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1、Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 重点知识归纳解析【重点单词】1. prefer v. 更喜欢;2. electronic adj. 电子的;3. suppose v. 推断,料想;4. smooth adj. 平滑的;悦耳的;5. spare adj. 空闲的,6. stick v. 粘贴,将 .刺入;7. shut v. 关闭,关上; 【重点词组】1. sing along with 跟着一起唱2. the music that can dance to 能跟着跳舞的音乐3. play different kind of music 演奏不同

2、种类的音乐4. a long week at work 一周长时间的上班5. have spare time 有空闲时间6. in that case 如果那样的话7. feel like doing sth 感觉想做某事8. stick to 坚持,固守9. have a happy ending 有一个快乐的结局10. seem less serious 似乎不严重11. plenty of 大量,充足12. shout off 关闭 【重点句式】8. down adj. 悲哀的,沮丧的;9. dialogue n. 对话,对白;10. intelligent adj. 有才智的,聪明的1

3、1. sense.v. 感觉到,意识到;12. reflect v. 反映,映出;13. perform v. 表演,执行14. praise v&n. 表扬,赞扬;13. once in a while 偶尔,间或14. write their own lyrics 自己作词15. sing the words clearly 唱词清楚16. Chinese folk music 中国民俗音乐17. sense a strong sadness and pain 感觉到一种强烈的悲伤与痛苦18. look up 查阅19. in total 总计20. China 's na

4、tional treasures 中国的民族瑰宝21. spread joy 传播快乐22. do an excellent job 表现优异23. play the hero 扮演英雄人物24. during his lifetime 在他生前1. -What kind of music do you like? - 你喜欢什么样的音乐?-I like music that I can sing along with. - 我喜欢能随着唱的音乐。2. I prefer music that has great lyrics. 我更喜欢歌词优美的音乐。3. -What kind of food

5、 do you enjoy? .- 你喜欢什么样的食物?-I enjoy food that is sweet- 我喜欢甜的食物。4. -What kind of movies do you like? - 你喜欢什么样的电影?-I prefer movies that/ which give something to think about.卡门喜欢什么样的音乐家?-我喜欢能给我一些东西思考的电影。5. -What kind of musicians does Carmen like?-She likes musicians who play different kinds of music

6、. -她喜欢能演奏不同种类音乐的音乐家。【语言点解析】Section A( 1a 2d)a. 词汇包:prefer (v.) 更喜爱;更喜欢 prefer相当于like better,意为"宁愿;较喜欢”,其现在分词、过去式要双写词尾-r,再加-ing, -ed, 即 preferring, preferred 。【备课例句】Do you prefer apples or bananas? 你更喜欢苹果还是香蕉 ?Few children prefer working to playing. 很少有孩子只爱工作不爱玩耍。 【横向辐射】 prefer 的常见用法1. prefer sb

7、/sth 更喜欢某人或某物【例句】Which subject do you prefer , English or math? 英语和数学 ,你更喜欢哪一科 ?2. prefer to do sth 宁愿做某事,更喜欢做某事【例句】I prefer to buy new cards. 我宁愿买新的卡片。3. prefer sb to do sth 宁愿某人做某事【例句】I prefer him to do it in a different way. 我更希望他用不同的方法去做。4. prefer.to. 喜欢 , 而不喜欢 , ,喜欢 , 胜过 , ,宁愿 , 而不愿 , 此结构中 to 是

8、介词,不是动词不定式符号。【例句】He prefers swimming to surfing. 同冲浪相比 ,他更喜欢游泳。5. prefer to do sth rather than (to)do sth. 宁愿做 而不愿做 此结构中prefer后须跟动词不定式,而rather than后则接带to或不带to的不定式均可。 【例句】She prefers to stay at home rather than (to)go with us. 她宁愿呆在家里 ,也不愿和我们一起去。【课堂变式】Betty likes taking a bus to work. She likes takin

