



1、出国常用必备英语口语机场标示出站出港、离开departures登机牌 boarding pass (card)行李 领取处 luggage claim;claim出 口 exit; out; way out进站进港、到达arrivals不需报关 nothing to declare 海关 customs航空公司汽车效劳处airlineservicetechnical行政治理人员 legislators&administrators办事员clerkAfter (Befeecurity check,What's?the?purpose?of?yourboIs效劳人D楣evce楼 a

2、irport terminal:i , ,.十 一:Rbaggagfar me转 tfansworkerinigga签证签 issued 无业jc发地 city where visa was过境 transit签名s官方填icbMblless 物品 goods to declare gnature壬稽0Dag ; departure gat挽date od Bythree shop机场必备简短对话货币兑换处 money exchange; cunieKcyou paper ticket?aid 睡fligbbuntry gate)f3. !?st?z尚? ip号登机口登机. myfltpteJ

3、ayed: _ No.桐哪蛔n jPck up your cfia+mrbags at baggage请推行李认领处拿WVhencan w我们什么时俺hr以登机?cit?vinship您此行的目的是什么?Business.(Jo?attend?an?int conference)(To?ernational?visit?some?friends.Sight seeing.商务参加一个国际会议,拜访朋友,观光.board the plane?/hat' s the flight number?堡:哪个航班exchange飞机票 endorsements/restrictions 旅客姓名

4、 name of passenger 旅行经停地点 good for p between订座情况status机票确认 ticket confirm登机口 gate出/入境卡姓 family name你手持的是Are yoi陞ec摩g Wggage or名 First (Given) Name.性别sex男 male 女 femaleWould aisle seat?窗的位Here'山这是您的登机牌U卅福滴htng养at,/_non-smoking s your boarding pass.mont-hanon-stop or处 a layover?这次Bwcompanyns葡coL4

5、L职业 occupationseabehe plane has been delayed by bad weather.由于天气不专业技 术人员 professionals &国籍 nationality好飞机误点.Your flight 20 minutes.后起飞.It will boarwill take off in你的航班20分钟through Gate 8.从8号门登机.入境检验May?I?see?y and?passporour?entry?card?t,please?(You?entry?card?and?passport?please. 我能看 吗Certainly.

6、H当然可以,怒的入境证和护照ere?you?are.哈您我明白了.您将呆多久For?about?two?weeks.约两周.Good.That'll?be?all,thank?you.好,到此为止,谢谢.Your?customs?declaration?c ard,please.请出示您的申报关税卡.Here?it?is.给您.Do?you?have?anything?to?declare?您有什么要申报的吗I?don't?think?so.I?have?only?personal?belongings.我想应该没有,我有个人物品.Please?open?your?bags.请

7、翻开您的包.All?right.There?you?are.好的,您看吧.I?see.How?long?are?you?going?to?stay?(How?long?do?you?intend?to?stay?)紧急情况用语First left/right第一How do I get to the bus请停卜 Stop here, please.I ' ve lost mypassport.我个转左/'右的路station?几点发车 What time does it的护照丢拉问路常用英语请问附近有没有餐厅?|leave ?Where is Chinese Embassy?

8、洗手间 在哪 Where is theIs there a restaurant在哪里卖票 Where can I get中国大使馆在哪rest room?nearby?a ticket ?Could you call for a man who我怎么到这个地址How请问附近有没有咖啡店请问几点能够到达那里.Couldcan speak Chinese? 能找个会can I get to this address?Is there a cafe nearby?you tell me when we get中文的人给我吗请问怎么前往飞机场请问附近有没有酒吧there ?打招呼|How do I

9、get to the airport?Is there a bar nearby?我在哪乘车 Where can I getHow are you! 您好.请问怎么前往火车站这附近是否有中国餐厅?Isthe bus?(It's) nice to meet you.How do I get to the trainthere a Chinese restaurant入住酒店很局兴见到你.station?around here?1. Guest: Hello, I ' d like toCan I have your name?请问附近有没有医院这里有从机场去市中央的巴士check

10、 in please. 你好,我想请问贵姓.Is there a hospital nearby?吗 Is there an airport bus入住贵酒店.Thankyou!谢谢!请问附近有没有公共厕所to the city?Hotel staff: Certainly. CanWhat's the matter?Is there a public toilet巴士车站在哪里Where isI have the name please?当怎么了nearby?the bus stop ?然可以,能把姓名给我吗Hope to see you again.请问附近有没有公共 乘计程车到市

