已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、第一课时一、教学内容:A. Let s learn / Read and say.二、教学目标:1. 能够听、 说、 读、 写表示月份单词及能认简写形式:January, February, March,April ,May, June2. 初步了解各个月份中一些节日的英语表达方式。3. 让学生能说出自己最喜欢的月份(1-6 月) 。三、教学重难点:1. 重点完全掌握January, February , March, April , May, June. 的学习。2. 难点学生能够在正确的语境中运用这六个单词;根据实际情况判断句子的正误并进行相应的修改。四、教学准备:教师准备本课时所需的六张

2、词卡。五、教学过程:Step 1. 预习温故1) Greetings: sing a song together.2) Revision : Go over the old words: Monday, Tuesday , Sunday.T: What day is it today?S: Today is T: Today is also my birthday. Do you know “ When is your birthday? ”Ss: 一月、二月,( 可用中文说出月份)Step 2. 新课内容展示1)板书:the title “ Unit 3 My school calendar

3、 ”并教读 .2) Learn the new words : January, February, March, April, May. JuneT: January January spell it please.S: Read after teacher and spell the word.3) T: Make a sentence: My birthday is in January.S: Readafter teacher (同样的方法教其他单词)引导学生自己说出句子如:JanuaryJanuary. My birthday is in January.(明确告知学生在只有月份的情

4、况下只能用介词in) 。4) 引导学生找出1-6 月份中的节日及自己能用英文读出的名称,如: Children s Day等。 T : When is your birthday?S: My birthday is in January. / It s in January.T: When is Children s Day?S: It s in June. ,.5) Listen to the tape (let s learn)Step 3. 合作交流:1)小组合作:( 6 人)分别用When is your birthday? S : My birthday is inJanuary/F

5、ebruary. 造句。 (规定每人选择一个与他人不同的月份)。2) 两人交流对话:When is May Day? S : It s in May. , .3) Finish “ Read and say ” .Step4、布置当堂作业1. 完成 January, February, March, April, May. June 在四线三格上的写法。2. 写一句自己今天才学会最感兴趣的句子。六、板书设计:Unit 3 My school calendarJanuary February March April May JuneWhen is Tree Planting Day?Its in

6、 March.第二课时、教学内容:B Let s talk Write and talk二、教学目标:1、能询问及回答节日所在月份。2. 能用理解Let s talk 的大意,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。3. 能在语境中运用When is the singing contest?It s usually in May.类似句型来交流相关月份及节日。三、教学重难点:重点: Let s talk 中四会句型:When is ? 的掌握及回答。难点: Write and talk四、教学准备:1、教师准备本课时所需的六张词卡。2、教师准备录音机和录音带。五、教学过程:Step 1. 预习温故1) 、

7、 Review the words : January , . May. June.2) 、 T: When is winter vacation? /Father s day S s: It s inGo over the sentences.Step 2. 新课内容展示1) T:讲解重难点单词及短语 “ a few fun things ” After, an Easter party, havea school trip, cool 并板书2) Read the Let s talk after the tape five times.3)T: How many festivals ha

8、ve you heard? (听短文回答问题)S: Three. They are sports meet, Easter party and school trip.T: When is Easter party/school trip?Ss: It s in 4) 翻译并阅读重点句子5) Write and talk:T: When is school trip?/ Chinese test/ singing contest?S: It s inStep 3. 合作交流:1) 1-6 月份的单词及节日教师说中文学生说英文2) Role play: 两人小组对话,轮流模仿以上老师的问句及同学

9、们的答语。Step4、布置当堂作业和同桌一起背诵Let s talk 的对话六、板书设计:Unit 3 My school calendarWhen is the singing contest?It s usually in May.第三课时一、教学内容:B Let s learn 、 Ask and write二、教学目标1. 能够听、 说、 读、 写表示月份单词及能认简写形式:July, August, September,October,November, December.2. 初步了解各个月份中一些节日的英语表达方式。3. 让学生能说出自己最喜欢的月份(7-12 月) 。三、教学重

10、难点:重点: July, August, September, October, November, December. 的学习。难点:When is Mid-Autumn Day? It s in .的学习。四、教学准备words cards.五、教学过程1) Greetings: sing a song together.2) Revision : Go over the old words: January, , . May. JuneT: Do you like January? / FebruarySs: Yes, I do.T: Do you know July ? ( 板书该单词

11、)Ss: It s 7 月 .教师依次板书出7-12 月及简写形式(也可是事先准备好的单词卡片直接粘贴到黑板上)Step 2. 新课内容展示1) Teach the new words : July, August, September, October, November, December.T : July. July Spell it please.S: Read after teacher and spell the word.2) T: Make a sentence: July, July. Summer vacation is in July.S: Readafter teach

12、er (同样的方法教其他单词,并引导学生自己说出句子如:September September .Teachers Day is in September.) 。3)引导学生找出7-12 月份中的节日及自己能用英文读出的名称,如:Teachers Day等。 T : When is your birthday?S: My birthday is in August. / It s in January.T: When is China s National Day?S: It s in October. ,.3) Listen to the tape (let s learn)Step 3.

