1、aleviatill c_ further develpmet to a ccl eae Ie pr oc ss of wel off soc has ceated a greatUniy8IeCetraadprovnciapoveyaainandve opment iltthe overall sategc pl anig, priy ad is projecrm.aed a serie s of poli c nw fo s elpmen measures have al be e Cea. wat toseze theoplol uniy pec Sonappl i onstategy
2、focus punch, breaksuport.,SusIe.一”edrevlul onay a nd a series of pol cy measures i n areas such as ifaSr ucure , pUIC seVCe s, pr omoig high ndad s, support, ad m ire opport ulU s for us to a cceerae d l opmet, provi geate support From provincespolicyoriented see, 236lovey stoming,ad1T3 trafc br ugh
3、, and6363w-r.uaat,majracion spee d _bll_etat on, e cOgial se_* bare r, ad long East e negy cemi cal ba - cnstr ucii n, majr str gy iteSVe inr , a nd lr ovicil eight a Cage, andeghtabothadmunic pal Sx a ito, ad six big sillor of delSinplymeItcn - nae d elese hhs many poky g 10d. pariula Ga nnu Sik Ro
4、a d ecnomic bel of ggd a nd heitge of Ci nnse cvlat on cnjructin of Idvanig theinoa.n -ne jngcuanbaed nttge ce no - clis andprvde a Iroa r space i n cre aeas Fom ICuyprojec esu cis - e natinal e clgial cvizai I npiot e ngieei ng mol Cu、a nd .ce e cnomc mode C.uy two a nationalproecladigmpetain,wlinc
5、utryprvnne eve w on mo e supo* Pi nglag to j ngcua ncty inter t canel andxiingr.doubetaA mr prjec itprovicsplae,wlurIeupga I Cuy tfc hu andchanneecnomic.au*paperBgaittgatd body a nd Zhu Ja Jiaesev oi, a nd aggi culual PV powe, a nd g- ulatin, a nd commodiy trdi ng ad the agi -luril woe makt, adMilin
6、tnnnsofcontroled,mosheefut ad feeing ad dryngfodp.ducinlieanumbeofmajrprojecs , pllmete d ha I di ca, Lu Lie rrsevir prec wrk - ootlhy, the se projecs org naed frmteTeleFve conine t acumulaetodewlop ther potetal intelitenFiecncentatdduigrHea. Ori et is t dupe t he usa nd ng of ic - aae Afer yeas of
7、the rrvsion,devUopmet of j ngchua n sand on a new hst-a staig poit f uesoficonomi c and s-l dleelpme .t hhs cal gid sg niicat y. Cmpre.enlve cnntr uutionof wel off socity i eteing te so - own to wn stge dua acinad poor pe Cl n, dien by Cuy povey doppedfrm3.5%t112%.F ul implmeat on of te +1 , +19 prg
8、rmme e.lure te tmey e*atinofpoHy poor pe ople t a ci eve wel oi sc ey we must batle taks From thepesedofcurenticme,poorvlaggetepoor.neay la ck stong i-sral lupport mos ey on sevce reenue,aongwihte die peni ng of srrcual rrfm, lowIkis, had w ork wl becme iceisigly dikul, labor incme umpmoeadmoe2015年春
9、五年级英语下册教学计划一、全册教材分析:学习内容十个Module均以话题为纲,围绕话题进行对话式的语句呈现。话题涉 及到:Changing,Grandparents,English Food , Library,Decisions , Travel, Communications, Discussion, Lettersfrom Abroad,Preparations这些学生身边 的、与学生生活密切相关的话题,学生学起来应该很易于接受,并能很好 地激发他们的兴趣。二、教学内容分析:本学期是小学英语二级目标的第二个学期,是新标准英语小学阶段 学习的一个顶峰阶段,也是学生能否顺利地从一级听说为重点
10、的学习转向 以听说为主、读写为中心的学习的一个关键的阶段,本学期的教学要在上 个学期的基础上引导学生进一步强化听说能力,并同时形成初步的读写能 力。随着读写要求的提高,在这个阶段,应该让学生从以活动为主的动态 学习逐渐过渡到以阅读为主的较为静态的学习,因此在课堂上要逐步减弱 活动式学习的分量,逐步加大课堂中阅读与书写的分量。教师在教学中要 有目的地转变三四年级教学的方式,做到心中有数,逐步过渡到高年级英 语的教法,由于学生有前两年多的学习的知识和能力的积累,在教学中, 可适当放手让学生独立完成学习任务,促进他们各方面能力的提高。三、五年级下册教材的基本概况:1.总体介绍:本册教材共有10个模块