11、中央需要多少Guest: Hello, I have a希望再见到你.Is there a telephone nearby?钱 Howmuch does it cost toreservation under the nameGood luck. 祝你好运.请问附近有没有银行the city centre by taxi ?of Tomlinson. 你好,我有预定Have a safe trip home.Is there a bank nearby?去希尔顿酒店 怎么走 Hov/酒店,酒店名字是 Tomlinson.路平安,走好.请问附近有没有假日酒店can I get to Hilto

12、n hotel ?Hotel.我的名字是 Harold方向单词Is there a holiday hotel多少钱 How much is it ?Smith先生.East 东 South 南nearby?不用找钱了. Keep theHotelstaff:Ok, Are youWest 西 North 北我走错方向了吗change, please.checking out tomorrow? 好的,Left 左 Right 右Am I in wrong direction?请拉我去这个地址.Take m(您是明天退房吗Straight on往刖直去这是去邮局的路吗to this addre

13、ss, please.Guest: Yes, I am. That ' sThere 那儿Front 前力Is this the rightway to the到市中央需要多长时间Hov/right. 是的没错,明天退房.Back 前方Side 侧旁post office?long does it take to go to theGuest : Howmanyhours of theBefore 之前After 之后请问怎么前往公车站city centre ?time difference are therebetween Britain and China?Hotel sta 任

14、8 hours.中国和英国的时差是8小时.Hotel staff: Will you need a wake up call, sir? 先生您需 要唤醒效劳吗Guest:Yes please. At6.30am.是的,请在早上 6.30 唤醒我.Hotel staff: Ok then, your room is 502 on the fifth floor. Breakfast is served between 6.30am and 9am. Enjoy your stay.您的房间号码是五层的502房间.早餐是 早晨6.30到9点.入住愉快.2. Hello. My name is P

15、eter Hanks. I have a reservation.你好,我是彼得,汉克斯.我 预订过房间.One second, please. Ah, Mr. Hanks: Three nights in a single room. 请稍等,哦,汉 克斯先生:住三晚,单人间. 购物常用英语_附近哪有百货商店Is there a department store around here?我想买身西服/衬衫/皮鞋, 可以介绍个好的品牌吗I ' d like to buy a man ' s suit/shirt/leathershoes.Could you recommend

16、a good brand? 我在哪里能买到Where can I buy it?最近的超市怎么走Where is the nearest supermarket from here? 你有其他尺寸的吗Do you have any other size?在这有什么特别的吗 Do you have something special in this area?我喜欢棉制的I ' d like something in cotton 你们有什么颜色的What kind of colors do you have?最大的购物中央怎么走Where is the biggest shopping

17、 center?能找个我这么大号的吗 ?1Could you show me something in my size?我能拿下来吗Canpick it up?你有小一号/大一号的吗Do you have smaller/bigger one?你有其他颜色的这个东西吗? Do you have the samething in any other colors?我想看看这个I -d like to see this 我能买它免税吗Can I buy it tax-free? 我可以试穿吗'Can I try this on? 换衣间在哪Where is the fitting room

18、?你能送回在中国的这个地址吗Could you send it to my address in China? 太 贵 啦It ' s too expensive for me能给我看看另一件吗Could you show me another one? 你有别的款式吗 Do you have another design?这不是我要找的 This is not what I ' m looking for. 我能得到些折扣吗Can I get a little discount? 我要3个这样的.I' d like three sameas this.你们接受什么样的

19、信用卡What kind of credit cards do you accept?点餐常用英语 我可以再多等会吗Could I have a few more minutes? 请给我菜单好吗May I have a menu,please ? 是否有中文菜单Do you have a menu in chinese ? 可否让我看看酒单May I see the wine list ?是否可建议一些不错的 酒?Could you recommend some good wine ? 我想点当地出产的酒.I'd like to have some local wine. 我可以点餐

20、了吗May I order,please ?餐厅是否有供应素食餐Do you have vegetarian dishs ?餐厅招牌菜是什麽一What is the specialty of the restaurant? 就这些了.That's it. / That's all. 请拿账单来,好吗Could I have the bill, please ? 请问您怎样付款How would you like to pay ?食物英文名称称:菜单(menuA、沙司(Sauce)R菜肴生熟程度1、 一成熟(Rare-R)一2、三成熟(Medium Rare-M03、五成熟(Medium-M4、八成熟(Medium well-MW)5、全熟(Well-down W)G早餐1、大陆式早餐(ContinentalBreakfast )2、美式早餐(AmericanBreakfast )DX饮料类1、橙汁(Orange Juice )2、菠萝汁(Pineapple Juice )3、番茄汁(Tomato Juice )4、柠檬汁(Le


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