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1、实用文档航次租船合同确认书(中文)年 月日China Chamber of Intern ati onalCommerceFixture Note of Voyage Charter Party (2000 Sta ndard Form )出租人与承租人双方同意按下 列条款和条件履行本确认书:It is mutually agreed betwee nas Owners (address:fax:Tele phone: ) andas Charterers (address:fax:Tele phone:) that this FixtureNote shall be performed su

2、bject to the follow ing terms and con diti ons:inmore or less at Owners ' op tio n.(B)of一op ti on or Charterers 'cbmsmore orless1. P articulars of P erform ingVessel:M/V:Flag: Built: Classificati on:Registered Shipown ers:GT/NT/DWT:/TS SSW:LOA/BM:/MS Grai n/Bale Capa:/CBMS Ho/Ha: /Derr: Twee

3、 ndeck:add other items whe n n ecessary2. Cargo and Quan tity: In dicate Alternative (A) or (B) withV (A)m/ts ofbag or bulk, %_op ti on%atoption Charterersop ti on or Owners' op ti on.第一条 承运船舶的规范:船名:船旗国:建造时间:船级:登记船东:总吨/净吨/载重吨: 吨/吨/ 吨 夏季干舷:_ 总长/型宽:米散装舱容/包装舱容:立方米/立方米舱舱口:吊杆:二层甲板:可根据需要增加项目第二条货物和数量:使

4、用"标明选择(厲或(B): :(A) 公吨 袋装或散装货物 , 增加或减少 %,由出 租人或承租人选择。:(B) 立方米货物,增加或减少%,由承 租人或出租人选择。3. Laycan:/第三条受载期:年.日至月日。4. Load in g/Discharg ing P ort(s): IndicateAlternative (A) or (B)V (A) safe port(s) at/ (B) safe berth(s) at po rt(s) ofwith第四条装货/卸货港:使用"标明选择(厲或(B): :(A)在/的个安全5. Load in g/Discharg i

5、ng Rate:In dicate Alternative (A) or (B) or(C) with V (A)/ m/tsper weather work ing day, Sun days and holidays exce pted un less used (PWWD SHEX UU).(B)/ m/tsper weather work ing day, Sun days and holidays exce pted even if used( PWWD SHEX EIU).(C)Customary quick dis patchat p ort(s) ofloadi ng ordi

6、schargi ng (CQD).6. Laytime Calculati on:Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with V (A) Sep arate laytime forloadi ng and discharg ing.(B) Total laytime for loading and discharg ing.7. Freight Rate: In dicate Alternative (A) or (B) or (C) or (D) with V (A) Lump sum foist.(B)_ernet or gross m/t foist.(C)

7、-er_net or gross m/t on free in and港口。:(B)在港的 全泊位。第五条 装货/卸货率:使用V标明选择(厲或(B) 或(C):(A)每晴天工作日 公吨/ 公 吨,星期日、节假日除外,除 非已经使用(PWWD SHEX UU:(B)每晴天工作日 公吨/ 公 吨,星期日、节假日除外,即 使已经使用(PWWD SHEX UU:(C)在装货港或卸货港按港口习惯快速 装卸货(CQD。港/个安第六条装卸时间的计算:使用"标明选择(厲或(B): :(A)装货时间与卸货时 间分别计算。:(B)装货时间与卸货时 间合并计算。第七条运费率:使用V标明选择(厲或(B) 或

8、(0或(D)::(A)包干运费,出租人不承担装卸、堆舱及平 舱费。:(B)每净或毛公吨 ,出租人不承担装 卸、堆舱及平舱费。liner out.(D) pernet or gross cbm foist8. Freight Payme nt: In dicate Alternative (A) or (B) or (C) with V (A) Freight to be paid banking days after compi eti on of loadi ng.(B) Freight to be paid banking days after compi eti on of loadi

9、ng, but always before break ing bulk.Freight collected or to be collected as per aforesaid (A)withinwithinor(B)shall be deemed earned by Owners upon cargo load ing on board, and such freight must be p aid by Charterers non-retur nable and non-disco un tablewhether vessel /cargo lost or not.(C) Freig

10、ht to be paid within banking days after compi eti on of discharg ing.:(C)每净或毛公吨 ,出租人不承担装货 费,卸货费安按班轮条件。:(D)每净或毛立方米 ,出租人不承担装 卸、堆舱及平舱费。第八条运费的支付:使用V标明选择(厲或(B) 或(C)::(A)运费应于装货结束 后个银行工作日内支付。:(B)运费应于装货结束 后个银行工作日内支付,但至迟应在开舱卸货以 前。按照以上(厲或(B)已收取 或应收取的运费,在货物装上 船后为出租人所赚取;不论船 舶货物灭失与否,承租人必须 支付,无需返还,不得扣减。:(C)运费应于卸货

11、结束 后个银行工作日内支付。by9. Demurrage/Des patch:/ per day or pro ratato be settled with in days after compi eti on of discharg ing provided that Owner' s lien, if any,on the cargo shall not be affected this p rovisi on.10. Taxes/Dues/Fee: Taxes/dues/fee if any on vessel/freight to be for Owners acco unt,