9、g an underground to work better.Betty taking an underground taking a bus to work.【解析】 like A better than B = prefer A to B ,意为“比 B 更喜欢 A ”。答案为 prefers, to。 b. 句式包:1.I like music that I can dance to. 我喜欢那种我可以跟着跳舞的音乐。本句中的 that I can dance to 为定语从句,先行词(即定语从句所修饰的词)为 music, that 在从句中作宾语,可以省去。 that 为关系代词,

10、既可指人,也可指物。【备课例句】The coat she bought was really nice. 她买的那件外套很漂亮。 (指物) She is the girl that I met yesterday. 她就是我昨天遇到的那个女孩。 (指人) 【横向辐射】 关系代词 which 也可指物【例句】The green coat ( which / that ) the girl is wearing is made of cotton . 那个女孩穿的那件绿上衣是棉制的。【课堂变式】1.1 prefer not to eat too much foodis fried, like Fr

11、ench fries.A. thatB. whatC. itD.不填【解析】所需填空部分为引导词,并且在定语从句中作宾语,又先行词为事物,关系代词可用that或which。根据四个选项应选 B。that is fried, like French fries 是定语从句,修饰 food。正确答案是 A。2. The panda is a kind of ani malcan be found only in China.A. whoB. whoseC. whichD. where【解析】当先行词为事物时,关系代词要用that和which,所以四个选项中只有 C对。2. Carmen likes

12、 musicians who play different kinds of music. 卡门喜欢会演奏不同种类音乐 的音乐家。该句是一个含 who引导的定语倾斜角顺的复合句,先行词是musicians,指人,且引导词who在定语从句中作主语。另外,指人时,也可用whom,但whom常用作宾语。但在口语中,常用who代替whom,也可省略。【备课例句】I still remember the girl ( whom / who ) we saw yesterday.我还记着我们昨天见过的那个女孩。【横向辐射】whom和介词连用的情况1. 关系代词 whom在从句中作介词宾语时,可以和介词一起

13、放在先行词和从句之间。为了 使关系代词紧跟它所修饰的词,也可以把介词放在从句有关动词的后面。【例句】Mr. Joh n is the professor to whom you should write.=Mr. Joh n is the professor whom/who you should writer to.约翰先生是那位你应该给其写信的教授。2. 含有介词的短语动词一般不拆开,介词仍放在动词的后面。【例句】The old man whom the nurses are looking after is very well now.护士们正在照料的那位老人现在身体已经非常好了。【课堂

14、变式】1. The girlwon the match not so long ago is called Guo Yue, a famous Chinese table tennisplayer.A. whoB. whichC. whatD. whom【解析】所需填空部分为引导词,并且在定语从句中作主语,又先行词为人,故要选表人 的关系代词 who。whom只能在定语从句中作宾语。正确答案是A。2. I thi nk Mrs. Smith is the right pers onyou should write.A. whoB. to whoC. whomD. to whom【解析】关系代词

15、 whom在定语从句作介词to的宾语,介词可放在 whom前,但whom不 能换用 who。正确答案是 D。此句也可写成 I think Mrs. Smith is the right person who you should write to.。Section A (3a 3©a.词汇包:1.stick v.粘贴,将.刺入;Stick除了作动词,意为“ 粘住,粘贴,刺,戳”以外,还可作名词,意为“ .棍,棒,手 杖”。【备课例句】 Don 't stick a fork into a potato 不要把叉子叉进土豆。【横向辐射】 stick to 的用法1. 粘(贴)在

16、上,附着于:例句: Dust could stick to the clothing easily. 灰尘很容易附着在衣服上。2. 不移开,不偏离,不离题:例句: The speech he made stuck to the key points. 他所作的演说紧扣要点, 没有多余的话。3. 紧跟,紧随;留在 附近:例句: Stick to me, or you'll get lost. 跟着我走,不然你会迷路的。4. 保留;保存:例句: Can I stick to your pen! 把你的笔留给我了 ?5. 口语 忠于,信守,不放弃:例句: I always stick to

17、my promises. 我一贯信守诺言。6. 口语 坚持,坚守;遵守:例句: to stick to one's post 坚守岗位【课堂变式】Although you all don 'atgree with me, I still my opinion.A. stick to B. holdC. take onD. stick up【解析】由句意可知,我仍坚持我的意见。 stick to 意为“坚持,坚守;遵守” ;故选 A。 2. shut off1 切断(水、电) 【例句】 Please shut off the hose before the grass gets

