1、Con tract No.: ICD/NW-2014-OMO&M Technical Service forICDAS BEKIRLI #2 UNIT OF (1+1) x 600MW PO WER P LANTCONTRACTO&M Technical ServiceBetwee nICDAS ELEKTRIK ENERJISI URETIM VE YATIRIM .AndSHAANXI NORTHWEST PO WER GENERATION CO.,LTD30th June, 2014O&M Technical Service ContractO&M技术服务
3、empioyees, under the administration and management of ICDAS,to be working in ICDASBEKIRLI#2 600MW power pla nt.根据ICDAS的要求,承包方组织下列运行人员,作为ICDAS的雇佣人员,在ICDAS BEKIRKI #2 600MW电厂工作,接受ICDAS的监督和管理。1. Person and Po siti on List1.人员和职位列表ItemNo序号Dep artme nt部门Positi on职位Number ofPerson (Q ' ty人员数1Man ageme
4、 nt1 Peo pie管理人员1人Project Manager 项目经理1Turb ine Op erati on Engin eer汽机专工12Op erati onBoiler Op erati on Engin eer锅炉专工129 Peo pieElectrical Op erati on Engin eer电气专工1运行人员29名Chemical Op erati on Engin eer 化学专工1I & C Engineer 热控专工1Shift Ma nager 值长4Boiler Operator锅炉运行人员8Turbine Operator汽机运行人员8Elec
5、trical Operator电气运行人员43others6 Peo pie其它人员6名In terpreter翻译4Cook厨师2Total总数36Notes说明:1)1)2)The shift man agers, shifters, op erators and tran slators will be work ing as 4 shifts (3 shifts in one day, and 1 shift as sp are). Gen erally, the maintenance persons will be work ing in daytime.值长,专工,运行人员和翻译
6、按照4班工作,(4班3倒),通常检修人员白天工作。2)合同期限为6个月,可选择性的加6个月。The con tract durati on is decided as 6 mon ths plus ano ther 6 mon ths op ti on al.ICDAS has right to exte nd the Con tract for Bekirli #2 600MW unit for ano ther 6 mon ths as an op tion with the same unit price and con diti ons of this Con tract, but I
7、CDAS should inform CONTRACTOR 1 mon th before the end date of this con tract .In case of such exte nsion, ICDAS will be en titled to in crease or decrease the nu mber of staff.ICDAS有权利再延长Bekiri #2 600MW机组的合同期6个月,作为本合同同等机组价格和条件的一种 选择,但是ICDAS应该于此合同结束前一个月通知承包方。如果延期,ICDAS有权增加或者减少人员数量。2. Salary2.薪酬The sa
8、lary level: USD 3, man-month (in words three thousand five hundred US Dollars).薪酬为: 3500美元/人-月(口头价 3 千5百美元)The salary will be paid to CONTRACTORbefore 10th of each month, to the account pointed by CONTRACTOR.薪酬于每月的 10 日前付给承包方指定的账户。Payment shall be settled to the following bank account.支付应结算到下列银行账户:B
9、eneficiary: Shaanxi Northwest Power Generation Co.,Ltd收款人: #股份有限公司Name of Bank: South Avenue Branch ,Xi' an City,China Construction Bank银行名:中国建设银行,西安,南大街支行A/C: 6100859账户: 6100859SWIFT: PCBCCNBJSXXSWIFT号:PCBCCNBJSXXThe salary value is net value, without any tax or custom duty.薪酬价格为净值,不含任何税或者关税3.