12、 howsoever the amount thereof may be assessed. Same on cargo if any to be for Charterers acco unt, howsoever the amount thereof may be assessed.第九条滞期费/速遣费: 滞期费/速遣费为每天 /,不足 一天按比例计算,于卸货结束 后天内结算,但出租人如有留置货物的权利,不受 本条规定的影响。第十条税费/规费/费用: 船舶/运费的税费/规费/费 用由出租人负担,不论其计算 方法如何。货物的税费/规费 /费用由承租人负担,不论其 计算方法如何。第十一条代理:

13、使用V标明选择(厲或(B) (A)装卸港均为出租人 的代理。:(B)装货港为出租人的 代理,卸货港为承租人的代理。11. Age ncy: In dicate Alternative (A) or (B) withV (A) Owners ' age nts both en ds.(B) Own ers age nt at loadi ng port and Charterers ' age nt at discharg ing p ort.12. Commissi on: In dicate Alternative (A) or (B) with(A) Commissi on

14、 on freight, dead-freight and demurrage totals percent in cludi ng address commissi on.(B) Commissi on on freight, dead-freight and demurrage totals percent, plusp erce ntfor第十二条佣金:使用V标明选择(厲或(B) :(A)运费、亏舱费和滞 期费的佣金包括洽租佣金合计 %o:(B)运费、亏舱费和滞 期费佣金合计%,另加 %, 给付tobeAny13. Law and Arbitrati on:This Fixture No

15、te shall be gover ned by and con strued in accorda nee with Chin ese law, and the Charter Party shall be established when this Fixture Note is signed. dis pute aris ing out of or in connection with this Fixture Note shall be submitted to China Maritime Arbitrati on Commissi on for arbitrati on in Be

16、iji ng. The arbitrati on award shall be final and binding upon the p arties.14. Gencon Charter: In dicate Alternative (A) or (B) withV (A) Other terms and con diti ons are as per Gencon Charter 1994, exce pt Clause 2.(B) Other terms and con diti ons are as per Gencon Charter 1976, exce pt Clause(s)

17、.第十三条法律和仲裁:本确认书适用中国法律并根据 中国法律解释,自签订之日起 租船合同成立。本确认书产生 的或与本确认书有关的任何争 议均应提交中国海事仲裁委员 会在仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对当事人均有约束 力。第十四条 金康租船合同:使用V标明选择(厲或(B): :(A)其他条款和条件按 1994年金康条款租船合同,但 第2条除外。:(B)其他条款和条件按 1976年金康合同租船合同,但 第条除外。第十五条 特别条款:15. Sp ecial Provisi ons:航次租船合同确认书标签:租船合同航次租船合同确认书航次租船合同确认书(中央文)(中英文)X(中英文)Fixture Note

18、of Voyage CharterOwner:出租人Address: 地址Fax:传真Tele phone:电话Charterer:承租人Address: 地址Fax:传真Tele phone: 电话It is mutually agreed betwee n A company as Owners and B company as Charterers that this Fixture Note shall be performed subject to the following terms and conditions: 出租人与承租人双方同意按下列条款和条件履行本确认书:1. Par

19、ticulars of Performi ng Vessel:第一条承运船舶的规范:M/V:船名:Flag:船旗国:Built:建造时间:Classificatio n:船级:Registered Shipowners:登记船东 GT总吨/ NT 净吨/ DWT 载重吨TS SSW:吨夏季干舷LOA/BM:米总长/型宽MSGrai n/Bale Ca pa:散装舱容/包装舱容:CBMS Ho/Ha:舱口:Derr:吊杆Tweendeck:二层甲板add other items when n ecessary(2000 Standard Form )立方米可根据需要增加项目2. Cargo an

20、d Quan tity:第二条In dicate Alternative (A) or (B) with(A) m/ts of in bag or bulk, %more or less at option Owners option or Charterers ' op tio n.(A) 公吨人选择。(B) cbms of , % more or less at op ti on Charterers(B) 立方米货物 ,增加或减少 %,由3. Layca n: 第三条受载期:From the date of day month year to the date of day mo

21、nth year_年月_日至_年_月 日。4 Loadi ng/Discharg ing P ort(s):In dicate Alternative (A) or (B) with (A) safe port(s) at)在.货物和数量:V使用"标明选择(厲或(B)袋装或散装货物,增加或减少%,由出租人或承租'option or Owners ' option.承租人或出租人选择。月第四条装货/卸货港V用V标明选择(厲或(B): _/的个安全港口。(B)safe berth(s) at p ort(s) of在港/港的个安全泊位。5. Loadi ng/Discha

22、rgi ng Rate:第五条装货/卸货率Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) or (C) withV用V标明选择(A)或( B)或(C)(A) / m/ts per weather work ing day, Sun days and holidays exce pted uni ess used(P WWD SHEX UU).每晴天工作日(B) / m/ts SHEX ElU).每晴天工作日公吨/公吨,星期日节假日除外,除非已经使用(per weather working day, Sun days and holidays exce ptedPWWD SHEX