18、too wet请及时关掉水管,以免草地太湿。2被隔绝;被隔离【例句】 They feel shut off from all human contact on this island 他们觉得在这岛上与人世隔绝了。3. 使, 隔开The road is shut off from traffic 此路禁止车辆行驶。 【备课例句】Don 't forget to lock the door and shut off the light when you leave. 当你离开时别忘了锁门关灯。 【课堂变式】Mr. Clark the electricity as quickly as p

19、ossible when he saw the fire on the machine.A. take off B. shut off C. get offD. go off【解析】 take off 意为“脱下,起飞” ; shut off 意为“切断” ; get off “下车”; go off “响铃”;由题意可知 正确答案是 B 。Section B( 1a 1d)a. 词汇包:1. unusual (adj.) 不同寻常的作形容词,用作表语或定语。它是由 usual加上否定前缀un-构成的。【备课例句】Was she u n u s u a l ?这是她与众不同、特殊的地方?I r

20、eceived a most unusual present from my aunt. 我收到姨母给我的一件极不寻常的礼物。【横向辐射】类似的un-开头的词happy 高兴的 unhappy 不高兴的lucky 幸运的 unlucky 不幸的important 重要的 unimportant 不重要的 comfortable 舒服的 uncomfortable 不舒服的【课堂变式】1. She was very (happy) to fail the final exam.【解析】由 to fail the final exam 可知她很不高兴,故填 unhappy。2. My neighb

21、or Helen never talks to me. She is so (friendly )【解析】 由 My neighbor Helen never talks to me. 可知邻居很不友好, 正确答案是 unfriendly 。Section B( 2a 2e).词汇包1. sense.v. 感觉到,意识到;【备课例句】I sensed what my mother wants to say to me 。我感觉到妈妈想对我说什么。【横向辐射】se nse的用法一、se nse作名词的用法1. sense作"意义”、”意思"解释,与meaning是同义,是可数

22、名词。如:The word "make" has many senses.“ make"这个单词有许多意义。2. 作"官能"解时,是可数名词。如 :The five senses are hearing, taste, sight, smell and touch. 五项官能是听觉,味觉,视觉,嗅觉和触觉。3. 作"感觉 "解时 ,多用作单数 ,并与 a 连用。如 :When you touch ice, you have a sense of cold ness.当你触摸到冰块时,你有一种寒冷的感觉。4. 作"判

23、断力 "、 "见识"、 "道理"解时,常用作不可数名词。如:Although she's not very clever, she has got lots of common sense. 虽然她不十分聪明,明她很有见识。5. 作"知觉"、 "理性"解时,常用复数。如 :They threw cold water on him to bring him to his senses. 他们向他身上泼冷水使他恢复知觉。.可用sense来表示某种"感”,如幽默感、正义感、责任感等,这时在se

24、nse前加不定冠词。如:a sense of justice 正义感 ; a sense of duty 责任感 ; a sense of humor 幽默感 ; a sense of beauty 美感;a sense of safety 安全感;a sense of friendship 友好感7、构成一些固定短语 : make sense 有道理、讲得通 make sense of理解、弄懂的意思. lose one's senses = be out of one's senses in a sense 在某种意义上 , 相当于 in a way in no sense

25、则是”决不"的意思,置于句首时要倒装。二、se nse作动词的用法sense是及物动词,作"感觉到"、”领悟"、”发觉"解。如:The mouse sensed danger and slipped quietly. 老鼠意识到危险并悄悄地逃走了。 【课堂变式】I am sure David will be able to find the library he has a pretty good of direction.A ideaB feelingCexperienceD sense【解析】 a sense of direction 意为

26、“方向感” ;故选 D。2.look up (在词典、参考书中)查找;查阅look up是由“动词look+副词up”构成的短语。后接人称代词作宾语时,代词放在副词up之前。后接名词作宾语时,名词放在副词 up 之前或之后均可。另外, look up 还可表示“抬 头看,向上看” 。【备课例句】When I don 'tunderstand a word, I look it up in a dictionary. 当我不懂一个单词时, 我就查词典。 He looked up the numbers in the telephone book and found Tom 's

