



1、第42卷中国电力发电技术 收稿日期:2008-09-11;修回日期:2008-12-26中国电力ELECTRIC POWER第42卷第3期2009年3月Vol 42,No3Mar. 2009 第42卷中国电力发电技术The application of on-line corrosion monitoring for circulating cooling-water system usingreclaimed water as make up waterZHANG Xiu -li 1,AN Hong -guang 2,LI Chang -zhu 3,LI Yong -li 1(1North

2、China Electric Power Research Institute Co. ,Ltd. ,Beijing 100045,China ;2. Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd. ,Beijing 100053,China ;3. Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd. Gaojing Thermal Power Plant ,Beijing 100041,China )Abstract:The operating principle, structure and app

3、lication of an on-line corrosion monitoring system were introduced for the circulating water system using reclaimed water as make up water. The advanced electrochemical measuring equipment was used to check the monitoring system and the accurate and reliable results were obtained. Considering the th

4、ree-electrode system of same material used in such system, the linear polarization technology was introduced to measure the instantaneous corrosion rate and polarization resistance of copper and carbon steel. The on-site application shows that the on-line corrosion monitoring system is practicable f

5、or the inhibitor adding operation and the on-line corrosion monitoring is of the same importance for carbon steel and copper material in the circulating water system using reclaimed water as make up water.thermal power plant ;on-line corrosion monitoring ;corrosion electrochemical measuring ;circula

6、ting water ;reclaimed water蚀作用,但通过调整缓蚀剂的加药量可将碳钢的腐蚀速率控制在设计规范允许的范围内。由图8可看出,在前500h ,铜电极的极化电阻和腐蚀速率波动较大,这是由于铜电极在加有缓蚀剂的循环水中腐蚀速率很小,其表面状态的稳定需要一定时间;500h 以后,测量数据的变化比较平稳,年腐蚀速率由0.004mm/a逐渐下降至0.001mm/a。图8的测量结果表明循环水系统中铜的腐蚀速率一直控制在设计规范允许的范围内。3结语应用线性极化技术设计的循环水腐蚀在线监测系统,可给出循环水系统中铜材质、碳钢材质的极化电阻和年腐蚀速率,监测系统测量数据真实可靠。通过腐蚀在线

7、监测可指导循环水的投加缓蚀剂处理,保证铜和碳钢材质的腐蚀速率均控制在设计规范允许的范围内。在补充水为普通水的循环水系统中,由于凝汽器铜管的腐蚀问题较突出,腐蚀检测重点放在铜材质上。在采用中水作为补充水的循环冷却水系统中,碳钢的腐蚀问题也很突出,因此,碳钢的腐蚀监测与铜材质的腐蚀监测一样重要。参考文献:1周本省. 工业冷却水系统中金属的腐蚀与防护M . 北京:化学工业出版社, 1993.ZHOU Ben -xing Metal corrosion and protection for industry cooling-water system M . Beijing :Chemical Indu

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9、):72-74DENG Yu -qiang ,CAO Jie -yu ,SONG Jing -xia ,et al . Application of on-line corrosion monitoring technology on condenser tubes in ther -mal power plants J Electric Power ,2006,39(5):72-744范国义,曾为民,马玉录循环冷却水腐蚀在线监测系统的研究与应用J 化工装备技术,2006,27(4):49-51FAN Guo -yi ,ZENG Wei -min ,MA Yu -lu Study and ap

10、plication of an on-line corrosion monitoring system of circulating cooling water J Chemical Equipment Technology ,2006,27(4):49-515张秀丽,安洪光,谢生源,等循环冷却水系统中腐蚀在线监测装置的开发与应用J 中国电力,2003,36(3):24-26ZHANG Xiu -li ,AN Hong -guang ,XIE Sheng -yuan, et al . Development and application of an on-line corrosion monitor in circulating cooling-water system J . Electric Power ,2003,36(3):24-266曹楚南. 腐蚀电化学M . 北京:化学工业出版社, 1994.CAO Chu -nan. Corr


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