1、Nsync高考英语常考短语(1 )1. 随着经济的繁荣:with the boo ming of the economy2. 随着人民生活水平的显著提高:with the remarkable improveme nt of people' s livi ng sta nd3. 先进的科学技术:adva need scie nee and tech no logy4. 为我们日常生活增添了情趣:add much spice/flavor to our life5. 人们普遍认为:it 6ommonly/gen erally/widely believed/ack no wledged
2、that.6. 同意前者 / 后者观点: give one 'vote to the former/latter opi nion7. 弓丨起了广泛的公众关注:sth.has aroused wide public concern, sth.has draw n great public atte ntio n8. 不可否认:it ' s undeni abie.thaere is no doubt/denying that.,there is no possibility that.9. 热烈的讨论 /争论:a heated/hot discussion/debate10.
3、有争议的问题:a con troversial issue/problem11. 就. .而言: as far as sb. be concerned,in terms of,in the light of,on a personal level, from one ' sviewfromone ' erspective,according to sth.,through the eyes of,as per,in one 's eyes12. 有充分的理由支持: be supported by sound reasons13. 双方的论点: argume nt on
4、both sides14. 发挥日益重要作用:play/act/make/have an in creasi ngly importan t/sig ni fica nt/vital role/part in.15. 对.必不可少: be indisp£DsahleZim.p£iaiieZQ£££ssaiy/ess£niiaLto sth.16. 正如谚语所说:as the proverb goes,as the say ing goes,just as the proverb says,it goes without say ing
5、 that.,it is n eedless to say that.,just as the old say ing goes17. 对.有影响: have/exert an effect/influence/impact on.react on18. 禾 U远远大于弊:the adva ntages far outweigh the disadva ntages19. 导致,引起:lead to sth.,c on tribute to sth.,result in,bring about,acco unt for,give rise to sth.,make for20. 复杂的社会现象
6、:a complicated social phe nomenon高考英语常考短语(2)21. 责任 / 成就感: sense of responsjbility/achievemen£22. 竞争与合作精神:sense of competiti on and cooperatio n23. 开阔眼界: wide n one'sbroaden one' s visi on24. 学习知识和技能:acquire kno wledge and skills25. 经济 / 心理负担:financial /psychological _burde n26. 把.考虑在内:t
7、ake sth. into con siderati on/acco un t,take acco unt of27. 从另一个角度:from ano ther perspective/view/opinion28. 做出共同的努力:make joi nt efforts29. 对.有益: be ben eficial to sb./sth.,be con ductive to sth.,be good for/to _sfh.,he favourable for30. 为社会做出贡献:make con tributi ons to the society31. 打下坚实的基础:lay a s
8、olid foun dation for32. 综合素质:comprehe nsive quality33. 致力于 /投身于: be £flmmjlfffiVfiffid to sth.34. 应当承认:admittedly35. 不可推卸的责任:un shakable duty36. 满足需求:safjSyZm££i the n eeds of37. 可靠的信息源:a reliable source of in formati on38. 宝贵的自然资源:valuable n atural resources39. 方便快捷:convenient and ef
9、ficie nt40. 在人类生活的方方面面:in all aspects of human life41. 环保的材料:environmen tally-frie ndly maffixiaJ2sfuf高考英语常考短语(3)42. 社会进步的体现:a symbol of society progress43. 大大方便了人们的生活:sth.has greatly facilitated people' s lives44. 对这一问题持有不同态度:hold differe nt attitudes this issue/problem45. 在.程度上:to some d£
10、fl£ee£Xtfifli,i n a way/mflUfle/sfiflsfi/scgflaJn part,partly,i n some way46. 理论与实践相结合:in tegrate theory with practice47. 必然趋势:an irresistible trend of48. 日益激烈的社会竞争:the increasingly keen social competition49. 眼前禾寸益:immediate/short-term interest50. 长远禾U益:in the long run/term/interest51. 跟上.
