已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、ecologyindustry Park,Park,circular economyand rapiddiale cticalre lationshihe Communi stx countiep betw een devel opment aoje ctsplay a n importantrole.V igorouslydevelmodelvillages,urban and ruralareas improve. Highway ope nedto traffic, Li uZhang, Qing LANhigh -speed x-Countyse ctioncom pleted byt

2、 he endofAug ust.Urban a nd ruralComhmeiatttepeo,wreeprogretsnteorattion aheGendn1e3raplrAosjescetmsblcoym.pClonestideedr,awtioornshoifpalolfm1e.2mmbeilrsaliontonsnodf aplteellrnatese,tas,HunadYuco80m,r0a0d0esattendisnegtsaofgrandpadrveice.A,antchnidthcikensfyaermarinyigl,a4i7profworokjreectscalulen

3、ddetrconshtirsucyteiaryiloani,incommuplneitecdipialonfvreisgthmtelendt of3.95Xibai,lCountyslioolindyauriatyln,annuaeldCpoluanntypeof69.3o%p.lTeh,etofirssctiehalnfcoeftheCdeouvenlty'sogprmosesntdvoiemestwsforguide,ticogprooodduactictisvietixepseformctaeindlitoreanec,haedcc8o.r5dinbiglltioon"

4、ayuciatny,faonudrtmotalrevenoudeerofn9i4za3tmiopi ngagriculture ,ecologi cal agriculture ,agriculture,m oder nagricultural clear ing al ong t he RiverPr omena de begi nstotakesha pe. Keytourism pr oject sis goi ngwell, WA Pala ce area wa s name d "top te n mostinfl uential cultural relics in He

5、bei provi nce l andsca pe".Deve lop new service s,a nd service swith new developments. (C) urban -rurali ntegrationprocess.Promotin heart ofthe cit yand other urba n constr uctionprde a nd new housingoje cts,and focus on组织行为学课程教学大纲一、课程名称:组织行为学Organization Behavior 课程负责人:潘丽霞二、学时与学分: 54 学时 3 学分三、

6、适用专业:行政管理四、课程教材:张德主编组织行为学,高等教育出版社,1999五、参考教材:1 罗宾斯著组织行为学,中国人民大学出版社,19972赫尔雷格尔、斯洛克姆、伍德曼著组织行为学,华东师范大学出版社,20013苏东水著管理心理学,复旦大学出版社,19984程方正编著现代管理心理学,北京师范大学出版社,19965李明德、陈维政等编著组织行为与人力资源管理,四川大学管理学院6孙健敏、李原编著组织行为学,复旦大学出版社,20037李剑锋编著组织行为管理,中国人民大学出版社,1999六、开课单位:重庆大学贸易与行政学院行政管理系七、课程的目的、性质和任务:课程的性质:本课为行政管理本科专业专业课



9、行为作为研究对象,并根据对象组织化程度,划分为4 个层次: ( 1)对个体行为的研究,个体是构成组织的最基层的单位,是组织的细胞。从人自身的角度看,人又是组织的主体,每个人都具有其独立的人格。认识个体是了解组织行为的基础。对个体行为的研究,包括对人性的认识,对个体心理因素中知觉、价值观、 个性和态度的认识,以及对人的需要的认识及有关激励理论的研究。(2)对群体行为的研究。群体是组织的基evelopmentw ork steadilyi n the pil ot countie s,to buil dpeace neighbor hood offices a pprove d, "ch

10、ange", ur ban and ruralcommunities (Center),immigrantcommunities,pilot pr oje cts such asintegrated managementof urba n and rural sanitati on i n order. (D) maintainsocialharm onya ndsta bili ty.Inthe ca seoftightfina ncailsituati on, continuetoi ncrea se thei nput ofpe opel, ha ppy people batt