23、 UU even if used(PWWD公吨/公吨,星期日、节假日除外,即使已经使用(PWWSHEXUU)。(C)Customary quick dis patch at p ort(s) of loadi ng or discharg ing (CQD).在 装货港或卸货港按港口习惯快速装卸货( CQD。6. Laytime Calculatio n:第六条 装卸时间的计算Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) withV用V标明选择(A)或(B)(A) Sep arate laytime for loadi ng and discharg ing.装货时间与卸货时

24、间分别计算。(B) Total laytime for loadi ng and discharg ing.装货时间与卸货时间合并计算。7. Freight Rate:第七条运费率In dicate Alternative (A) or (B) or (C) or (D) with用V标明选择(厲或(B)或(0或(D)(A) Lump sum foist.包干运费 ,出租人不承担装卸、堆舱及平舱费。(B) per net or gross m/t foist.每净或毛公吨,出租人不承担装卸、堆舱及平舱费。(C) per net or gross m/t on free in and liner

25、 out.每净或毛公吨,出租人不承担装货费,卸货费安按班轮条件。(D) per net or gross cbm foist每净或毛立方米,出租人不承担装卸、堆舱及平舱费。8. Freight P ayme nt:第八条运费的支付或(C)always/cargoA)Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) or (C) withV用V标明选择(A)或(B)(A) Freight to be p aid with in banking days after compi eti on of loadi ng.运费应于装货结束后 个银行工作日内支付。(B) Freight to

26、 be p aid with in banking days after compi eti on of loadi ng,butbefore break ing bulk.Freight collected or to be collected as per aforesaid (A) or (B) shall be deemed earned by Owners upon cargo loadi ng on board, and such freight must be paid by Charterers non-returnableand non-discountablewhether

27、 vessellost or not.运费应于装货结束后 个银行工作日内支付,但至迟应在开舱卸货以前。按照以上(或(B)已收取或应收取的运费,在货物装上船后为出租人所赚取;不论船舶货物灭失与否,承租人必须支付,无需返还,不得扣减。(C) Freight to be p aid with in banking days after compi eti on of discharg ing.运费应于卸货结束后 个银行工作日内支付。9. Demurrage/Des patch:第九条滞期费/速遣费Demurrage/Des patch per day or pro rata to be settle

28、d with in days after comp leti on of dischargingprovided that Owner' s lien,if any, on the cargo shall not be affectedby this p rovisi on.天内结算,但滞期费/速遣费为每天 /,不足一天按比例计算,于卸货结束后出租人如有留置货物的权利,不受本条规定的影响。10. Taxes/Dues/Fee:第十条税费/规费/费用Taxes/dues/fee if any on vessel/freight to be for Owners' account,

29、 howsoever theamount thereof may be assessed. Same on cargo if any to be for Charterers ' acco unt, howsoever the amount thereof may be assessed.船舶/运费的税费/规费/费用由出租人负担,不论其计算方法如何。货物的税费/规费/费用由承租人负担,不论其计算方法如何。11. Age ncy: 第一条代理Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) withV用V标明选择(A)或(B)(A) Owners ' agents

30、both ends.装卸港均为出租人的代理。(B) Owners ' age nt at loadi ng port and Charterers' age nt at discharg ing p ort.装货港为出租人的代理,卸货港为承租人的代理。12. Commissio n:.第十二条佣金Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) withV用V标明选择(A)或(B)(A) Commissi on on freight, dead-freight and demurrage totals p erce nt in cludi ng address c

31、ommissi on.运费、亏舱费和滞期费的佣金包括洽租佣金合计_ %。(B) Commissi on on freight, dead-freight and demurrage totals p erce nt, plus p erce nt to be for运费、亏舱费和滞期费佣金合计 %,另加%,给付13. Law and Arbitrati on:第十三条法律和仲裁The arbitrati on本确认书产生的 仲裁裁决是终局This Fixture Note shall be governed by and construed in accordanee with Chinese

32、 law, and the Charter Party shall be established whe n this Fixture Note is sig ned. Any dis pute aris ing out of or in connection with this Fixture Note shall be submitted to China Maritime Arbitratio n Commissi on for arbitratio n in Beijing. award shall be final and binding upon the p arties.本确认书

33、适用中国法律并根据中国法律解释,自签订之日起租船合同成立。或与本确认书有关的任何争议均应提交中国海事仲裁委员会在仲裁。的,对当事人均有约束力。r>14. Gencon Charter:第十四条金康租船合同Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) withV使用V标明选择(人)或(B)(A) Other terms and con diti ons are as per Gencon Charter 1994, exce pt Clause 2.其他条款和条件按1994年金康条款租船合同,但第2条除外。(B) Other terms and conditionsare as per Gencon Charter 1976, except Clause(s).其他条款和条件按1976年金康合同租船合同,但第 条除外。15. Sp ecial P rovisio ns:第十五条特别条款:(双方另行约定:)(双方签署略)附:船舶合同中常用技术术语SHI P


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