11、的最新发展:keep pace/abreast with the latest development of52健康发展:the healthy developme nt of53. 重视:attach great importanee to sth.,daw/catch/attact/absorb/pav attention to sth.,take heed of,pay regard to sth.54. 把时间和精力放在.上:focus one' s time and energy on55. 扩大知识面: expa nd one ' s scope of kno wl
12、edge56. 身心两方面:both physically and men tally57. 有直接 /间接关系: be directly/indirectly related to sth.58. 认为:think/claim/believe/argue/maintain/insist/claim,hold the opinion/belief/view that59. 缓解压力 /减轻负担:relieve press/burden/stress60. 与.比较: compare with/to sth ,be in comparison with,be in comparison to s
13、th.,in contrast,on the contrary61. 可降解的 /可分解的材料:degradable/decomposable material62. 代替:replace,take the place of,substitute for,be in place of高考英语常考短语(4)63. 反应了社会的进步:mirror the social progress/advanc64. 增进相互了解:enhance/promote mutual understanding65. 禾U用: make use of,take advantage of,make/gfil the b
14、fisi/fflflsLof,draw on,come into use,by means of66. 承受更大的工作压力:suffer from heavier work pressure67. 保障社会稳定和繁荣:guara ntee the stability and prosperity of our society68. 强调: put/lay/place_a(a n) stress/emphasis on69. 适应社会发展:adapt/accommodate on eself to the social developme nt70. 主要理由歹U举如下:the main/lea
15、ding/maior/staple reas on s/causes are listed as follows71. 突然:all of/on a sudden,all at once72. 事实上:in fact/reality/effect/truth/practice,as a matter of fact73. 对.感兴趣: be interested in,be keen on,take/feel/show/have/express interest in,be crazy about,be mad at,havean appetite for,be drunk with74. 忙
16、于:be busy with,be occupied with/in,be deep/buried/absorbed in,be engaged in75. 提出,想出: put/set forward,come up with,daw n on ,th ink up/out76. 意识至U: be aware/sensible of,wake up to sth.,come to realize,dawn on77. 照顾:look after,take care of,tend to do,care for/about78. 由.组成: consist of,be made up of,b
17、e composed of,be comprised of,be constitued of79. 尽力做:try one bes'utmost to do,spare no efforts to do,do the most to do,take great pains to do,make efforts to do,go all out to do,go out of the way to do80. 精通:be good/expert/skillful at,have a command/knowledge of,be familiar with sth /to sb ,hav
18、e a paSSion for,have ahead for81. 各种各样的: all different kinds/sorts/types ofa wide variety of,a wide range of82. 最后:ultimately,eventually,at length,finally,in the end,at an end,at last,last but not least高考英语常考短语(5)83. 参观:be/pay a visit to sth.,go to.for a visit84. 累的:be tired,be worn out,be exhausted
19、85. 对.厌烦:fefij/gtfiw/be tired of,be sick of,be fed up with,be bored with,be disgusted with86. 充满:be full of,be fjjlgdfitflwdfidZheavy/aljvefloodedZladfinjth87. 能够:be able to do,be capable of,be in a position to do88. 开始,着手于:set out to do,get dow n to sth.,set about,set out on, start on89. 实话实说:to te
20、ll sb. the truth90. 动身,出发:leave for,set out/off for,head for91.总之:in short,in a word, in conclusion,to conclude,in brief,in total,in all,all in all, in a nutshell,in time,on the whole, as a whole,as a rule,to sum up,to summarize,to be brief,on balance92.等等:and so on, and so forth, and the like,a nd
21、what not93. 把.当做:take/see/view/con sider/treat/regard/refer to/th ink of/have on/look on/speak of/reco gn iase/adapt.as94. 当场:on the spot/scene,be on hand95. 担任,作为,承担:work/act/serve as96. 给.帮忙:do sb. a favor,do a favor for sb.,give sb. a han d/lift/ride97. 为.树立榜样:set an example to sth.98. 回顾:look ba
