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1、六年级英语下册试题 Unit9 sea water and rain water牛津上海版含答案及解析、单项选择题共5题I.Ocea ns are importa ntall an imals.A. o nB. fromC. ofD. to2. of the newspapers in the world are written in English.A. Three quarterB. Three fourthsC. Three-fourthD. Third-four3. Please stopthe Earth.A. to polluteB. polluteC. pollut ingD.

2、to polluti ng4. Therea class competiti on about the ocea ns.A. is going to haveB. will haveC. will beD. will is5. Tom ofte n goes to the En glish club and now he can speak En glish much tha n before.A. flue ntB. flue ntlyC. more flue ntlyD. most flue ntly二、完形填空共1题6. 完形填空Old Henry lived on a clean st

3、reet in Green City. Every weekend Alan and his friends played soccer in the street.The childre n were too 1for the old man to have a good rest.One day, Old Henry told the childre n that he would give them ten dollars each weeke nd to 2them play soccer in the street. He said, "I am so glad whe n

4、 see ing you play soccer happily." Ala n and his friends were surprised to hear Old Hen ry's words.The3weeke nd after that, the boys went to play soccer n ear the old man's house, and wentaway happily with ten dollars. The second weekend they also got 4dollars. The third weekend.Old Hen

5、ry said he spe nt his money on his gra ndson's school thin gs. So he5gave the childre nfour dollars. The n ext weeke nd, Old Henry said he had a 6and he spe nt his money on medici ne药.He on ly gave them one dollar. After that, Ala n and his friends did n't play soccer in that street any more

6、.1. A. clever B. small C. noisy D. great2. A. watch B. join C. teach D. learn3. A. first B. seco nd C. third D. fourth4. A. two B. five C. eight D. ten5. A. always B. on ly C. still D. already6. A. party B. less on C. rest D. cold三、阅读理解共1题7. 阅读理解You will have a lot of reading in this grade. You can

7、do more of it in less time if you learn to read correctly.Perhaps some readi ng habits make you read more slowly. Now read and check yourself by an sweri ng "yes" or "no "to these questio ns.1Do you move your lips 嘴唇when reading silently? Do you point to words with your fin gers

8、while you are readi ng? Do you move your head from side to side while you are readi ng? Do you read one word at a time 一次?If you an swer "yes" to any of these questio ns, start at once to break the habit.If you move your lips, hold your fin gers over them, or hold a piece of paper betwee n

9、 your lips while you are readi ng. Then if your lips move, you will know it and can stop them.If you point to words, hold two sides of your book, one side with your left hand, the other side with your right hand. Then you won't have a free 空闲的fin ger to use in pointin g. If you move your head, p

10、lace your chin 下 巴in one hand and hold your head still.If you read no more tha n one or two words at a time, you n eed to work very hard in lear ning to take in more words at each gla nee as your eyes travel across the lines of words.Anyone who practices doing these things will be able to read faste

11、r.1Which is the good habit of reading?A. Move your lips whe n readi ng sile ntly.B. Po int to words with your fin gers.C. Move your head from side to side.D. Read more tha n one or two words at a time.2If you move your lips, you should .A. hold your fin gers over themB. hold a piece of paper betwee

12、n your lipsC. hold two sides of your bookD. Both A and B3You mustthose habits that we are talking about in this passage.A. rememberB. haveC. get rid of 摆脱,除去D. keep4This passage is mainly about.A. the way of read ing fastB. the importa nee of fast read ingC. the bad habits in readi ng and how to rea

13、d fasterD. how to speak quickly四、句型转换共3题8. We can keep our Earth elean by not throwing rubbish everywhere, 对戈U线局部提问 we keep our Earth elea n?9. We use water for washing our clothes and dishes. 保持句意根本不变 We use waterour clothes and dishes.10. The worker does n't have any tools in the box.保持句意根本不变T