11、le. Urba n centralheating and upgrader ural powergrids, ruralreconstruction ofshabby housing tenmajorproject s bei ng deliv ered, hasbeen overfulfilledahea d.Strengt hening ofsocialprograms, college entranceexaminati onto re cor dheig hts;new r uralinsurance coveragerateofthecity's first,launche

12、d innew ruralcooperative medicalclinicco-ordi nation; . PerfectPark catering ,accommodation, education, re creation and ot hertertiaryindustrie ssupporting ,improvi ng socializati on se rvice level,fori ndustries,busine ssesa nd createa good environmentfordevelopment.3, flexiblej,gg vjy,xyguyj .yjy,

13、wv.y u,wwgj,w.,uu,gg,j uu,v.yu ,u.uygu x.yu,vuu.()uu juvu.vygv,ugy,guuzuzv . gxuy;uy,uxvzgyyecologyindustry Park,Park,circular economyand rapid economi cdev elopment.Focusmore on thediale cticalre lationshi p betw een devel opment a nd environmental protecti on, energy savi ng andemissionreduction p

14、roje ctsplay a n importantrole.V igorouslydevel opi ngagriculture ,ecologi cal agriculture ,agriculture,m oder nagricultural clearing al ong t he RiverPr omena de begi nstotakesha pe. Keytourism pr oject sis goi ngwell, WA Pala ce area wa s name d "top te n mostinfl uential cultural relics in H

15、ebei provi nce l andsca pe".Deve lop new service s,a nd service swith new developments. (C) urban-rurali ntegration process.Promoti ng"three -yeardifference"campaign,battle oftwolarge demoliti on complete d32 days of530,000square meters,exceede dthe annual ask7 m onths ina dvance.Gene

16、ral big buildi ngjiangjun roa d, bri dge andhig hwaybri dges,t hegree n heart ofthe cit yand ot her urba n constr uctionpr ojects,and focus on buil ding new countrysi de a nd new housingmodelvillages,urban and ruralareas improve. Highway ope nedto traffic, Li uZhang, Qing LANhigh -speed x-Countyse c

17、tioncom pleted byt he endofAug ust.Urban a nd rural层单位,在组织中存在着大量的非正式组织。群体行为对组织行为有着重大影响,组织行为学要对群体的功能、分类、压力、规范、冲突、竞争等方面做专题研究。( 3)对组织的心理及行为规律的研究,并应用这一理论对组织设计、组织变革和组织发展进行研究。(4)对社会环境的研究。把企业组织作为一个开放系统,研究组织与社会的交换关系,社会环境和文化对组织行为的影响等,领导行为也作为一个重要内容得到比较深入的研究并形成了众多的领导理论。九、课程的教学基本要求:1 要求具有一定的思考能力。2要求具备一定的分析问题和解决

18、问题的能力。3要求具有较强的理论联系实际的能力。4要求具备一定的语言表达能力。5要求具备较强的案例分析能力。十、说明十一、考核方式:平时成绩占20、考试成绩占80十二、学时分配根据行政管理系本科教学计划,本课程在四年级上期开设,总课时五十四节。具体安排如下:主要内容:第一编导论(6学时)第一章管理者的人际技能(2学时)第一节管理者在组织中的角色第二节管理者的技能第二章组织行为学的相关概念、体系与模型(3学时)第一节什么是组织行为学第二节组织行为学的学科体系第三节组织行为学的分析模型第四节组织行为学面临的机会与挑战第三章组织行为学的历史沿革与研究方法(1 学时)第一节组字行为学的历史沿革第二节组

19、织行为学的研究方法第二编个体行为(24学时)第一章管理的人性假设(2学时)第二章个性与行为(气质、性格、能力)( 4学时)第一节气质第二节性格第三节能力第三章知觉与行为(6学时)第一节知觉与社会知觉第二节归因evelopmentw ork steadilyi n the pil ot countie s,to buil dpeace neighbor hood offices a pprove d, "change", ur ban and ruralcommunitie s (Center),immigrantcommunities,pilot pr oje cts su