22、ck at/to/on,flash back to sth.99. 不管.: renardless/ircespective100.习惯于:be used/accustomed to sth ,make 计 a rule to do,make a point of,it 'a rule with sb to do101. 因而责备.: blame/scold/condemn sb for sth.,charge sb.with sth.,accuse sb.of sth.102. 抱怨:compla in of/about103. 搭载,捡起来,恢复(身体、生意),接收信号,学会:pi
23、ck up-5 -Nsync高考英语常考短语(6)104组成,化妆,弥补,杜撰,和解,编辑:make up(with)105. 与合作:team up with106. 参加:take part in join .i n,go in for,participate in, sig n up for,compete in107. 适合: be suitable for,be fit for,be appropriate to/forbe suited to sth.10 8.对.感 至卩满意:be happv/c onten t/satisfied/pleased with109. 谋生: ga
24、in /ear n/make a/one 'slivi ng110. 此外: besides,what'smore,in addition,also111. 除.之外:(包括在内 )besides,in addition to,as well as,along with,aside from,apart from(不包括在内 )except,but,other than,aside from,apart from112. 支持: be in favor of,approve of,be for,agree with,argue for,take side in sth.,hol
25、d out,stand by,back up113. 与相处,.进展:get on/al ong with114. 座落在.: be located/situated in/at/onlie in/on115. 感激.: be arateful/thankful for/to sth.116. 追溯到.: trace/date back to sth.,date from117. 为了纪念 .: in memory of,in honor of118. 以.形式:in the shape/style/form/way of119. 如果.我十分感激:I'd appreciate it
26、if.120. 依靠,取决于:121. 结束: put/bring sth an end to sth.,come to an end,end up (with),conclude.with,bring to a conclusion122. 得出结论: come to/arrive at/draw/reach a ConClusiOn123. 以为骄傲:feel/take pride in,be proud of124. 坚持:in sist on, persist i n, keep onupstick with/to sth高考英语常考短语(7)125. 为了 .利益:for the s
27、ake/benefiof,in the interest of126. 在的邀请 /要求下:at the invitation/requestof127. 当谈到,当涉及到:when it comes to sth.128. 点餐:take one 'order129. 求助于,翻身:turn to sth.130. 在多少岁时:at the age of,in one '+整"十"的复数形式131. 盛产: be rich/abundant in132. 可能:be likely to do,chances are (that).,it 's_li
28、kelv/possible that.133. 最后但不是最不重要的:last but n ot least134. 对.采取措施:take steps/measures/action to do135. 对.尊 重:show/have respect for136. 对.有害: cause/do harm/damaae _to sth.,be harmful to sth.137. 更糟的是: what ' worse,to make matters/things worse,worse still138. 拜访某人: call on, drop in on, I ook in on
29、拜访某地: call at,drop in at, drop inat139. 有.做.: have difficulty/problem/trouble/a hard time/a good time (in) doing140. 保护.: protect/prevent/protest/keep/stop/save/guard/defend/discourage.from doing141. 而不是,除.之外(用于肯定句中):rather than(用于否定句中):other than142. 比.优越:be superior to sth.143.不妨做.: may/might as w
30、ell do144. 独立的:on one'sown属于自己的: of one'sown145.以.命名:name/calLafter-9 -Nsync-17 -高考英语常考短语(8)146. 拍:tap/hit/pat/slap/strike sb.+in(表软体)+the+身体部位tap/hit/pat/slap/strike sb.+on(表硬体)+the+身体部位147. 拉着.: take/catch/seize/lead/hold/pull sb.+by+ the+ 身体部位148. 具有.: be of+n.=>be +adj.149. 做.没 有意义:it
31、 'no n eed/use/good (in) doi ng,there is no use/sen se/good/po int (i n) doi ng150. 做有一段时间:there is a time whe n.151. 对紧张:be nervous of/about152. 向求助:turn to sb. for help153. 对.热心: be en thusiastic a"about/over/for154.对有印象:make/have/leave/give an impression on155.对失望:be disappoi nted at/wit
32、h/about156.禾口玩笑: make a joke of/about sb.,have a joke with sb.,play a joke on sb.,play a trick on157. 对有耐心(人):be patient with sb.sth.158. 对严格(人):be strict with sb.sb.159. 对自信(人):be con fide nt in sb.sth.160 由于.而精疲力尽:be exhausted from/with/by161. 对.冷淡:be distant with162. 提供.给.: supply/provide sb with