13、合作交流:1) 小组合作:Whenis Mid-Autumn Day? S : It is in , / It s in December.2) Finish “ Ask and write ” .Step4、布置当堂作业1. 完成 July, August, September, October, November, December. 在四线三格上的写法。2. 写一句自己今天才学会最感兴趣的句子。六、板书设计:Unit 3 My school calendarJuly August September October November DecemberWhen is Mid-AutumnD

14、ay?It s usually in September or October.I ll eat mooncakes with my family.第四课时一、教学内容:B Let s try 、 Let s talk二、教学目标2. 能用理解Let s talk 的大意,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。3. 能在语境中运用When is the trip this year?It s in October.4. 理解书上重点句子,如:We ll go to the Great Wall.5. 在本部分内容的教学过程当中,教师引导学生在外出郊游时应该注意自己的行为,养成文明出游的良好习惯。三、教学

15、重难点:重点:句型:When is ? 的掌握及回答。难点: I ll 句型的学习。四、教学准备听力材料和let s talk 的视频五、教学过程Step 1. 预习温故1) 、 Review the words : July, August , December.2) 、 T: When is summer vacation? /mother s day S s: It s inGo over the sentences.Step 2. 新课内容展示1)T : Do you like Autumn?S s: Yes, I do .T; Why ?S s: Because it s 2) li

16、sten to tape about Let s talk. (初步感知对话内容)T: When is thetrip thisyear? S : It s in October.( 学生可看到书自己寻找答案)3) .learn about the “ Let s talk ” . And read after the tape/teacher.4) Finish the sentences “ What will you do for your mum on Mother Day ” ? I ll . will. Step 3. 合作交流:Role play: 两人小组对话,轮流模仿Chen

17、 Jie 和 Oliver 的对话。听录音,模仿对话的语音语调。Step4、布置当堂作业和同桌一起背诵Let s talk 的对话六、板书设计:Unit 3 My school calendar When is the trip thia year? It s in October.We ll go to the Great Wall.第五课时、教学内容:B Let s spell Read and write二、教学目标:1. 能够通过听例词发音,学习ch 和 sh 在单词中的单词中的发音。2. 能根据 ch 和 sh 组合的发音,读出生词,We will play many games.

18、We will look for3. 理解书上重点句子,如: eggs 三、教学重难点句型: We will 的掌握及回答。四、教学准备ppt ,视频五、教学过程Step1 : 预习温故these words: January, February, , November, December2. Review these sentences :T: When is ?Ss: It s 多和几组学生操练。Step 2. 新课内容展示由于本节课内容多,可以增加时间操练。(1) Learn “ Let s spell ” .1. Read listen and chant.: ch/ sh( 注意让学

19、生听懂不同的发音)2. Listen , number and say 。( )Chinese children( ) an English teacher( ) a short sheep( ) fish for lunch( ) a shirt and shortsCan you try to read the words by yourself?3. Choose , write and say. ( 老师先示范并读出所组成的句子。)(2) Read and write: Easter Party1. Ss: Readthe passage and try to translate th

20、e sentences and finish Tick or cross2. 老师讲评并反复重复句型We will3. Read and tick or cross.three sentences about what will you do if you have a birthday party.Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建1. 读一读含有字母组合ch 和 sh 的单词。2. 同桌相互分享自己所写句子。Step 4. 布置作业六、板书设计Unit 3 My school calendarch: China chicken lunch teachersh: sheep fish shi

21、rt shorts第六课时一、 教学内容:B Let s check Let s wrap it up C story time二、教学目标:1. 通过本课学习,能加强对本单元知识点的掌握。2. 语法知识:in on at 的用法。3. 能听懂 story time 的故事内容。三、教学重难点1. 熟练掌握in on at 的用法。2. 试着自己总结本单元的知识点。四、教学准备本节课的小测试卷五、教学过程Step1 : 预习温故Main scene1 Turn to page22and to read and translate these sentences:When is .2 Find


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