27、phone number.他在电话簿里查号码,找到了汤姆的电话号码。He looked up and smiled at me. 他抬起头,对我笑了笑。【横向辐射】由 look 构成的常用词组look at 看 ” ;look for 寻找;look out 当心;look round 环视;look through 审核;look into 检查; look the same 看上去很相像; look like 看上去像 , ; look after 照看,照顾。【课堂变式】Don't be afraidof new words. You can in the dictionary.

28、A. look at them B. look for them C. look them up D. look them over【解析】 look at 意为“看”; look for 意为“寻找”; look up 意为“在, (工具书) 中查找”; look over 意为“检查,察看” 。根据句意:不要担心生词,你可以在字典中查找它们。故 C 为正确答案。2. We have to_ourselves when we are away from home.A. look atB. look forC. look upD. look after【解析】look at “看”;look

29、for “寻找”;look up “向上看;查阅”;look after “照料; 照看”。根据 when we are away from home 可确定正确答案是 D 。b. 句式包:The erhu sounded like someone crying, and I almost cried along with it as I listened. 二胡的声音听其来就好像有人在哭, 并且我在听的时候就差点跟随它一起哭了起来。 sou nd like意为“听起来像”; as意为“当时”;引导的时间状语从句。【备课例句】He shouted loudly to me as he rode

30、 by. 他骑车路过时,大声对我叫喊。【横向辐射】 as, when, while 的用法与区别一、when:表示 当的时候”引导的从句可表示一段时间"也可表示 一瞬间”(从属连词)When they arrived, it was already midni ght.从句和主句的动作同时发生,但因为从句动作arrived是非延续性的,表示的是一瞬间”此时不可用while,但可用as替换。It was five o ' clock when he left home.When the clock struck eleven, all the lights went out.(

31、从句的动作在主句之前发生)When he ran to the stop, the bus had gon e.(从句动作在主句动作之后发生)He read a n ewspaper whe n he was wait ing for a bus.从句动作和主句动作同时发生,而且从句动作waiting是延续性的,表示的是一段时间”此时可用while替换。二、whilewhile意思是during the whole of the time that,指在 一段时间"里,所引导的从句中的动词是 延续性的,可译为在期间,在之时”She visited a lot of places wh

32、ile she stayed in U.S.He fell asleep while he was watching TV .三、as .多用于动作发生时间较短时,常有正当之时”之意She fell of the bus as she got dow n. .表 边边”或 随着.”之意时常用asHe whistled as he rode on.As time went on, he became less active.【课堂变式】years go by, China is getting stronger and richerA. Whe n B. As C. WhileD. Since【

33、解析】本题考查连词的用法。由句意可知,随着一年年过去,中国正变得强大,富有。 表 边边"或 随着.'之意时常用as;故选B。文化背景导读阿炳阿炳(18931950)原名华彦钧,民间音乐家。小名阿炳,江苏无锡东亭人,当地雷尊殿 道士华清和(号雪梅)之子。华雪梅精通各种乐器和道家音乐。而阿炳幼时便表现了罕见的音乐天赋,在他10岁那年,父亲便教他迎寒击石模拟击鼓,练习各种节奏(后成为当地有名的司鼓手)。12岁那年,阿炳开始学吹笛子,父亲经常要他迎着风口吹,且在笛尾上挂铁圈以增强腕力,后来索性将铁圈换成了秤砣。阿炳在学二胡的时候,更加刻苦,琴弦上被勒出血痕,手指也拉出了厚厚 的茧。阿炳演奏用的二胡的外弦比一般弦粗壮得多,这与他常年练习分不开的。17岁时,阿炳正式参加道教音乐吹奏。他长得一表人才,还有一副好嗓子,被人们誉称为“小天师”。1914年,华雪梅去世,阿炳成为雷尊殿的当家道士,与堂兄华伯阳轮流主管雷尊殿的 香火收入。后由于经营不善,阿


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