33、 sth =>supply/provide sth for sb.163. 做调查: make/conduct/do/carry out a surveynvestigate into/on对忍受(物):be patient of对严格(物):be strict inabflui对自信(物):be con fide nt of对有距离:be distant from164.麻烦:bother sb.with/about sth.165. 轮流做 :take turns to do,do sth. in/byjurns166. 反过来:in turn/reward/return高考英语常考
34、短语(9)167. 相比之下:in con trast to sth.,by comparis on168. 目前,暂时:for the moment,at (the)present(time),for the time being,for the present,for now169. 一.就 .: on, directly,immediately,i nsta ntly,the mome nt,the minu te,the time,the sec on d,the in sta nt,nosoon er.tha n.,hardly/barely/rarely/seldom/scarce
35、ly.whe n.170. 因为,由于(介词短语):owing to sth.,thanks to sth.,as a result/conseauenee of.due to sth.,by reason of,on accountof,because of,for,i n con seque nee of(连词短语 ):because,for,as,since,in that,now (that,)for the reason that.,seeing(that),considering(that),on the ground that.171. 与.有 关:be conn ected t
36、o/with,be lin ked with,be related to sth.,have sth. to do with,be associated with,corresp ondto sth.,be releva nt to sth.,be concerned with172. 不知所措:at a loss173. 与结婚:be married to sb.(表时间段)与.结婚:get married to sb.(表时间点)174. 具有 的特征: be tvpical/characteristic gf,be charactered by175. 总是:all the while,
37、all the time,all the way176. 成功做.: succeed in,make/hit/get it177. .的原因:the cause of sth.,the reason for sth.178. 让.想 起:it occurs/strikes/comes to sb.to do,hit on ,it strikes to sb.to do179. 偶遇: come/run across180. 被抓住:be caught in181. 对乐观:be optimistic about182. 对.挑 剔: be particular about/over183. .
38、的答案:the answer/key/solution do sth.184. 即使,尽管:even if/though,despite,in spite of,for all,notwithstanding185. 好像,似乎:as if/thouah高考英语常考短语(10 )186. 考虑至 U ., 鉴于:in view of,give n,i n con sideratio n to sth.,with a view to sth.,see ing (that).187. 存在: come into bein g,come into existe nee188. 阐明:cast/thr
39、ow light on189. 生效: put/bringjsth.i nto effect,come into effect,take effect190. 申请:apply for191. 嘲笑:laugh at,make fun of,poke fun at192. 对严肃:be serious about193. 缺席:be abse nt from,be in the abse nee of194. 故意地: on purpose,by desig n195. 从不,决不: at no time,i n no way,by no mean s,i n no sen se, on no
40、 con diti on,on no acco un t, in no case, un der nocircumsta nce,seldom,if ever196. 拥有:have/take possession of,be in possession of197. 突然爆发:burst in to+n.,burst out+do ing198. 对适用:be true of/for be the same with199. 对.感至卩沮丧: be/feel depressed at/about200. 把归咎于.: owe sth. to sth.201. 以的速度:at a/the sp
41、eed of202. 指的是,参考,查阅,涉及到:refer to sth.203. 是的缩写:be short for204. 与.不同: be different/distinctive/diverse from,make a differenee to sth.205. 在边缘:on the edge of206. 任摆布:at the mercy of高考英语常考短语(11 )207. 母语: mother Ian guage,mother ton gue ,n ative Ian guage208. 关于.: about,on,concerning,considering,regar
42、ding,including,as to sth.,as for,with rega£dZC£5P££tJfl.th.,in respectof209. 对生气(人):be angry/cross with sb.对.生气(物):be angry/cross atsth.210. 例如:for example/instancesuch as,like, namely,that 'to say211. 以为例:take.for example,take.as an example212. 对感到尴尬:be embarrassed with/abou