10、Benefits3. 利益The above salary level includes:上述薪酬标准包括:1)The site staff 's oversea salary, allowance, subsidy and social security insurance.1)现场人员的海外工资,补贴,津贴及社会保险2)2)食物,办公消耗,现场交通成本。Food, office consumable, site transportation cost.3)3)日常通讯津贴。Daily communication allowance.4)Accident Insurance, max
11、 compensation is $200, dollars/per occurrence one person.4)意外保险,最高补偿为 200000 美元 /每发生一人5)Administrative fee, reasonable profit and tax5)管理费,合理的利润及税收6)6)劳动安全项目,如制服,安全帽,鞋及对讲机等。Labor safety items, such as uniform, helmet, shoes, radios etc.The above quote excludes:上述报价不包括:1)Party A shall provide Party B
12、 with work place, relevant facilities and website.1)甲方应提供乙方工作场地,相关的设施及网络。2)Party A shall provide Party B with Convenient living condition, including convenient drinking water, shower water, kitchen device and place, natural gas for kitchen, electricity, internet, heating system, and necessary routin
13、e maintenance.2)甲方应提供乙方便捷的生活条件,包括,便利的饮用水,淋浴水,厨房设备和场地,厨房用天然气,电力,互联网,供热系统及必要的日常维护。3)The visa application cost in Turkey shall be taken by Party A, and Party B shall provide all the documents of relevant staff.3)土耳其签证申请费用由甲方承担,乙方应提供相应人员的所有相关文件。4)The air ticket to and fro China (just one ticket per pers
14、on per one year) shall be taken by Party A.4)往返中国机票(每年一次)由甲方承担。5)5)甲方应负责从伊斯坦布尔到达现场的往返交通。6)Party A shall be responsible for tax, residential permit, work permit (if has) under any titles required by the local authority.6)甲方应负责地方当局要求的相关居住许可,工作许可(如果有)等相关许可。7)The starting time of the working period will
15、 be the date from 日工作开始时间为 2014年8月 18)Medical service should be free of charge.8)医疗服务为免费的。Party A shall be responsible to the transportation from the Istanbul airport to jobsite, and vice versa.9)9)便利的工作条(办公室) 。Convenient working conditions.(Offices)10)Convenient inland transportation between living
16、 area and site, outside transportation for shopping and traveling etc.10)便捷的交通设施往返于生活区域和现场 , 以及方便的购物和旅行交通工具。11)Chinese Persons will work 8 hours/day (48 hours / week). If necessary, the persons will work overtime and ICDAS shall approve overtime working hours, extra salary (US$7 dollars/hour-person)
17、 must be paid by ICDAS at site at next salary day.11)中国人员每天工作8小时(48小时/周),如果需要人员加班工作,ICDAS应核准工作时间, 加班薪酬(7美元/每人每小时),由ICDAS在下一个工作日,在现场支付。12)Working in Chinese legal holidays (10 days/year) will be considered as working overtime, the extra salary (US$7 dollars/hour- person) for all duty must be paid by
18、ICDAS at site at next salary day.12)如果在中国的法定休假工作 (10天/年),视为加班工作,加班工资为(7美元/人/时)。ICDAS 必须在下一个工作日,现场给予支付。13)Security in working and living area.13)工作及生活区的安全14)14)土耳其运行人员的现场培训也包含在此合同中。The site training of Turkish operators are included in this contract.4. Force Majeure 4. 不可抗力Neither CONTRACTORnor ICDAS
19、shall be liable for delay or failure of performance under this contract where such failure or delay is caused by Force Majeure, being any event, occurrence or circumstance reasonably beyond control of either party, including but not limited to failure or delay caused by or resulting from Acts of God
20、, strikes, fires, floods, earthquake, landslide, typhoon, cyclone, storm , wars, ( whether declared or undeclared ), riots, delays of carriers due to breakdown imposed by any governmental authority ( including allocations, priorities, requisitions, quotas, and price controls).承包商或者ICDAS受不可抗力影响无法履行合同