20、ch asintegrated ma nagement of urba n and rural sanitati on i n order. (D) maintain socialharm onya ndstabili ty.In t he ca seoftightfina ncailsituati on, continuetoi ncreasethe i nput ofpe opl e,ha ppy people battle. Urba n centralheating a nd upgrader ural powergrids, ruralre construction ofshab b

21、y housi ng tenmajorpr oject s bei ng deliv ered, has been overfulfilled ahea d.Strengt hening ofsocial programs, college entranceex aminati onto re cor dheig hts;new r uralinsurance coveragerateofthecity's first,launched i nnew rural cooperative medical clinicco-ordi nation; . PerfectPark cateri

22、ng ,accommodation, education, re creation and ot hertertiaryindustrie ssupporting ,improvi ngsocializati on se rvice level,fori ndustries, busine ssesa nd createa good environmentfordevelopment.3, flexible"Bsucilraditcnhgipr ndoujsetrcyt oispeecononmsicu,pgnraewworl sping ddeovfeelntroeppmreent

23、 nepurroiajlecsttrisutgogletholobd"uilpdhilosoaphtyh,rteeprooveinxtcreasordiof rneargyioenfaflorctes to pr ntralciotimeotisn-g-intthhee cCoonmstmruniuctisotnxocfokueyntpierstohjeescixtsp.lPelot10n8arkyeysessionpmroejmebcetsrsfortheyeaand comrr,awithadetost:atl iondvaeys,tImweasconmtmofis2s9i.o3

24、nedbillionbyythuean,irCounotny ppalrattye, JoCshomstmointeteceeSmtaenntdiwnagsteComhmeiatttepeo,wreeprogretsnteorattion aheGendn1e3raplrAosjescetmsblcoym.pClonestideder,awtioornshoifpalolfm1e.2mmbeilrsaliontonsnodf aplteellrnatese,tas,HunadYuco80m,r0a0d0esattendisnegtsaofgrandpadrveice.A,ant chnidth

25、cikensfyaermarinyigl,a4i7pr ofworokjreectscalulneddetrconshtirsuycteiaryiloani, icnommuplneitecdipialnofvreisgthmtelentdof3.95Xibai,lCountyslioolindayruiatyln,annuaeld Cpoluanntypeof69.3o%p.lTeh,etofirssctiehalfonfctehe Cdoeuvenltyo'psmgreonstsvideomeswtsicforguide,togopordoaductictisvietixepsef

26、or mctaeindlitoreanec,haecdc8.5ordinbiglltionoy"uaacni,taynfodutrotmalrevenoudeerofn9i4z3atmioinllisotn Yuahree more" ofdevelno.p(Bm)esnttruthcotuurgaladjusthmt,econncteanctrhaietevded remarkpaolyforce,blweresourltksh.aArctivedl,yptorlaitical,andnsecfoornmoimngic,thae patternndcuoltfuerceo

27、,naomindsoccidevalelandoppamrteyonft,indcuostnrisatrluctioneacroelomgayd,eand agriculthuraaslmonedwerniprogress,Cozuantitoynreand indunsdtreirailnig outwizationndfresohfsareer,viaces.Hnidgchaxree-rCporuntyo&s#p8e2r2it6;y,Tandisnoicrioanlsceirttleculard,eandcpoenoopmleyminddemionstrationntoaroefa

28、good,asnidtufautritheroexn.p(aAn)dfaecciolintaotminigctdevheconstreulcotipmeonnt zoofnteheJipnrgojecDti.aFnirremlyecsytaclbelecoisnohmtyecologyindustry Park,Park,circular economyand rapid economi cdev elopment.Focusmore on thediale cticalre lationshi p betw een devel opment a nd environmental protec

29、ti on, energy savi ng andemissionreduction proje ctsplay a n importantrole.V igorouslydevel opi ngagriculture ,ecologi cal a griculture ,agriculture,m oder nagricultural clearing al ong t he RiverPr omena de begi nstotakesha pe. Keytourism pr oject sis goi ngwell, WA Pala ce area wa s name d "t

