1、座位号()15. Who announ ced the decisi on?A. An America n preside ntB. An America n inven tor.C. An America n scie ntist.IV、听短文, 选择正确选项。短文听两遍(5 分)。)16. When did the stude nts have the fashi on show(装秀)?2018-2019学年第一学期期末考试试卷九年级英语I 卷选择题(75 分)听力部分(20 分)I、听句子,选择正确的图片(其中有两项多余)。句子读两遍(5 分)。A. On October13th.B.
2、 On October 16th.C. On November 26th.EFG()17. How many stude nts were there in the class?A. 30.B. 36.C. 43()18. What did Mary make?A. A dressB. A jacket.C. A skirt()19. What were Annafs clothes made of?A. NewspaperB. BottlesC. Leaves()20. Who looked like a bird?A. Jack.B. Li ndaC. Anna.综合能力测试部分(55 分
3、)1._ 2._ 3._4._5._V、单项选择(25)II、 听小对话,选择正确的选项。对话读两遍。(5 分)()6. What is Lin Dan?A. A badm inton player.B. A basketball player.()7. What cup does Betty like?A. A paper cup.B. A china cup.()8. Where does the dialogue probably happe n?A. In the hospital.B. In the library.()9. Whatthe time now?A. 10:45 a.m
4、.B. 10:15 a.m.()10. Whats wrong with Maggie?A. She broke her leg.B. She broke her arm.III、 听长对话,选择正确选项。对话读两遍。(5 分 听第一段对话,完成第 11-12 小题。()11. Who is Ann probably?A. The speakers teacher. B. The speakers friend.()12. When will the two speakers meet the teacher?A. On Mon day after noon.B. On Tuesday mor
5、ning.听第二段对话,完成第 13-15 小题。()13. When is Natio nal Inven tors Day?A. On January 11th.B. On February 11th.()14. What does the girl thi nk of the boy?A. Bori ng.B. Funny.C. A football player.C. A glass cup.C. At the airportC. 10:30 a.m.C. She broke her fin ger.C. The speakers daughter.C. On Tuesday afte
6、r noon.C. On February 12th.C. Clever.()21. _earthquake happe ned in Xinjing rece ntly.Really? Did anyone hurt in_earthquake?A. A; theB. A; a C. An; the D. An; an()22. Did your pen pal send a postcard to you last week?Yes. But I havent_ it so far.A. receivedB. acceptedC. refused D. avoided()23. The m
7、an is_ to carry a bag of rice to the car.A. eno ugh stro ngB. too stro ngC. so strongD. strong eno ugh()24. A nu mber of new houses_in our tow n last year.A. built B. are built C. were built D. will be built()25. The birthday party did nstart_ all the frie nds arrived.A. since B. un tilC. whileD. by
8、()26. We must take acti on_ people_ the river.A. to stop; polluti ngB. stop; to polluteC. stop; polluti ngD. to stop; to pollute()27.Whe n are you available n ext week? I want to have a con versati on withyou.Every day is OK_Friday, because Illgo to visit my aunt that day.A. besideB. in cludi ngC. b
9、esides D. except()28. Whe n she won the prize, she was just a_ girl.A. twelve years oldB. twelve-year-oldC. twelve-years-oldD. twelve-year-olds()29. The toy pla ne_bel ong to_. He is the only kid at the picnic.A. must; TomB. must; Tom C. can; Tom D. may; Tom()30. Do you ofte n make pla ns_your frie
10、nds?Yes, I do._ time with friends is so much fun, I think.A. visit ing; To costB. visit ing; To spe ndC. to visit; SpendingD. to visit; Cost ing)31.There is no_ that Jack is an honest boy. He never lies to me.A. ideaB. reas onC. doubt)32. Do you have anything to do this morning?Yes, I n eed to have
11、my bike_.A. repairB. to repairC. repairi ng)33. Do you have_valuable in yourschoolbag?A. someth ingB. any thi ngC. no thi ng)34.The teacher is full of kno wledge, and all hisstude nts _A. look up toB. get on with)35. Let have a rest. We feel_ tired.A. bit ofB. a littleC. a bit ofD. little of)36. I k
12、now the tall man_ I saw yesterday. He is Mr.Greey oun ger brother.A. whoB. whichC. whatD. where()37. Riding a bike is a kind of sport to use_ en ergy, but it keeps people_.A. more; health B. less; health C. more; healthy D. less; healthy()38. Lucy sister has a frie nd who_ the pia no very well.A. pl
13、ayB. play ingC. playsD. played()39. We_ here two hours ago. We_here for two hours.A. have arrived; have bee nB. arrived; have bee nC. came; have comeD. have come, have bee n()40. Mom, can I play computer games for a while?_. You must finish your homework first?A. Of course B. No way C. Never mind D.