21、规定的义务或者延迟履行的,任一方对此不承担任何责任。 若发生超出任何一方合理控制范围内的不可抗力事件、 不可抗力发生以及不 可抗力情况,包括但不限于天灾、罢工、火灾、水灾、地震、山体滑坡、台风、飓风、暴风 雨、战争(已宣战或未宣战) 、暴动、因政府当局颁布的限制性条款(包括配给、优先权、 征用、配额及价格控制等)导致的运输延误等造成义务无法履行或义务履行延误。承包If the CONTRACTOR is prevented, hindered or delayed from or in performing any of its obligations under the Contract b
22、y an event of Force Majeure, then it shall notify the ICDAS in writing of the occurrence of such event and the circumstances thereof within fourteen (14) days after the occurrence of such event.如果承包商因不可抗力而被妨碍、 阻碍或者延迟履行其在本合同中的任一规定义务时,商应在不可抗力事件发生的十四(14)天内以书面形式通知ICDAS此类事件和情况的发生。The CONTRACTORshall be e
23、xcused from the performance or punctual performance of its obligations under the Contract for so long as the relevant event of Force Majeure continues and to the extent that the CONTRACTOR 's performance is prevented, hindered or delayed. The time for completion shall be extended reasonably.如果相关
24、不可抗力事件仍在发生, 而且在一定程度上妨碍、 阻碍或者延迟了承包商对义务的 履行,则应予以免除承包商履行本合同中规定义务或准时履行义务的责任。完工时间应适当进行延长。While affected by the event of Force Majeure, the CONTRACTOR shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate the effect thereof upon its performance of the Contract and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for perfor
25、mance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.d.当受到不可抗力事件影响时, 承包商应采用合理措施减少不可抗力事件对其履行合同义务的 影响,并应寻求合理的替代手段履行未受不可抗力影响的义务。Delay or non-performance of the CONTRACTOR hereto caused by the occurrence of any event of Force Majeure shall not:因发生的任何不可抗力事件而延迟或者不能履行义务的承包商,不应:a) Constitute a default or breach o
26、f the Contact; orb) Give rise to any claim for damages or additional cost or expense occasioned thereby to the CONTRACTOR; orc)Cause the forfeiting of the Performance Bond and impose the liquidated damage to the CONTRACTOR.a)构成违反或者违背本合同;b)引起任何需承包商承担的赔偿损失或者额外费用或开支c)造成履约保证书失效,向承包商征收违约赔偿金。Taxes and Dut
27、ies缴税All taxes, custom duties and other dues arising in Turkey shall be paid by the ICDAS.在土耳其产生的赋税,关税和其他赋税将由ICDAS缴纳。Arbitration仲裁All disputes in the connection with the execution of this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiations between the two Parties. Failing the friendly negotiatio
28、n does not relieve both of any of the parties form fulfilling the Contract. In the case of being unable to settle disputes each party shall have right for arbitration to ICC (international Chamber of Commerce) International Court of Arbitration in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedures
29、Promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission. The Arbitration shall take place in Switzerland and Swiss material law shall apply.在执行本合同时,所产生的纠纷应由双方友好协商解决。通过友好协商,双方才能共同完成合同。如果纠纷不能解决,依照仲裁委员会暂行议事规程, 双方有权利向ICC国际仲裁法院申请仲 裁。仲裁在瑞士进行,瑞士实体法适用于仲裁。The Arbitration proceeding shall be carried out in the English
30、 language.仲裁过程将用英语进行。The arbitral award shall be final and binding on both Parties.该仲裁裁决为最终裁决,对双方均有约束力。The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing Party, except as otherwise stipulated in the arbitral award.仲裁费用由败诉方承担,仲裁裁决中规定情况除外。7 Effectiveness, Variation, Suspension and Termination of the Con
31、tract and Miscellaneous 7 合同的效力、变更、中止、终止及其它The Contract shall become effective and binding upon the two parties after completion of all the following:在进行完以下各项后,此合同将生效并对双方具有约束力:The Contract has been duly signed by the authorized representatives of both parties;合同已经由双方授权代表如期签署;The effective date of th
32、e Contract is from signature.合同生效期自签署日起。This Contract shall be written in English with four copies for each Party holding two copies.书面合同为英文,一式四份,双方各持有两份。Minutes from all meetings between the two Parties, written in English if signed and decided by both parties, shall become Appendices and thus inte