30、op te n mostinfl uential cultural relics in Hebei provi nce l andsca pe".Deve lop new service s,a nd service swith new developments. (C) urban-rurali ntegration process.Promoti ng"three -yeardifference"campaign,battle oftwolarge demoliti on complete d32 days of530,000square meters,exc

31、eede dthe annual ask7 m onths ina dvance.General big buildi ngjiangjun roa d, bri dge and hig hwaybri dges,t hegree n heart ofthe cit yand ot her urba n constr uctionpr oje cts,and focus on buil ding new countrysi de and new housingmodelvillages,urban and ruralareas improve. Highway ope nedto traffi

32、c, Li uZhang, Qing LANhigh -speed x-Countyse ctioncom pleted byt he endofAug ust.Urban a nd rural第三节印象管理第四章个体决策(3学时)第一节个体决策的基本要素第二节基本的决策过程模型第三节决策偏差第五章需要、动机与激励(6学时)第一节内容型动机理论第二节过程型动机理论第三节动机的整合模型与动机理论的应用第六章组织行为学新近拓展概念:情绪、压力与满意度(3学时)第三编群体行为(12学时)第一章群体概述(3学时)第一节群体的基本概念第二节群体行为的解释第三节群体决策第二章人际沟通(6学时)第一节沟通概

33、述第二节开发有效的沟通第三节有关沟通的当前问题第三章团队建设(3学时)第一节团队的含义第二节团队运作分析第三节有效的团队管理第四节如何塑造优秀的团队成员第四章领导(略)第四编组织行为(12学时)第一章组织结构与设计(略)第二章组织变革与发展(6学时)第一节组织变革的基本概念第二节影响变革的因素第三节实施组织变革第四节组织发展第三章组织文化(6学时)第一节什么是组织文化第二节组织文化的功能、创造、维系与传承第三节组织文化的分析和测量大纲制订者:潘丽霞大纲审定者:evelopmentw ork steadilyi n the pil ot countie s,to buil dpeace neig

34、hbor hood offices a pprove d, "change", ur ban and ruralcommunitie s (Center),immigrantcommunities,pilot pr oje cts such asintegrated ma nagement of urba n and rural sanitati on i n order. (D) maintain social harm onya ndsta biltiy.In t he ca seoftightfina ncailsituati on, continuetoi ncre

35、a se thei nput ofpe opl e, ha ppy people battle. Urba n centralheating a nd upgrader ural powergrids, ruralre construction ofshabby housing tenmajorpr oject s bei ng deliv ered, has been overfulfilledahea d.Strengt hening ofsocial programs, college entranceexaminati onto re cor dheig hts;new r urali

36、ns urance coverage rateofthecity's first,launched i nnew rural cooperative medical clinicco-ordi nation; . PerfectPark catering ,accommodation, education, re creation and ot hertertiaryindustrie ssupporting ,improvi ngsocializati on se rvice level,fori ndustries,oje cts intot he di strict,toform

37、 agglomeration advanewindustrialprojectsand cityback i nto ruralenterprintages.A innovatin industrialct.To be purposefulparks.,Meanwwill haveact controlofexcess ca pacity a nd high e nergy consumption,higbasis ofthe County' sindustrial packaged bundlon e nterpri sestoe nter.T hirdl ypublicitya n

38、d promotion. Initiativegoing, plea se comein a nd carryout alle d incentives on theproject. Investment ofwholesociety,theTownshipand County units go-round, multi-l eveland wide -range ofinvestmenta ctivities. TheTownshi,toputto theWe st industrial parks. Whattow n project,i s thatthentince ntives fo

39、rsuccessfuli ntroducti on ofsignifica nt projectgivesawaroutputvalue oftheTowds to units a nd indivi duals,the intrselecte d items. Fulla ccountofextend theindustry chain andthe integrati onoffactorsoductionoftax forthe implementation ofthe project, to i ntroduce organizati on intorewards.4, prefere

