1、200 words myth speechThe ancient Greekmyth of modernity: the famousscholar, professor at Tsinghua University徐葆耕speech atthe Museum of LiteratureGreece is far away, but the Greek Olympic foundedare getting closer and closer to us. Greek mythology andliteratureof Westerninfluenceon modernideology,buta
2、lso many literary enthusiast welcomes news topics .4 21 8oclock Sunday morning, a lot of the audience came tothe Museum of Literature .9 30 points, host Mr. Fu Guangming introduced after the Speaker said: History is a discipline of mind literature is generally considered political, economic, cultura
3、l and other forms reflect, and these forms are actually covered by the spiritual history which today we ask Professor Xu Baogeng specifically talk about the ancient Greek myth of modernity.Professor Xu own laptop, Bian Jiangbian multimedia presentations, big screen first appeared in the French poet
4、Baudelaire s famous phrase:“ I love the memories of that era no cover.”After that, Xu said, pointing like a Venus de Milo: I1wenttothe outskirtsofthe1980stookpartinthewedding of a young farmer, when I saw a statue of Venusstatueinnumerousgifts,causingmythinking:Thedistancewehave 2,500years,theGreekg
5、oddessfromdistant countries, why enter a Chinese farmers house Iwas in the booth of some tourist spots are also often seethe statue of Venus?.The second one is the father of the Greek gods Zeusandhis wifeHera,ZeusequivalentofthemythicalJadeEmperor, he should be solemn and dignified, and see fromthep
6、ictureofZeusandHerabe together,eyesflashingHeattheloveandhatredLilight,whichremindsus ofmixed emotions in real life husband and wife love to hate.The third lot is god Prometheus, who drove the suncar speedingfromthe edgeof thesun passing, stealingfire from heaven to the human race, from people evolv
7、edfrom primitive times to the cooked era this leap of humanlife,saidmythologycompletelyPrometheustorelyoncredit,and hehasalsobeena worldof punishment,hesymbolizestheliberationofhumanityforfreedomwhosacrificed their lives.Marx said:“ Greek mythology is the poetic beauty2of humanchildhood,thereis thei
8、mmortalcharm ” Wealsohavemanysimilarmyths,butnotsothesystem,colorful.Fromtheperspectiveofculturalanthropology,mythology was mankind s greatest talent - imagine the force out of the most gorgeous flowers.Inancienttimes,people sresilienceisweak,primitiveman was not inthe“ invention” myth, butinthe“exp
9、erience” myth.Facingthescourge,theyfeltmysterious and terrified, but after all, is conscious people,fromwere simplyfoundadirectrelationship suchas aprimitive causality, he was lying on the cave to sleep: heaccidentallypenetratedtwostoneboartocelebratethevictory of the people around him dancing with
10、a girl ranHeKazushiam glad hewokeup,neitherwildboar,nodance, and the girl of his dreams can not explain how thisis going to make them comparable analogy think:? mustbe in their own habitat of another body something similar,he tookhistimetravelingasleepandthisthingisthe“soul ” and“soul ” residesin th
11、ebodybutcanexistindependently.realizedthatthe“soul ” ofhumanexistence is spiritual originator.3Accordingtothemethodofthinkingcomparedanalogy, people have“soul ”, that all things have a soul,but it may be morepowerfulthanthe humansoul andelusive,whichis“Everythinghassoul ”mythphilosophical foundation
12、. Generated in Age of Mythology,theThe reasonforthesurpriseyourselfandfeel thosethingsarethoughtofasGod,thenGod,naturalphenomena produced. then have exalted myth, the mythoftheoriginofman, after thousandsofyearsofartisticprocess, and finally form a grand The complete system.Greekmythsandlegendscan b
13、eroughlydividedinto the story of God s two most legendary heroes and some have the old gods and new gods pedigree lineage belongs to God. Theogony old world record of the origin, the initial chaos of the universe from chaos the first to givebirthtotheearth(GaiatoGod),thenappearedat thebottomoftheear
14、th“dark ”and“night ”,acombination of both birth“light ” and “day.” earth andgive birthto the “sky.” toGodcoverYa withher sonUranus combination gave birth to twelve Titans Titans .Theogonypreservedancientoldmaneatmansocietyhetaerismbarbariccustoms,whichbecametheendless4stretches of Western Literature
15、 mother problems.The new lineage of God, the gods are living Elinbosi mountains, generally considered twelve Lord God:1 Zeus: Father of the gods, the supreme ruler of all things on the ground.2 Hera: Zeus s wife on behalf of women being in charge of marriage and childbearing personality traits are jealous.3 Athena: initially be regarded as the goddess of war, gradually becomes the goddess of wisdom and patron goddess of Athens.4 Apollo: poetry and performance art as a bright, youthful and god of music, but also a sun god.5 Artemis: Luna, hunting is God, the God of women, the female
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