33、gral parts of the Contract. All commercial and technical communications between the two Parties shall be in the English language. If in writing, duplicate will be produced.对于双方参与的会议,如双方均有签署或决策,会议纪要应为英文版本,并作为附件成为 合同的一部分。双方之间的所有商务和技术交流均使用英语,若为书面形式,应有复本。ICDAS shall appoint one authorized representative
34、 to be in charge of all commercial and technical matters relating to the CONTRACTOR.Any correspondences addressed to the ICDAS' representative from the CONTRACTOR are required in two copies one for the representative, one to the ICDAS. The ICDAS shall inform the CONTRACTOR two weeks after the ef
35、fective date of the Contract of the name of the authorized representative and his postal address.ICDAS 将任命一名授权代表全权负责所有和承包方相关的商务及技术事宜。承包方发给ICDAS代表的所有往来函件均需提供复制两份,ICDAS和代表各持一份。ICDAS应在合同生效日两周内通知承包方被授权代表的人名及邮寄地址。Where for reasons occurring in the ICDAS's country and not of the CONTRACTORCONTRACTOR i
36、s prevented from continuing with the Contract for a period, the two parties shall corne to negotiation and if necessary the ICDAS may suspend the Contract. The ICDAS shall bear any expenses incurred by the CONTRACTORduring the period of Suspension that are to be agreed upon by the two Parties.如由于ICD
37、AS所在国家的原因,而非承包方的原因造成承包方无法继续合同, 双方应进行协 商,如有必要ICDAS会中止合同。在合同中止期间(需双方一致同意) ,ICDAS将会承担承 包方的任何损失。The ICDAS shall have the right at any time for any reason to terminate the whole or part of the Contract by giving written notice to the CONTRACTORspecifying the extent and the effective date of such terminat
38、ion. The ICDAS will pay the CONTRACTOR the following amount:ICDAS有权在任何时间由于任何原因终止整个或部分合同,并向承包方给出书面通知具体说明合同终结的范围及生效日期。ICDAS将会向承包商支付以下款项:(1)(1)(2)(2)Payment for all or part of the Works properly performed according to the Contract and the relevant expenses prior to the date of termination.在合同终结日前按照合同已执
39、行的全部或部分工作,其应付款项及相关费用。Any other actual reasonable and necessary direct expenses, such as air ticket, transportation cost, etc其它实际发生的合理且必需的直接费用,如机票、交通费用等。orinorAny correspondence, notice or request given by either Party to the other Party shall be deemed to have been officially given if in writing and
40、 delivered personally, forwarded by registered certified airmail, cabled, facsimiled by telefax or telexed and addressed to such Party accordance to the official address, telephone. Telex and telefax hereof, and if confirmation receipt is acknowledged by the receiving Party and/or his facilities of
41、the Communication.任何一方向另一方发出的手签信函、通知或要求,以及接收方及(或)其设备认可的函证 或收据,都应通过书面方式进行,并亲自递送,或通过已登记或具有证明文件的航空邮件, 电报、传真转送发往此方的官方地址、电话、电报及传真。All the amendments, supplement and alterations to the terms and conditions of the Contract shall be made in written form and signed by the authorized representatives of the tw
42、o Parties and shall constitute an integral part of the Contract and have the same legal force as the Contract.合同中所有关于术语和条件的修订、补充、变更都应经过书面形式进行,并由双方授权代表签字,同时作为合同的一部分存在,和合同具有同等法律效力。a. The CONTRACTORhas the right to terminate the contract and the employee persons willstop the services in power plant if ICDAS don't pay the salary and benefits stipulated incontract. This termination will be informed by written form to ICDAS 10 days before the real action. This action will not influence the right for CONTRACTORto claim pen sati on.如果ICDAS未按照合同支付薪酬及福利,承包方有权终止合同
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