14、 No doubtVI、完形填空(10)Manners are important to happy relations (关系)among people. No one 41a person withbad manners. A 42 with good manners never laughs at people when they are in trouble. In stead, he_43 to help them. Whe n he asks for someth ing, he says “ 4” A nd whe n hereceives something, he 45 sa
15、ysThank you”,He does notinterrupt (打扰) 46 people whe nthey are talking. He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly 47 public. When hesn eezes or spits (吐痰),he uses a 48. If you are late, you49 make an apology (道歉)to theteacher either at the time 50 after class.B. likes C. hatesB. man C. pers onB. wants
16、 C. hasC. usually D. stillC. hisD. otherC. ofD. inC. han dkerchief D. hand()49. A. should B. willC. could D. may()50. A. or B. norC. andD. butVII、阅读理解(20)AIt is true that people with better education are usually able to get better paying jobs. In otherwords, they have more cha nces to choose a good
17、job while people with little or no educatio n dont.It seems that the purpose of education is to make people get jobs. But this isnt accepted by allpeople.Some people may thi nk that a pers on should spe nd the best years of his life to get educati ononly for a way of living. This was probably one of
18、 the earliest reasons of education. In fact, ifeducation is just a way of making a living, people dont need to spend so much time in school.People can get education for a living in a short time. Subjects like history and geography n eednot be taught to every one. Eve n Ian guage and mathematics n ee
19、d not be taught in det 详细地),either. Here it is clear that education is much more than teaching a man to get a way of livi ng.Educati on is well rounded and it is mainly for impro ving a man .It is not only to teach him tospeak, read and write, but also to develop his creative thinking and other abil
20、ities. After that, it is tomake him a wise man and thankfully enjoy the achievementsof human. Education is to make a manlead a better life. Educated people are expected to be able to liste n to good music, read good books,watch plays and most of all take an in terest in the world.I would agree that
21、making a good liv ing is an importa nt reas on for educati on, but certa inlynot the most important or the main reason.()51. People with little educati on usually_A. spe nd a long time in schoolB. have a good cha nee to get a jobC. spend the best years to choose jobs D. have fewer chances to get a g
22、ood job()52. The earliest educati on was probably to_A. make a man lead a better lifeB. teach a man to write and thi nkC. make people get a way of livi ngD. teach people to read good books()53. The underlined word “well roundec” in the passage means “in Chinese.A.圆满的B.崭新的C.公平的D.全面的()54. It is expect
23、ed that educated people will be able to_A. accept educati on as a way of livi ngB. take an in terest in the whole worldC. develop their abilities to make plays D. learn subjects like Ian guage and math()55. The passage mainly tells us that_A. educati on should make a man improveB. people can get edu
24、cation in a short timeD. wonderD. repairedD. everyth inghim.C. look forward toD. get out of()41. A. thi nks()42. A. boy()43. A. tries()45. A. never()46. A. every()47. A. on()48. A. bookD. loveD. girlD.enjoysD. Hello()44. A. Give meB. Please C. YesB. sometimeB. someB. atB. cupC. people should be able
25、 to get better pay ing jobsD. all subjects are so important for a way of living.BChina allows every family to have two children from January 1st, 2016. The news is nowwidely talked by most of the families in China. For those who have already had one child, somewould like to have a sec ond baby, but
26、others would.Wang Li from Hefei is pleased to hear of the n ews. Her husba nd and she always hope tohave a second child. Theyve had a six-year-old daughter. “ have a brother and my husband hastwo sisters, but we only have one child. We think shlonely.” says Wang Li.However, 33-year-old Li Jie who li