43、t213. 表目的:in order to do,so as to do,with/for the purpose/goal/aim of ,in the hope of,i n the hope that.214. 一个.另一个:on e.the other215. 一些.另一些:some.others216. 分数表达:(如:5/6) five sixths,five in six,five out of six217. 警告/提醒/欺骗/怀疑/说服/偷/责备/摆脱/治疗/通知/占有/剥夺/告知/骗取.:warn/remind/cheat/suspect/convince/rob/accu
44、se/rid/cure/inform/possess/dispossess/notify/defraud sb. of/about sth.218. 以为基础:be based on219. 首先: above all,first of all,i n the beg innin g,to begin/start with,first and foremost,at first,for/at a start,i n the firstplace220. 采访.: have/hold an in terview with221. 在将来:in the future,in future,in th
45、e years to come222. 对.害羞:be shy/ashamed of223. 高度赞扬:think/speak highly of,speak well of224. 更重要的是:more importantly/significantly225.不是.而是:not. but226.不管.是否:whether.or高考英语常考短语(12)227. 通常: as/more often than not,extremely228. 聚焦于.: focuScenirfiZCfincenriaifi-on,be concentrated on229. 更好的是:better still
46、230. 以.为代价: at the expense of,at one'sexpense,at a price231. 瞥一眼: catch a glimpse/glance at,catch sight of232. 适用于.: apply to sth.233. 适应于.: adapt/accommodate to sth.,agree with sth.234. 搜索,寻找:search for,i n search of235. 存在: come into bein g,come into existe nee236. 摆脱:get rid of237. 免费:free of
47、 charge,for free,for nothing238. 决定: make up one 'mind to do,make a decisi on to do,decide on239. 扬眉吐气:hold one 'head high240. 在网上:on the In ternet241. 只要:as/so long as242. 碰巧:happe n to do,happe n to sth.243. 只不过,仅仅:n othi ng but244. 使运转 /开始:set sth.in motion245. (主动)提供帮助:come forward,offer
48、 sth.to sb.246. 包换的:on 即 proval248. 突出:sta nd out高考英语常考短语(13)249. 释放:free up,set free250. 大大超过,多余: well over,more tha n, over251. 与团聚:reunion. with252. 顶嘴,还嘴:take back253. 重新开始:start all over254. 走在.上面,伤害 感情:step on255. 处于最佳状态:at on e 'best256. 对敏感:be sen sitive to sth.257. 正要做.突然:be going to do
49、.when.258. 为反对.而斗争:fight against259. 面对:be faced with,face up to sth.260. 与.保 持联系:kfifipgei/slay/bfi in touch with,come into contact with261. 一系歹U: a series of,a chain of,a sequence of, a trail of,a train of,a battery of262. 对确信:be 型fe/cetain of,be sure to do, be sure that.,see it to that.263. 控制: k
50、eep.i n check,be un der the comma nd of264. 追溯到.: go/be back to sth.,date/track back to sth.( vi.),date from( vi.)265. 迫不及待: can ' wait to do,can never/hardly/barely/rarely/scarcely/seldom wait to do266. 众所周知: all we kno w,it 'swell known that.,it 'com monly ack no wledged that.应试教育 exam
51、-oriented education267. 素质教育 education for all-round developmentNsync268. 填鸭式教学 cramming method of learning-21 -咼考英语-常考短语(14)高等教育 higher education269. 义务教育 compulsory education270. 普通高校 regular institution of higher learning271. 就业服务和职业培训employment services and vocational skills training272. 综合性大学 c
52、omprehensive university273. 重点大学 key university274. 减轻学生负担 reduce burden for stude nts275. 应届高校毕业生 new college graduates276. 招生办公室 admission office277. 入学考试 entrance exam in ati on278. 高考 college entrance exam in ati on279. 研究生入学考试 postgraduate entrance exam in ati on280. 入学资格 admission qualification281. 升学率 proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade282. 奖学金 scholarship283. 学费 tuition284. 专业课 course with in one major285. 必修课 required/compulsory course286. 选修课 optional/elective course287. 学分制 credit system288. 毕业论文 graduation t
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