14、he workertools in the box.答案局部第1题:【答案】D“对某人很重要【考点】固定搭配【解析】【分析】句意:大海对所有的动物都很重要。这里是短语be importa nt to sb这是固定搭配。故答案为:Do【点评】这是考查短语固定搭配的题目。要掌握短语be importa nt to sb“对某人很重要第2题:【答案】B【考点】数词辨析【解析】【分析】句意:世界上的报纸用英文书写。根据句子意思这里是分数的表达,四分之三用threequarters表达。故答案为:B。【点评】这是考查分数的题目,要掌握分数的表达方法。第3题:【答案】C【考点】固定搭配【解析】【分析】句意

15、:请停止 地球。这里是短语 stop doing sth停止做某事,C选项正确。stop to do sth是 停下来去做某事,用在这里不适宜, A选项淘汰。C选项是动词原形,D选项是介词加动词的ing 形式,都和stop不能搭配。故答案为: C。【点评】这是考查短语的题目。要掌握短语stop doing sth。第4题:【答案】C【考点】There be句型,一般将来时【解析】【分析】句意:有一场关于海洋的班级竞赛。这是There be句型,be不能用have代替,A选项和B选项淘汰,There be句型的将来时是 There will be/ There is going to be ,D

16、选项淘汰,只有C选项正确。 故答案为:Co【点评】这是考查 There be句型的题目。要掌握 There be句型的将来时。第5题:【答案】C【考点】畐恫比拟级【解析】【分析】句意:汤姆经常去英语俱乐部,现在他英语讲得比以前多了。根据than可知这里用比拟级,A选项和B选项是形容词和副词的原级,淘汰;D选项是最高级,淘汰;只有C选项是比拟级。故答案为:Co【点评】这是考查比拟级的题目。要抓住关键词 than。第6题:【答案】(1) C;( 2) A;( 3) A;( 4) D;( 5) B;( 6) D;【考点】完型填空【解析】【分析】这是一个老亨利巧妙解决孩子们踢足球烦恼的故事。(1) 句

17、意:孩子们对于老年人太 以至于不能休息好。根据句意可知是太吵不能休息好,C选项正确。 故答案为:Co(2) 句意:一天,老亨利告诉孩子们每周末他将给他们10美元来他们在街道上踢球。A选项 观看;B选项是 参加 ;C选项是 教;D选项是 学习。根据后面表达 I am so glad when seeing you play soccer happily. 可知用A选项正确。故答案为:A。(3) 句意:从那以后第 周末,男孩们到老人家附近踢足球。根据后面的The seco nd weeke nd第二个周末。可知这是第一个周末,应填first。故答案为:A。(4) 句意:第二个周末他们也得到了美元。

18、根据前面句子表达“ and we nt away happily with tendollars."可知这里也填上ten。故答案为:D。(5) 句意:因此他 给孩子们4美元。根据前面表达Old Henry said he spent his money on hisgrandson's school things.可知这里用 only仅仅。故答案为:B。(6) 句意:老亨利说他.了他把钱花在买药上了。根据买药可知是生病了,这里是短语have a cold感“ 冒。故答案为:Do【点评】这是考查知识综合运用能力的题目。首先阅读短文,掌握大致意思,然后根据句意提示和所学知 识来选

19、择正确的答案。第7题:【答案】(1) D(2) D(3) C(4) C【考点】阅读理解【解析】【分析】这是一篇讲述改掉阅读的坏习惯提高阅读速度的短文。(1) 根据短文句子 If you read no more tha n one or two words at a time, you n eed to work very hard inlearning to take in more words at each gla nee as your eyes travel across the lines of words.(如果你阅读一次不会超过一到两个单词,你需要努力去学习当你眼睛每一次扫过一行单词时吸收更多的单词。)可知D选项一次阅读一到两个单词以上。是正确的。故答案为:Do(2) 根据短文句子 If you move your lips, hold your fingers over them, or hold a piece of paper between your lips while you are readi ng. (如果你移动你的嘴唇,将你的手指放在上面,或者在阅读时在两个嘴 唇之间放张纸。)可知 A选项和B选项表达方法都正确,


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