1、DefinitionAdvantageDisadvantagefreelancea. Also called: freelancera self-employed person,? you are boss you can choose your job freely only if you have the skills or the abilities.? themorehard-workingthemore money? you have to deal with many companies so you can improve yourself and learn more thin
2、gs.? no job security.? you have to deal with many companies, so you may feel stressed and tired.? hard to make great achievements?esp a writer or artist, who is not employedcontinuously but hired to do specific assignments.b. ( as modifier ): a freelance journalistc. erning money by selling works or
3、 services to several different companies or organizations rather than being directly employed by a particular one.teleworkingThe practice of working from home, communicating with your office, customers and others by telephone, e-mail, fax or modem, etc? organize your work time? maybe you have more f
4、ree time? the job is easy and you can feel relaxed? you need to be good at self-organization? you have to work with computer and phone, it may affect your health? noisyenvironment:disturbedby family? .low efficiency: get lazyJob-sharingAn arrangement for two people to share the hours of work and the
5、 pay of one job? you have more free time.?shareideas.getsupport fromeachother.?learnfromotherpeople'sstrong points.? you have to coordinate with other person? low income? problem with parternShift workAn employment practice designed to make use of the 24 hoursa period of time worked by a group o
6、f workers who start work as another group finishes? have your own time and enjoy yourself? It has great impact on thewellbeing,performance,andsleep of shiftworkers.? It brings lower stress levels, better physical and psychological wellbeing, improved durations and quality of off duty sleep as well a
7、s improvements in family relations.? sometimes your time is controlled by your work time?Health effects/tired?Shifeworkershavesmaller amounts of common free time at their disposal for contactswithschoolgoing children than dayworkers.?with difficulties in thefollowingareas:physical health, social int
8、eractions,jobsatisfaction and morale, motivation, and various job-related behaviors.Part timefor part of the day or week in which people work? it is only for a couple of months and you can have enough time to do the things your want to do.? Working part time can be a good way of balancing your work
9、and your personal commitments. If you work part time, you have the right to be treated fairly in comparison to your full-time colleagues.? your cannot got the steady income? Most part-time workers don't earn benefits, such as health insurance or eligibilityfor anemployer-sponsored retirement sav
10、ings plan.? Part-time workers may lack steady hours, with employers who can reducehours-andsubsequently pay-when business is slow.tempingto do a temporary job in an office or a series of temporary jobs in different companies?yourare yourownbossandyoucancontrol your own time?youhavelosofchoice.(lotso
11、fvariety)? hard to progress your career? your cannot got the steady income and you will lose the job anytimeconsultancya company that gives expert advice on a particular subject to other companies or organizations; expert that a company or a person is paid to provide on a particular subject.? well p
12、aid? easy to hire and fire ;New skills ; Stick to your core business ; Economic ; More productive ; Cost avoidance ? no job security? Higher cost ; Overseas outsourcing can fail ;No knowledge of in-house procedures ?flexitimeYou work a number of hours per weekor month but you decide when start or fi
13、nisha system in which employees work a particular number of each week or month but can choose when they start and finish work each day? good for work-life balance? Flextimeallowsemployers to schedule workflowaroundemployee availability.? Italso allowsemployees to choose their schedule from available
14、 slots in advance, giving them the ability to work aroundothercommitments.not good for people who like routineIt is hard to make everyone of your team to present when your business requires team meetings or collaborative work sessionsHot-deskingan office organization system which involves multiple workers using a single physical work station or surface during different time periods.? saves the company money? cost saving in furniture or overheads such as electricity, phone bills, computer maint
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