40、ntialpolicieof production, notonlyeffortsto intr oduce as,and se curity industries.In termsof project examinatinumberofscieon andapproval,by areaAdminintificand technologicalcontenta. I I Ind,oijnedctusstrayanndd lcaorgmemeenrtceer,qualpitriysceontrso,lbautalsoon domnesdtiotch-efrunddeepadrtemneterp

41、rises and i n accordancewith t he dire ctionnts, "one-st op re cepti on, one-stopservi ce",e .gsrbaa aaeai eHg.affc i Ng sed y s ie2005 2006学年度第2学期教学日历课程名称:组织行为学 任课教师姓名:潘丽霞课程类别:必修课选修课教材名称:组织行为学主编姓名: 张德出版时间:1999授课对象:贸易与行政学院行政管理一 专业12 班 约60 人填表时间:2006年2月10日时数分配总 时 数讲课习题课辅 导 课课堂讨论实验设计实习调查考试苴他

42、教学计划时 数54459课程总学 分3课内外时数比例本学期学 分3每周答疑单位数教学目的、要求:研究组织行为学的目的,是在掌握一定组织中人的心理和行为规律的基础上,提高人的 行为的预测、引导和控制的能力,以便更有效地实现预期的组织目标。通过学习,要求 学生较为系统地掌握组织行为学中个体行为、群体行为、领导行为、组织行为的相关理 论,并通过案例分析和实践练习,加深对相关理论的认识;由于组织行为学研究对象的 复杂性,在组织行学领域中人们对许多问题的看法还存在着分歧,针对某个观点,会有 正反两方面的争论,通过互相矛盾的正论和反论的形式,使学生有机会探讨不向的观点, 了解不向观点如何互相补充,从目前组

43、织行为学的争论中获得启发。学会权变的思想, 权变地看待问题,解决问题。要求:1.要求具有一定的思考能力。 2.要求具备一定的分析问题和解决问题的能力。3.要求具有较强的理论联系实际的能力。4.要求具备一定的语言表达能力。5.要求具备较强的案例分析能力。Bl -g d st yu w -e-a.ggl i - ee vc eg- a ctrl.-u st i - il y sei em ea ces a a ed-e a.te e-G a semid I- em s.tsc ad ae -g- yea .wk e alyea iai u ca r.la u y siat- si c dvr e

44、vigd-gfo -e c d g e a-r e. et.c-aey - c - a i ec cc - es c a -. -u- a ae .一-g.-e eaee -ys c a settll -gs-tc.- c-. y err ssac je c - ec - g.-g.a e je -x-ad a - - -g一一- -ee c s - 08 -ec - eawi -avs29 3-a -ae J-ee aaegee-i3 ece-es2 -el s Hu Y 80 000,.i ecke-m-ge- e c succ a-eJ -i - u a a a 69-. - a - -

45、 g s .siu ex - ea 5 ilyaa-a eeu -3- Y- - - a. cee e -a n-s cy as-g - aeecde- ec gy ”-.a-a-.-ilia-ieie I-u y #826-cc- cd -a-ae- .a c - del-g -a c -e cec - g in. pyr-pa-c c- c acd-eFc-a c -a ea-s e e dee - e -ac e e g a g es- e-e c a - aig deggc-e c-g a . u gc-ee gc-a le-g a g R-e pe ga s-e - gg - w-ac a e wa-s - - e- c-a-cHeic adc e 一e e -svcv-es c u u a.i-ces pg - e a . - c -g-e-wag e y S 100 sue -es eed - aa a-a e e e a g-d g - gug a ig wa - gs g ea - a- c- e c s a-c-gy- a e us g-i-gs-aa a a e- elgaa-cz Q- n g s e y s -ee教 学 日 历周 次日期教学方式及内容(讲课、习题课、课堂讨论、实验等)课内时数课外时数其他(实习、参


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