27、ves in Shanghai says, We do like a second baby but we canonly give up while facing some difficulties in our life. ” Neither Li Jie nor his wife is a local in Shanghai.Their son is only two years old. Theyve bought a flat in Shanghai, and they borrowed 8000,000RMB from the bank. Li Jies parents livin
28、g in the countryside are in poor health, so if the youngcouple have ano ther baby, it will be hard for them to find some one to look after their baby. Besides,they believe that it will make them get into a low level of life to have a sec ond baby.The topic is still discussed.()56. Why is Wang Li ple
29、ased to hear of the n ews?A. She always wants to have a sec ond child.B. She won have ano ther baby.C. She has already had two childre n.D. She wants to have a son rather tha n a daughter.()57. What are the reasonsfor Li Jie and his wife to give up the chanee to have anotherbaby?.1Theyve borrowed mo
30、ney from the bank.2They could nfind anyone to look after the baby.3Their son doesntlike a brother or a sister.4They dontwant to get into a low level of life.A. B. C. D.()58. Which stateme nt of the followi ng is TRUE?.A. Most family would like to have a sec ond baby.B. Every family would like to hav
31、e a sec ond baby.C. Some family would like to have a sec ond baby.D. All the family would like to have a sec ond baby()59. What does the writer thi nk of the policy(政 策)?A. It snot men ti oned in the passage.B. He thi nk it is good n ews.C. He doesntcare about itD. He think it is bad n ews.()60. Whe
32、re probably can we read this passage?A. In a story book.B. In a life magaz ine.C. In a guide book.D. In a sports magaz ine.VIII、补全对话,方框中有两个多余选项( (5)A: Hello,Wang Lin. How beautiful your new bike is!B:61A: Where is it made?B:It is made in ShanghaiA: I also want to buy one 62B: In Min she ng Departme
33、nt Store And there are many differe nt colors.63A: I like green best.64B: About 250yuan.A: Mm , the price is OK. Well, would you like to go to the shop with me next Sunday?B:65.A: My mom often goes shopping at weekendsB: Thanks a lot.C: Where did you buy it?D: How much does it cost?E: Whats your fav
34、orite color?F: Id love to.G: Min she ng Departme nt Store is the largeststore in our city.II 卷非选择题 (45 分)IX、词汇运用( (每题 1 分,共 15 分) )A)根据所给单词的首字母及汉语提示写出各单词的正确形式。(5 分) )66. He dealt with the problem in a highly_ (专业的)way.67. You have to show your ID card before you e_ the room68. Mike won get lost in t
35、he forest because he has a good s_ of direct ion.69. I hope I can a_ my dream one day.70. I m nervous because I don t know how to (举止)atthe dinner table.B) 用所给词的适当形式填空。(5 分) )71. Her head was very_ (pain). She couldc on ti nue her work.72. Her childhood brought her nothing but_(sad).73. The jacket i
36、s strange. Here strang6 means “_ ” (usual).74. Please remember that_(safe) is the most importa nt.75. Does this book belo ng to_ (I)?C)动词考查用所给动词的适当形式填空(5 分) )76. You look sad, Frank. Whafswro ng?I regret_ (talk) back to my mother this morni ng.77. You shouldnmake a no ise while_ (have) a meeti ng.78
37、. The books_ (borrow) from the library can be kept for two weeks.79. The young man was see n_(get) on a bus just now.80. Keep your eyes_ (close) whe n you are doing eye exercises.座位号X、任务型完形填空:(10 分) )用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺正确、连贯(每个单词限用一次)。become, ear, fin al, remember, on, late, enjoy, boil, by, howev
38、er“世界上最遥远的距离莫过于我们坐在一起,你却在玩手机Jiaozi is a kind of traditional food in our country and it 81 by most people. It has a specialshape and tastes rally delicious. 82 , do you know how it was inven ted?Jiaozi was calledJiaoer at first and it was inven ted 83 Zhang Zhongjing, a famous doctorin an cie nt China.Whe n he retur ned to his hometow n form Chan gsha, he saw lots of poor people. Their_84_ were frozen(冻僵)badly because of the coldness. He felt very sad and decided to savethem.On Win ter Solstice(冬至
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