11、(Module),内含一个期末复习模 块。每个模块分为两个单元(Unit)。第一单元Unitl是语言呈现单元该单元的主要目的是:使学生在相对真实、完整的语境中接触、体验、理解语言;特点:-第一人称人的对话,呈现单元主要语言结构;-教学重点是理解、体会语言的运用;-教学手段:以 听说为主,阅读为辅,引导学生观察对 话中人、物、环境,通过文字、插图等信息理解意义。 Look, listen and learn:在真实、完整的语境中呈现新的话题、功能、词语和 句型等。Listen and say提炼出的语言就是这一模块的教学目标。旨在通过情景对话,着重训练听说技能,提高会话能力; Game / Lo
12、ok and say/Act/Listen and do/Ask and answer/通过游戏、表演、 采访等活动巩固所学内容,培养听说读写能力和注意、观察、记忆、思维、 想像等能力,每课的重点句型操练主要体现在这里。第二单元是语言扩展和语言练习单元Listen and say:以图为主,旨在通过比较真实的语言情境听懂、理解操练本模块主要句型。 Ask and answer/ Ask and guess/ Listen and say /point and sayl 供了 主要句 型,旨在通过比较真实的语言情境用滚动的方法操练本模块主要句型和已 学过的内容。Listen and repeat
13、通过听、读所提供的单词及其字母组合,根 据字母组合在单词中的发音规律来引导学生运用直拼法来掌握单词的拼读 和书写,即培养学生见词能读、听音能写的能力,同时也进一步培养学生 的语感。Listen and say, then chant/sing通过诵童谣、唱歌曲等活动进一步激 发兴趣,活跃身心,练习巩固所学内容,帮助学生提高语言的流利程度,alleviation crucialfurtherdevelopmentto a ccel eratethe pr oce ssofwell -offsocietyhas createda greatopportunity.18 since theCentr
14、alandprovi nci alpov erty alleviationa nd devel opmenti ntothe overallstrategic pl anning,priorityand first project,formulated aseriesofpolicies nowfocus,developme nt measures haveallbe en clear.Wewanttoseizetheopport unity, preci sion applicati on strategy,focus punch, break support .,Supportsthe d
15、evelopmentof oldrevoluti onarya nda series ofpoli cymeasures in areas suchasinfrastr ucture ,public service s,pr omoting high sta ndards,support,and moreopport unitie s for usto a cce leratedevel opment, provi de greatersu pport. From provi ncespolicy ori ented see,1236povertystorming,and 6873 traff
16、ic breakthrough,and6363water guarantees,major actionspeed upimplementati on, e coolgical security barrie r,and long East energy chemi cal ba se constr uction,major strat egy intensive i ntroduced, a nd pr ovincial eight achange,and eighta bothand munici palsixa into, andsixbig supportofdeci sion de
17、ployme nt,concentrate d releasehas many policyg ood.In particularGa nsu Silk Roa d economicbelt ofgold a nd heritageofChinesecivilizati on construction ofadvancingtheinnovationzone,jingchua nbase d adva ntage,create node cities and provide abroader space i n core areas.From I County projectresources
18、 se e,nationale coolgical civilizati on pilot e ngineeri ng mod elCounty a nd cy clee conomicmodel Countytwoa national proje ct landing im plementation,willi n country provincelevelw on mor esu pport; Pi ngliangtojingchua ncity inter fastchannel,andxipi ngrailway doubletrack, majorprojectintoprovinc
19、esplate,willfurt herupgrade ICounty traffic huband channel economi cstatus;pa per Briga de integrated body,a ndZhuJiaJian reservoir,a ndagri cultural PV power,a ndgasutilization,a nd commoditytrading andthe agricultural wholesalemarket,andMillion tonnes of controlledatmosphere fruitand freezing and
