1、Group 4 (夹叙夹议文)Cloze 7One Tuesday after noon I went home, tired. I had much homework to do that ni ght. Then a_1_ voicebroke in,“ Hey, Katie, dont forget about our SPAC performanee tonight at the _2_Seeyou at seven!”It was Adam, the preside nt of Stude nts in the Performi ng Arts for the Community.W
2、e_3_SPAC to serve the com munity by perform ing at hospitals. At that mome nt, _4,I con sidered the performa neeas a trouble.I_5_ the hospital with my guitar in one hand and my workbook in the other, hop ing to do a little _6_.Ientered the hall and saw a _7_ pale girl of about 13 among a group of ol
3、d people in wheelchairs. I won deredwhy some one so _8_ was stuck in this place.Toward the end of the_9_,my friend Sarah asked if anyone had any _10_.The girl raised her arm andasked if she could singMy Heart Will Go On. Sarah happily invited her to _11_ the microph one and the girlhobbled(蹒跚)throug
4、h the wheelchairs. When she and Sarah bega n to _12,I no ticed the girls eyes shined. At that mome nt, I forgot my _13_ and remembered the true mea ning of SPAC: _14_ the quality of lifefor others.After the performa nee we talked with the girl and_15“she warShe tbllde a singerus that we had helped h
5、er remember her J6_.Then, she asked if we could all get together for a picture _17she could remember this ni ght and n ever _18her dream.I _19= Ion ger tha n rd pla nn ed. I was amazed by what one hour of my time could _20_ help ing someone find con fide nee.1.A. luckyB.happyC.worriedD.n ervous2.A.
6、neighbourhoodB.ci nemaC.schoolD.hospital3.A. startedB.likedC.advertisedD.left4.A. thusB.thereforeC.howeverD.otherwise5.A. picked outB.arrived atC.returned toD.looked for6.A. playingB.sleep ingC.trainingD.study ing7.A. thinB.braveC.stra ngeD.determined8.A. sickB.cleverC.youngD.special9.A. minuteB.qua
7、rterC.hourD.day10.A. excusesB.suggesti onsC.problemsD.requests11.A. shareB.offerC.touchD.save12.A. discussB.singC.smileD.dance13.A. purposeB.behaviourC.jobD.homework14.A. changingB.feeli ngC.improv ingD.show ing15.A. doubtedB.discoveredC.believedD.agreed16.A. goalB.powerC.con diti onD.sufferi ng17.A
8、. ifB.soC.thoughD.because18.A. care aboutB.settle dow nC.give upD.go through19.A. waitedB.performedC.sleptD.stayed20.A. achieveB.containC.proveD.lastCloze 8Many people like to ask me how my lovely dog help me travel around Europe? I always gladly show them!Walking my dog in the neighbourhood _ I usu
9、ally do, I smiled as I passed my _2_.The neighbourhood is a special place where people do _3_ to have a brief chat. You pass the _4_ people ofte n sothose brief chats _5_ add up to lear ning more about each other.My neighbour and I started to ask each other about our _6_.I shared what I did with her
10、. It happened thatshe had a friend who was _7_ a copywriter(撰稿人).She made the _8_ immediately, and soon her friend_9_ me.During the course of the work, I chatted with a man, and one con versati on_10_ us to adiscussion on Italy. This _11_ me because I had been planning a trip to Italy sometime durin
11、g the year. Thatnew frie nd told me about his _12_ memory of his trip to Italy. A few days later,Ibooked my trip and was _1 _ to travel to Europe. He also kindly connected me to his aunt who _14_ in Italy.Not only did she help me pla n tran sportatio n, but she also in vited me to _15_with her famil
12、y members in her comfortable beach house, which _16_ me a lot on hotel expe nse.And that is the whole story. Let me_17_ some tips. First, you n ever know how _18_hepeople you meet will be to you. Second, connect with people you meet often. It may not lead any where today;_19_, relatio nships arent m
13、eant for just today. Third, always be _20_.People remember you when you taketime to get to know them and help them.1.A. thoughB.asC.onceD.un til2.A. friendsB.stude ntsC.relativesD.n eighbours3.A. needB.seekC.stopD.permit4.A. sameB.rightC.similarD.com mon5.A. quicklyB.fin allyC.sudde nlyD.really6.A.
14、namesB.goalsC.in terestsD.jobs7.A. looking forB.talk ing aboutC.learning fromD.bringing up8.A. preparationB.expla natio n C.in troduct ionD.in terview9.A. metB.employedC.servedD.called10.A. ledB.followedC.in vitedD.welcomed11.A. surprisedB.movedC.excitedD.disappo in ted12.A. unbelievableB.limitedC.clearD.won derful13.A. luckyB.readyC.afraidD.proud14.A. traveledB.studiedC.livedD.p
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