I have _ _ _ play basketball.Millie _ this hair clip.(2)strong enough; old enough; tall enoug

13、h8.changeun.零钱cn.变化,改变v 改变,变换我没有小钱。I have no small change.这是你的零钱。Heres your change.你能换一下墙上的图片吗?Can you change the pictures on the wall?我家乡有巨大的变化。There are great changes in my hometown.我打算改变我的生活方式。I plan to change my lifestyle.三默写word 可编辑资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除1.我们每人有一张漂亮的课桌。(三种)2.每天我总是最后一个回家。3.它们多少钱?(三种)4.不同种类的卡片5.各种各样的面条6.一种发卡7. 请稍等(三种)8. 看一看我们的新玩具(三种)9.那外套不便宜。(三种) (price)10.我想要给我好朋友买一些礼物。(两种)11.这鞋很配她的黄色短裙。(两种)12.请把我的零钱给我。13.中午我们有足够的米饭和蔬菜。14. 我买这双鞋了。(两种)15. 她有足够的钱买发卡。16.这里有一双鞋。17.这里有许多漂亮的帽子。 18.你买房子花了多少钱?19


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