20、dryingfood productionline,anumberofmajorpr ojectsim plemente d,ha ndi cap, Liu Lihe reservoir proje ct work sm oot hly,the sepr oje cts origi natedfrom theTwelve-Fivecontinue toaccumulate,todeveloptheir potentialin theThirtee n-Five conce ntratedduring release.Ori ent, istodeepen t heunderstanding o
21、faccurate.Afteryearsofthe revision, developmentofji ngchua n standonanew historicalstarting point,featuresofeconomi c andsocialdevelopme nt haschanged sig nificantl y.Compre hensiveconstruction ofwell-offsocietyin enteringthe showdownto winstage,dualactionand poorprecisi on, driven by County poverty
22、 droppedfrom 37.5% to11.2%.Full implementati on of the1+17, 2+19programme,ensurethe timelyrealization ofpoverty,poor people to achi evewell -offsoci ety,wemustbattle tasks. Fromthe perspectiveof currentincome, poorvi llage,thepoorgenerally lackstrong industrialsupport,mostrely on servicerevenue ,alo
23、ngwith thedeepeni ng of structuralreform, lowskills, hardw orkwillbecomeincreasingly difficult,labor incomejump moreand more帮助学生记忆所学的语言,培养听说和思维等能力。(三个目的:培养学生的语感和节奏感,提高发音的正确性,介绍一定的西方文化)四、结合学科特点怎样提升自身素质,提高教学成绩:1. 课前做好备课工作,不但备教材,还认真备学生,做到有的放矢。主动学习新课程标准,结合自己实际情况和学生实际情况展开教学工作.2. 让学生学得主动. 在课堂中建立帮困小组发挥每个学生
24、的积极性. 共同提高英语成绩。3. 定时进行家访,经常与家长取得联系,共同关注学生的学习情况。尤其像张欢这样的学生,家长的配合至关重要,只要家长关心、关注他了,他的成绩就会跟上其他同学,而且学起来也有了信心。4. 根据本班学生的年龄特点,鼓励学生大胆说英语,肯定他们的进步,树立学习自信心,培养学生朗读和书写的好习惯。5. 深入钻研教材,认真设计好每一节课,及时反馈课堂中的不足,提高课堂教学效率。6. 利用远程教育资源及多媒体的辅助手段,调动学生的学习积极性,教学英语歌及chant , 教学小故事,情境创设等,初步尝试课本剧的表演,培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣。7. 自觉学习教育理论与专著,适时撰写教
25、学反思、经验、案例,提高自身素质,为教学质量的提高打好基础。8. 利用网络教研开阔自己的眼界,积极参加网络教研活动,参与评论,参与探讨。多向有经验的老师请教与学习,取他人之长,补自己之短。三、课时安排单元课题课时ModulelChangingUnit1 We lived in a small house.Unit2 She didnt have a television.Module2GrandparentsUnit1 She learnt English.Unit2 Mr Li was a teacher.Module3English FoodUnit1 She had eggs and s
26、ausagesUnit2 Sam ate six hamburgers.Module4LibraryUnit1 Where are the books about computers, please?Unit2 Where can you find out about animals?Module5DecisionsUnit1Its big and light.Unit2Its too big for you.Module6TravelUnit1 I went there last year.Unit2Its in the north of Chine.Module7Communication
27、sUnit1 Lets send an email.Unit2 I will be home at seven o,clock.Module8DiscussionUnit1 What do you suggest?Unit2 Line A is longer.Module9Letter formAbroedUnitl We laughed a lot.Unit2 See you soon.Module10PreparationsUnit1 Where are you going to go?Unit2 Im in New York now.aleviatillc_ furtherdevelpm
28、et to a ccl eae Ie pr oc ss of weloff soc hasceated a greatUniy 8 Ie Centra ad prov nci a pov ey a ainand ve opment i it the overall sategc pl annig, .”* ad is projecnnentae d e e hhs many polcy g 00d. pariula Ga n- Sik Road ecnomic bel of gd a nd heitge of CCi nnse Cvilzat on cn-rc.n of . the ino“n zone jngChanb - d - and prvde a Iroa rmulatd a - re s of polc- now fo _ *
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